• Published 25th Jun 2016
  • 1,347 Views, 23 Comments

Memory... - Amethyst_Dawn

Twilight looks at the windows in her palace.

  • ...

"I Remember..."

Twilight looked at the windows that decorated the hall of her palace, eyeing them each with a heavy nostalgia draped on her shoulders.

They were all there: from their first meeting, to the reformation of Discord, to the battle against Tirek, to finding Starlight, and then even to final duel with Starlight. And even all the alternate timelines were caught in the window's immortal portrayal, for all to see for generations: The rule of Nightmare Moon, the Crystal War, the Changeling Empire, and even the ending that not even Celestia predicted: the early Apocalypse, and the absence of all life.

Twilight kept pace until she stopped, and admired her own shadow: she had grown substantially since she first ascended to the position as Princess of Friendship, and for the fifth time in the past three weeks, she thought she would see five more shadows stop with her. None came, only the sound of approaching hoofsteps.

"Princess Twilight?"

She winced at the sound of the title: each time it was spoken was only a reminder. An unwanted reminder of good times gone by, but the voice that brought the name to her ears was a welcome one indeed.

"Is there really a need for that title anymore between us, Starlight? I should think that by now, you would feel fine addressing me as just Twilight." She replied in a silken tone, for even her voice had softened over the years. She turned to face her old friend, and smiled warmly.

"It still feels weird," Starlight sighed, stretching her shoulders: "do you think I'll ever get used to it?"

"It takes time, my faithful student." Twilight teased, ruffling her old pupil's hair. Starlight laughed slightly, and looked in the direction Twilight was heading. She knew her teacher visited that place most of the time she was in her own castle, and she wanted to make sure that she was not alone this time.

"Going back?"


"Do you... want me to keep you company?"

Twilight looked to the doorway at the end of the hall, at the six cutie marks that decorated the door, at the gemstones that used to represent the Elements of Harmony, and thought. Her expression was unreadable, until she closed her eyes, smiled softly, and nodded slowly: "I'd like that."

Starlight tried not to squeal in delight as she beamed: Twilight never let anyone, not even Spike, into the room. Not that he'd even fit in there anymore, though. Now, she was letting Starlight accompany her into the Hall of Memories. Starlight took it for what it was: an immense honor.

They walked up to the doors, side by side until they came to the single guard at the entrance. The orange, blue-haired Pegasus gave Twilight a questioning glance at the sight of Starlight. But with a nod from the princess, he opened the door immediately.

"It has been cleaned this morning, Princess." He said, bowing his head to the ground.

"Thank you, Kunzite Sentry." Twilight said graciously, bowing in return. A tear formed in her eye as she remembered the stallion's great grandfather, back when they first married.

Twilight closed her eyes and sighed as the door opened, while Starlight stared ahead in awe: at the back of the sealed room were five grand windows, each depicting a different pony, each showing off a face they both knew all too well.

The first depicted the regal figure of a well-groomed Unicorn, standing before a backdrop of Canterlot. And beneath it was a bust of the same mare, bearing her most prized possession: a golden neckpiece, with a heart-shaped Fire Ruby in its breast.

The second bore the image of a bold Pegasus, her prismatic mane blowing in the wind as she reared up, in the bottom corners were pictures of four ponies in Wonderbolts Academy suits, saluting their superior. Underneath this one was a sewing dummy, with a Wonderbolts jumpsuit bearing several medals. And behind one of the ears, sewn into the goggles, was a single yellow feather given to her by her closest friend for luck.

The third was the simplest of all: displaying an orange Earth Pony, wearing a large Stetson, and quietly leaning on a large apple tree. at the bottom was another dummy, this one with a country-style dress, designed by the white Unicorn, and on top of its head was the same Stetson.

The fourth showed a pink Earth Pony, garbed in a candy-themed gown: smiling as brightly as a pony could. Behind her were two young foals: a cream-colored Pegasus, and a Unicorn of similar color, but darker, each bearing a smile as bright as hers. Beneath it was a large display case, and inside was a simple blue cannon, with several canisters of confetti beside it.

Lastly, there was her personal favorite: a glowing illustration of a noble Pegasus, shining in a fine dress of seafoam green. She stood before the stunning scenery of a rainforest waterfall, and looked outward sweetly as animals gathered around her. At the base of this one was another bust: wearing a golden chain necklace with a diamond ring shimmering from the neck. Beneath each stunning window was an intricately detailed statue of the same pony.

"This... is all their treasures?" Starlight gasped, taking a forward step. Twilight stood back, and smiled warmly as her former student admired her work.

"They left them to me," Twilight sighed, walking up to Starlight: "they said they knew it would help me with..."

Starlight hung her head at the sight of her mentor: eyes glistening with tears as she choked on the last few words. She ran several possibilities through her head for cheering her, and was about to speak up, when Twilight spoke first:

"I remember..."

Starlight looked up sympathetically, allowing Twilight to continue.

"I remember all the times we had together: from the loud parties, to the quiet moments. From the joyous times, to the times of sorrow..."

She walked to each window in turn, and addressed each of them by their title.

"I remember Rarity, the Generous. How she even... gave up her own life for the rest of us, without hesitation. I remember Rainbow, the Steadfast, and how hard she fought until the end. I remember Applejack, the Honest, and how she ascended to become the Supreme Equestrian Judge. I remember Pinkie, the Joyous, and how she always brought a smile to our faces... even at her funeral."

She lifted a hoof, and caressed the last image in nostalgic melancholy:

"I Remember Fluttershy, Pietas corporatum, and how her wisdom guides us to this day..."

Starlight bowed her head in respect, and muttered a silent thanks for what little time she had with them.

"Thank you," Twilight sighed. She looked up to Starlight, who's expression was one showing confusion, and movement.

"E-excuse me?"

"Thank you for offering to accompany me this time," Twilight shared, "it's been too long since I talked about... this."

Starlight stood in stunned silence for a while, before shaking herself out of her trance: "It wasn't a problem, Twilight." She stated, getting a slightly brighter smile from Twilight. "I wanted to see what was really in here, since you've spent a third of your time in this hall."

"I-I hate to be blunt, Twilight, but I don't think it's a good thing to dwell on the past. If I remember correctly, that was one of the first things you taught me."

"True," Twilight sighed, "but it's unhealthy to forget those you loved most, even after forty-seven moons."

"It was hard for me too, Twilight, and it still is. But it seems to affect you even worse than me."

"I sat beside each of them, Starlight." Twilight sighed heavily, giving Starlight some pause. "I sat on their bedsides as they faded, one by one. It's been close to five thousand years since Fluttershy left, but her dissipation was still hardest of all, even after four beforehand. Outliving my parents was hard, but it was to be expected. But, I never thought that I would outlast those closest to me..."

"... not even my own husband."

"I'm afraid that's part of the price of Immortality, Twilight." A voice said softly from behind them. They both whipped around in surprise to see the most regal figure in Equestria, standing in the doorway: a tear shining on her cheek as well.

"Princess Celestia." Twilight said respectfully, kneeling slightly.

"Please, Twilight," Celestia said calmly, "we talked about this before."

She giggled as Twilight stood up again, and draped a hoof across her shoulder. "But I think it's about time for a talk: teacher, to student," she turned to Starlight, "to student's student."

"Celestia?" Twilight started, before a hoof placed on her lips stopped her.

"Just follow me." Celestia said, walking back down the hall. Starlight and Twilight looked between themselves, and followed.

When the three got to the balcony, the each spread their wings, and flew off. Starlight looked below as she glided across the landscape, the towns and villages flying past in a blur with each beat of her wings. She had flown before, but she had only used her magic. After a few thousand years, she was finally getting used to her new role.

After an hour of flight, they landed on the veranda of a secluded tower above Canterlot, decorated in dark blues in contradiction to the bright yellows of the capital city. A dark, hooded figure came out, and stood before them.

"Have you brought her, dear sister?" Luna asked, casting her hood back with her head.

"Indeed I have, Luna. Including the one who has relieved you of your former duty."

"Excellent," Luna said, before replacing her hood, and leading them into the depths of the tower. They descended for what seemed like ages before they got to the bottom of the pillar.

Before them were two large doors, and when they were opened, Twilight was confused at seeing the Six Companions from the Legend of Hearth's Warming Eve displayed in windows, similar to those in her own palace:

The first was of the regal Princess Platinum, shining with a dress of diamonds over the largest tower in the Unicorn empire of Equesus. Her white coat and three-tone mane showed a unique appearance often mistaken for a demigod.

The second, of Plumling Puddinghead, wearing his High Chancellor armor before a portrait of the great kingdom of Roam. His orange coat and green mane shone brilliantly in the sunlight.

The third depicted Commander Hurricane Drill, his black mane blowing in the wind, and his cyan coat drenched with snow as he defied any foes from entering the city of Pegasgard.

The fourth showed Pansy Fist, sitting down on the forest floor, admiring the soil, and the creatures. She was pawing at the ground with her pink hoof, and her yellow mane flew back graciously in the wind, giving her the look of ageless beauty.

The fifth bore Smart cookie, with his brown coat and darker brown spots showing his namesake well. His white mane fell limply to one side: tied with a bow at the end, as he preferred it.

The sixth shone with the unmistakable figure of Clover the Clever: Her night-blue coat shining in the starlight, and her light blue mane shone like silver.

Beneath each window was what Twilight assumed was the six's most prized possessions. But beneath a depiction of Clover the Clever was a large bed, still slightly unkempt. And Princess Platinum had nothing underneath her portrait.

"Why is there nothing beneath hers?" Starlight asked, pointing to the portrayal of the glorious white unicorn.

"Because... I have not yet passed away." Celestia sighed.

Twilight was in shock, she looked again at the figure in the window: Glorious white coat, and long horn. And mane glowing with blue, pink, and green. She turned back to Celestia: Glorious white coat, majestic wings, and long horn. Even the mane was similar, though considerably longer.

Starlight merely raised an eyebrow. "A-and the bed?" She asked.

"That would be mine." Luna stated bluntly, laying on the bedstead as if to show emphasis to her point.

"But... why keep this a secret?" Twilight asked. "The history books have it all wrong, they said you two--"

"Died with the others?" Luna chuckled. "Welcome to the world of Alicorns, Twilight: we always outlive our friends by thousands of years."

"And the history books don't have it wrong, Twilight." Celestia stated. "They indeed have it more straight then we did at first. The last public traces of the ponies who represented the Unicorns that fateful day did die with the last of the Six, and a part of us went with them."

She stepped forward, with her sister, and they placed their hooves on her shoulders, before pulling her in for a three-way embrace. Twilight gasped at first, but sighed contentedly when the full impact of the hug overcame her: She still had friends, she still had Spike, and she still had Starlight.

"Equestria still needs heroes, Twilight." Starlight said, placing a gentle hoof on her mentor's head, before petting her slowly. "And whether we want it or not, we're meant to fill that position. Fallen heroes will always be remembered by the ponies, but it's us: the living ones, the ones with exposure, the ones who are responsible for teaching this land. It is us few who can help turn them into legends."

Twilight tried her best not to cry, but tears of both joy and pride came pouring out. "Did you learn that from Celestia?"

Starlight shook her head with a chuckle: "You said it at the memorial for the Original Cutie Mark Crusaders, as a closing statement. The club has grown a thousand fold since then, you know."

She bent down, and gave Twilight a sisterly look: "Each of our friends, in our town, have started something special, Twilight. Moving forward is the best way to preserve their memory."

Twilight sighed as she, and the others, stood up. "You're right." She giggled. "You're all right, if I latch my entire being to the past, it won't leave any room for growth. Thank you, my sisters."

"We all love you, Twilight." Luna grinned. "And we'll all be right here in case you need to talk, at all."

"Now, if you'll excuse us," Celestia laughed, gesturing for Starlight and Luna to follow: "We need to lower the stars and moon, and raise the sun."

Starlight was about to follow, but stopped, and turned back to Twilight. Prompting the others to do the same.

"It's the dawning of a new day, Twilight." She said coolly. "Do you want to celebrate it with us?"

Twilight stood: smiling gently as she looked past them, to the stairs.

"A new day indeed, Starlight..."

"... A day to form Legends."

Author's Note:

This is my first attempt at a nostalgia fic, so feel free to criticize politely.

We've all lost friends in the past, whether because of moving, or death. It hurts, but living on is the best way to remember them.

We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized.
Hebrews 6:11

I am planning on rewriting this later, but I think I'll leave it like this for now. Future goal is 5-8,000 words.
~Amethyst Dawn

Comments ( 22 )

Wow said my friend btw good start btw

Thanks to the people who took the time to read this. I'm a bit green to nostalgia fics...

Probably because I'm only in my teens, and I live in the Arctic. :facehoof: I don't really have much to be nostalgic about.

Any Constructive Criticism is greatly appreciated. Thank you! :twilightsmile:

Ill be waiting for more :twilightsmile:

That was good. Maybe a little simple but not everything need to be crazy complex to be good. I also liked how Celestia and Luna were part of the original group that founded Equestra. I think there's another story to be told there.

And yeah, I'm planning on addressing that in another fic, or in greater detail when I rewrite this. It's a personal headcanon that came to me when I was writing this. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

Great story!
I'm so hyped for the next chapter, if is on planning form.
The story was so beautiful :fluttercry:

You found it moving? Wow, Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

But I'm not sure if the updates will be another chapter, or a rewrite to get more detail in there. Might go either way.

I'm so glad you liked it! :twilightsmile:

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:
I'm actually surprised this many people enjyed it that much... I'm flattered! :twilightblush:

At first I was like wait.... If the mane 6 (mane 5) are dead how come starlight is still alive? But then when she flew I was oh!:facehoof: I'm so stupid! Anyway great work! I almost cried..... And I never cry for fanfictions!:raritycry:

Wow, thanks!
And that's the surprise effect I was going for with Starlight, I'm glad you liked this! :twilightsmile:

7363961 it was really amazing, and it was clever taking that route for Starlight!:pinkiehappy:

Thanks! :twilightsmile:
I was trying to figure out what she'd be the Alicorn of, and decided on... well... Starlight. :twilightblush:

This was great! I love your stories! Third one I'm faving

Thanks! I'm thrilled you like my work. :pinkiehappy::yay::twilightsmile:

Yeah... None of this made any bucking sense. So explanations are in order for me to understand this story at all.

Your feedback is appreciated. :twilightsmile:

Still hoping to hear what the heck I just read. Because I still don't get it.

Well, what part of it confused you?

Everything past them seeing the founder's memorlials. I guess.

Ah, I see. Basically this story is theorizing that Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever eventually became the Princesses Celestia and Luna. :twilightsmile:

Looking back on it now that you've pointed this out, I didn't write this as well as I wanted to. It was a rookie try, though, so it's got some cringe value for me. :rainbowlaugh:

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