• Published 26th Nov 2015
  • 5,616 Views, 157 Comments

Coming Up OOO - shinigamisparda

Displaced Kamen Rider OOO comes to Equestria. Can our wannabe hero be a symbol of hope?

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Twilight's Notes: Information

OOO Driver: The object that allows the user to become Kamen Rider OOO. It should be noted that the Driver can only work for one being that it has “bonded” to (we tested this, Katsuo is the only one it works for). The Driver functions using a combination of three Core Medals in the three slots, the combination of which determines the form and powers the form will take and have. When attached to the user the Driver creates a belt that had a Scanning Disc for activating transformations and powerful finishing moves (Scanning Charges), a small pouch for carrying Cell Medals, and a single edged sword called Medajalibur.

Core Medals and Their Respective Powers: There are seven colors of Core Medals, each possessing nine Medals, three of each type. In terms of usability by OOO, they fit into either Head, Torso, or Leg categories. Each one also has an animal theme.

Note that the names of Medals will either be in Neighponese/Japanese or an oddly pronounced form of Equestrian/English that Katsuo has dubbed “Engrish.”

Red: Bird
Head: Taka (Hawk). Allows the user enhanced sight including telescopic vision and a sort of X-Ray vision.
Torso: Kujaku (Peacock): Summons a small shield-like item referred to as the “Taja Spinner” on the left arm. This object has seven slots for Medals, usually filled with Cell Medals, but can have Core Medals inserted instead. Can shoot balls or streams of fire, has a fiery melee attack, and can block attacks. In addition it can perform an additional Scanning Charge referred to as a “Giga Scan.”
Legs: Condor. Allows the feet to function as “talons,” energy projections of blades on the feet.

Yellow: Big Cat
Head: Rion (Lion). Allows the user to project a blinding light from their head.
Torso: Tora (Tiger). Gives the user folding bladed gauntlets. As well as functioning as melee weapons they can fire energy blades the claws for a projectile attack.
Legs: Cheetah. Super speed and rapid kicks.

Green: Insect
Head: Kuwagata (Stag Beetle). Has two mandible like horns that can be used for melee. Can also discharge electrical attacks.
Torso: Kamakiri (Praying Mantis). Gives the user two large collapsible arm blades.
Legs: Batta (Grasshopper). Increased jumping ability and kicking power.

Grey: Heavy Animals
Head: Sai (Rhino). Gives the user a sturdy single horn.
Torso: Gorilla. Gives the user two club-like bludgeoning fists and increased arm strength. Can fire the fists off for a projectile attack.
Legs: Zou (Elephant). Increased leg strength and being able to produce shockwaves by stomping.

Blue: Aquatic Animals
Head: Shachi (Orca Whale). Allows the user to breathe underwater, use echolocation for sonar, and firing high velocity blasts of water.
Torso: Unagi (Eel). Gives the user two whips that can channel electricity.
Legs: Tako (Octopus). Allows the user’s legs to easily stick to any surface and transform into tentacles for combat.

Orange: Reptiles
Head: Cobura (Cobra). Gives the user infared vision.
Torso: Kame (Turtle). Gives the user two shield gauntlets that can project energy barriers.
Legs: Wani (Alligator). Allows the user to attack with a chomping attack from the legs.

Purple: Dinosaur
Head: Ptera (Pteranodon). Gives wings to allow for flight.
Torso: Tricera (Triceratops). Gives the user two extendable shoulder horns.
Legs: Tyranno (Tyrannosaurus). Gives the user clawed feet and a powerful tail.

Cell Medals: Like Core Medals, Cell Medals are also concentrated Desire, but are much less powerful. They can be used for certain abilities, but disappear after their power has been expended, unlike Core Medals which seem to be able to use their power indefinitely. Cell Medals are not entirely uniform, but they are all silver in color and have the same effect and power.

Full Combos: Full Combos occur when the three slots of the OOO Driver are filled by Core Medals of the same color. This not only allows the user to use all their powers, but provides a significant power boost and grants more abilities. It also puts increased strain on his body.

TaJaDor: Taka, Kujaku, Condor
Added Abilities: Summoning a flurry of feather-shaped projectiles, ability to fly.

RaToraTah: Rion, Tora, Cheetah
Added Abilities: Can exude and sun-like heat along with light.

GataKiriBa: Kuwagata, Kamakiri, Batta
Added Abilities: Can create clones that can attack and move individually. While the exact number is unknown, Katsuo mentioned the highest number he’d seen was about twenty or thirty.

SaGoZo: Sai, Gorilla, Zou
Added Abilities: Can control gravity.

ShaUTa: Shachi, Unagi, Tako
Added Abilities: Quick swimming, transforming into water and firing jets of water from all parts of the body.

BuraKaWani: Cobura, Kame, Wani
Added Abilities: Can extend a cobra from the hood and can control other snake-like creatures.

PuToTyra: Ptera, Tricera, Tyranno
Added Abilities: Can expel ice and freezing gusts of wind.

WARNING: Katsuo has mentioned that while power it may cause him to go into a “Berserker Mode”, where he attacks whatever currently has his attention, friend or foe. This would also exhaust him more than if he was in control of the Full Combo. As such, he is going to what he can to not use it as to not risk Berserker.

Weapons: Katsuo has mentioned that OOO has two weapons, although at the moment he only has one. However, he mentioned that the other may become available to him in the future.

Medajalibur: A single edged sword about three feet in length. It also has a slot to insert Cell Medals, and can hold up to three. OOO can use this as a melee weapon or, after inserting one, two, or three Cell Medals, can perform a Scanning Charge for a powerful attack and finishing move. The most powerful, a Triple Scanning Charge, Katsuo describes as having the effect of seeming to slice through reality. However, he also mentions that anything aside from an enemy that was cut by this immediately returns to its original state. The enemy is destroyed.

Medagabryu: An axe-like weapon that is associated with the PuToTyra Combo, though can be used by other forms. It can use Cell Medals to use a powerful strike that actually has the power to destroy Core Medals. In PuToTyra mode it can be changed to be used like a cannon (Katsuo called it a “bazooka”) and unleash a powerful projectile attack. Katsuo mentioned he is unlikely to gain this weapon unless he uses the PuToTyra Combo, so with the previous warning in mind it is unlikely he will have access to it anytime soon.

Greeeds: Sapient creatures of concentrated Desire that possess magic-like powers. Each one is based one is based on a certain category of animals based on the Core Medals that make them up. Each one has their own particular motivations, but in the end are all based upon fulfilling some desire, which they will go to any length to satisfy, no matter whom or what is in their way.

Cell Medals help make up their body, while Core Medals are more their soul. Each one has one Core Medal that functions as their “brain,” and if it is destroyed they will not be revived even if the other eight Core Medals are intact. Once they retrieve all nine Core Medals of their main color, they will obtain a massive increase in power and abilities, to the point that some even have slight reality-warping powers.

Greeeds can absorb Core Medals from colors other than their own colors, gaining them powers that they would not receive normally. However, doing so too quickly will cause them to go out of control and simply become raging monsters. A Greeed may gain control over these powers if they add other Core Medals slowly and give their body time to adjust. It should also be noted that no matter how many other Core Medals they gain, a Greeed will not unlock their Nine Core Medal form without all nine Medals of their own color.

Yummys: Yummys are created when a Greeed implants a Cell Medal inside of a pony, and are made entirely out of Cell Medals. A Yummy’s only purpose is it accumulate more Cell Medals, which it does by fulfilling the desire of the one it was born from, often twisting that desire in a way that makes it easily fulfilled and often destructive. It should be noted that although they sometimes have a bit of personality, Yummy’s are not truly sapient.

A Yummy’s form and type will be based upon the Greeed that created, and the Desire that it was born from will also have an effect on its form and abilities. The pony who the Yummy was born from may or may not be aware of they Yummy’s existence, and even may be put under a state of euphoria until they notice it. Other times they may be fully aware of its existence and embrace the Yummy entirely. A pony who rejects a Yummy may be snapped out of their euphoria, and those who embrace them will be snapped out when the Yummy is destroyed.

Types of Yummys

White Yummy: This Yummy is directly created from the pony and first appears as a mummy-like figure. After indulging in desire for some time, it will evolve into a more matured and unique Yummy.

Parasite Yummy: This Yummy will develop inside the host and will be able to control their actions, forcing them to indulge in their desire even against their will. It can also cause body alterations to the pony based on its form, and can eventually overwhelm the pony and take it’s true form. This Yummy is particularly dangerous because if the host is not removed from the Yummy, they could be destroyed along with it. A host can by physically forced from the Yummy, or it might decide to leave on its own for whatever reason, but can easily retake its host.

Nest Yummy: A nest Yummy is unique in that a gathering of fish-like eggs will be created somewhere the host tends to be most often. As desire is accumulated it will increase in the number of eggs, and can actually spawn multiple identical Yummys. If the nest is not destroyed, it could potentially produce and infinite number of Yummys.

Self-Made Yummy: A Yummy created from the Greeed itself, this Yummy tends to be very basic and can fulfill whatever desire the Greeed was currently thinking of. It cannot actually increase the number of Cell Medals it has, as it was created from a Greeed and not a pony.

Egg Yummy: This Yummy first gathers desire as a bird like egg before hatching into a form similar to a White Yummy. It will then quickly evolve into a more unique Yummy.

Object Yummy: This Yummy is created from inanimate objects, and can have powers based upon the object or whatever feelings may have been attached to it. The Yummy born from it will be fully formed, skipping a development stage.

That’s all I have for now. If Katsuo remembers anything else, or we discover anything else, I’ll be sure to let you know.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle.

Celestia sat back and thought. On the one hand, this situation was more dangerous than she had thought, and she might have to take extra measures. On the other hoof, Katsuo giving up this much information proved that she had made the right decision, showing not only that he was the most knowledgeable on the subject but also that he was fully committed to protecting her subjects.

I look forwards to being able to publically thank you for your deeds, little hero, she thought with a smile.

Author's Note:

Just an inclusion of all the stuff I felt couldn't be added naturally in the previous chapter. Made as a letter to Celestia to incorporate it better into the plot.

Comments ( 78 )


Yeah, thanks for that. Best part is that it didn't really feel forced as exposition dumps tend to be.

Oh… Celestia's a manipulative bitch. Put Katsuo in the spotlight so that now everyone knows he's supposed to handle the Greeed. Now if one of them die, she can just blame him and walk away scot-free.

"The Kamen Rider's supposed to handle it! It's his problem!"


7768282 ... Wow. That's not what I was trying to convey at all. I wanted to show that she wishes she could publicly reward him as hero. What exactly in the way I wrote did not make you think that?

Characters that I want to see as either Greeds or under the influence of Yummy:

Silver Spoon
Filthy Rich
Flim and Flam
Spoild Rich (GREED)
Spike (influence)
CMC (influence)

7768472 Are you suggesting that one of the Greeeds replace them? I do plan to have Diamond Tiara as an important character in this story, so the Rich's and Silver Spoon may be effected at some point.

7768346 I dunno. Maybe I'm just so jaded by the concept of 'manipulative Celestia' that I keep seeing evil where there shouldn't be.

That, and the mere concept of a ruler like her always sort of set me off. Even before the evil Celestia meme started, I thought it was just weird. I mean, when you look at it from a neutral perspective (something I do a lot) things start to look really sketchy.

A ruler that's thousands of years old, yet still treats evil threats and mystical artifacts like trash, tossing them aside, just so that she can have her socially awkward protege defeat them, seemingly gambling on whether her student is as capable as she believes. It doesn't help that the writers are intentionally vague on whether she actually did plan it all out or is just running off dumb luck and just keeps popping up to steal credit.

One interpretation means that she's a sociopathic chessmaster, letting her people go through hell just so she can pop up at the end with a friendship lesson.

The other means she's a complete and utter moron.

Now, since nobody can rule a nation for a thousand years with the latter interpretation, one has to assume that she falls under the latter interpretation. So that means that, more often than not, she has a hidden agenda or is trying to move people into a position she can control them best. After all, it's what any politician would do. And in a situation like this, with weird monsters that run off desire like that, it pays for her to have a scapegoat. Especially since the 'heroes' of the show are literally six random civilians with no real combat training who just run up with jewelry and sit there for a full minute, charging up an attack of morally vague boundaries.

7768561 While I do not for a second deny she's manipulative, I tend to lean towards the position that she's more the motherly "if I always do it for them, they'll never learn" type. That and she's trying to make sure she isn't the first, and last, line of defense against all the big bads. After all, if everyone thinks she's going to fix everything, and she fails, who else would step up?

Not to say she hasn't made mistakes, Chrysalis being a pretty obvious one, but I always believed she wanted what's best for her subjects, even if it is a little messed up that at the end of the day six civilians are the ones she has to send out. Though, I tend to think she feels bad for having to send them out in the first place.

I sound like such a naive optimist, don't I?

7768599 No, you're right. And there's the third interpretation I forgot: she's a schemer, but still too motherly and affectionate for anything to actually get done. Of course, that may also come from the ponies' mentalities. The majority of them seem like mindless sheep- er, horses, who go along with everything that happens, under a herd mentality.

That can be turned around on humans so quickly… But the difference is, humans have a much greater level of predatory instinct, which means that killing is in our nature, and thus we embrace it. We build weapons for it, monuments in memory of those we kill, artwork glorifying it, and other things. Horses, as a whole, are more docile. They never go for killing blows, only putting up enough force to drive a potential predator away. Even though Celestia is a demigod, she's still a horse demigod. Thus, horse instincts.

So yeah. Nice, but incompetent.

Cool fanfic, OOO is one of my favorite Riders, here's what I would hope to see in future chapters.

1. Is there a possible chance Katsuo will use a full color combo? If he does go beserk, how will it affect on his relationship with the ponies.

2. This might bring a little pressure on you. But is there a possibility that the super core medals (super tatoba combo) will appear?

3. How long do you think the next chapter will be published?

7768895 1. He definitely will go Full Combo more than once, I assure you. I have plans for that.

2. The Super Combo will show up, but not until much, much, later. I have plans for that, too.

3. I wish I could say, but these take longer to put out than I thought, and other fanfics require my attention as well. I'm sorry I can't say for sure.

Oh and I hate to ask you this if it offends you or waist more of your time, but do you think you draw the description of the Main six, the princesses and Katsuo in his civilian and OOO forms like in one of your other fanfic stories My Giant Robot: Friendship is Awesome?

I know this might be a little too much work for you, but I only suggested it to help us to visualized their appearances and height comparison, if your answer is no, then I understand and completely fine with it.

7770330 I could try, but it probably won't turn out well. Also, I don't see a need to draw OOO, as those are from the show, and all of Katsuo's outfits so far have been outfits Eiji wore in the show.

I know we all know OOO's appearance, some of us just need to know how the main six looks like and how tall they are compared to Katsuo and the Main six themselves, also take your time, no need to rush.

7770509 Well, if it's height you want to know, I can tell you that right now.

Applejack is the tallest of the Mane 6 at 5'10'' (178 cm)
Next is Rarity at 5'6'' (168cm)
Twilight is just a little shorter at 5'5'' (165 cm)
Pinkie and Fluttershy are about the same height at 5'3'' (160 cm)
Rainbow Dash is the shortest of the Mane 6 at 5' (152 cm)
And Katsuo stands at a tiny 4'10'' (147 cm)
Celestia is the tallest of the cast so far, standing at 6'5'' (198 cm)

I hope that helps some.

How stong is SaGoZo's gravity control? Because it can be as small as being able to slightly shift weight around to crushing a universe in an instant.

Comment posted by ANDIE deleted Dec 5th, 2016

7771014 Enough to levitate other people into the air or drag them towards him after being imbedded in the ground.

7771120 Actually, it was just supposed to be this universe's Kamen Rider, with a wolf theme instead of a Grasshopper theme. Did I reference something without realizing it again?

Thanks man, but I kinda hoped to see what they would look like in a drawing, if you think you could do it though. Anyways I only have 3 questions to ask you and these questions are based on your opinions.

1. If Katsuo will use a Full Metal Combo in the near future, will his height change? Because according to the Kamenrider.wikia.com, OOO's height slightly increase when he used different Full Metal Combos compared to his base Tatoba height. For an example, if Katsuo turns into the Putotyra Combo, will his height increase somewhere at Pinkie's or Twilight's height? Or will it be still below Rainbow's or even taller?

2. What's with the scene when Katsuo said “I AM NO MERE PASTRY CHEF! I AM A PATISSIER! I DO NOT SIMPLY BAKE COOKIES AND CAKES! I MAKE ART!”. Is he trying to become the second Kougami?

3. Which do you considered to be OOO's Final Form? Putotyra or Super Tatoba?

7771094 Ok, so moderate but still very useful in situations. Not nearly as overpowered as I feared it might be.

7771208 Battride War games say Super TaToBa is the final form. It has greater kicking power, jump height, and speed, and is presumably more durable. Super TaToBa's ability to freeze time and immunity to being frozen in time is also a big bonus. Overall, it's the superior form. Not to mention, the particular stat boosts. Super eyesight and X-Ray vision, very powerful claws that are (presumably) stronger than the Medagabyru, and legs that can provide a 25 ton kick and gain 300 meters in a single bound, as well as wings to top it off.

Also, am I the only one who's realized that two of OOO's three methods of flight involve wings attached to his head? Super TaToBa has the Super Taka Head, which has the wings growing from it, and same with PuToTyra. TaJaDor is the only one with wings coming out of the back proper.

Poor guy must feel like Kamen Rider Dumbo most of the time.

I want to hear shinigamisparda's opinion, but thanks for sharing it anyways.

7771208 1. I'm not sure what you mean by "Full Metal", but there will be no size changes for Katsuo. A pint-sized powerhouse he will forever be.

2. Heh. Let's just say it wouldn't be out of character for him to shout "Subarashi!" as some point. He takes his art very seriously.

3. Super, definitely. But he'll be relying on PuToTyra long before he ever gets that one.

7773803 Think that was a typo for 'Full Medal' combos. Sometimes people mentally 'auto-pilot' with words, so similarly spelled words can cross paths.

1. I meant to said Full Medal Combo, sorry about the typo, I just asking because it's just that if Katsuo would ever go on 'Berserk mode'. A 4'10 foot tall OOO's rampaging is not as frightening or build as much suspence as the original OOO's height. I know that's sounds offensive and I'm sorry, but it won't built up as much climax or intimidation to Katsuo's appearance, especially when he's using Putotyra Combo. In other words, having a 4,10ft Putotyra attacking doesn't look as bad ass, intimidating or as dramatic as the original height of OOO's Putotyra Combo which is 205 cm tall (according to the Kamenrider.wikia.com).

PS: I understand his genetic disorder and that size doesn't matter, but still it won't be as cool if he'll go berserk and attacking someone who's taller than him such as the main six, especially when using PuToTyra Combo.

2. Oh I see, good point.

3. Super Tatoba is my favorite too, but Putotyra is just as good.

7773903 1. I'm sure that it doesn't sound intimidating... until that 4'10" PuToTyra grabs you by the neck, smashes you through five buildings, slams you the floor, and then repeatedly slashes your chest with that axe.:pinkiecrazy:

I'm thinking maybe an influence for Filthy and Silver but a full on either replacement or even a reveal of always being a Greed for Spoild. If a reveal, it would make Diamond half Greed. It would also go well with the overall arc of Diamond Tiara's character.

That is an interesting story concept for Diamond Tiara. But there's a low chance she's a half pony/Greeed, because according to previous chapters, the Greeeds recently came to Equestria slightly after Katsuo arrived and accidentally dropped some of his Core Medals. Unless the Greeeds were been living in Equestria for quite a while before Katsuo's arrival or she 's somehow absorbs some Core Medals and kept it too long in her body that she might becoming Greeed like.


Judging from the little blurb we got at the end of chapter 1, it looks like the Greeeds being in Equestria for some time isn't all that far fetched of an idea.

Comment posted by ANDIE deleted Dec 21st, 2016

Did Katsuo used any of the Purple Medals when he demonstrate OOO's Powers at the last chapter in the White Tail woods? (I know it's a stupid question for an OOO's fan because Purple Medals can only used for a Full Combo, but I want to make sure). Because if not, this means that the Main Six only knows how the Head, Torso and Leg portions of PuToTyra works, but they haven't seen it in action right?

7810492 Actually, I'm making it so he can use them individually. I know they never were in the show, but that's because they were inside Eiji and he could only access them all at once. There was nothing suggesting he couldn't do it if he were to get ahold of them individually.

Wait, so Katsuo did used one of the Purple Medals while he demonstrate it in the White Tail Woods? Darn, because I hoped that if he didn't used them. I would like to see the looks on the Main Six faces when they saw him sprout huge Pteranodon wings, T-rex tail and pull out a giant purple Dino Axe (Medagabryu) out of the ground.

Because according to the kamenrider.wikia.com Purple Core Medals can't be used with other Medals because of it being the antithesis (opposite) of desire and greed.

7810725 Well, Medagabryu won't appear until PuToTyra is used. It can be used in other forms afterwards, just like the show.

I know, but still does that mean the Main Six already saw Katsuo uses Pteranodon wings or a T-rex tail or an shoulder pads with extendable Triceratops horns ?

Comment posted by ANDIE deleted Dec 22nd, 2016
Comment posted by ANDIE deleted Dec 22nd, 2016

1. Dam it! I was hoping that the Main Six haven't seen the Purple Medals been used yet, because I want to see the 'SHOCK' on their 'FACES' when seeing the Pteranodon Wings and the T-Rex Tail if he used them in the near future instead.

2. Besides 'ACCORDING' to the kamen rider wiki: "Unlike the other combos, Putotyra Combo causes most of the OOO armor to become white and cannot form a mismatch with the other Core Medals, as the purple Medals are made in nature as the antithesis of desire, negating the power of the other Core Medals."

Comment posted by ANDIE deleted Dec 22nd, 2016

Okay, how about this, let's say that Katsuo didn't used the Purple Core Medals during the demonstration back at the White Tail Woods, he only tells the Main Six how the Head, Torso and Legs works, but he didn't show it to any of them, what do you say?:trixieshiftright:

7810946 Well, my idea was that using any of the purple medals without a Combo still keeps the armor black. I kinda already have this planned out and Katsuo won't even go into his first full Combo until the Season 2 premier.

But still I prefer the Purple Medal only function as a Full Combo instead of a Random color like in the original show. I'm fine with his height now, but this is a different subject to my opinion. Can't you just make an acception that Katsuo didn't used any Purple Core Medals until or if he uses all of the six other Full Combo's

I know you're still there and if you think I'm the only one who doesn't want a Purple Core Medal mixed with other Core Medals here, then you should rethink about this.

7811098 I'm sorry, but while I always consider suggestions that doesn't mean I'm always going to accept them. I'm sorry if this upsets you.

Comment posted by ANDIE deleted Dec 22nd, 2016
Comment posted by ANDIE deleted Dec 28th, 2016

So I take it that you're still going to make mismatches combinations of other Core Medals with the Purple Medals huh? If you prefer that than having the Purple Medals only to be used as a Full Combo like in the original show then feel comfortable with it. But I still won't acknowledged the fact that the Purple Medals could make a combination with other Core Medals though.

Anyone here who doesn't like or want the Purple Core Medal to mismatch with other Core Medals then like my comment!:coolphoto:
And anyone who doesn't mind or like a mismatch of the Purple Medals with other Core Medals then dislike my comment:twilightoops:


I don't know, a set of Medals based around the Full Metal Alchemist series (whose protagonist is also uncharacteristically short for his age, whilst being a mite sensitive about said lack of height,) could possibly be arranged, assuming shinigamisparda is willing to cross over with one of the various FMA Displaced tales in the group... (None of which are mine, fyi, just saying...)

Just think, a set of Medals centered around Alchemy! So much fun...!

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