• Published 4th Nov 2016
  • 3,633 Views, 634 Comments

The NLAC Has To Deal With What?! - Odeinoichus

With summer fast approaching, there's bound to be plenty of clothes-free adventures for the NLAC. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara continues to scheme against them with the help of her newest pawn, Scarlet Scribe. Will the club be able to survive?

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The NLAC Has To Deal With What?!

Chapter 31

The stifling summer heat descended on Canterlot with a vengeance once exams finished in the middle of June. Dozens of citizens were struck with heat stroke as the oppressive effects caused – no doubt – by global warming beat down relentlessly upon the city.

Spoiled and Filthy Rich were quick to leave for cooler climes on their typical summer holiday, Filthy would have to cut his trip short when he went back to deal with Gloriosa, but that was a few weeks away.

Diamond Tiara sighed as she wiped at her brow in the vice-principal’s office. Frustrated by the heat, despite the air conditioned room of the building, she chewed on the end of her pencil while she read another booklet provided by Luna for her report on Naturism.

Luna glanced up. “I’m sorry about the heat,” she apologized to the girl. “Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer to at least remove your outer wear? All this humidity has driven the temperature past what our system can handle.”

Diamond shook her head. “I only do that in the privacy of my own room!”

Luna reluctantly nodded in conceit. “Very well, Miss Tiara, but please allow me to at least fetch you some new water. You must stay properly hydrated.”

Diamond rapidly nodded her consent. “Oh yes, please!” she pleaded.

Luna got up to fetch a new glass of cool water for her student.

Diamond watched her go and as soon as she left she let out a moan of sinful desire. “Fuck! I haven’t seen Adagio in weeks, damn her! Running off and abandoning me,” slowly her fingers inched down, down to the growing itch in her lower body. She ached for the Siren’s expert touch, despite the fact that she’d been taken advantage of, she had a twisted need to be pleasured by the temptress.

Diamond moaned softly into her other hand as she thought of all the things they’d done. She couldn’t look at anyone else after what Adagio did. She longed to spend a day doing everything she could with Adagio, even some things she normally wouldn’t think about, but she didn’t care. She was perhaps still a little broken even without the addictive properties of the magic.

Snapping her pencil in half as she bit down on it in frustration Diamond Tiara spat the thing out in disgust. What had she been thinking about again? It certainly didn’t help that she kept looking at pictures of naked men and women frolicking with nature in their chosen lifestyle.

Groaning Diamond did her best to ignore the sudden dampness in her panties and focused on the task at hand. Luna would probably be back any second and she couldn’t afford the humiliation of exposing her current desires for a certain orange-haired temptress to the vice-principal. Just where the fuck was Adagio anyway?

Sonata sat in the shade with a happy little smile on her lips. She was only wearing her choker; she hadn’t taken it off since Starswirl returned it to her, and sipping at a cool glass of pink lemonade.

Pinkie lounged beside her looking quite calm for someone constantly hopped up on sugar, happiness and Harmony, capital H. Her girlfriend pulled a pair of shades down to glance briefly at Sonata with a look of wonder.

“Something wrong?” Sonata wondered.

Pinkie shook her head. “Just wondering how someone like you could fall for someone like me.”

Sonata perked up and leaned over to give Pinkie a Prench kiss, the two locked lips and explored each other’s mouths with their tongues. When she pulled back for air the Siren winked. “You’re a great person, Pinkie. I’ve told you that before.”

Pinkie nodded. “I know, I just wanted to hear you say that again.” Smirking with the hint of promise behind her words Pinkie leaned back and reached for her lemonade.

“That was so hot!”

Sonata glared at the fence between Adagio’s property and Fluttershy’s home. “Ahhhhhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhh!” she sang.

Zephyr Breeze twitched and collapsed on his back a dopey grin on his face as the memory of what he’d seen slowly faded away.

Fluttershy marched up to her brother and grabbed him by the ear. “Zephyr! I’ve told you again and again, stop spying on my friends while they sunbathe!” she chastised her brother.

Zephyr moaned. “Awww come on Flutter butter! I still haven’t seen anything juicy yet!” he complained as his sister dragged him back inside the house.

Fluttershy curled her lip in disgust and slapped him in the back of the head. “If you keep trying to take a peek I’m going to get mom and dad to send you to military school!”

Zephyr’s eyes widened in fright. “I’ll be good! I promise!”

Whatever else he was going to say was lost as the pair returned inside. Sonata smirked and tilted her shades down briefly. “It’s nice to be able to erase people’s minds.”

Pinkie bit her lip torn between agreeing and being horrified at the ease the Siren manipulated Fluttershy’s little brother so effortlessly. “Are you sure it won’t hurt him?”

Sonata rolled her eyes. “The little snot deserves it for trying to get a free show, if we could hang out somewhere else to do this I’d stop, promise.”

Pinkie sighed. “Limestone refuses to let us sunbathe in the nude outside, and Maudie agrees with her.”

Sonata took another sip of Lemonade and shrugged. “Aria’s not about to let us use her backyard… I really wish we knew where Adagio went, but at least I can stay here again.” Reaching over she squeezed Pinkie’s hand.

Pinkie smiled briefly. “Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll turn up someday. It’s not like she was taken somewhere by a powerful evil force hell bent on seeking revenge.”

Sonata shook her head. “Nope. Just Discord, he’s really protective of that girl he adopted.” Biting her lip nervously she glanced up at the clouds lazily floating by. “I still hope she’s ok, even if she did try and ruin everything for everybody she’s still my sister.”

Pinkie rolled on top of Sonata and gave her a big hug. “I know, family is family.”

Sonata glanced down briefly and then shot Pinkie a playful smirk. “Yep. So… wanna do something inside?”

Pinkie leaned closer and licked her lips nervously before giving Sonata a quick happy little kiss. “Maybe,” she said, her eyes shining with the promise of a little fun times.

Sonata brought her arms up around Pinkie and squeezed her tight. Their breasts just so happened to push closer together as she did so. “Then let’s go up to my room and finally seal the deal on this girlfriend thing.”

Pinkie laughed happily and bounded up to her feet with a lot of energy.

Pinkamena did the only thing any self-respecting inner voice would do at those words. “SCORE!”

Aria sat across the desk from Chrysalis with a knowing look in her eyes. She had her arms folded over her chest and she was twirling one of her lengthy locks of hair to stave off the nervous tension in the room.

Chrysalis sipped at a goblet of fine wine, her eyes half-lidded in that certain way she seemed to prefer. Bedroom eyes. She didn’t say anything, just smiled waiting for the Siren to speak up.

Aria curled her lip briefly in disgust and stopped moving her finger. “So, if I agree to be ‘Rara’s agent I get say in how she’s treated?”

Chrysalis nodded. “I’d prefer someone easier to control, but Svengallop continues to insist on that stupid auto tune nonsense.”

Aria snorted. Her eyes darted down to the contract in front of her. It seemed perfectly on the level, but this was Chrysalis, there were a lot of ways this could turn out badly for her. Slowly reading everything over again she hesitantly reached for the pen. Then thought better of it and started reading again.

Chrysalis sighed. “Would it help if I said Discord made me promise not to mess with you?”

Aria leaned back in surprise her eyes widening briefly. “Maybe.” She nodded briefly and snatched up the pen. Signing the contract she let out a breath and dropped the pen back on the desk. “Why do I suddenly feel like I just made a deal with that stupid Seapony witch?” she questioned herself softly.

“Haven’t the foggiest!” Chrysalis happily snatched up the contract and examined the signature with a triumphant sultry smile.

Aria held up one hand with a single finger sticking up; it was her index finger. “Just so we’re crystal clear, me and ‘Rara are off limits for your little orgies. She’s still getting used to the ‘friends with benefits’ idea we’ve got going on. Plus I don’t really find you attractive enough.”

Chrysalis waved her hand aside. “Oh don’t worry, Sapphire and a few others are enough for me at the moment. I know how difficult it is to convince humans to let go of their typical inclinations to explore different options,” she told Aria with a playful smirk.

“Whatever. Are we done now?” Aria asked.

Chrysalis frowned. “Still thinking about Adagio?”

Aria blew her bang out of her eye and shook her head. “As if!”

Chrysalis tapped her talisman and smirked. “Changeling,” she reminded.

“I’ve seen Changelings before, you’re definitely not a Changeling,” Aria informed coolly.

Chrysalis shrugged. “I can still read your emotions like a book. You still care about her, even if you hide it well.”

“Whatever! I’m out.” Aria got to her feet and headed out of the office at City Hall.

Chrysalis watched her go with a knowing smile, but she didn’t say anything again. The Sirens were almost completely on their side, and all it took was a few dozen centuries or so. Still, she had promised Discord, but perhaps she could get her newest agent some closure and reveal the scintillating secret of where Adagio Dazzle currently resided. Aria would appreciate the irony of it all she was sure.

Scootaloo bounced the ball back against the wall as she leaned back in her seat in the clubhouse. Rumble watched her with an attempt at disinterest, but it was kind of hard when they were dating so openly these days and everyone was completely naked in the Air Conditioned tree house.

Button kept hitting the controls of his Gamejoy, his tongue sticking out as he tried to beat his high score on Super Mareio Sisters.

Apple Bloom giggled as she sat on Tender’s lap stroking his hair and other areas while they kissed and junk. Rumble tried not to think too hard about it.

Sweetie suddenly broke the mood when she screamed loudly and threw her arms up in exasperation. "Why is this so hard?”

“What’s so hard?” Scootaloo asked her friend catching the ball without looking and throwing it again.

Sweetie banged her head against the keyboard to her laptop. “Figuring out the theme for our first summer party,” she admitted.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “We got another week, Sweetie,” she reminded.

Sweetie glared at her country-girl friend. “Yes, well! If somebody wasn’t fooling around so much to the point where we can practically smell the sex in here!” she accused.

Apple Bloom glared at Sweetie. “Ain’t my fault yer boyfriend is obsessed with video games!”

Button glanced up. “Hey!” he exclaimed. “I’m not obsessed, I just don’t like doing that sort of thing with an audience.”

Apple Bloom and Tender Taps both blushed.

Scootaloo got out of her seat and stopped playing with the ball. “Ok! Maybe we should stop discussing this before Big Mac or Applejack decide we’re getting a bit too loud and revoke boyfriend privileges for the tree house,” she suggested.

“Sorry,” Apple Bloom apologized. “But Tender and Ah have been so busy we haven’t had much alone time,” she elaborated.

Tender squeezed her briefly and smiled reassuringly.

Sweetie sighed and blew her bang out of her eye. “I’m sorry too, but trying to figure out what we can do now that we have the entire school open to the club is just really stressing me out.”

Rumble rubbed his palm against his leg and glanced over Sweetie’s shoulder at the screen. “What’s the problem? Why not just stick with what we’ve been doing?”

“Because we’re an Embassy sanctioned Cultural Exchange Program dealie now!” Sweetie shouted her voice squeaking slightly. “What we do now has got to be really special.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Sweetie, you think too much about this kind of stuff. We’re just the NLAC, nothing fancy like what Princess Twilight and the others have to deal with.”

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom agreed. “We ain’t involved with magical junk. Most of the time,” she amended at the glances aimed her way. “So just stick to the simple stuff.”

Tender Taps nodded in agreement with his girlfriend.

Button nervously fidgeted and put his Gamejoy down after hitting pause. “Um. I’ve kinda always wanted to go to one of those private beaches,” he said.

Sweetie glanced at him briefly taking in the site of his adorable looking expression and the slight flush of embarrassment in his cheeks. Then her eyes widened as she realized what he was getting at. “A Beach Party! And we can use the school pool now! Button, you’re a genius!” Leaning forward she kissed him hard on the mouth before whirling around and typing madly away.

Scootaloo smirked before resuming her one-person ball game.

Rumble shot him a thumbs up.

Apple Bloom and Tender both started madly giggling before getting lost in each other’s eyes again, soon they were kissing and lightly petting one another again mindful of avoiding certain areas on the body now that their friends had spoken up about it.

Button just sat there with a dopey grin on his face, he really liked it when Sweetie kissed him. Then he chanced to glance over at his Gamejoy and saw the little light on the side wink out as the battery died. His eyes widened while his pupils shrunk and his bottom lip started to tremble slightly. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

Sweetie rolled her eyes at the sudden outburst and kept typing away on the laptop, she’d make it up to him later when they were alone.

Cap d’le fer a Cheval was a special private beach that not a lot of people in Canterlot knew about. It rested snuggly on the Southern coast of Prance and was privately owned by a certain ruling monarch, but most visitors to the beach knew very little about the owner. All they cared about was the fact that they could enjoy the benefits of the sun and the cool ocean breeze during the hottest days of summer without having to worry about perverts and deviants.

A great many people visited yearly, today the warm inviting sands were packed to the gills with all manner of folks. A Gryphonian family rested comfortably in the shade of a large umbrella, the father flipping through the pages of a manuscript while the mother kept a careful eye on three young children laughing and playing in the shallows with a group of other children.

An elderly couple walked hand-in-hand across the beach enjoying their golden years together, the wife bent to retrieve another seashell for her collection while her husband waited patiently beside her.

A massive looking obese gentleman ignored the mocking looks he was receiving from some of the Prench models seated across from him and did his best to simply enjoy the rays of the sun.

A young woman from Minos was currently half-buried in the sand while her nieces and nephew kept industrially working to cover her completely.

A recently married couple were exploring the joys of wedded bliss in the privacy of the changing room, which wasn’t exactly frowned upon, but certainly not a common occurrence.

Security roamed the beach closely, taking care to ensure the safety of the people enjoying their time here. Nude beaches were more common in this corner of the world, but there was still the occasional undesirable. Currently a pair of teenaged males were being escorted off the beach for under aged drinking and all around lewd behaviour. Their female companion was extremely embarrassed and shaking her head in disbelief.

Amongst all of these people expressing themselves in their preferred lifestyle choices a familiar group of teenagers were lounging on towels with an overall air of relaxation surrounding them.

Sugarcoat adjusted her glasses before returning to her book.

Sunny Flare sipped a long island iced tea, she’d recently turned eighteen and wanted to take full advantage of the different age of consent for alcoholic consumption.

Indigo Zap was making sure she didn’t go overboard. She also lay on a towel soaking up rays on the beach, but she was turned over so nobody could actually see her. She didn’t need any strangers ogling her with that same look of disbelief and ‘what the fuck am I looking at’ expression Scribe had had when she’d pulled the ‘I’ve got a dick too’ card.

Speaking of which, Scarlet Scribe gently ran his hands over Sour Sweet’s back rubbing the sun tan lotion in with a look of nervous tension.

Lemon smirked beside him while she listened to some tunes, her IPod sitting beside her in the sand. “Everything ok you two?”

Sour Sweet moaned blissfully. “I could get used to this.”

“Hey!” Scribe slapped her between the shoulders. “I’m not some lend out boytoy, I strictly stick with Lemon Zest,” he reminded.

“Don’t remind me,” Sour complained. “Seriously though, why do you and Sugarcoat know how to handle flesh so well?”

Scribe’s cheeks flushed as he finished up rubbing the lotion on Sour’s back. “Mom had weird ideas about things when we were younger, plus Aunty Brisque insisted both of us learn how to do stuff for later in life when we found significant others.” Scribe shrugged after dropping that bomb and turned to Lemon. He began rubbing her back now.

Lemon let out a contented moan and did her best not to draw attention to their circle.

Sour glanced over at her briefly with a troubled look, but then a group of teen boys ran past and she turned all of her attentions on enjoying the sights.

“This was really a good idea, girls,” Sunny spoke up from where she was with a pleasant smile. “That last week of exams was murder! I heard several students had to drop out.”

Sour smirked. “But not Fleur, and we all know why that is,” she teased and cackled at the thought of what Fleur had to do to stay in school.

“Can we please not talk about, or imply anything, while relaxing on a nude beach!” Indigo griped pushing her shades down to shoot Sour with a glare.

“Sorry.” Sour apologized and reached over to pat her friend’s shoulder.

“It helps to have a mantra, Indigo Zap, I’ve avoided a lot of embarrassing moments because of it.” Scribe glanced encouragingly at his friend.

“Yeah, I don’t think I really need advice, Scribey, but thanks for trying anyway,” Indigo turned away and lay back down enjoying getting an even tan, though she’d had to tan the front when there were considerably less people here.

Sunny laughed gaily and batted her eyes at a boy on the beach volleyball team that was playing nearby. “Oh! To think I didn’t want to give Naturism a try, perhaps you were right Sugarcoat. I’m certainly going to explore this side a bit more when we get back next year, that lounge is going to be perfect.”

Sour bit her lip, but chose not to say anything. Secretly she might be ready to give the lounge a go next fall too. But she hated admitting that to Sugarcoat because it would only fuel her ego further.

Sugarcoat simply nodded mutely and turned the page in her book.

“How can you read when there’s so much scenery to enjoy!” Sunny demanded.

“I have been to a naturist beach resort before, Sunny Flare,” Sugarcoat reminded. “How else do you think I did so much research for my report on Canterlot’s naturist community?”

Sunny blinked in surprise. “So, you’re telling me you don’t enjoy looking?”

Sugarcoat shook her head. “Of course I enjoy looking, I just learned how to do it tastefully to avoid embarrassing any of the people who might be new to the community… Also it isn’t exactly encouraged around here to be so voyeuristic.”

Sunny’s cheeks flushed, but it didn’t stop her from turning back to the game and watching the jiggling, flopping, sweaty young man she’d taken a fancy to.

A sudden blast of frigid air blew over the group and Scribe glanced over to the only silent member of their group. “Something wrong, Lily?”

Cheeks flushed, his other friend shook her head. “Nope, ever since my Godmother showed up I’m getting better, really I am… But… Um, could you lift me back into my chair, I think I need to visit the powder room,” Lily admitted. Her breath was short and her chest was rising and falling rapidly with each inhalation and exhalation as she tried desperately not to stare too long at any one body.

Scribe finished working on Lemon’s back and got to his feet. Striding over he knelt down and pushed his arms under Lily’s body so he could fireman-lift her and put her back in her chair. The floating gyroscopic controlled device constructed by Screwball dipped closer to the sand briefly as weight was added to it.

Lily thanked Scribe in a mumbled tone and hastily made her way towards the nearest restroom.

Sugarcoat idly watched her go. “I really wish I could take that thing apart to learn how it operates.”

Scribe nodded. “Yeah, it is kind of awesome.”

Lemon leaned up on her arm and glanced over at her boyfriend with a smile, her hair pooled down around her side and she clutched the wire of her headphones in her other hand as she brought it in front of her chest.

Scribe glanced over at her and suddenly felt a little nervous. But he shook it off and settled back down beside her. “Something on your mind?” he asked.

Lemon leaned closer and kissed him. The two shared a passionate moment, Scribe’s hand reaching around and over Lemon’s back to brush his fingers through her long luxuriant hair.

Sour rolled her eyes from the other side of Scribe, but didn’t react nearly as hostilely as she might have a few weeks ago. She was completely stress free and way over the drama of two of her friends dating one another.

Lemon pulled her headphones open wider and brought the other speaker over to Scribe.

Give me a head with hair! Long beautiful hair!” Scribe’s pupils dilated when he recognized the words and the voice singing it.

“When did you record that?”

Lemon shook her head playfully and snapped her headphones back over her ears. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” she teased.

Scribe groaned. “I sang that out loud when I was drunk, didn’t I?”

The rest of the group looked at one another and in unison they sang one word.


Scribe smacked himself in the face and ran his palm over it with a grimace of pain.

Everyone broke into a fit of giggles.

Lily came back and was mystified. “What’s so funny?” she asked.

“Don’t ask!” Scribe said. “Just… do not ask.”

Lemon nudged him with her shoulder her eyes promising something later if he’d lighten up.

Scribe chuckled at himself and pressed against Lemon’s side. They drew closer and were about to kiss when the squeal of a megaphone shattered the happy moment.

“No making out on the beach!” Screwball shouted.

Scribe flinched back and bit his tongue in his surprise. “Damnit!”

Lemon glanced in the distance frustratedly at Lily’s chaperone. “Did your legal guardian really have to come?” she demanded Lily.

Lily sighed. “Just be thankful Grandpa Discord had something else to attend to,” she told the group. “You so don’t need to see what he looks like without his clothes on.”

Shuddering at that mental thought the group settled back down to enjoy the rest of the day basking in the sunlight on the warm sands of the beach. The cool ocean breeze brushed through their hair and everyone sighed peacefully, this place was much better off than the stifling humid soaked heat of Canterlot’s summer.

The platinum-skinned woman frowned briefly at her companion as Discord’s daughter put her megaphone away wherever it was she stored it. She did not approve of the implement’s use.

Princess Twilight fiddled with her ear to try and get rid of the ringing in it. “Um, was there a reason you wanted our first meeting to be here, your highness?”

The woman smiled as she glanced at the young teenaged pony-turned-human and laughed. Her eyes wandered over to her regiment of bodyguards, recently hired burly looking gentlemen all clearly uncomfortable to be wearing nothing. “No, not especially,” she admitted. “And please, darling, call me Platinum. We’re both royalty after all.”

Twilight fidgeted nervously and shook her head rapidly. “I couldn’t possibly be so formal with one of the founders of Equestria!” she blurted.

Platinum sighed briefly. “She was not me, Twilight,” she reminded.

Twilight nodded. “Oh I know! But you’re just so… and if it wasn’t for you, Chancellor Puddinghead and Commander Hurricane the fire of friendship might never have been discovered!” she exclaimed rubbing her hands together nervously. Her palms were soaked with sweat and she felt a bit wilted in the heat of the midday sun.

“Refreshment Boy! Fetch my guest a drink,” Platinum ordered.

The slightly younger male servant bowed his head and dashed off to do as instructed.

“Oh how I missed that,” Platinum said with a happy smile as she watched the retreating backside of the male servant.

Princess Twilight glanced sideways at one of her idols with her mouth slightly hung open. These humans certainly were hung up on their libidos, it made her more appreciative of the less-openly sex crazed world of ponies she came from. Then again humans didn’t seem to have designated times of the year for such things as estrus and rutting, although they were familiar with the concepts.

Thankfully she had certain spells and potions to better control her urges. Magical study left no time for such things growing up, why waste time you could be learning something new hunting down a stallion to handle the bodily needs of a mare? Frowning she glanced down at herself. “Oh dear, I think this human form is beginning to affect my sex drive,” she commented to herself.

“Sunset experienced similar problems, I’m certain,” Platinum observed. “It can’t compare to the problems Starswirl had though, that old goat fancied himself quite the ladies’ man. Couldn’t get enough of his beard, always preening it around my court expecting the lesser unattached nobles to fawn over it as if it were some great thing.” Smirking Platinum laughed at the memories into her hand and turned slightly to address Screwball.

Screwball shook her head. “No, daddy still won’t tell me who my mother was.”

Platinum blinked. “I wasn’t going to ask that age-old question again,” she said.

Screwball smirked. “I know, but we still need to be mindful of the rating, otherwise we would have gone over your trip here on the cruise ship. I don’t think the teens appreciated all of the wild carefree love going around on the boat.”

Twilight’s cheeks flushed. “How did you get permission to hold a nudes only clause on that cruise ship, anyway?”

Platinum smirked. “Simple, I own the cruise line.” Patting the sand beneath her with another lecherous glance at her security detail the Queen of Canterlot, and pretty much the rest of the Western continent, flashed a beaming smile at the equine princess. “This beach too.”

Twilight slowly nodded. “Ah, abuse of power then, I wouldn’t expect that here.”

Platinum sighed. “I’ve been cooped up in my castle practically forgotten for the better part of a millennia, you’ll forgive me if I overindulge a bit now that the rest of the world can be reminded as to who precisely is in charge.”

Twilight found herself nodding again. “I guess so. They just accept that they’ve always had a queen now?”

“Magic has its advantages, granted they don’t think I’ve been the same person for a thousand years, but repairing the history of the world has done wonders for the political situation.” Sighing contentedly she took the refreshment from her newly returned servant and waited for Twilight to accept hers.

“I’ve been so busy hopping back and forth through the mirror I haven’t had much time to relax.”

“Hence the suggested trip, Ambassador Twilight,” Platinum said with a wink.

The two royals settled back into silence as they sipped their beverages and observed the ordinary people on the beach, most remaining unaware of the mystical nature of the duo. Screwball continued to stare at the group in the distance making sure they weren’t doing anything they shouldn’t be. Her father was busy overseeing something so he couldn’t be there, but she was certain he wouldn’t approve of Lily being exposed to so much objectification and exploration if he were here.

“Blueblood at twelve o’clock,” Screwball suddenly announced.

“Your majesty!” Blueblood stepped forward and subjugated before the queen. “What an honor to see one of your magnificence in such a charming manner!” His eyes wandered over the royal’s body hungrily, but he kept from completely making an ass of himself by returning swiftly to looking her in the eye, as if he considered himself her equal.

Platinum smirked at the obvious attempt to cull favor with the ruling power. “Charming,” she mocked.

Twilight giggled as she suddenly had a mental image of a character from one of those movies Pinkie had showed the group. If anyone deserved to be compared to Prince Charming, it certainly wasn’t Blueblood. Of either world.

“And who’s this young beauty?” Blueblood asked as he turned his gaze on Twilight. “Your daughter perhaps?”

Twilight bristled at the fake compliment, she was also pretty sure her current physical appearance meant she was under age and not an option for what the pompous oaf so obviously had in mind.

Platinum shook her head. “This is Ambassador Twilight Sparkle, I’m afraid you’ll not have heard of her particular nation, it is rather small compared to my own vast empire,” she admitted.

Blueblood nodded. “Ah, mores the pity, it pleases me to make your acquaintance, Miss Sparkle,” he said looking as though he wanted to step forward and kiss her hand.

Twilight rolled her eyes.

Platinum snapped her fingers and three security guards marched forward and politely took Blueblood in hand.

Blueblood blinked. “Um, have I done something to offend, your majesty?”

Platinum shook her head. “No, however you have reacted inappropriately to my seventeen-year-old guest. Which means I have no choice but to ban you from the premises.”

“W-W-What?” Blueblood sputtered.

Platinum smirked once more. “Were you not aware? Oh, how foolish of me. My dear Mister Blueblood, I happen to own this property, and as I understand it you have been a rather poor influence on some of the locals for quite some time now. As such I hereby ban you from Cap d’le fer a Cheval and your family line for the next two hundred years!” Waving her hand towards the security detail she watched with giddy delight as Blueblood was ‘escorted’ off the premises not even being allowed to get dressed.

Twilight broke down into a fit of laughter.

Platinum grinned. “I’ve always wanted to do that, the line of Blueblood has been nothing but a disgrace ever since my cousin married into that pathetic nobility.”

Twilight smiled contentedly. “Yes, our Blueblood is a royal pain too, but Celestia puts up with him for the sake of maintaining the peace.”

Platinum turned. “Now then, I believe you still have a few questions for me.”

Twilight’s eyes shone with the desire for more knowledge and she rapidly bobbed her head up and down. Removing her notepad from the bag at her side she quickly flipped through the already numerous covered pages until she found a free spot to start writing again.

In a dark and depressing spot, far from the hustle and bustle of modern life, even further than the furthest…

Discord frowned as he glanced up at nothing in particular. “Do you mind? We’re done with that sort of humour.”

The Head of Everfree Academy glanced over at Discord with a confused expression on her face. The Gryphonian woman coughed into her hand and returned to examining the papers that had been presented to her. “From what little I can tell Young Miss Dazzle is quite…difficult. Are you certain she’ll improve here?”

Discord smiled and waved his hand to indicate the silent Siren. “Oh yes!” he agreed with a gleam in his eye. “Isn’t that right, Adagio?”

Adagio rolled her eyes and nodded.

Discord’s lips turned down slightly. “You’ll have to forgive her, she’s a bit moody because she can’t have any alone time with her co-conspirator for happy fun times. Teenagers, am I right?”

The Head sighed, she wasn’t given a name because the author couldn’t be arsed to…

Discord whistled innocently as if someone were glaring at him.

The Head of Everfree Academy nodded. “Right then, I’ll have her enrolled for next semester. Meanwhile which dorm would you recommend?”

Discord grinned. “I think the quarters shared by your daughter and Miss Dust would serve well enough. Miss Dazzle is sure to get a lot from that residence.”

Accepting his words at face value, the Head turned to Adagio. “I’ll have a student escort you there. You will be living on campus for the duration of your time here, Canterlot visits are only granted to well-behaved students, is that understood?”

Adagio mutely nodded and got out of her seat.

“Very well. Your escort is beyond that door, she also happens to be in charge of the dormitory you’ll be staying at, I’ll know if you get into any trouble young lady.”

Adagio curled her lip slightly, but again remained silent and made her way out of the room. She really wanted to go visit Di-Di again, she could use a stress relieving outlet right about now. When she saw the other girl standing in the hall her eyes widened in sudden terror and disbelief.

The orange-haired girl dressed in tight leather jeans, a short-sleeved mid-riff bearing orange and black top and a dark red fake leather jacket smiled in greeting. “Hello, new meat, the name’s Sunset Shimmer. I’m in charge around here, if you toe the line at Everfree Academy you’ll do fine. But if you step out of line… well, I’m tight with Zecora and she happens to be the Chief of Police’s daughter. Get on my bad side and I might just engineer a little hitch to your sentence,” Sunset’s smile widened into a grin as she draped her arm around Adagio’s shoulder and started steering her towards the Dorm.

Adagio stared in horror as she was taken forcibly towards her new digs for the next year. It couldn’t be possible, there was just no way the universe would be that cruel. It was impossible! There couldn’t be two of them, there just couldn’t!

Discord snickered as he glanced after Adagio and slowly turned his head to face ‘someone’, reaching up he tugged his beard and then plucked a carrot out of thin air to nibble on the tip. “Ain’t I a stinker?”

A Th-Th-Th-Th, That’s All, Folks!” A certain Draconequus quoted from thin air. “Well, unless you’d care to read Adagio’s torment in a sequel, but seriously enough out of me… I’ve got teacakes baking.” Discord’s voice faded away.

Dramatis Personae:

Scarlet Scribe AKA Former Spineless Yes-man.
Diamond Dazzle Tiara Rich AKA Spoiled Brat squared.
Lily Breeze: Magical Girl with Windigo Powers.
Lemon Zest: Awesome tune loving Shadowbolt.
Sunny Flare: Defacto Leader of the Shadowbolts.
Sugarcoat: Blunt Honesty Incarnate
Sour Sweet: Seriously needs to get laid
Indigo Zap: Candidate to plow Sour Sweet… *Cough*… That is to say, awesome independent woman.
Discord: Deliciously Evil Mastermind of Starswirl’s Will. Handsome, Suave, Cunning, Masterful, Did I say Handsome already?
Screwball: One-note bit part fan pandering character whom I adore quite fondly.
Abacus Cinch: Bit part tool of Discord… Just what exactly did she tell Spoiled Rich anyway?
Spoiled Milk Rich: Really loves it when a plan comes together. TMI honestly.
Filthy Rich: Plotting the downfall of Camp Everfree, we’ll get him, don’t you worry his comeuppance is rapidly upon us. Or not, depends on who wants to pick up that particular plot thread.
Sweetie Belle: Founding member of the NLAC, Current Ambassador to Equus… Shhhh, don’t tell anybody, she doesn’t know she’s obligated to journey through the mirror once a year to report to Princess Celestia.
Apple Bloom: Founding member of the NLAC, really loves Tender Taps.
Scootaloo: Founding member of the NLAC, still not sure what her deal was in flirting with Scarlet Scribe. Probably a little confused.
Dinky Hooves: Head of the H.S.S.C.D.V.A… Don’t ask, we’re not supposed to talk about the H.S.S.C.D.V.A.
Sunset Shimmer Unicorn: Instigator of Naturism in Canterlot carrying on the proud tradition of Starswirl the Bearded, lecherous old stallion that he was.
Sunset Shimmer Not the Unicorn: Potential foil for Adagio Dazzle redemption sequel.
Zecora: Self-Styled Party Ninja of Canterlot… No I still don’t understand what a Party Ninja is, Pinkie won’t explain it to me.
Adagio Dazzle: Former leader of the Sirens, really doesn’t like Sunset Shimmer.
Aria Blaze: Siren… kind of surly, current Agent for her friend (With Benefits)
Sonata Dusk: Siren… Dating Pinkie Pie.
Pinkamena Diane Pie: Party Planner Extraordinaire.
Assorted other characters as needed, honestly this joke has pretty much run its course… How about we close with a little bit of fun?

A knock at the tree house door broke the sextet from their musings. Frowning slightly Sweetie Belle walked over and pulled it open. Nobody was standing outside, but a small envelope with a peculiar looking seal was resting on the wooden porch.

Blinking in confusion Sweetie Belle knelt down and retrieved the envelope.

“What is it?” Scootaloo asked.

“Don’t know.” Sweetie tore the envelope open carefully and removed a meticulously folded piece of parchment from inside. Dropping the empty envelope she began to unfold the parchment so she could read it.

“Looks important,” Button said, he’d gotten over the Gamejoy dying and was currently playing his Gamejoy Advance SP.

Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah wonder if it’s from that Queen Platinum person.”

Sweetie’s eyes widened in stunned disbelief after she got the parchment unfurled. “What?”

Tender Taps leaned to catch the parchment as it fell from nerveless fingers.

“Uh oh!” Apple Bloom took it from him and quickly began to read. “Dear Sweetie Belle, as newly appointed Ambassador to Equus we desire your presence to cement the formality of the Natural Appreciation Living Club. We applaud your decision to embrace the lifestyle of a naturist, as we understand it isn’t as easy to partake of such a lifestyle for humans as it is for ponies. Please be advised that a royal entourage will be by to collect you on the seventeenth of next month to meet with Princesses Celestia and Luna of Equestria to discuss your appointment as Ambassador to Equus. Casual wear preferred for your convenience.”

Scootaloo’s mouth hung open in shock. “Wait, what? What does that even mean?”

Apple Bloom’s eyes twinkled with mirth. “It means we get ta visit the world on the other side of the portal… It means…”

The exclamation coming out of the CMC club house was so loud it caused several nearby trees with early ripened fruit to drop the heavy laden branches of apples without warning. It also sent shivers down their boyfriends’ spines.


Comments ( 25 )

whelp its finally over and it was... OK. I probably won't check out a sequel unless the premise interests me. I only checked out this story cause of how much I liked the first one and kept reading because I didn't hate it enough to quit.

Anyways hopefully future stories keep things simple and more focused.

There will be a lot of trouble with two sets of CMC in Equestria! I wonder how they will handle meeting each other?

There's gonna be an awful lot of "oh hell!" going on as a result of this, that's for damn sure.

I can honestly say that this has been a very fun story to read, and it's nice to see all the loose ends being tied up so nice and neatly. It took a while to get to the destination, but getting there was certainly fun.

Will they be ALLOWED to meet each other?

Two sets of Cutie Mark Crusaders...

All living hell is going to break loose

i hope not, the universe would implode

Don't worry, Enclave and I are working on the retry sequel, so keep an eye on his channel for it

So, the story ends just when I felt it was finally getting started. :fluttercry:


Everything must end, so that a new idea can take root and germinate into an even larger tale of excitement and fun. I always intended this to end after two parties, this way I can refine the technique and make a better sequel, based on the criticisms and stuff from this story we're definitely going to have to do a few cast list revisions.

I wonder how things are going to go down.

Okay. This was a bit of a... don't want to say disappointment but it lacked a lot from the first. So, if there is going to be a proper sequel then I'm looking forward to it.

mind if I help a little? Mainly for editing?

We've had this discussion before. While I don't object to your world building, it should happen in the first 10% of the story, 15 max. Otherwise it's like you've created this universe, and now you're not going to do anything with it.


That isn't how world building operates from my way of thinking, besides when this story was still cannon Blake did not want to see some of the stuff I was building up to. So I broke the story off here originally in order to write that part of the story in my own tale that would focus exclusively on that portion of what I was aiming to do.

Now that it is not the 'official' sequel anymore it will still have to stand as is. Tentatively the first part of a larger tale that will focus more on magical stuff, character interaction stuff and other elements that will be ironed out before going forward. I mean when this was 'official cannon' it had to fit in with the stories Blake and others were working on set after the events of this one, such as the Silver Spoon story Blake was working on and that summer party dealie that more than one author was working on/contributing to.

Now that it is a separate dimension inspired by the original work it doesn't need to worry about all of that, but I will be taking the time to focus all of the plot points that are needed going forward and tighten up the narrative approach so that we can have story arcs that will be condensed and shorter and not have so many chapters with so many scenes meandering off into sub-plot after sub-plot that many were unhappy with. I want to improve the formula going forward so I don't upset too many readers, and I also need to figure out how much naturism will be involved, when and where while dealing with other plot elements such as the Arimaspi in the room that is Grogar.

I will iron out everything before I start working on the next story and make sure I have a complete list of what I want to happen, how I want it to happen and when it should happen so it flows properly. That is the plan, and I'm starting to sound like Mojo Jojo repeating the same thing over and over again.

OH NO, IT'S OVER??? :(

but man, what a ride and a half. subplots out the wazoo, worldbuilding and lore cranked up to eleven- no, twelve, and a f*ckhuge character roster. I've gotta reread this from the beginning, it's just that good. I'm just gonna be real upset next week when there's no new chapters though...

welp, time to plow through all the other bits of this fic's universe on this site :pinkiehappy:

I don't like the part where Fluttershy threatens to get her brother sent to military school. It just feels too extreme for her, especially when it concerns a family member.

Well, Grammarly and the MLP Wiki disagree on what Gamboge is, Sorry for the confusion.

Did this get scrapped or is it just not ready yet?

Not at this time, but as real life has been really busy since I started working a 9-5 job I have found myself extremely limited in writing time.

At last, after spending so long among my open tabs pile, I've finally finished this.

It was... certainly a story, and one the author clearly felt strongly about.

Personally, I think that with the help of a competent editor, somewhere between a third and a half of this story could have been trimmed down. Not necessarily deleted, but perhaps put aside for sequel installments. World-building is a fine thing to do, but More does not always equal Good. Questions are created then never answered, contradictions arise and are not addressed, and there are whole characters whose existence seems arbitrary. Breaking it up would have allowed them the space to be properly developed.

I was also a little put off by the growing fixation on naturalism. Through the course of the story the tone seemed to shift from "It's a valid lifestyle choice" to "it's the correct choice and anyone who so much as dislikes it is bad and wrong and probably evil".

But above all my other thoughts on this is my inability to fathom how it manages to call itself Teen rated. Yes, no one has explicit sex on screen, but even putting the nudity aside you have characters "soiling their panties", "smelling the sex pheromones in the air", and that's not even getting into what happened to Fluttershy's family and Diamond Tiara's sexual assault (which could be argued as rape).

Overall, while largely well written, I think the story could have worked more smoothly as two or three smaller books and if the naturalism concept had not been so heavily fetishized.

bro this was gross as shit what is wrong with you

Something else that's gross is that the cover art is a porn comic about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon getting kidnapped by the cmc and raped by masked men that was drawn by Anibaruthecat, a gross little pervert. Out of every image the author could have used, they chose that one.

Yeahh, this story has some really weird pedo-shit around Diamond Tiara, Odeinoichus you're a pretty gross pervert.

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