9 characters, 1 mountain, 11 hours Until Dawn.
After a mysterious blackout stops Twilight and her friends' party on Blackhoof Mountain, Spike and Starlight are sent out to investigate the cause. In the meantime, ponies are going missing and Applejack has to find the kidnapper before it's too late.
Who is responsible for all these occurrences? Is there a murderer on top of this mountain? And what about those shadows they keep seeing from the corner of their eyes?
An Until Dawn x MLP crossover. Had to change most of the plot, or else things might get too predictable.
Oh and the cover art is from wikipedia. I thought it'd look better.
Well I like until dawn so I am tracking this and see how it goes.
Interesting so far. I wonder what you will replace the wendigos with?
7844832 The wendigos will still be wendigos. What I'm changing is mainly the chain of events.
I'm curious to see where this leads.
7846222 Well I hope you'll like what I have in store!
I'm hoping that there are some survivors after this ordeal. (And even though I like Fluttershy, I'm hoping she gets abducted so that Discord will feel guilty over dismissing her worries and goes into hero mode to rescue her. Resulting in a heartfelt reunion!)
Why is AJ thinking she'll find the 'killer'? They don't know if she's dead, or just knocked out and ponynapped. Also, you might wanna think about bumping the rating to T. E is for stuff that could be in the show.... this doesn't seem like it.
Besides that, glad this is continuing! You're really good with cliffhangers....
7854267 Oops ok. I'll make adjustments to rating. I didn't think so much of it at the beginning but yeah, should have changed that sooner.
7854267 I'll just take out the last line. Not sure what other word I would use...
7853830 *maniacal laughter* Ehem. Of course. Did you think I'd kill everyone? *Laughs maniacally again* Of course not.
Well, it's just a harmless question. (Looking forward to what you've come up with.)
Doh, Discord you fool! Don't you know that if you leave the cabin you're leaving Fluttershy vulnerable to be abducted?! Ah well, guess he'll have to learn the hard way. Keep it coming with the chapters!
Oh boy.... really hope Discord isn't the culprit....
I hope Discord doesn't go missing. We'll need him to go all hero/protective mode in the event of Fluttershy being in imminent danger. Anyway, nice chapter, good to see that Twilight and Discord are trying to communicate with each other.
7883009 Thanks. Discord will return in time to save someone.
Ooh! I can't wait! ^.^
Thanks for the update!
7911344 You're welcome. Been trying to keep this up. Hopefully I'll reach the end soon.
Good to hear back from you.
7911357 Thanks. It's good to be back. Time really flies you know? Before I knew it it was already 11 days since my last update. One reason why it took so long was because I had to restructure my story. I had to move some events back and move some forward. But yeah, I'm just glad I can keep going. Thanks for the support.
I am wondering how this fic can work with the chosen Character Tags as Discord is a God, or Demi-God at the very least, who can warp reality to suit his whims, Twilight is an Alicorn and still have all her tricks from being a Unicorn and then some, including Teleportation. Starlight is a fairly powerful Unicorn who can use her magic to Fly, the Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who can fly from danger if needed, Applejack who is probably the most vulnerable but if she is anywhere near as strong as Big Mac can likely kick an enemy hard enough to launch them into Orbit, and Pinkie Pie... which there is enough said just by saying her name alone as well all know what she is capable of. The two I'd be most worried about is Spike and Rarity. Though Spike could just send a Letter to Celestia and have the entire Royal Guard, the Wonderbolts and at least Celestia and Luna there before dawn. Rarity... well she is likely fucked.
7916377 Something I had to ponder over some time. But I manage to find ways to work around their supernatural abilities. It's true they are hard to kill, especially Twilight, Discord and Starlight. There's no way you can take them down by fighting. And the "killer" knows that. The "killer" knows he/she has to be sly and exploit their weaknesses to take them down.
She's.......she's not really dead is she? please tell me this isn't gonna be one of those fics where everyone dies
Hurry Discord! Fluttershy's in danger!
Great story I've read it today and I am hooked I really want to see what happens next I hope you update soon please
8024784 Thanks for the encouraging comment! I'm in the midst of writing chapter 7 already and I'm hoping I can post it up by the end of this week!
8025714 I am looking forward to it
Thanks for the update I am on the edge on my seat can't wait for the next chapter
When he finds flutters dead, he's gonna be pissed. And if he gets mad, you'll probably not survive more then a second.
8037355 Yup
Curse you mysterious killer! I'm really hoping that once all this is over, Discord gives you a good punch in the face or something.
Ok finally got to the most recent chapter at last. I am loving this story by the way, I like that it follows the Until Dawn plot, but isn't an exact copy and paste like some crossovers tend to do.
I can't wait to see what happens next, really trying to think of who it could be. Looking forward to the next chapter
8140374 Thanks! I originally wanted it to be like the original Until Dawn, but with slight difference in choices and circumstances. In the end I decided, what the heck? Let's just change everything so that there'd be suspense for the readers. Don't want the story to get too predictable, eh? By the way, I might not be uploading new chapters too soon. I'm so busy with college work these days, like ughhh.... But I'll try my best to find time to finish this. We're so close to the ending now.....
I'm gonna guess what characters are which.
Twilight=(a less bitchy) Emily
8091184 punch in the face? They should be sentenced to Tartarus! and then bring everypony back.... *sniff* please?
Hey if writing this fix is getting to you maybe you need to stop. As much as it pains me to see a fic stop your life always comes first. You are not being paid to do this and their is nothing wrong with admitting that you can't do it anymore.
8207239 Bruh, I promised myself I would finish this. Even if it takes me 2 months just to write half a chapter. I'm just lucky that schoolwork is loosening up on me and that I'll get a week break after next week. I'm looking forward to writing the next part. Even though I know after that I'll get really busy again and not write for a while. Just 9 parts left. I feel so close to the ending!
Wait, Rainbow did it? What the heck?! I get this is some AU, but why would she do something so twisted? It makes no sense!
It's hard to explain. I'm thinking that this takes place in an AU where she never learns her lesson. But yeah, it was kind of a stretch.
Wait, do you mean the 28 pranks later episode? Is that what this is all about?! If it is, then no offense, but Rainbow doesn't deserve to be forgiven after all the stunts she's pulled in this story!! >_< I mean, she's tortured and psychologically scarred her friends, and for what? To get back at them for teaching her a lesson? (Sorry if I sound a little mean, but that just makes Rainbow seem horrible.) After everything she's done, she'd likely end up in jail!
Yeah, she would. But I like Rainbow and I hate to put her in jail. I'm still thinking of other forms of punishment, perhaps something lighter or perhaps let her get taken by the wendigo? I dunno. Guess I'll figure that out in the next few chapters.
Hmm... one chapter in and it already seems interesting. You already nicely painted the atmosphere of 'Everything is peaceful, but not for long.' If you manage to keep that, this will be an awesome ride Glad to see you are truly not holding to the plot of Until Dawn, as far as I can tell now.
Thanks. I hope the rest doesn't disappoint.
Well, this surely is gaining steam quickly. I'm looking forward to a first encounter with W's. So far enjoying it, though try to check the consistency of your tenses. They tend to shift a lil' bit.
Given the state of her room, the photos and all, I believe Rainbow wasn't kidnapped... that is, if you can't kidnap yourself.
Thanks for the comment. I'll double check it when I have the time.
Interesting, looking forward to the final encounter
Thanks so much for your support! I will work hard to finish this!
You're welcome. Good ideas should be appreciated
Oh. Wrong 'Until Dawn' I was thinking of. RIP. When I thought Until Dawn, I was thinking of the Halo movie.