• Published 17th May 2016
  • 1,151 Views, 100 Comments

The Ghost Of Me - Bluecatcinema

The untold story of Black Knight Paladin.

  • ...

Start Again

"So, this is it." Fletcher mused. "The big finish."

"Yeah, not too big." Black shrugged. "There's not much left to tell, but what's left is still important."

"Boy, it feels like you've been telling us this story for months." Caboose remarked. "Or at least twenty-seven chapters..."

"Makes me glad I wasn't there for the beginning." Fury sneered. "Sounds like a real snooze-fest..."

"You do know that's my life you're talking about?" Black frowned.

"Yeah, so?" Fury sneered.

"I happen to think it's been quite compelling so far." Fletcher defended Black.

"Yeah, it's the kind of story that should be made into a movie!" Caboose agreed.

"Well, don't expect me to buy a ticket." Fury snorted.

"Anyway, as I saying..." Black frowned. "After the fight with Steeple, things seemed to be going my way again.."

Not so long ago...

Following Steeple's capture, Elite followed through on Black's suggestion regarding Pike. On Elite's orders, Armory fitted a specially-built shock collar to Pike's leg.

"Okay, that should do it." He declared. "If you step outside the headquarters' radius, it'll go off, and you'll be zapped with two hundred volts."

"Yeowch." Pike cringed. "That won't tickle."

"Sorry about this, but the higher-ups think it's best to err on the side of caution..." Armory apologized.

"It's okay." Pike shrugged. "I'm still a dangerous criminal, after all. And besides, considering the Forefathers wouldn't be too pleased to see me after I ratted on them, I have no real reason to go outside. Like, ever."

"Good point." Armory mused.

"Hey, I'm just glad to finally get out of that cell." Pike smiled.

"I'm sure Black would agree." Armory chuckled.

"Well, we'll soon find out." Pike mused.

Not long after, Armory led Pike up to the meeting room, where the rest of the Taskforce were gathered.

"As you all know, Mr Redfield recently provided us with key intel that allowed us to locate and apprehend Steeple Chase." Elite declared. "He freely divulged information on one of the Forefathers' top agents. That, coupled with his being a model prisoner over the years, has encouraged me to... lessen his sentence. Not only will he be allowed to freely walk around the HQ, he will also provide us with more crucial information regarding the Forefathers."

"Welcome to the team, Pike." Black smiled.

"I haveta admit, you have been helping us out a lot lately." Ballista confessed. "So I'd say you've earned a little wiggle room."

"...Are we sure this is a good idea?" Incognito asked.

"I agree with Incognito." Master Mind frowned. "Pike was supposedly head of the Black Sheep, the Forefathers' rabid attack dogs... no offense." He said to Pike.

"None taken." Pike snorted. "But I'm not 'rabid'. I did the job because I wanted a purpose, not because I like to kill."

"And we should believe that... why?" Incognito frowned.

"Come on, guys." Black sighed. "Pike really isn't that bad. I should know. When I was starting to slip, he tried to pull me back. Just because he worked for the Forefathers doesn't mean he's totally evil."

"Black's right." Armory nodded. "Pike's been here for years, and not once has he tried to pull anything. He had every opportunity to try something when I was putting on that collar, and did nothing."

"Besides, he did give us that intel." Ballista added. "And he has plenty more to share."

"Rrf..." Titan grunted, not too fond of the idea himself.

"If you ask me, this scum should just be taken outside and thrown in a deep hole." Fury sneered.

"Thank you, Fury." Elite said flatly. "Your opinion has been noted."

"Just keep him away from me." Fury scowled. "Unless you want him to get a few new head holes."

"Wow." Pike shook his head. "And here I thought Black was exaggerating about your attitude just a little bit. Sorry, Black."

"No problem." Black shrugged. "This guy has to be seen to be believed."

"That much we can agree on." Fury scoffed. “And I'm not interesting in gettin' cozy with the Forefathers' former top killing machine.”

"Despite your personal feelings, you can be assured that we do have measures to restrain Mr Redfield if... certain matters occur." Elite admitted. "His collar has been enchanted to shock him if he attempts anything violent."

"Now you tell me." Pike sighed.

"Just a necessary precaution, mate." Ballista assured him. "To calm down the worrywarts, ya understand?"

"Yeah, sure." Pike shrugged. "But at least some of you guys trust me. That's better than nothing."

"Give it time." Black smiled. "We'll see..."

Over the coming weeks, Pike made the most of his newfound freedom, exercising in the gym and enjoying some food in the mess hall. Despite his need to get out of the cell, he found he had actually gotten used to it, and made it his quarters (after refurbishing it, of course).

Titan, Incognito and Master Mind elected to keep their distance at first, but over time, they saw that Pike wasn't making any real move to attack, and loosened up a little, though they still couldn't forget that Pike was once one of the Forefathers' agents.

Fury remained the same, however. He kept as far from Pike as possible (even more so than the others), and whenever circumstances did cause them to directly cross paths, he was less than pleasant about it.

One afternoon, Pike found himself almost bumping right into Fury as he left the mess hall.

"Watch it, jailbird." Fury scowled.

"Sor-ry." Pike snorted.

"Yeah, you should be." Fury spat. "Sorry for all the sick things you've done."

"You're talking like I enjoyed any of it." Pike countered. "I didn't. It was just a job to me, nothing more."

"That's what they all say." Fury sneered. "Of course you enjoyed it, sicko. You may have that moron Black believing your little 'reformation', but as far as I'm concerned, you're still nothing but a Forefathers flunky. So do yourself a favor and keep away from me."

"Right now, I can think of no greater pleasure..." Pike growled, as Fury walked away.

Weeks turned to months, which then turned to years. In this period of time, Pike continued to offer intel on the Forefathers. His in-depth information led the Taskforce to many secret hideouts, and some of his fellow Black Sheep. Along the way, he decided to take up woodwork.

"Seriously?" Black mused, as he saw Pike working on a slab of oak. "What are you, a colt scout?"

"Hey, I may be outta that cell, but I still gotta stay indoors." Pike shrugged. "Gotta do something to pass the time. And I figure after all these years of destroying, I should learn how to create."

"Suit yourself." Black shrugged.

"Hey, if you ever need a new piece of furniture, feel free to ask." Pike smiled.

"I'll keep that in mind..." Black rolled his eyes.

For a while, it seemed like things were starting to finally go back to normal for Black and the team… until one fateful day…

Early one morning, the Taskforce were once again brought into the meeting room. Pike had joined in too, having been permitted to come along.

"Wonder what's up?" Armory mused.

"It better be something good." Fury said grumpily. "I've been bored out of my mind lately."

"Join the club." Black rolled his eyes. "Still, it'll be good to have Elite back. What's he been doing these past few days again?"

"He's been in Canterlot." Ballista nodded. "He went up here to find a replacement for poor General Sherman. He was supposed to have returned by now, with two of the top candidates for Sherman's replacement."

"Perhaps finding candidates was harder than he thought." Master Mind frowned.

"Or he could have gotten caught in traffic." Incognito suggested.

At that moment, Elite entered the room. Everypony gasped as they saw him. He was a bit roughed up, with scratches and bruises all over, his director's cloak notably missing.

“Elite?!” Black gasped.

“Lauren Faust, mate, what happened to you?!” Ballista gaped.

“You looked like you've been mauled by a bunch of Timberwolves.” Fury frowned.

“Well, something came up over at Canterlot.” Elite let out a sigh.

“Like what?” Ballista frowned. “You told me you were bringing those two blokes in to decide which one would be General!”

“Well, see for yourself.” Elite switched on a screen. “Watch.”

To the Taskforce's surprise, a gigantic metal spider appeared onscreen. It was stomping and blasting its way through Canterlot.

"Holy buck." Ballista gaped.

"Rrrrf..." Titan growled.

“Is that… a giant metal spider?” Fury’s eyes widened, and he turned to Elite. “Is this for real?”

“Yes. I think the state I’m in would attest to that.” Elite deadpanned.

“Well, I’ll be damned.” Pike mused, getting closer to the screen. “This looks like Loveless’s work.”

“Loveless?” Armory frowned, before lighting up. “You mean Mr. Irons?”

“That’s what you've been calling him?” Pike asked. “Yeah, that’s his name. He’s the guy who made most of the Forefathers’ best gadgets and weaponry… and I gotta say, this spider is a doozy.” He then frowned. “Though I didn’t think the old stallion would be up for this kind of mindless destruction. That’s not his style.”

“Well, as awful as this is, I can’t help but admire the craftsponyship.” Armory admitted. “Nothing I've made comes close to something like that.”

"The Forefathers did this?!" Incognito gaped. "They attacked Canterlot, in broad daylight?"

"Gotta give 'em credit." Fury shrugged with a growl. "An attack like that takes guts."

"How could we not have known about this?" Master Mind frowned.

"Yeah, somepony needs to have a word with our informants." Black added, turning to Pike. “No offense.”

"Okay, everypony just relax." Elite urged. "And listen."

"Mere hours after the defeat of the monstrous metal spider, Canterlot is struggling to recover." A news reporter declared. "Details are sketchy on just what stopped the machine, but there are rumors that the Western Shade, AKA Shade Paladin, a cousin of the Prince, had a hoof in stopping it."

Black’s blood froze upon mention of his son’s name.

"Shade..." Black muttered.

"Most of the perpetrators behind the attack have either been slain, captured, or fled." The reporter continued. "No word yet on the actual motive behind the attack, but the investigation is ongoing."

The report came to an end, leaving the Taskforce with much to consider.

"I had no idea the Forefathers were prepared to launch such an attack." Master Mind frowned.

“Seriously, Elite, what the hell?” Fury glared. “Why didn’t you call us in to take care of this?”

“It’s not like I had time to make a call, Fury.” Elite deadpanned. “Time was of the essence and I needed to stop them.”

“All on your own?” Armory asked.

“Fortunately no.” Elite smirked. “I had a little help from the Captain and his Lieutenant.”

“...Wait, you mean that Fletcher and Caboose you had Titan tailing all these months?” Master Mind questioned.

-"The very same." Elite nodded. "I had my doubts at first when I met them, but they truly went far and beyond their call of duty today."

"Today, maybe." Fury retorted. "But what about tomorrow? Heck, for all you know, they just got lucky."

"Luck had nothing to do with it." Elite declared. "They used all their skill and ingenuity to make a difference. They're just the kind of recruits we need."

"Yeah, whatever you say." Fury growled.

"Give them time." Elite smiled. "I'm sure they'll grow on you. And let's face, our organization needs all the new members it can get."

"...Hey. Not that I care or anything, but where's Black?" Fury asked suddenly.

The Taskforce glanced at Black's seat, finding it empty.

“...Hold on, the news… they mentioned Shade!” Armory realized.

"Oh no..." Ballista cringed. "He must have gone to check on Shade." He turned to Elite. “Is he okay?!”

“Hard to say.” Elite shook his head. “You all remember Solomon, right?”

“Kinda hard to forget the guy who can fire lightning.” Pike snorted.

“Well, let’s just say that Solomon did not take his loss very well.” Elite frowned. “Shade tackled him into a pool of water to save Prince Shine and he got electrocuted. Last I heard, he was unconscious and barely stable.”

“Oh, crap…” Armory sighed. “...Well, I guess we can’t blame Black for going to see him. He just wants to make sure his son is okay…”

"Well, that ain't happening." Fury scoffed, standing up. "I'll get after him and drag him back here before he does something stupid. By force, if I have to..."

"Don't bother." Ballista said firmly.

"Say what?" Fury frowned.

"It'd be a waste of time." Ballista retorted. "We couldn't stop Black even if we wanted to."

"Wanna bet?" Fury scoffed.

"When Black really wants something, he won't let anything or anypony stop him." Armory remarked.

"So true." Pike chuckled. "So you might as well not bother, feathers."

"Seriously?" Fury sneered.

"That's enough, Fury." Elite told him. "I doubt Black will do anything stupid. We should have faith that he will return without incident."

"Good luck with that." Fury scoffed.

Meanwhile, Black was making his way into Canterlot. He had been in such a rush that he had neglected to don his armor, instead hiding himself under a cloak.

'I have to make sure Shade's okay.' He thought. 'If anything's happened to him...'

Once he arrived in Canterlot, Black took advantage of the recovery efforts to slip between the damaged areas unnoticed. He soon reached the castle, and slipped in using all the stealth techniques he had learned from both Shadow and Incognito. While he was no ninja, he was able to make it to the infirmary, having remembered his way around from the last time he was here. He wasn’t completely sure if Shade would be there, but he had a hunch.

That hunch turned out to be correct as Black checked the infirmary. As he did, he looked on with horror at Shade's burnt, wounded body. He read a nearby medical report, learning that he had suffered electrocution from Solomon when he tried to attack Shine.

"Oh, son..." Black whispered. "I should have been there for you. I should have always been there for you..."

Suddenly, Shade shifted in his sleep. Instinctively, Black slipped into the shadows. He was both shocked and elated to see that Shade was still alive. But that soon gave way to panic.

'I can't let him see me!' He thought. He turned towards the door, then stopped himself. 'Wait, what am I thinking? This is the chance to speak to my son for the first time in his life. I can't pass that up...'

Black remained in place as Shade awoke.

"Ow..." Shade mumbled. "Last time I go one-on-one with a pony-sized bug zapper..."

"That was pretty reckless, wasn't it?" Black grinned. "Wonder where you get that from?"

"What the- who's there?!" Shade glanced around, wincing from rising up too quickly.

"Easy there." Black declared. "Don't hurt yourself. And don't worry, I'm not here to do it for you."

"Who are you?" Shade frowned, easing himself into a more comfortable position. "Show yourself."

"You got it." Black answered.

Black stepped into the light... and Shade became dumbfounded.

"Hello, son." Black gave a small smile.

"D-dad?" Shade gaped. "But you're... which means... ...Am I dead?"

"No, but you gave it your best shot." Black shrugged.

"Then, what? Is this a dream?" Shade asked. "None of this is real?"

"I wouldn't worry about that." Black declared, more than happy to let his son believe that (for his own good). "I'm here, that's all that matters."

"That you are..." Shade frowned, as he then glared. "Took you long enough. I guess twenty-seven years late is better than never."

"Okay, I deserve that." Black Knight admitted with a cringe. "I know you're less than happy to see me."

"'Less than happy' doesn't even cover it." Shade snarled. "You left mom and me behind! You abandoned a mare who loved you, and your own unborn son, just so you could wage war on the royals!"

Black remained silent, taking each angry word calmly. But inwardly, they were like daggers to his heart.

"Obviously, your little crusade meant more to you than we did!" Shade continued his rant. "You just ran off to cause more trouble, calling yourself 'Red Eclipse', and never looking back! You broke mom's heart, and left me... left me without a dad..." His anger began to give way to sorrow. "Without a father to raise me, to guide me, to love me..."

"Shade... I really wish there was something that I could say." Black shook his head. "But I don't think word can make things right."

"Do you really want to know the worst of it all?" Shade sniffed. "You died before I could ask you why you did all those things. I have to go through the rest of my life with these questions of what could've been. Both me and mom..."

Black was wracked with guilt.

'I have to make this right.' He thought. 'Somehow...'

"...But what if I could tell you why?" He asked.

"It wouldn't do any good." Shade scoffed sadly. "You're not even real. You're just something that my probably nearly-toasted brain cooked up. Everything you say would just be what I think you'd say."

"Come on Shade, at least give me a chance." Black urged. "Anything you want to ask me, I'll try to answer as best I can. Could you give me that, at least?"

Shade glanced at Black, who was hoping with all his heart that the son he had left behind would take him up on the offer.

"Okay, I'll bite..." Shade sighed, as he then glanced at him firmly. "My first question is this... why did you leave me and mom all those years ago? Why did you leave us and never came back?"

"I had no choice, kiddo." Black shook his head.

"I've heard that one before." Shade snorted. "Mom's been feeding me that line since I was old enough to ask. And every time I hear it, I believe that line less and less."

"But it's the truth." Black insisted. "Believe me, if I had it my way, I would've never left in the first place. I would have gladly stayed with your mother, made her my wife, and we'd have raised you together."

"Yeah, right. Forgive me if I have trouble believing that." Shade growled. "...Did you even love mom?"

"You're damn right I did." Black declared, a bit peeved by that remark. He stood for nopony questioning his feelings for Belle, not even his own son. "I never loved another mare the way I loved your mother. Not before, or since. I know I've done a lot of things that I'm not proud of, but leaving her behind was the worst and the hardest thing I've ever done… and I would have given anything to take it back."

Overcome with emotion, Black felt a tear emerging. He turned away, not wanting Shade to see.

"...You really mean that?" Shade asked, shaken by Black's show of emotion.

"Of course I do." Black nodded. "Not a day went by without me thinking about her."

"Oh..." Shade murmured, his anger visibly diminishing. "You... you really did love her, didn't you?"

"Even now, I think of her every day." Black admitted. "After I left her all those years ago, I kept wanting to come back to Prairieville, if only to see how well off she was since I left."

"Did you really?" Shade frowned.

"Yes..." Black nodded. "But then... one day, I came by Praireville, after being away a couple of years. I saw her walking down the local marketplace. Then I saw a little Pegasus colt keeping close to her. Aside from the wings and the eyes, the little guy looked like a miniature version of me. It was there and then that I realize that I hadn't just left behind the mare I love... but I left behind a son. And it hurt.." He closed his eyes and shuddered softly, the pain of leaving them behind as fresh as ever. "It hurt a lot."

"Dad..." Shade sighed.

"All I could do was watch from afar whenever I could and see you grow up." Black confessed. "While it pained me to not be a part of your life... it did me proud, knowing what a strong and kind stallion you had become..."

"Yet you weren't proud enough to come and see me face-to-face." Shade frowned.

Shade's statement struck a chord with Black, who knew just how right his son was.

"I couldn't." Black sighed. "If I could have, I would, but I couldn't. I wasn't even supposed to know that you existed, let alone come back to Prairieville. It was a dangerous road I walked. And I had to walk it alone. Even if it meant leaving your mother... and turning my back on my brother... I had to cut myself off from everypony I knew and loved, so that you'd all be safe."

"Safe from who? The Forefathers?" Shade asked.

"...Who told you that name?" Black's eyes widened in shock.

"Solomon." Shade muttered. "It's a long story, but he said that you and him and these 'Forefathers' went back a long way, and that you kept getting in their way. Am I to assume that's what you meant by 'dangerous path'?"

"You're a sharp kid, alright." Black chuckled. "Must've gotten that from your mother..."

"But is it true?" Shade asked. "Are they part of the reason you did all those things?"

"That I cannot truly say." Black frowned. "Let's say just say there were certain circumstances... but regardless, I never lost sight of what truly mattered to me..."

"...Well, I guess that's something." Shade shrugged.

"...I truly am sorry that I had to leave." Black frowned. "If I had known... if only I'd stayed a little longer..."

"If it's any consolation, I'm sorry too." Shade admitted. "Maybe if things had been different, I wouldn't have turned out to be a low-life thief. Then again, maybe not..."

'I know those thoughts all too well...' Black mused.

"Don't blame others for your choices, Shade." He declared. "I have full confidence that your mother raised you right. That she raised you to be a good and decent stallion."

"She did." Shade nodded. "She was the kindest, most caring mother I ever could have asked for."

"That's my girl." Shade smiled. "I knew she'd do fine without me..."

"The truth is, I only became a member of the Fifty Thieves so I could pay for her medical bills." Shade admitted. "She was sick, and I had to see to it that she got well..."

"And you did everything you could to help her get well again." Black smiled. "Even if it meant breaking the law..."

"I wonder where I got that from?" Shade joked.

"You're a fine stallion, Shade." Black smiled. "Just as I always hoped you'd be. I'm sorry I never got the chance to tell you before now..."

"Well, you're telling me now." Shade pointed out. "Even if it is in some weird dream..."

"Yeah." Black chuckled... before sighing. "I don't expect you to forgive me, son. I only wanted to let you know the truth. You can judge for yourself whether or not it makes a lick of difference. But I'll always be proud of you, no matter what you think of me..."

"I forgive you, dad." Shade sniffed, his eyes welling up. "And... I love you."

"...I love you too, son." Black smiled warmly, his eyes misty, as he wrapped his hoof around Shade, bringing him to his chest. "I've always wanted to hold you in my hooves, to make sure you're safe and happy. You may not be a foal any more, but at least I finally got the chance."

"Yeah..." Shade returned the hug. "For years, I dreamed about what this would feel like."

"Is it everything you thought it would be?" Black asked.

"Even better." Shade smiled.

'Same here.' Black thought, as he moved his hoof to the back of his neck, lightly pinching a nerve as he placed a patch with a powerful anaesthetic on the back of Shade's neck. It was one of Armory's latest innovations; the drug would be absorbed into the victim's skin without their knowledge, and knock them out in moments. 'It's too bad I can't let you think this was all real...' He released his son, taking the patch with him.

"I've heard about your fighting prowess, Shade." Black announced, ruffling his son's mane. "You're a real scrapper, just like your old pop."

"Well, mom wasn't going to teach me anything like that." Shade shrugged. "I pretty much taught myself. Never knew until now how I could be so good at it."

"Like father, like son." Black smiled. "But I like to think you're putting your skills to better use than I did."

"Not exactly." Shade admitted. "But that might just change..."

"That's my boy." Black chuckled.

The two shared a lingering smile.

"I'm sorry, Shade." Black declared suddenly. "But I have to go now."

"Go?" Shade whimpered. "But... why?"

"It's complicated, son..." Black sighed. "But there's still much for me to do..."

"No, please..." Shade weakly cried. "I still have so many questions... and I feel like if this dream ends... I'll never see you again..."

"I know..." Black whispered. He kissed Shade on the forehead, and rose up. "One day... one day, we'll see each other again. I promise..." He then rubbed his son's mane. "Just rest up, okay?"

"D-dad..." Shade silently sobbed, as his vision blurred.

"I'll always be with you, son." Black declared, as Shade drifted into unconsciousness. "Always..."

Once Shade's eyes had closed, Black put his cloak put on and departed the castle. A part of him was sorry the meeting had to end so soon, but the other part was glad he finally had the chance to talk with his son.

'I finally got to see what kind of stallion my boy became.' Black smiled. 'He's better than I ever could have imagined...'

As Black rounded a corner, he found himself face-to-face with Elite.

“Elite.” Black gasped.

“Black.” Elite nodded, “I figured I would find you here.”

“...I’m sorry, Elite.” Black sighed. “I know I wasn’t supposed to… but he’s my son… and I had to make sure-”

“There’s no need to explain, Black.” Elite smiled, placing his metal hoof on Black's shoulder. “I understand completely. To be honest, after everything the boy has been through these past couple of days, I think he needed this as much as you did.”

"Thanks, Elite." Black smiled. "I know after everything I've done, it can't be easy to trust me, and me just rushing off like that didn't exactly inspire confidence..."

"On the contrary." Elite countered. "I knew the reason for you rushing off. Besides, I have always trusted you. Nothing will ever changed that. Even when you left, I always trusted you'd somehow find your way back."

"Thanks, Elite." Black said, humbled. "I'm still not sure I deserve that kind of trust, but having a boss like you makes me all the more determined to live up to it."

"In truth, I can't imagine my life without you, old friend." Elite admitted.

"Me neither." Black nodded. "Especially considering you helped me make it worth something."

"It always was." Elite assured him.

“Well, I guess I should be heading back before somepony catches you and me together.” Black joked.

“Actually, Black… I think you should stick around for awhile.” Elite stopped him.

"...Why?" Black frowned.

"Well, for starters, it wouldn't hurt for you to keep an eye on your boy for a while longer." Elite smiled. "Not to mention your input on our possible recruits would be invaluable..."

"Well, I guess for you, I'd be willing to pitch in." Black agreed. "And I wouldn't mind being able to watch over Shade a little longer."

"Excellent." Elite smiled. "I knew I could count on you."

"Always." Black nodded.

The present...

"So… weeks later, after Elite made my son an RDL general and we'd both run down some leads in Canterlot, Elite decided the time was right to bring in the new recruits." Black recapped. "And he asked me to introduce myself to them. I wasn't thrilled at first, but he convinced me it was the best way to earn your confidence. And that's pretty much the whole story up until now."

"Wait, it can't be over yet." Caboose frowned. "Who were those new recruits you were talking about?"

"...Caboose, they were us." Fletcher rolled his eyes.

"Oh, yeah." Caboose smiled. "That makes sense..." He frowned. “I think?”

“So, now you both know my whole life story.” Black declared. “...Do with this what you will. If you still don’t want to associate yourself with me, I won’t hold it against you.”

Fletcher and Caboose glanced at each other, then at Black.

"Well, I must say, this story has certainly helped to change my perception of you over the last few days." Fletcher admitted. "But I'm still having a bit of trouble processing it all."

"I get it completely." Caboose smirked.

"Either way, we're going to need some time to think over the offer." Fletcher mused.

“I understand.” Black nodded.

“Take all the time you need.” Elite declared. “We will have our ponies take you back to Canterlot.”

“Thank you, sir.” Fletcher saluted.

“Just curious, what exactly do we tell our wives about… this?” Caboose questioned, before glancing at Black. “Aside from the war-monger that's supposed to be dead.”

“Just tell them that you are being considered for the positions of consultants for the RDL.” Ballista declared. “As far as they know, you would be both called upon to help RDL with official ‘RDL business’ from time to time. Trust me, the less they know about what we do and who we face, the better.”

“Hmm, I dunno, I’m not really good at keeping secrets.” Caboose frowned.

“Let me put it this way.” Fury stepped forth. “You tell anypony, you'll become my personal pin cushion.”

“...You can’t do that.” Caboose frowned. “If you did, I would die.”

Fury remained silent, as he glanced at Fletcher.

“Is he for real?” Fury glared.

“Yes, he is.” Fletcher nodded. “But you don’t need to worry. Caboose and I won't tell anypony. I swear.”

"You'd better not..." Fury growled.

Shortly after, Caboose and Fletcher prepared to depart back to their families in Canterlot.

"Well, it's been great getting to know all of you." Fletcher announced to the gathered Taskforce.

"A blast." Caboose nodded, before glancing at Fury. "Mostly..."

Fury narrowed his eyes slightly, but otherwise showed no indication of acknowledging Caboose.

"It's been good to get you both too." Incognito smiled.

"You're both really great guys." Armory added.

"And I have no doubt you'll make excellent operatives." Master Mind nodded.

"If they decide to join." Black noted. "It's up to them."

"We look forward to hearing your decision." Elite smiled.

"Just don't leave it too long." Ballista joked. "I hate waitin'..."

"We'll try to be quick." Caboose shrugged. "But I never was the best decision-maker. You should see me at restaurants when I have to choose between soup or salad..."

"A decision this big does require some ruminating." Fletcher admitted. "But after some time at home, I'm sure the right decision will occur to us. Until then."

Fletcher and Caboose departed, Caboose waving as they did.

"You think they'll go for it?" Incognito asked.

"I hope so." Armory smiled.

"Statistically, it seems quite probable." Master Mind declared.

"Forget 'probable'." Black snorted. "I say it's a certainty."

"As do I." Elite agreed. "I have no doubt they reply in the positive."

"I don't care either way." Fury scoffed.

"Really?" Ballista smirked. "I never would've guessed..."

Fletcher and Caboose returned home to their respective families, by which time it was evening.

"I'm back!" Caboose grinned, as he entered his home.

"Hi, dad!" Hurricane beamed.

"Daddy!" Michael hugged him.

"You've been gone a while, haven't you?" Daring kissed her husband. "Whatever they've got in mind for you must be really important if it means you're spending so much time away from us."

"Nothing's more important to me than all of you." Caboose smiled, kissing Daring. "No job is gonna change that."

"I know." Daring smiled, as they all hugged.

Meanwhile, Fletcher returned to his own home.

"Hey, handsome." Dove embraced him. "How was your day?"

"Not too bad." Fletcher declared. "Caboose and I are being heavily considered as consultants to the RDL."

"Not bad." Dove smiled. "Are you going to accept?"

"I still need some time to think about it." Fletcher shrugged.

"Well, you take all the time you need." Dove told him. "But not too much time. Gotta save some focus for me and our foal."

"Like I'd ever forget." Fletcher stroked Dove's stomach lovingly.

After having dinner with their families, Fletcher and Caboose climbed into bed alongside their spouses, thoughts of their upcoming decision still on their minds until they fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Fletcher slipped out of bed and went for a walk around Canterlot, mulling over the decision. As he did, he came across a monument to Celestia, and saw Caboose nearby, gazing at it.


Caboose glanced to his right as Fletcher joined his side.

“Hey, Fletch.” Caboose smiled. “Had trouble sleeping?”

“Yeah. Couldn’t sleep a wink.” Fletcher frowned. “So… what are you doing here? When I came by your place earlier, Daring told me you went out to look at Equestrian monuments… what’s up with that?”

“It’s something I saw in a movie once.” Caboose admitted. “When this one actor was asked to join a bunch of patriotic secret agents to take on some evil government run by this funny evil dictator, he went to all the monuments while that one song ‘Freedom Isn’t Free’ played in the background before he decided to join the team. I thought if I did that, it might help me make up my mind.”

“And?” Fletcher urged.

“It did not help one bit.” Caboose grimaced. “All I get when I look at this monument is an urge to smash it with a hammer…” He then tilted his head. “I think it might have something to do with the fact that I’m Bitalian instead of Equestrian.”

“I don’t think so.” Fletcher mused, raising his hooves on the rail. “I think it’s just different for some ponies. Some things brings out different feelings in different ponies.”

“Yeah, like that new Ghostbuckers movie.” Caboose pouted. “Seriously, ponies get so ticked off over the stupidest things.”

“I guess they do.” Fletcher chuckled… then frowned. “So… what do you think, Caboose? About joining the Director and Black in their fight against these Forefathers?”

“...That no matter what Elite said, I'm still getting an Avengers vibe from this whole Taskforce thing.” Caboose frowned.

“I’m serious, Caboose.” Fletcher groaned. “I understand now that Black was never the awful pony we believed him to be. His story makes me want to join the Taskforce and protect Equestria… but at the same time… it scares me a little..

“It does?” Caboose frowned.

“Yes…” Fletcher admitted. “I mean, look at all the damage that a small group of Forefathers affiliates caused to Canterlot.”

“To be fair, they did have a giant metal spider.” Caboose added.

“That only makes things more daunting.” Fletcher shook his head. “...One of them had my wife… my pregnant wife at bowpoint. Had the Director and I not been there…” The young stallion couldn’t bring himself to finish the thought.

“But you were there.” Caboose frowned. “And you both kicked his flank.”

“Yeah… but does that mean I should join the Taskforce?” Fletcher questioned. “If I do, I could be putting my wife and my unborn foal in the crosshairs again.” He glanced at Caboose, fear in his eyes. “Should I take that risk? Should we take the risk?”

“...Well…” Caboose took a moment to ponder it. “It’s not like we’re not qualified. I mean, we both kick ass with our killer moves and our killer looks!”

“Not exactly how I would put it, but go on.” Fletcher shrugged.

“And we both know that these Forefathers guys are pretty bad news. I mean, they had a giant metal spider! If that isn’t evil, then I don’t know what is.” Caboose reasoned.

“Also true, but if we were to join the Taskforce, we would be making ourselves the enemies of some of the most dangerous ponies the world has probably ever seen. And what of our families?” Fletcher asked.

“...To be honest, Fletcher, I think that bridge has been burnt.” Caboose cringed. “I mean, those guys on the spider will probably remember us after seeing us with Elite. And if that jerk Killsquad was with the Forefathers, then I think they might go after my brothers anyways… then again, me and my brothers did piss off a lot of ponies over the years.”

“But that only proves my point.” Fletcher frowned. “What if we're not good enough? What if we can’t protect the ponies we love?”

“...Then we just protect them harder.” Caboose declared.

“Protect them… harder?” Fletcher repeated.

“Yeah.” Caboose nodded. “Look, maybe we will be putting everypony we love in danger if we take this job. But hey, that’s why we’re Royal Guards, ain’t it? Protecting is what we do. And not to toot anypony’s horn, but we've done a pretty good job so far, right?”

"Yes, we have." Fletcher admitted.

"And we'll do an even better job as part of Elite's group." Caboose noted. "We'll be able to go places no Royal Guard, royal, or even Napoleon can go."

"We can do everything in our power to defend Equestria, and our loved ones." Fletcher smiled.

"We can help stop those Forefather creeps from ruining more lives!" Caboose cheered.

"And save many more lives into the bargain!" Fletcher grinned.

"So what do you think, pal?" Caboose smiled.

"What do you think?" Fletcher asked.

The two looked at each other, then said at the same time:

"I'm in."

"Nice." Caboose chuckled.

"Like I'd let you do this alone." Fletcher smirked. "In fact, let's make a pact, right now; No matter what happens, no matter what trials we face in the future, we'll always have each others' backs."

"With pleasure." Caboose nodded.

The two shook hooves.

"Now, we have to let others know of our decision." Fletcher declared.

"And I know just who to start with..." Caboose smiled.

Not long after, Fletcher returned to his home.

"Where have you been?" Dove asked, both worried and angry. "I saw the bed was empty, and I thought-"

"I'm sorry, darling." Fletcher sighed. "But I needed to think. And after all that thinking, I decided to take the job."

"Good to know." Dove smiled. "Our little one could use the extra money."

"I promise, I will give that foal the very best." Fletcher hugged Dove tightly.

"I never doubted that." Dove kissed him.

Meanwhile, Caboose entered his own home. Hurricane had already left for Junior Guardspony training, while Michael was sleeping off his breakfast in a highchair.

"I hope you have a good excuse for just lamming out to 'look at monuments' like that?" Daring scowled.

"I just needed to get my head together." Caboose shrugged.

"No offense, but you'd need more than a morning to pull that off." Daring joked.

"Funny." Caboose snorted. "But you should know, I'm gonna take that job. I'm gonna do more to help protect Equestria."

"That's my handsome hero." Daring snuggled him.

"Aww..." Caboose chuckled.

The next day, Caboose and Fletcher returned to the HQ.

"We've made our decision." Fletcher announced to the gathered team. "And we've decided to accept Elite's generous offer."

"Yep." Caboose nodded. "We're in this for the long haul."

"Knew it." Black grinned.

"Welcome aboard!" Armory cheered.

"I'm not surprised." Master Mind smirked. "It was the logical choice."

"Good to have you with us." Incognito nodded.

"Always good to add more to the fold." Ballista smiled.

"I never had a doubt you would accept." Elite declared. "I've seen enough of both of you to know you have both the nobility and the altruism to serve with us."

"Rest assured, we will make you proud of us." Fletcher nodded.

"You already have." Black assured him.

"Thanks, everypony." Caboose beamed. "All this support and welcoming attitudes is really getting to me..." He wiped a tear from his eye. "I love you guys!"

"Oh, barf." Fury growled as he made to leave the room. "I'm out of here."

“Well, now that you two are here, we can get to work on integrating you both into the team.” Elite smiled. “I just have to run some paperwork, and get you settled in, and you two will be ready to take on your first mission in no time.”

“That would be wonderful.” Fletcher nodded. “I promise you, sir, we won’t let you down.”

“We know you won’t.” Ballista nodded as he joined Elite, “I’ll go and help Elite out with those paperwork.”

"I’m lookin' forward to workin' with you guys." Armory smirked.

"We all are." Incognito agreed. "But right now, we have work of our own to get to."

"Indeed." Master Mind agreed. "Though we will be interacting further soon..."

The three stallions departed. Soon, it was just Fletcher, Caboose, and Black.

“I’m really glad that you two are joining.” Black smiled. “After everything I heard about you guys, I know that having you around will make things more… interesting.”

“Well, we have you to thank for it.” Fletcher declared. “You truly are a great stallion. And I’m sorry for doubting you in the beginning.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Black shook his head. “After all, the Crystal Sun incident was mostly my fault anyway. You had every right to hate me for what I did.”

“But look at all the good you've done.” Fletcher smiled. “You've been fighting these Forefathers for so many years. You gave up your life... twice, just so you could protect Equestria. I don’t think I've ever met a stallion who was strong enough to give so much.”

“Please, you’re too kind.” Black said humbly.

“I mean it, Black.” Fletcher nodded. “...I know if White was still alive, he would be proud of you.”

“...Thanks.” Black sighed. “But at this point, I'll never know what he'd really think…”

Caboose glanced at Black… when a brilliant idea came to his head.

“...Say Black, remember in chapter fourteen when you said you had a dream where you told White everything and apologized for all of it?” Caboose asked.

“...Chapter fourteen?” Black frowned.

“Just humor him.” Fletcher urged. “It’s something Caboose does sometimes. I think he means when White died and how you said you wanted a chance to tell him the whole truth.”

“Oh… yeah.” Black frowned. “Yeah, that was my dream… but that’s all it was. It’s not like I can talk to White again…”

“Or can you?” Caboose smiled.

“What are you getting at?” Black asked.

“I’m getting that you actually can talk to White.” Caboose declared. “...Well, technically, you can talk to his spirit, but I think that’s the same thing.”

"...Okay, you've said some crazy things, but that takes the cake." Black shook his head. “And no offense, this is one crazy thing that I am not finding funny. I don’t believe in that backwoods stuff.”

“I’m being serious, Black.” Caboose smirked. “You can go to the Garden of Souls!”

"The what now?" Black frowned.

“It’s this place on a floating island that isn’t really floating anymore, because it crashed into the surface.” Caboose explained. “Point is, I went there when it was floating, on a trip to help Discord find his soulmate. And she showed us this place where you can talk to dead folks!”

"Seriously?!" Black gaped.

"It's all true." Fletcher nodded. “I've met the former inhabitants of the island. And I utilized the Garden to speak with my departed grandma.”

“...So, this ‘Garden’ can allow ponies to talk to the dead?” Black asked, stupefied.

“Uh-huh. The place helped me talk to my dad and older brother's spirits." Caboose smiled. "It could do the same for you… if you want to go, that is."

Black mulled the idea over. It all seemed impossible, but he had heard about some kind of island dropping out of the sky a while back and how it tied to this Nalik character the Taskforce had been observing for a while before his sudden demise. If there was even a chance Caboose was speaking the truth, he had to take it. He couldn't pass up the opportunity to speak his brother one last time.

"...Okay, I'll give it a shot." Black nodded. "All I need are directions."

"Comin' right up." Caboose smiled.

A few days later, Black made his way to the island that was once the sanctuary to the Serpent Deities. He had asked Elite to come along for emotional support.

“Huh, so this is the fallen sanctuary…” Elite whistled, as he and Black walked through the forest on the island. “It’s hard to believe this has been hovering in our skies for eons.”

“Yeah. And in a few moments, I'll be seeing White again…” Black nodded, as he frowned. “It kinda makes me nervous. I've been dreaming of this moment for years, but I never thought I'd get the chance… I just hope he wants to see me…”

"I'm sure he will." Elite smiled. "Believe me, White loved you. He'll be glad to see you again."

"That's what I keep telling myself." Black mused. “...I’m glad that you decided to come with me.”

“Of course, Black.” Elite nodded. “I promised myself when you woke up from that coma that I would never let you down again. I have your back, Black.”

“...Thank you.” Black gave a small smile.

The two made their way through the downed island, taking care to avoid the guards that were posted throughout the exterior. Following Caboose’s (very confusing) directions, they finally arrived at the ivy curtain that covered the entrance to the Garden.

“So… this is the Garden of Souls…” Black whispered, as the two made their way into the misty garden.

“Yes, indeed.” Elite nodded. “Though, it seems less of a garden, and more of a fogbank.”

“Tell me about it.” Black declared. He then noticed the big hole in the center. “This must be where the souls come from…”

"It appears so." Elite nodded. "...Are you ready, Black?"

"I want to say 'yes', but I'm really not sure." Black sighed. "A part of me is worried about what White will say to me."

"It'll be better for both of you to get it all out in the open." Elite encouraged him.

"I guess it can't make things much worse..." Black shrugged.

"That's the spirit." Elite nodded.

"Okay, here we go..." Black muttered, as he stood near the hole in the middle of the foggy garden.

"Remember, focus on White, and you'll see him." Elite urged.

"Obviously." Black nodded.

Black closed his eyes, concentrating hard on the thought of White. His brother, his best friend, the pony he cared for most…

“Come on, please work… please work…” Black clenced his eyes shut.

Slowly, a figure emerged from the mists. A figure who appeared to be white in color, and possessed wings...

"White?" Black smiled hopefully.

However, the figure turned out not to be White, but Ivory Paladin, their father.

"Dad?" Black gaped.

“Black…” Ivory said firmly, the frown on his face apparent.

“...Um... wow.” Black murmured, not sure what to say to his father. “...I didn’t expect to see you.”

“Nor I you.” Ivory frowned. “After all this time, I thought you were dead… yet here you are…” Ivory reached forward, as his hoof phased into Black’s body. Black shivered a bit as Ivory pulled it back out. “...Alive. I admit, I am a bit surprised.”

“You and me both.” Black admitted. “It was a pretty close call, though.”

“...Hmph, not close enough.” Ivory scoffed.

Black stifled a growl. Somehow, he'd known his father would say something like that.

“Look, Dad, it's not that I'm not happy to see you.” Black declared sarcastically. “But I was expecting to see somepony else.”

“Oh, I know.” Ivory nodded, his voice ice cold. “I could sense you calling out for your brother. You wish to speak to him, don’t you?”

“That’s right.” Black nodded. “And don’t take this the wrong way, but you can go back to the spirit world now.”

“I don’t think so.” Ivory retorted with a fierce glare.

Black felt a chill, recognizing the glare his father had from his childhood. But he had to stand his ground.

“Dad… I know what you're going to say.” Black glared back. “And honestly, I don’t want to hear it, especially from you. Now go away.”

“You have some nerve, boy.” Ivory seethed. “Coming here to this sacred place, demanding to talk to your brother. Haven’t you caused him enough pain?”

“That’s why I’m here!” Black protested. “I want to talk to him! Make things right!”

“Well, that isn’t going to happen.” Ivory glared. “I won’t let those wounds you gave White reopen by allowing you to talk to him.”

“Oh? And what are you going to do?” Black pointed out. “It’s not like you can stop me.”

"Just leave, Black." Ivory growled. "There's nothing here for you."

"I'll be the judge of that." Black snorted. “I want to talk to my brother… and I'm not leaving until I do.”

“...Unbelievable… you haven’t changed one bit…” Ivory looked at Black with disdain. “You’re still the same mule-headed, disobedient child you always were."

“And you're still the cold, distant, impossible-to-please father you ever were." Black shot back.

“Yes, the father that raised you, took care of you, and tried to set you on the straight and narrow path… only for you to throw it all back in my face.” Ivory scoffed.

"Is that what you call it?" Black asked, incensed. "You call insulting me, yelling at me, and pushing me around being examples of a good parent? Because if so, then you deserved that 'World's Best Dad' mug White got you!"

"Don't act like you were a perfect little well-behaved angel." Ivory scoffed. "We both know you were a troublemaker from the start. Even as a foal, you'd throw your toys and food around, break things... Whenever I said 'no', you'd seem to take it as a challenge."

"That's not the way I remember it." Black retorted.

"But it's the way I remember it." Ivory growled. "As far as I knew, you enjoyed ignoring my rules and causing all kinds of trouble. And it only got worse as you got older. You just kept on causing trouble. And yes, maybe I was a little harsh... but not without good reason."

“You know, ever since I was a kid, I always wondered why you never loved me.” Black frowned. “I spent years trying to think of why you never looked at me the way you looked at White. Why nothing I ever did was good enough for you…” He then glared viciously at Ivory. “Then it hit me… you never truly believed I was your son… did you?”

Ivory did not bother to answer, his glare hardening.

“Yeah, it all made sense.” Black growled. “You think mom cheated on you. You had no proof, but you were too proud to admit that you sired a Earth Pony. So proud that you treated me like some dirty little mistake… and why? Because I wasn’t born with wings?!”

“Maybe I did… maybe I didn’t.” Ivory grunted. “But I needed no proof. The Paladins have been nothing but a pure and proud bloodline of Pegasi, going back to the days before that of the Royal Sisters! But then you came along… you being an Earth Pony had tainted it all.”

“...I was just a foal.” Black seethed. “A young, innocent foal, yet you hated me! You didn’t even try to love me!”

“That’s a lie!” Ivory snarled, trying to stare Black down. “I did nothing but try ever since you were born! But here’s the thing… you can’t truly love a child that isn’t yours! That's always been the problem! You were never my son! Just a illegitimate child produced by some nopony that your mother adulterated with!”

“Yet you never blamed mom.” Black glared. “Only me.”

“She was my wife. The mare I promised I would stand by 'till the end of days.” Ivory glared. “But you wouldn’t know that, would you? How is that mare from Praireville and that boy of yours doing? You know… the ones you abandoned?”

“You leave Belle and Shade out of this!” Black roared.

"Like you have?" Ivory smirked. "You left them out of your life a long time ago..."

"Why, you..." Black snarled.

"Though I must admit, I was surprised to see that the boy was a Pegasus." Ivory mused. "That must be from his mother's side of the family. It couldn't possibly have come from you. You, the one wingless smear on an endless line of proud Paladin Pegasi..."

“...Well, that’s where you're wrong.” Black glared. “...You see, a while back, I decided to go digging into our family tree. The one you claim that I have no part in. And you wouldn’t believe what I found… does the name 'Trowel' ring any bell?”

“...Should it?” Ivory frowned.

“You see, as the records say, your great-great-great-great-great-great-uncle, Ashen Cavalry Paladin, had a thing for sleeping around with mares when he wasn’t out leading ponies into battle." Black revealed. "Apparently, the Pegasus noble he married couldn’t bare him foals or something. As luck would have it, he got one of those mares pregnant… a mare named Blossom Trowel… an Earth Pony mare.”

“No…” Ivory whispered. “You’re lying! How dare you drag one the name of our ancestors through the dirt with your slander! There is no way that he would commit adultery… not with…”

“An Earth Pony?” Black finished, a knowing sneer on his face. “I assure you dad, it’s all true. I have the records to prove it. Your so-called pure bloodline isn’t so pure after all.”

"...That proves nothing!" Ivory snarled. "Even if there was Earth Pony blood in our bloodline, it should have died out by my generation! And that doesn't prove that you're my son!"

"Oh, really?" Black challenged. "Then what about what mom once told me?"

"What did she tell you?" Ivory sneered.

"She told me about a magical night you two shared, just before I was born." Black declared. "She told me how you took her out for a picnic one beautiful, cloudless night. She talked about how beautiful the stars were, the loving words you whispered in her ear, how you'd brought all her favorite foods."

"That was..." Ivory gaped. The memory of that wonderful night was among his most cherished thoughts. "That was a good night..."

"The night before you went on your little trip." Black nodded. "Mom told me you did all that to make up for being away. That you treated her like a Queen. That you were never more loving or caring... And she also told me that the day after you left, she found out she was pregnant with me."

Ivory just stared solemnly.

"So there's your proof." Black said firmly. "Mom never cheated on you. I am born out of one of the greatest expressions of love you ever gave her. There's no doubt about that."

Ivory was about to retort… but he couldn't argue with that. The proof was damning beyond all reason.

“Don’t you get it, dad?” Black shook his head. “I have always been your son… and deep down, you knew it… but you couldn’t get over the fact that I was an Earth Pony. You hated me not because I wasn’t your son… but because you hated Earth Ponies… because you’re a Faust damn rac-”

“Silence!” Ivory snapped, livid beyond all reason. “I’m... I’m not... I’m a Paladin… not one of those bigoted swines…”

“That would also explain a lot… like the contempt you held for Big Red, Cherry, and Marshall.” Black pressed. “If they didn’t have wings, they were beneath you, am I right, dad? Am I?!”

Ivory was aghast, trying to recover from Black’s accusation, but too angry to speak, his eyes twitching and his fur all ruffled…

However, he took a deep breath… and then, he regained the sneer he held earlier.

“...So what?” Ivory scoffed. “So what if you're a Paladin by blood? That only makes what you’ve done even worse.”

Black frowned deeply.

“You’ve brought shame on our family a hundred times over." Ivory spat. "I've been observing you from the spirit world, and I saw you commit atrocity after atrocity. I swear, if it wasn’t for White and his son, our name would have been hated and reviled… all because of you!”

"Seriously?" Black scowled. "I know I've made mistakes, but the good outweighs the bad!"

"Not in my eyes." Ivory retorted. "You killed wantonly, freely, and at times, without reason. No amount of 'good' you've done will ever wash that blood from your hooves. That blood will forever mark you as a disgrace to the Paladin family name. And I will forever be ashamed of you for bringing that disgrace upon us."

Black grit his teeth, angered and saddened that his father still had nothing but loathing for him.

"You're wrong." Elite suddenly stepped forward.

"Excuse me?" Ivory snarled.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Paladin. But I've been keeping silent long enough.” Elite glared. “If you’ve been watching Black as you say you have, then you'd know that he has worked hard to uphold your family's honor for years. True, there were some slip-ups along the way, but the fact remains: he's done more good than evil in this world."

"Says the stallion who sanctioned him to practically commit murder." Ivory spat. "Need I remind you of that little village? All the innocents slaughtered because of him?"

“It was for the greater good.” Elite protested. “What would you have done in Black’s hooves?”

“It doesn’t matter what would have, could have, and should have been done!” Ivory glared. “What matters is the fact that Black murdered that entire village!”

"You don't have to remind me."

Ivory, Black, and Elite lit up in surprise as another figured emerged from the fog… Rookie Blue. He looked as well as he did before his untimely death in Reinadh.

"Rookie?!" Black gaped. "But how? I-I didn't..."

"I came here of my own accord." Rookie smiled.

“...Rookie… I…” Caught up in his desire to see White again, Black had completely forgotten about Rookie. Seeing his dear, departed friend right there in front of him caused him to choke. “I…” He sighed deeply. “I don’t… I don’t know what to say. I can’t imagine what you must think of me… after what I did to you… if you’re here to blame me… I'll understand…”

"I'm not." Rookie smiled. "I'm here to tell you that I understand why you did what you did. And my death wasn't your fault."

“Huh?” Black frowned.

“What nonsense!” Ivory spat. “I saw what happened. It was because of Black you were on that mission! That mission got you killed!”

“But my death was out of Black’s control.” Rookie retorted. "He never meant for me to die. And even if he did lie to us, even if he led us to kill innocents, the mission was still for the good of Equestria. In my time here, I've come to realize who those ponies in the village were and what they were going to do with the Changelings. What Black did was a necessary evil, required to save countless lives! Surely, you must know the truth, too!”

“I do… yet he could have easily have you capture them.” Ivory huffed. “It doesn’t matter if those vermin were sick, or those ponies were evil. Black led you to kill them all. And because of that, you’re here!”

“I do realize that.” Rookie nodded. “But I’m okay with it. I have been for a while.” He turned to Black. “That’s why I’m here. When I sensed you were here, I came because I wanted to tell you this, Black… don’t blame yourself.”

“Don’t… but Rookie…” Black murmured.

“Trust me Black, I knew what I was getting into when I signed up for the RDL.” Rookie admitted. “And while I died earlier than expected, I was lucky to do so alongside good friends and comrades like you and the others."

"Rookie..." Black whispered, humbled.

“What's more, I was able to leave you and White with a piece of me. White got my locket… and you got the mixtape.” Rookie smirked. “I’m glad that you held onto it for so long.”

"Hey, you have great taste in music." Black smiled. "It really got me through some tough times…”

“Are you serious right now?!” Ivory spat at Rookie. “Black basically killed you, yet you treat him like he’s your friend? How in Faust’s name can you not hate him?!”

“Because I don’t.” Rookie said firmly. “What good would hating Black do? I had no reason to hate him back then… and I have no reason now.”

“That is pathetic.” Ivory growled. “You’re just like White… a bleeding-heart-”

"It’s not pathetic."

Again, another figure emerged from the fog… that of Shadow Slinker, as he was before his death.

"Shadow." Black smiled.

“Shadow!” Elite gasped, elated to see his comrade again.

"Oh, great… another of my son's foolish friends." Ivory scoffed.

“Black… Boss… it’s great to see you both again.” Shadow Slinker grinned.

"You too, pal." Black nodded.

“No words can describe how happy I am to see you again.” Elite smirked.

“What is it that you want?” Ivory glared.

“Well, it’s simple really.” Shadow Slinker declared. “I’m here to tell you that Black here is one of the most loyal and noble teammates I’ve ever had. I was proud to fight by his side, and call him ‘friend’. I knew from the moment Elite took him in all those years ago that he was something special. That he was a stallion meant for great things…” He then glared at Ivory. “Why can’t you say the same?”

“Oh, like I'm going to be lectured by a thief.” Ivory said stubbornly. “Look, you may be his friends and all, but I've seen Black for the stallion he truly is. I have raised this boy, and there is nopony who knows a stallion better than family.”

"Unless that family never bothers to get to know him." Black spat.

"I know you all too well, Black." Ivory sneered. "You are nothing but a gnarled branch on our family tree. A sad parody of what a Paladin is truly meant to be."

"Yeowch." Shadow Slinker cringed. "And you're supposed to be his father?"

"To my regret." Ivory snarled.

"You're wrong about Black." Elite declared. "He is one of the most noble stallions I have ever met."

"No kidding." Rookie agreed. "I'm proud to call him my friend."

"You all just stay out of this." Ivory growled. "Just because you can't see what Black really is doesn't mean I share that same affliction-"

"That's enough." Another voice rang out.

Black’s ears perked up. He could recognize that voice anywhere. The voice of the stallion he had grown up with. The voice he knew and loved…

Once again, another figure emerged from the mist… this time, it was none other than White Knight.

“White…” Black whispered, his heart beating faster and faster.

“Brother…” White smiled, as he approached him. “It really is you… all this time searching the spirit world, yet here you are… alive and well.”

"Yeah, I'm still ticking." Black nodded. "It was close for a while, though…” It was taking all he had not to burst into tears. “...I came here to see you… because I needed to tell you something… something I've been holding in all this time, but never got the chance to tell you…”

“And I you.” White fought the same urge to cry as well. “...I missed you.” He then turned to Ivory, stuck in a scowl. “Dad… would you kindly give us some time alone?”

“Are you nuts?” Ivory snarled. “After everything Black has done? After he betrayed you and this family, you still want to speak-”

"Enough, father." White glared. "Black is still my brother, no matter what. He's my family, no matter what. And no matter what you may think of him, I want to speak to him… and you’re not stopping me. Now go.”

Ivory scowled as he made to retort… but faltered under White’s glare.

“You know what, fine.” Ivory snarled in defeat. “If you want to waste your time on this lost cause, go ahead. See if I care…” He then glared at Black. “But make no mistake, this isn’t over…”

With a huff, Ivory faded back into the mist.

“Well, now I see where Black got his stubbornness from.” Elite deadpanned.

“Yeah, sorry about that.” White sighed. “I only recently learned about this side of him…”

"Lucky you." Black snorted. "I've known about it for a good long while."

"Same old Black." White rolled his eyes. "Always with the quips."

"Guess some things never change." Black nodded.

"I think we'll leave you two alone." Elite declared. "Shadow, maybe we could catch up?"

"Gladly." Shadow Slinker grinned.

As Elite and Shadow Slinker walked away, Rookie gave Black and White a smile.

"The old team, together again." He declared while fading into mist. "Not before time, I say..."

With that, Black and White were alone.

And I remember everything, everything I loved
I gave it away like it wasn't enough
All the words I said and all you forgive
How could I hurt you again?
What if I let you win?
What if I make it right? 
What if I give it up?
What if I want to try?
What if you take a chance?
What if I learn to love?
What if, what if we start again?

"So... here we are at last." Black declared.

"Yeah." White smiled.

"Funny, I've been dreaming of a moment like this for so long." Black mused. "I thought of a million things to say to you. But now... I don't know what to say."

"Well, I do." White admitted. "All these years, I've wanted to ask you why you did what you did. Why you almost destroyed Equestria. Why you had us murder those ponies and Changelings in Reinadh. Why did you do all those awful things. All I want is the truth..."

“...Of course… the truth.” Black nodded. “I won't lie, it’s a long story. And I don’t know if you'll like what you hear… but all I ask is that you listen 'till the end… can you do that?”

“Yes.” White agreed. “Tell me everything, from the very beginning.”

Black took a deep breath.

“You see… it all began one night, when I snuck out of the barracks to go to this bar…”

On this time, I can make it right
With one more try
Can we start again?
In my eyes, you can see it now
Can we start again?
Can we start again?

Black explained everything to White as well as he could. From how he came to meet Elite and the Taskforce up to the Crystal Sun, Project: Titanfall, and everything in between.

Black wasn’t sure how long he had spoken for, but by the end of the story, White was speechless, as the two sat at the edge of the hole in the garden.

“And that’s pretty much it.” Black nodded, wiping his tears, having gotten a bit emotional over certain parts (especially White’s death).

“Wow… Black… I had no idea.” White whispered.

“I know.” Black shook his head, sniffing a bit. “I have trouble believing it myself sometimes.”

"I... I don't know what to say." White declared. "I can’t believe you did all of this… went through all this pain and heartbreak… just so you could protect me.”

“And I would have done it again.” Black nodded. “You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you the truth… but I knew if I did… I would've put you in danger. And I would never have forgiven myself if something happened to you because of me.”

“But still… I wish you had told me.” White frowned. “I wouldn’t have wanted you to bear this burden all by yourself. I would've been able to take care of myself.”

“No.” Black said firmly. “I didn’t want you to live your life in fear of the Forefathers. Trust me, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. If it meant you got to live a life with the mare you love and your two beautiful children… then so be it.”

“...You are one special pony, Black.” White whispered. “All this time I thought the worst of you for all your dark deeds, but you only did those things so Equestria would be safe. The strength you've shown through all of that hardship is nothing short of amazing…”

"Eh, it wasn't that amazing." Black said humbly.

"Well, I'm not sure if I could've coped if it all happened to me." White admitted. "At the very least, the fact that you held it together for so long is pretty impressive."

"Not impressive enough..." Black sighed. "Towards the end, I just lost it. I became the very monster that everypony- including you -thought I was. And my own darkness nearly destroyed everything and everypony I cared about."

"Black..." White frowned.

The emptiness inside me I wonder if you see
It's my mistake and it's hurting me
I know where we've been
How'd we get so far?
What if, what if we start again?

“I understand if you hate me.” Black declared, his voice quivering. “I understand if you never want to see me again. I just had to see you one last time, and tell you the truth. I'll leave this place and never return if that's what you want… I just want you to know that…” He sniffed a bit. “I love you… always, from life until death, and beyond…”

White was silent, an impassive look on his face.

"...Well?" Black said, unnerved by White's silence. "Please... say something. Anything!"

“...Thank you.” White said quietly.

“'Thank you'?” Black gasped, as White’s impassive look gave way to a smile. “'Thank you' for what?”

"For everything." White declared. "For pressing on, even when the whole world was against you. For selflessly protecting Equestria all these years. For everything you've done since Reinadh.”

“But… but I hurt so many ponies…” Black whispered. “I totally lost it towards the end.”

"But you found your way back." White declared. "You pushed back the darkness. That takes a special kind of strength. The kind of strength you've been showing all your life. I always knew you were still that great and noble stallion. The stallion I was proud to call my brother."

“White…” Black felt a smile creep onto his face, tears filling his eyes. “...You have no idea how much that means to me. Dammit, I'd hug you if I could.”

“Maybe you can't now.” White beamed, with tears in his own eyes. “But one day… we’ll be together again. Then we can hug it out for real.”

On this time, I can make it right
With one more try
Can we start again?
In my eyes, you can see it now
Can we start again?
Can we start again?

"I never thought in my wildest dreams that things would turn out like this." Black admitted. "I never thought you would actually forgive me."

"You give me too little credit, Black." White declared. "After all you've sacrificed, all you've struggled for, all in the name of protecting Equestria, how could I not forgive you?"

"Good ol' White." Black smiled weakly. "You always were the heart of the gang back home."

"I just wanted to do the right thing, same as you." White shrugged.

"But you did it so much better." Black told him.

"The jury's still out on that one." White said humbly. "And, er... sorry about shooting out your eye. If it helps, I was going for your shoulder."

"It's okay." Black smiled. "I forgive you for that. And it was all fixed up in the end. Besides, I did kinda rock the eyepatch look, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did." White chuckled. "All you needed was a fancy hat and a parrot, and you could've been a pirate!"

Both brothers laughed heartily at White's joke.

I'm lost inside the pain I feel without you
I can't stop holding on
I need you with me
I'm caught inside the pain
Can we ever start again?
I'm lost without you

"So, what are you going to do now?" White asked. "Stay with the Taskforce?"

“That was the plan, yeah.” Black nodded, “They've done so much for me… and I feel, deep down, that protecting Equestria is my destiny. What I was meant to do. I guess after all this time, Elite and the others helped me realize that.”

“Well, you have my support.” White smiled. “Mine and the others.”

“Thanks.” Black wiped his tears, a smile stuck on his face. “You know, for the first time since I woke up from that coma, I truly feel like I can start again. Start anew. Put my past behind behind me and look to the future… and I have you to thank for it.”

“Any time.” White smirked. Suddenly, he felt a familiar sensation. “Well, I have to be heading back soon…” He then stood up, with Black following suit. “Don’t be a stranger. If you ever want to come back and reminisce about old times, I’m always be here for you.”

"I know." Black nodded. "...But I should ask you this… if Shine or Red… or anypony else we know comes by…”

“I understand, brother.” White said solemnly. “I promise you, I won’t tell Shine or anypony else until you're ready to tell them.”

“Thank you.” Black sighed. “...Also, look after mom and dad. I know dad's not the best pony… but he's still our dad, no matter what.”

“Of course.” White gave a understanding nod. “I look forward to our next meeting… I love you, bro.”

"Love you too... bro." Black nodded.

Black held his hoof up. White placed his own incorporeal hoof against it. Their brotherly bond transcended life and death itself.

"See you soon." White started to fade away. "And keep making me proud, brother."

"Count on it." Black beamed.

With that, White vanished.

"I'll never stop making you proud, White." Black smiled as he turned to leave. "Never..."

One more try!
Can we start again?
In my eyes, can you forgive me now?
Can we start again?
Can we start again?
One more try!
Can we start again?
Can we start again?
Can you forgive me now?
Can we start again?

After collecting Elite, Black and his commanding officer returned to the Headquarters.

"I trust things went as you hoped?" Elite asked.

"Better." Black nodded. "I'll have to thank Caboose for this. Best idea he's ever had..."

"I knew he and Fletcher would be a boon to our organization." Elite nodded.

"And then some." Black chuckled. "Speaking of the organization, what's up next?"

"Oh, I have a few plans." Elite grinned. "Most of them are far-reaching, but a few are more immediate. For example, there is somepony I plan to visit in the next few days."

"An old pal?" Black asked.

"You could say that..." Elite smirked.

A few days later, Grenade Gridlock was eating at a diner in Vanhoover. He was in town to attend a political rally. After all that had occurred with Titanfall, he was given orders from Father himself to lay low for a few days until the heat from the incident had died down. Gridlock was okay with this, though. It gave him some off-time, and what better way to spend it than by enjoying a good zucchini steak?

Gridlock was digging into said steak, enjoying his meal… when suddenly, he noticed somepony taking the seat opposite him. Gridlock glanced up, and frowned, easily recognizing the pony.

"Hello, Gridlock." Elite declared.

"Everest." Gridlock snorted. "I'm a little surprised you've come here by yourself." He glanced around. “Where’s that dumb mutt and the rest of your motley crew?”

"I didn't come to cause a ruckus." Elite shrugged. "I came to... chat."

"Yeah?" Gridlock mused. "What about?"

"Current events." Elite declared. "Your friends have been rather bold of late, haven't they? Attacking Canterlot with a giant, mechanical spider? Almost like something out of a bad movie."

"That was Solomon's idea, not mine." Gridlock scoffed. "Spark-brained idiot. He got what he deserved.”

"Your sense of camaraderie is commendable." Elite said sarcastically. "With an attitude like that, it's a wonder you reached such a lofty position in Equestrian hierarchy..."

“Hey, who needs friends when you got political power and horsepower on your side?” Gridlock smirked.

“Funny you should say that, when you obviously needed somepony to help you with your little project…” Elite mused. “Whatever happened to that project again?”

“You’re not going to get to me, Elite.” Gridlock sneered. “I've long since gotten over what your little ‘traitor’ did to me. And moved onto bigger things.”

"And more vile things, I'm willing to bet." Elite frowned.

"That depends on your point of view." Gridlock retorted.

"Well, your point of view will clearly lead to naught but more pain." Elite growled. "Pain suffered by innocents who don't deserve it."

"If you don't like it, why don't you just out me to the public?" Gridlock snorted.

"Because if I did, you would no doubt return the favor regarding Black." Elite frowned.

"Yep." Gridlock took another bite of steak. "I'd take you down with me. Mutually assured destruction. Not really your cup of tea, is it? Which is why you'll never win.”

"Don't be so sure, Gridlock." Elite declared. "After that debacle in Canterlot, we will be keeping a very close eye on you. Your day of reckoning is coming."

"Is that so?" Gridlock sneered.

"Indeed it is." Elite grinned. "One slip-up is all it will take. Then my team will come down on you with all the force we can muster."

"'Force'... please." Gridlock scoffed. "Black is dead, and I'm not afraid of the Griffon. Or any of your other misfits."

"That may be, but I'm putting together a new team. "Elite retorted. "One that will more than suffice. I promise you, the next time we meet, you will either be in hoofcuffs, or dead."

"You talk a good game." Gridlock sneered. "But it's just talk."

"For the moment, yes." Elite declared. "But talk can become action very easily. And I am not interested in playing games. This is serious, and I and my team will show you just how serious it is. We will not rest until you and all of the Forefathers pay the price for your wicked deeds. That is a promise, not a threat."

Gridlock snarled angrily.

"Enjoy your meal." Elite stood up and departed.

Gridlock jabbed his fork into the steak, a bit sullen over the experience. Then, there was a vibration in his jacket pocket. He pulled out a mirror.

"Yeah?" He said flatly.

Harlhooves' face appeared in the mirror.

"Everything is in readiness." Harlhooves declared. "I have already picked out both our suits for the Changelings’ peace treaty anniversary tonight. I hear they'll be serving your favorite, melon sirlo-"

“I don’t care about that.” Gridlock grunted. “Is the Last Bacterium primed and ready?”

“Um…” Harlhooves stumbled. “...Yeah. I have it in a canister right here.” He frowned. “Are you okay, Gridlock? You look tense.”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Gridlock grumbled. “I’m just ready to get Project: Infestation up and running again. I've been waitin' too long for this.”

“I know that, Gridlock, but are you sure we shouldn’t wait?” Harlhooves asked. “Especially considering how recent Project: Titanfall was. And what of the cure-”

“Save it.” Gridlock growled. “I’m done waiting. Black destroyed everything back then, but this time, things will be different. This time, no pony will stop us…”

Back at the Headquarters, Ballista was in his office, looking through some papers, when Fury entered, a file tucked under his wing.

“Hey, Fury, what’s up?” Ballista glanced up.

“Nothing much.” Fury shrugged. “I just finished up getting all the info I could find on this one guy Elite wanted me to look into.” He placed the file on Ballista’s desk. “Don’t really see the point though. Don’t we already have enough yahoos on this team?”

“Considering you’re one of those 'yahoos', I like to think not.” Ballista joked.

“Funny.” Fury sneered. “But I'm not so sure about this one. Elite is really branching out here.”

“What makes you say that?” Ballista frowned.

“See for yourself.” Fury opened the file, revealing a face that Ballista recognized.

“...Sterling Cross.” Ballista whispered.

“You know him?” Fury asked.

“You could say that.” Ballista nodded solemnly, as he glanced at the photo. “After all these years… it looks like we'll be seeing each other again.”

The following afternoon, Caboose and Fletcher were sat in the mess hall with Black.

"You guys settling in okay?" Black asked.

"Quite well, actually." Fletcher nodded.

Even though Fletcher and Caboose weren't staying at the Headquarters full-time, they had still done a lot of fitting in. While they hadn’t embarked on any missions yet, the two were given ample time to get into the routine of things.

"It's kinda dull, though." Caboose pouted. "I thought we were asked to join so we could be part of this big, fancy operation Elite's cooking up."

"Oh, you were." Black nodded. "And not just fancy. This new project, if done right, could be a real game-changer. Equestria will be better and safer than ever if we pull this off..."

"Sounds like some high stakes." Fletcher mused.

"Those are the best kind of stakes, if you ask me." Black chuckled. "The longest odds pay the biggest."

"Mr brother Slot would agree with you there." Caboose smiled. "By the way, what are we calling this thing? You never mentioned what Elite and Ballista called it."

Black just gave a smile, as he proudly declared:

"Project: Freedom."

The End.

Author's Note:

"Start Again" belongs to Red.

Comments ( 10 )

Its very sad that Ivory is being so pessimistic about Black Paladin Knight and the good he's actually done.

Why ivory is not in the tartarus?

And wow, steerling will soon join the team.

I really Love the moment between Black and White

At last, we've finally come full circle!! Bravo on this fantastic story, all is revealed and all is set up! I'm so happy that Black and White have made up and all is forgiven! The infection event on the Changeling kindgom has been set, as seen from Changleing King story! What would the Taskforce have in store for Sterling?! Plus, I can't wait for what Project: Freedom will unfold!

All will be revealed next time!

Cue the Taskforce theme:

I wonder, is project freedom's goal to bring down the ForFathers?


Problably but I believe the final battle it's gonna be a war involving all equestria

That is possible, but we already saw something like that. chough chough Crystal Sun

I enjoyed this story. Seeing how Black started where he was to get where he is now. Although I think it would have been a little better if he had met Silver when he talked with White.

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I thought Dancing In The Shadows was dark, but this takes the cake. I like that Black and White finally cleared things up with each other. Wish I could say the same about their dad. And I'm not even sure I want to see how Celestia is going to take this whenever she finds out. Also I agree with bcmorgan96 in that Black should have met Silver when he talked with White. And Sterling. Could you have made him any more of an enigma?!

But in all seriousness, you're still without a doubt one of the best writers I've ever seen.

One hell of an ending. Hit all the points that I wanted to be hit and even gave me some extras to what's happening next.

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