• Published 18th Jan 2016
  • 23,381 Views, 83 Comments

Delicious Candy - Damien Darkside

A human guard and a pretty pink pony princess share some time together and discuss a few things.

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Comments ( 78 )

That... was oddly cutesy.

Ah, finally up!
I hope I didn't go over anything with my editing work, I double checked!
Well, I will see I guess.

The world needs more fics like this that are equal parts cute and sexy

Nicely done. I'd love to see a sort of sequel with all of the stuff that happens after this. By itself it's pretty great though, nice one!

Cool story bro.

I disliked the cheating angle context, I loved the clop in this. :heart:

This is a nicely written story, my friend. :twilightsmile:

Minor mistakes such as?
I'm collecting data so I can work more efficiently next time!


Well written, cute, and sexy. Great job, sir. I'd definitely like to see a sequel if you are up for it.

The thing is, once a cheater always a cheater. How long before she get's tired of him and goes to fuck someone else behind his back?

Fuck, I hate cheaters. Good story though :pinkiesmile:

In 99% of the cases i do not approve of somebody cheating on their significant other, but it was the thing that made Cadance find the one she considerd to be better suited for her, so for once i shall not FULLY frown at it, but frown i still will, just not as much as usual.

I did feel bad for poor Shining tough, i've read several fics where Cadance finds someone else because her relationship with Shining just wasn't working or simply because he was a doody head, here he was just as cool as he is in the show, his one flaw was that he lasted a whole whooping 20 seconds when he and cadance got down and Dirty, what a stud.

One thing Cadance said did me me ponder tough,"A stallion I could bring into a closet for a quick rut. You, however…”
Soooooo, was this the first time she Went behind Shinings back, or have she tried out the various sortiment of guards and servants that reside in the castle? It might just be me Reading a bit to much into it, but it does sound as if she actully have tried it with a couple of other Ponys.

That aside, a good fic it was, i do hope you will make Another chapter where Cadance confronts Shining and tells him what she's been doing and breaks up with him.

6847988 Why am I not surprised to see you here?

I-if you don't mind, that is..:fluttershysad:

As far as I can tell, the problem is not that she let her love die. The problem is that she felt it was ok to simply act on whatever insufficiency shining armor represented without getting rid of him beforehand. I can see why someone would want to do this. It's simple. If there is nobody sitting there, waiting to catch you after you break off your old relationship, you risk living without a special someone for an extended time. Your new relationship might even fail. So, clearly, it's better to lead on your old relationship until you are good and sure you have a better one lined up! And, you know, the OTHER person can just suffer through exactly the events you avoided, those of experiencing a breakup without any new relationship lined up.

You know... if you are selfish... and don't care about people if they don't meet all of your needs. So, if the human should ever fail to give her something she is craving... she will just go get it. She knows she can get away with that. She did it before.

You signed up for this the first time you kissed Cadence.

Thankfully, this is a story were we are supposed to enjoy steamy tunnel stuffing, which there was plenty of, and not a story where we are supposed to enjoy romance, which is questionable.
10/10, does the job

Kind of makes me think of "What is love?" on fast-forward.


The place was good enough, the cold did break through every once in awhile

- a while

You are in love with both Shining Armor and I.

- and me.
I think I spotted one or two places where past tense could be used

Quite a few believe there was a minute rip in space-time

and I, personally, don't like nonstandard "anyways"
but nitpicks aside very nice fic. Have a :moustache: ;)

pounded her like a jackhammer.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

First thing that popped into my head:rainbowlaugh:

Gotta love a fandom that will happily destroy a marriage for some quality smut~♡
Stay brony, my friends

Now I'd love to see a story where a younger Cadence originally dated a human before dumping him for Shining Armor

6849907 NICE catch with the "Shining Armor and I" Needing to be "Shining Armor and Me". I doubt one in twenty people would get that :rainbowwild:

How is "not being cold" a perk when the MCs last job wasn't in a cold place? And aren't affairs something to be looked down upon? I can understand if it's your kink, but that doesn't magically make cheating a glorious endeavor. Thanks for pointing out that Cadance isn't pregnant yet, though--pregnant women are icky, amirite?

Also you've got a comma splice in the long description.

6847988 Yep. If Cadence was once considered trustworthy, not any more.

6847988 I feel you bro.

The clop was good, but the cheating crap left me wanting this to turn into a gore fic at the end.

this was left open enough, that a sequel could happen(please dear god make a sequel), yet ended enough, that a sequel is not needed(but please, do make one anyway)

I'm guessing Shining is regretting signing that prenup before marriage now...

I really loathe 2nd person stories, especially ones like this that assume I'm male, but...I really liked this one. It might have to do with Cadance being one of my favorite characters and the fact that I would totally do her (even though I'm female), but it was good. I guess I can read it and assume I'm a futa!woman or wear a constant strap-on. It also had some nice funny lines. My favorite was: "Was Shining Armor just absolutely shitty in bed?"

It reminded me a comic I read where Cadance is whining about how awful Shiny is in bed to Twilight, who is obviously disgusted to hear about her brother's sex life. :facehoof:

I don't comment much on Clopfics, but I have to show my awe for how well-constructed the ending was in comparison to the majority of the Clop I've witnessed.
Usually you'll have a beginning, a long middle and a short ending or no ending at all.
But with this? You had that rare well-constructed ending and such you have my like.

...I'm tired... :ajsleepy:


Edit; It's been so long since my last visit on this website that I forgot that I can follow people...

You earned that too by the way... :raritywink:

I want to ask .... how do you read the stories? :applejackconfused:

Well hot damn, this went over well. As a side note, I don't really like doing sequels. I like the "chase" of the relationships. Besides, most relationships even out and stabilize, a point I'll make later. Either way it doesn't add more drama really.

Again thanks to all of you I have had yet another story featured! Strangely enough this has more people commenting on the ethics of the situation than my previous story, where you stick it in Scootaloo.

6847156 A gibbering mess of a pony

6847168 Tis what I strive for. As shameless self-promotion, you might really like "No Magic Required"

6847313 If I don't have "I don't ususally go for X, but man I sure came a lot" kind of comments on my fetish work then I don't know if I succeeded :P

6847497 Feel free to message my editor, he likes it when people send him my fuck ups.

6847988 First off, I know cheating is fundamentally wrong but damn did I love writing a somewhat controversial topic. Though then again I also know underage pony sex is wrong and not to toot my own horn or anything but fuck did I make it right. Now you see, this is where I have to make a statement concerning "once a cheater always a cheater".

You are wrong.

Almost very single one of my clopfic stories have had me actually do some of the things to some capacity in real life. I have choked my girlfriends during sex to their request, I have had to stretch a few to accommodate, I have hit on a girl on a train, I have had public sex, I have also had a ton of fun with toys...

I have also cheated on one of my girlfriends and also have been the guy one girl has had sex with behind their boyfriend's back.

The reason why I know it can work out is because RIGHT NOW it is working out for me. I have been with my current girlfriend for almost five years and I haven't had the urge nor desire to actually fuck or flirt with anybody else. It has two reasons to why it is so successful, the first is that she fills all of my needs emotionally, physically and intellectually and I do the same for her. I haven't even thought of breaking up with her or seeing another girl. When I cheated on my previous girlfriend it was mostly because I truly didn't want to be with her anymore and it took me fucking another girl to realize that. Plus every time my ex opened her mouth I wanted her to shut up.

Age is also a factor, I was 19 then I am 26 now.

So I know a cheater can have a real relationship, especially when one has to do a major decision in their lives that contain a personal sacrifice. Maybe it is divorcing a royal member and severing yourself from the family you also loved, maybe it is moving from Ontario to British Columbia.

So official one-sentence sequel is this: They lived happily ever after, and Cadence eventually was able to take an entire apple up her ponut.

As a last point, "Cheaters are always cheaters" and those kinds of sentences are just like the concept of Karma. It is made up so that people who are "right" feel better thinking that "wrong" people find "justice". It doesn't usually work out like that, and those who have done wrong just carry on life like normal.

6848242 Reading a little too much into the whole "why she left him". I have a part where "you" actually don't know why she really would cheat on him, and there is a period before she met you.

Thanks for liking it.

6849801 Again referencing the higher comment. You are right, it can happen and she (also you) know this.

But goddamn does love do weird things.

6849873 Seeing a person (who I recognize) say something about a fic I love (but cannot copy because I don't know cool Roman names) makes me feel really good about myself. Who knows maybe LBP reads and enjoys this :raritywink: You are right though, it does really seem like a really short ass version when you consider Ares just shoves himself right into the situation, knows it is wrong but decides to continue anyways.

6850447 I've destroyed a filly for quality smut man, I'll destroy ANYTHING (Especially Candy's ass. DAT ASS) :D

6850992 I have absolutely no idea if you have enjoyed the story or not. Also preggo ponies are a huge fetish of mine, but I wanted to avoid comments stating "but caedince is prignant in da sho". Complicated yo'.

6851812 Luckily I write real life in fictional pony worlds.

6852266 OH GOD A FEMALE IS HERE EVERYONE RUN AND HIDE THE FOALCON! Thanks for the comment though, really. It is nice to know someone other than guys are enjoying my fics. Also I really love it when people who normally hate 2nd person fics enjoy mine (same as the "I don't like [fetish here] but I like this")

I personally just enjoy the humor and structure of 4chan's greentext stories on /mlp/ after years of writing. I hope to someday do a female main story, but as I said previously I try to write what I myself have done and I don't have a vagina. Kinda makes it hard to be realistic when you don't know how penetration feels like. Feels weird to get multiple girls I may or may not know comment on "describe how it feels to have a penis thrusting into you while a male is on top. Thanks."

6852334 Thanks for the like, fav and follow! Also the comment thing too, nice to know I can get people to do that. If you want something similar to what I have written here, you may possibly enjoy "No Magic Required" or if you like foalcon, "Carpenter's Dilemma"

6847988 Holy fuck it's you. I remember reading your stories ages ago.

6852547 What seems to be the problem?

6847988 Welp it took me three minutes to figure out who you were.

Goddamn, thanks for liking my story. Been a huge fan of "Nothing is Set in Stone" and I swear I have read that as greentext before. Didn't you have a pastebin?

I'm grateful.
I'll be checking those out soon!


I have absolutely no idea if you have enjoyed the story or not.

To be perfectly honest, I can't comment on the story itself because I don't want to read it. The long description doesn't paint it in what I would consider a tasteful light and that kind of turned me off. I can comment on the comma splice that's still up there, though.

Comment posted by lightning draw deleted Jan 20th, 2016

I even skipped over the porny bit, like I do for This is Love. Familiar experience right there.

6852698 Like i can see the description, but how do you start to read?

6852686 I've read NMR, and liked it just as much.

6852735 Well hopefully you might enjoy my other works since this is the only one with cheating.

I looked at my description and I think I found what you were talking about. It only took me a Google search and guesswork. Thanks though! If nothing you definitely game me something to check over on future stories.

Comment posted by Damien Darkside deleted Jan 20th, 2016

I have reservations with my marriage, even though the stallion i married has been acting the exact same way since we were dating, i think that waiting until we're married is a good time to have a problem with his ways and take on a lover behind closed doors, because being up front would mean, you know... actually being responsible for my choices.

Keep the primo clop comming though~


Fair enough, and thanks for taking criticism well. Some people don't understand how opinions work, so I appreciate running into someone who does.

Barely into the story and I already love it, Sombrero, the burn is real, I wonder if he got so salty that if he jumped into a lake he'd turn it into an ocean. :trollestia:

When you said on stream you were going to be writing a Cadence story in the vain of "What is love?" I was already hyped since that story, and its sequel are fantastic. Just like "A Carpenter's Dilemma," this was extremely well done. Good shit. :heart:

6847313 I love your "I came face" avatar :D


I imagine someone would have made one of it for me, my stories have somehow ended up on Goodreads without either my knowledge nor my permission, but whatever :twilightsheepish:

As to your earlier response, I'm glad things are working out for you. Perhaps my own bitterness crept into the comment from my own, unfortunate experience. I was cheated on twice by the same person, took her back the first time and not a few months later she was at it again, but hey life's a bitch sometimes, right?

Anyway this IS a good story, it just unfortunately contains the one thing that actually ruffles my feathers :twilightblush:

I really liked this story, usually I don't read clop with cheating in them but this was a really well written fanfiction.

I do hope you continue the story in a sequel maybe, also I added this to my favourites folder.

Haha, the princess of love cheating on her husband!
Kill me.

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