When Rainbow Dash needs romantic advice about a mysterious stallion, she talks to the best. She talks to Rarity.
This side story takes place between chapter 17 and chapter 18 of Memoirs of a Reality Jumper, but I'm happy to say it stands alone.
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He’s not hat kind of guy
Probably should be 'that' instead of 'hat' but now I can think of a lot of hat jokes involving Alex
New story stuff for MoaRJ? I WANT MOAR!!! Wait... this looks extremely farmilliar
Old, badly editied story. Thanks for the catch!
Absolutely adorable! Love it so far! ^.^
Yeah.... you kinda did post this back in March...
I could have sworn it was a new story. Well, I checked, and this one is a little different and I like it better. I saw that others liked it better too. More faves, thumbs up, etc. in one day than the other one since March..
So, yes, I'm a dumb ass and I feel silly...
Unforgiveable! You owe me cake! Yeah, lots of cake!
What? You didn't post this yet? Huh, could've sworn I read it here too... Oh well, still a nice reread.