• Published 7th Aug 2016
  • 2,242 Views, 19 Comments

Siren Bunnies - Michael Hudson

Where did the sirens end up after Battle of the Bands? Well, why not as bunnies for a night club?

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A hand on my ass as a sleeze ball looks me right in the eyes. He thought he was being subtle, but I swear, if he got any closer to sliding that thumb under my suit, I would knock his fucking lights out. His order is just as disgusting: a triple cheeseburger with a platter of onion rings. And of course, I’ll have to bring out the grease covered slop.

He even asked for a special order, which, admittedly, was different for once. First it was for a smile, which the owner himself knew I never give. Even tried to fire me once for not being willing to. However, I knew how loaded the jackass was, and so I gave him one of my better ones. Sonata still tells me it blows, and that I should channel the smiles I get from her jokes. Like hell I would give one of these pigs one of those smiles though. They don’t deserve it like Sonata does.

Then he shifted tones though. It must be one of those ‘negotiation tactics’ that Adagio has told me about. Get them to accept to something small, and it’ll make easier for them to agree to something bigger. Of course, serving him topless was still a bit too large. In response, I told him I had a better idea, and poured his scotch down his pants.

When the manager heard why, he made sure to include a twenty percent tip with the bill, because the guy should have known better.

Aria looked into the whirling blades above her head, and let out a sigh, thinking about how this had to be the third time this week.


Every eye on me. Every eye, unable to look away. My hips sway, and their gaze follows. My chest bounces, and so does their head. While I’m on stage, I am the goddess that I am always meant to be, and that’s before they put the music on.

When the beat starts though, I go beyond any deity. The whole room moves to the rhythm, infected by my dance as I slide along the stage, and grasp the pole in the middle. Even on the nights where I’m not taking everything off, it’s the most erotic thing those old creeps have seen all week.

And then the song starts. I open my mouth, and…

Nothing. Because I can’t sing. I can’t cast spells. I am no god anymore, and am in fact less than a human without my gem and voice. And every night, I am reminded all over again.

Adagio massaged her throat as tears came to her eyes. The old lounge singer on hire said that the three of them showed potential to be the best singers in the world, but how long would that take?


I spin, I twirl, I dance, gliding through the dining hall as if on skates. Just like my sisters, I capture the men’s gazes more than any other server in the whole place, especially since I am okay with wearing a size too small for my body. I just like how the light shines on my breasts and booty, but I think it may also help me get better tips.

Well, that, or trying some of the tricks that Dagi uses, while just being my normal self. Bending over all the way, so it’s super easy for some poor sap to look right down my cleavage, before I tenderly take his hand in mine, and he goes from sap, to a man who needs me to talk to. Needs someone bouncy who will give him five seconds. Or, better yet, when I am willing to sit in their laps and give them hugs when they’re obviously frustrated. Of course, then I take a page from Aria’s handbook, and give them a good knee to the groin if they get too handsy.

I only wish I could do that when my bubbliness got the better of me. When I spin myself right into a table, and the tray falls from my fingers. Then no amounts of hugs will do to get them to calm down, and I just have to take their anger. And then it gets worse when the manager comes and has to talk to me.

I’ve used up so many strikes, had to be demoted to a back position to prove that I can be careful, just to be put back on the floor, and to mess things up again.

Sonata placed a hand on the door to the break room. It was the end of her shift, and tomorrow, she would start with being a kitchenaid, again. No talking to people, except for the cooks who needed some sort of ingredient, or needed some tool. Just plain, boring work.

She shut her eyes and let out a sigh, before hearing Aria say,

“The attention.”

Adagio glanced to her sister with a single eye, before moaning out, “The performances.”

Sonata opened the door and slid in, standing there for a moment, before saying, “The responsibility.”

The three looked at each other, all thinking over what the last month of their life had been. What it had been like since that stupid battle of the bands competition, and they had to find work. It hadn’t been easy of course, at least, until they found this place, that needed girls willing to dress up like Playboy Bunnies, at least one to dance like a whore, and others to be harrassed by the customers. In return, they were paid well, given great benefits, and the manager of the club was strict about his rules, as Aria had tested.

It was hard, brutal work, especially when compared to what they used to do. Where all they had to do was hum, nick a few wallets, and not only would they be fed, but they could afford any sort of lodging they wanted, instead of some… okay apartment.

The three blinked, before slowly, one by one, each smiled. Sonata broke the silence as she giggled and went to get changed. “It’s pretty exciting, isn’t it?”

Aria stretched out her back as she got up. “I’ll admit, it’s about damn time I actually got to be noticed next to you two.”

Adagio laid back, already ready to go, and knowing that Sonata was going to take a while to get ready. “Don’t forget about the feeling of knowing that everything given to us is simply because we’re the best. Otherwise, we wouldn’t even have these jobs, would we?”

The other two looked at Adagio, and grinned, before sounding off with the reply that they’d been giving ever since they got these jobs:



Author's Note:

If you liked this, and other of my stories, might I recommend checking out my original story? I just published Diane and Kat: The Bound Bands yesterday, a story about two lesbians heading into a dungeon to see what trouble they can get to in 26k words. Filled with laughs, reflections on their relationships, and challenges to be smashed with a bastard sword, it's a fun adventure for any to enjoy.

Comments ( 19 )

Every eye one me.

on me

Just like my sisters, I capture the men’s gaze more than any other server in the whole place, especially since I am okay with wearing a size too small for my body.

I capture men's gazes more

What does it feel like to wear something too small?
The story treats it as no big deal. Is it?
If you want it to be no big deal, fine.

Other than these two issues, it was an interesting read.

Can I ask you a question about descriptions?

7460769 What did you want to ask?

Well it's an amusing concept and you got the character's personalities down pat enough to where I could tell who was who before their names were revealed so kudos for that Although I'm not sure if switching between first and third person POV is really the best way to go. It did get a bit confusing at times. Maybe put the first few paragraphs of each section in italics so we'll know we're in each siren's head and it's about to change.

And I'm sorry, I just have to point this out, if they REALLY wanted to get ahead in that job they could always blackmail the owner for employing teenage girls in an adult club. While WE know they're older than that, they do have the bodies of teenagers and they thing is generally frowned upon. I suppose they could get away with claiming to be 18 but still it could get a little skeevey at times. Which they could easily turn to their advantage. Didn't take me out of the story, just something that crossed my mind.

I like the unconventional narration style here. It works in an artistic/imagery sort of way.

I wonder if the story would be better with a bit of description from the chars?

They could describe the place so it seems more like a dump. If it's not a dump, readers have some idea what the place looks like.

"A hand on my ass as a sleaze ball looks me right in the eyes. He thought he was being subtle, but I swear, if he got any closer to sliding that thumb under my suit, I would knock his fucking lights out. His order is just as disgusting: a triple cheeseburger with a platter of onion rings. And of course, I’ll have to bring out the grease covered slop. I tried to not notice the greasy looking sheen on his face. Now I know where it came from. Ewww.

Damn. Another day in this dimly lit hole smelling sweaty men, watching them fumble in their pockets and not for money. If I knew this was my punishment for losing the battle of the bands... Yeah, whatever. Got to get the order back to the hot ass kitchen."

Apologies for the hacking up of your text.
It's easy to elaborate when someone else has done the heavy lifting.

I wonder if a bit of description of the club and some of the patrons would enhance this story?
Or is this something that could be left out because of style?

7460824 Left out due to style, and time restraints. This wasn't something commissioned, done late at night, and I don't get to do that very often anymore. Sorry.

This was a good story!

Holy sweet mother of god...................THERE IS GODDESS!

I almost want to see more of this. See them struggle with there lives. Because I bet without there magic. There mortal.

7461710 "Their" lives, "Their" magic, and "They're" mortal.

7467822 No one likes a Grammer nazi.


No ones like an illiterate cum-sodden dick rag, either.

7469088 No one likes* And please, both of you, stop. There is no reason to get this mean about a simple grammar lesson. And Iron
7468598 I blame you far more than Wingo, as there's no reason you should have replied in the first place to his correction.

7469104 I did not throw any insults, he did.

7469147 I will take grammar nazi as one, as it's just as antagonistic as name calling, because that's what it is.

7469190 due note, that when you only post to critique others spelling it's pretty much designed to cause ire and strife. I'm just calling it what it is. I won't be PC about it.

I really liked the first 80% or so. I thought their excitement at the end detracted from everything that came before.

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