• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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Everyone Gets a Free Trap

Brye Chandler's eyes lit up.

He and his fellow officers gasped loudly as the final horizon erupted in flame directly in front of them.

The Central Guard watched in numb horror as the front end of the foremost ship was propelled skyward from the sheer blast. The hull broke apart in a dozen pieces while bodies of the skeleton crew went flying every which way.

Before anyone could make out more details, a thick wave of water slammed into their bow, causing the entire ship to jostle.

Chandler wobbled in his chariot.

Armored soldiers fell and tumbled across the deck.

Keris and the rest of Talon gripped the railing as hard as they could, their hawkeyes reflecting orange flame and debris.

Shrieks filled the chambers of Bleak's Plummet.

The world around the sarosians roared with the deep bass percussion of the explosion's shockwave.

Nicole and Echo gazed into the frothing waters with shocked expressions.

"H'wynsyln mym s'wynym!" one of the two warriors on board the Stardust exclaimed, pointing west.

"...?" Bard spun around in time to see a tall plume of orange flame piercing the heavens due west, accompanied by a distant boom. His muzzle dropped in shock.

The waters around the rusted ship grew choppier for a few seconds.

Remna was pacing in circles beside the array of dangling chalices when a dull thud reached the Emeraldinian platform, piercing the rain and thunder at the edge of the world.

Kepler and Flynn looked up from their instruments.

Violet brow furrowed, Remna twirled about and peered west.

Soon, the usual ambiance of thunder and rushing water filled the gap that the odd noise had made.

The Heraldites exchanged mute glances—tense and curious.

A nervous murmur rolled through all of Enix's nightblooded warriors. Most exchanged shocked expressions while others kept their gaze locked on the fading flames far below. As the tumultuous explosion came to a conclusion, there was scarcely any sign of the ship left to be seen—just random chunks of smoldering wreckage left adrift in the stormy waters.

Enix clenched her jaw. She glanced across the thick black clouds to where the rest of the party waited in ambush.

Wildcard stared down at the remaining two ships in mute contemplation.

Ariel—however—was far less meditative. "Holy hell..." She grimaced vividly, wingtips trembling from where she perched on her thundercloud. "Spirit of Mortuana." She closed her eyes tightly shut. "Please let her have lived through that."

Chunks of red-hot debris bobbed in the boiling waters.

Tiny clouds of misty splashes pock-marked the ocean all around the epicenter of the blast—where a murky white swirl of lunar dust had formed.

To the east, the largest surviving piece of the ship—its bow—sunk slowly and menacingly into the waters. There were occasional screams and moans echoing over the waves, but the source of such voices could scarcely be seen through the smoke and haze.

And then... towards the west end of the debris field—


—a petite blue shape surfaced, treading water desperately beside a smattering of still-smoking shrapnel.

Rainbow Dash opened one eye... and then the other. Her Loyalty pendant was pulsating wildly... and her loyal friends chattering a mile a minute as they attempted to bring order to the chaotic moment. Between listening to them and avoiding the tiny specks of debris still falling all around, Rainbow Dash couldn't find the time to feel if any limbs had been damaged or if anypony on board the ship had survived the explosion or—




Rainbow flung a weak glance westward. The other two ships were closing in fast.

"—what in the Hell happened to them?!"

"Verlaxion's sleet!"

"—like a sword of fire from the heart of the ocean—"

"Did a comet hit the ship?!"

"The windigoes! It had to have been them—!"

Brye Chandler gnashed his teeth. Waving from where he stood on his chariot, he struggled and strained to win the attention of his panicked troops. No matter how loudly he shouted, the sheer commotion of his subordinates drowned him out. A few soldiers perched on the ship's bow, preparing to dive madly into the waters to search for survivors. Others wrestled them back, and a fight nearly broke out between the hysterical numbers.

Meanwhile—hanging back by the stern—Keris and his fellow wingmates watched in curious silence, observing the degree to which madness took over the rest of the crew.

At last, it was Keris who muttered: "She did it."

The rest of the Talon flashed him a look.

"This was done on purpose." Keris' eyes narrowed. "This is exactly what Rainbow Dash needs to get an edge: reduce the pursuing enemy to enraged fools."

"Commander..." Raptr fidgeted, glancing east into the fresh sea of debris. "Do you mean to say that... Rainbow Dash just killed Seraphimus?"

To that, Keris had no answer. He gazed calmly into the mess, his ears ringing from the shouting voices of Chandler and his soldiers.

"That ka-boom was waaaaaaaay more ka-boomy than I expected!"

"But it's over now, Pinkie! Now we have to make sure Rainbow Dash gets away safely!"

"'Safely?' Just look at her, darling! She must have a dozen broken bones and a concussion!"

"Don't ya think she woulda told us if she had broken somethin'?"

"Girls, we have to help Rainbow Dash get out of here. The enemy is closing in!"

"Did you see where those bodies went flying?! Whew-wee! They won't be eating any cheese and crackers anytime soon!"


"Everypony quiet! We have a job to do!"

"Rainbow, you must swim away from here, darling!"

"Them varmints are almost on top of ya!"

"Please, Rainbow! You look so hurt and exhausted! Let's find a place where you can go and recover!"

Rainbow Dash wheezed. Her head bobbed up and down in the water—so that she sputtered moisture on every third breath. A hot strip of metal drifted past her, followed by a smoking chunk of twisted debris.

Twitching, her eyes tilted up—scouring the surface.

The two ships roared closer, their twin bows piercing the water and the peppered layer of lunar dust. From meters away, she could hear the confused, angry, and vengeful voices of over a hundred adrenalized Rohbreddenites.

"Where..." Rainbow Dash hissed, shivering along the surface of the murky water. "...where is Bleak's Plummet...?"

"Rainbow, darling." Rarity gulped. "Perhaps now is not the time for—"


Rarity winced. "It's... it's s-surfacing west of the ships!"

"Should be visible any moment now," Fluttershy nodded.

Rainbow Dash's jaw muscles tightened. "Then my work here isn't done."

"Rainbow..." Twilight flew in closer. "If you could just wait a few more minutes to recover—"

"Don't... gnngh... h-have a few minutes..." Rainbow Dash swam over to a strip of metal and climbed it until she was perched on the bobbing thing. "Nicole, Echo, and the rest are st-still at risk. If I don't capitalize on this..."

"Rainbow, I enjoy a good slobberknocker like the rest," Applejack stammered. "But are ya sure yer able to carry on like this?"

"No." Rainbow frowned, stretching her wings. "Which is exactly why I gotta." She glanced at the rest of the mares. "Devilish smirks on, girls. It's time to be bad guys."

"Ohhhhhhhhhh..." Rarity moaned, her ghostly body slumped. "...I was positively dreading this part."

"Be careful, Rainbow," Twilight insisted.

"You know I won't." Rainbow held her breath, kicked off the debris...

...and soared up into the sky like a prismatic beacon. Her ruby pendant lit up, glinting off the metal surfaces of the two ships.

Dozens of Frostknifers instantly gasped. As the ruby light broke through the stormy malaise, the combined crew of both ships looked up to see their elusive target at long last. If even for a second, their angry veneer was replaced with sheer shock... and perhaps a tiny bit of pallid trepidation.

"Haah haah haah haah!" Rainbow's comically bombastic voice broke the thunder, and yet when it landed on the soldiers' ears it dug its way in deep like a dagger. "Is that the best you've got to send me?!"

"Commander!" Starstorm pointed. "Look—!"

"Shhhh!" Keris hissed, nodding towards the spectral figure presenting herself to the armada. "I see her."

The Talon observed sharply as Rainbow Dash continued her villainous display in the misty air east of the two ships.

"I killed your pathetic Verlaxion without breaking a sweat!" Rainbow Dash snarled through grinning, gnashing teeth. Her ruby eyes swam around until she found the sight of a shiny chariot with a heavily-armored figure seated inside. She focused all of her menace and swagger on the northern ship. "You think a bunch of armored losers in tugboats is enough to scare me?!" She spat, reaching a hoof up to her pendant so as to increase the otherworldly aura pulsating around her. "I'll rip you limb from limb and leave the rest for the windigoes to feast on... you sniveling snot-nosed brats of a dead Goddess!"

Brye Chandler gaped up at her, muzzle hanging wide open. Slowly—as each serrated word sank in—the muscles in his body tightened. The soldiers gathered around him mimicked their leader's posture as anger and outrage took over every muscle and brain cell. A low growl perculated deep in the heart of the group, reaching a boiling point as every weapon, blade, and bludgeon imaginable was unsheathed in one coordinated air-ringing moment.


"Guardians of Frostknife!" Chandler pointed a guantlet'd hoof up at their infernal target. "Kill her! Gut her! Bring me her head—!"

Rainbow Dash was already taunting them before he could finish his authoritative command. "Bring your worst, you stupid snow-huffing melon fudges!" Turning tail, Rainbow Dash rocketed skyward at a brisk forty-five degrees towards the stormclouds looming in the east.

It was with good timing too, for the misty air behind her was swiftly filled with a thunderous salvo of wing-flaps from every able-bodied soldier of the Central Guard lifting off the twin ships simultaneously and giving chase. Their shadows blackened the already-charred sea as they formed a murderous flock of metal, pursuing the Rainbow Rogue with homicidal thirst.

Only Chandler and two dozen crew members across both ships remained—just enough to competently pilot the vessels—just as Chandler gave the orders: "Full speed ahead! Bring us underneath her!" He hollered up at the last line of soldiers accelerating skyward. "Close in around the Rogue on all sides! We'll be there to catch her entrails!"

"Minister!" Keris and the rest of the Talon reached the chariot in a blink. The Commander grimaced as the last of countless shadows streaked past him. "Honestly?! Sending the entire squadron?! Can't you rein some of them in, for Verlaxion's sake?!"

"Not now, Commander—"

"This is clearly a distraction!" Keris hollered, gesturing at the smoldering remains of the destroyed point ship. "If the Rainbow Rogue truly wanted to defeat us, then why did she spare the ship we were on—?"

"If you honestly wish to help, Commander..." Chandler pivoted about in the chariot, leaning over to snarl in the griffon's face. "Then fly up there and assist my troops!"

Keris frowned. But before he could retort—

"Commander..." Windburst leaned in, murmuring so that only he could hear. "That would be the best way to find out what Rainbow is up to... and assist her."

Hearing the words of his sergeant, Keris reached a characteristically calm state. He gave the bobbing debris one final look before approaching the bow, perching on it, and spreading his feathers. "Talon! Righteous defenders of Rohbredden...!"

Starstorm, Windburst, and Raptr perched all around him.

"—take wing!" And the group soared skyward with swift grace.

Without breaking a sweat, Chandler gestured at the soldiers and crew ponies scrambling across the deck around him.

"Bring us around the debris! Heat the engines up to full temperature!" He pointed south. "Tell our sister ship to keep a respectable distance! I want us to provide full support at any moment for our noble brothers in pursuit of the Rainbow Rogue!" Blood vessels throbbed in his emerald eyes as he sneered into the sky. "Either we bring her guts back to Frostknife or we don't come back at all!"


Rainbow streaked her way through denser and denser thunder clouds. Her sweating, rain-soaked figure glinted from the flashes of lightning above and beneath her.

The same bright-blue pulses illuminated a veritable wyrm of angry armor soaring up after her.

Hissing voices pierced the heavens, drawing closer:

"...going to avenge my family in your blood!"

"...bring back your head as a trophy to Verlaxion!"

"Pull your every entrail out and feed it back to you!"

Applejack whistled, clutching her ghostly hat. "Well, they're ticked off, alright!"

"Oh goodness..." Fluttershy shivered. "I... I-I didn't expect them to be so close that I could hear their voices!"

"They're getting closer." Twilight moaned, jittery.

"Don't worry!" Pinkie Pie chirped. "Dashie's got a plan that will make this alllllll better!" Gulping, the party pony looked worriedly at their anchor. "Right, Dashie?"

"Just... gotta... get... to... the Herald..." Rainbow gnashed her teeth, piercing the dark clouds above.

"Then why aren't you going faster, darling?" Rarity insisted. "We all know you can fly faster than this?"

"Because..." Rainbow sweated, throwing a breathless glance at the angry army surging after her. "...I gotta make sure they follow me all the way."

"This is a mite bit more than I thought we was gonna be doin' fisticuffs with," Applejack said. "You sure our lil' ambush is enough to take these Frostknife folks to the woodshed?"

"They're not all bad ponies and griffons, Applejack," Fluttershy suddenly insisted.

Applejack sighed. "Fluttershy, sugarcube..."

"What I mean is..." Fluttershy swifly clarified. "...the Talon's with them."

Rainbow glanced at her.

"Keris. The others." Fluttershy managed a smile—even if it was a weak one. "They're taking up the rear."

"Well..." Twilight's eartips perked. "At least that's something."

"Brilliant!" Rarity cheered. "Then there's an infinitesimal candle of hope after a—"

"What are you stupid foals made out of?! Lead?!" Rainbow Dash hollered down through the thunder and swirling mists. Lightning reflected her toothy, evin grin. "I killed your stupid Queen, and all you wanna do is chase each other's farts!"

The angry voices below her redoubled.

"Going to rip your muzzle clean off!"

"In Verlaxion's name!"

"Your legacy ends here, Rogue!"

"Your blood will stain the world's end red!"

Rarity frowned. "Really?! Rainbow Dash—"

"Gotta get them dumb-angry!" She accelerated just quickly enough to keep out of spear-tossing range of the pursuing forces. "So I can outsmart them with brave-angry!"

"Our friends!" Fluttershy pointed at a solid ceiling of dark thunderclouds drowning the stars above. "They're waiting—"

"Good!" Rainbow Dash wheezed, flapping her wings harder as she spiraled into the black mists amidst broiling thunder. "Time to disappear!"

Far below, Windburst's hawkeyes narrowed. "Sir!"

Keris drifted closer as the four Talon members soared skyward. "What is it, Sergeant?"

"Rainbow. She's..." Windburst's beak tightened. "...she's disappeared."

"What do you mean 'disappeared?'" Raptr stammered.

"These clouds..." Starstorm gazed at the sudden labyrinthine collection of dark vapors above and around them. "...they appear to be closing in."

"A trap..." Keris glanced left and right. "...it has to be."

"This must be what Rainbow wants, then!" Starstorm exclaimed. "The whole explosion down below was just the bait! This is the actual delivery!"

"Then we gotta rush to the head of the group!" Raptr insisted as the four continued to ascend behind the Frostknifers. "End this before it gets bad!"

Keris said nothing.

"D-don't we?" Raptr squeaked.

"No. Let's..." Keris flapped his wings slower, purposefully decelerating. "...let's see where this goes."

Windburst peered aside. "You want to see what Rainbow has in store?"

"It's not just her," Keris said, nodding his feathered skull at the mess. "If this is what I think it is..."

"It has to be the work of dozens of ponies," Starstorm said.

"Right." Keris exhaled. "It so happens we're the only members of the Minister's hunting party level-headed enough to see it."

"Does this mean that Rainbow's going to bring the hammer down on our companions here?" Raptr asked.

"If we hold back too much," Windburst said. "Chandler's gonna notice, don't you think?"

"No. I think he's positively blind right now... and Rainbow's counting on it," Keris said. "So should we." He looked at Raptr. "And—no—I don't think Rainbow intends on keeping true to what her persona says. Not if she can help it."

Raptr gulped. "Didn't she take Seraphimus' life just now?"

Windburst and Starstorm exchanged glances.

"Raptr..." Keris calmly exhaled, gazing up at the bloodlusting squadron as it drew further and futher into the stormclouds. "...if by now you expect nothing of our former Commander but defeat, then you truly don't know Seraphimus."

Salt water splashed against her beak.

Ashes from burning debris laced her feathery neck.

She winced, muscles twitching from where she clung to an L-shaped scrap of rusted bulkhead.

Two other survivors were slumped over the same floating shrapnel—their bodies writhing upon the spot where Seraphimus had personally rescued and tethered them safely after a heroic swim.

Thunder rolled... accompanied by another loud rumble.

One charcoal eye opened... then the next.

Seraphimus peered weakly at the cloudy sky—as it was soon blotted out by the hull of a rusted steamship speeding past her. Above her.

"Guh!" The former commander grimaced, reaching out to steady the other two survivors as their floating debris was shaken, rocked, and nearly tipped completely over in the wake of the churning vessel. "Goddess alive..." She hissed, frowning at the two ships as they roared past her on both sides. "Chandler!" Anger. Frustration. Heat. "Runes! Lunar rocks!" Her hoarse voice scarcely pierced the twilight thunder, much less the engines of both ships. Her warnings fell on deaf ears. "She's using the midnighters' blighted magic against us! This is a trap! It's—"

Just then, a new sound erupted to the west. It was a deep bass roar rising in pitch, accompanied by an ocean of frothing bubbles.

Startled, Seraphimus flung an exhausted look past the wake of both ships—just in time to catch an aura of runic light rapidly surfacing.

"Rocks, sir!" A crewpony looked up at the leader positioned in his chariot. "Due east! We're drawing closer to the point of no return! How far do you wish for us to go?"

Chandler frowned down at the sailor. "Are we directly beneath our squadron, yet?"

"Erm... no, sir..." The crewpony shivered slightly. "But... th-they disappeared! And if we get too close to the rocks—"

"I told you that we need to be beneath them for when they bring the Rainbow Rogue's bloody body crashing down into the sea!" Chandler pounded his metal-laced hoof. "What part of my command did you not understand—?!"

Just then, a loud watery splash lit the air west of them. The scant remaining members of the crew gasped, with multiple heads turning to gawk beyond the two ships' sterns.

"Defense Minister!"


"Verlaxion's sleet...!"

"Huh?" Brye Chandler spun about. His eyes widened, and he nearly dropped his bulky helmet. "What in blazes...?"

A massive structure had pierced the ocean's surface, laced with pulsating specks of otherworldly magic. Large, thick branches of gnarled bleakweed glistened in the rain and lightning. Along the topmost balconies, translucent glowing windows could be seen—with several velvety dark bodies lingering within. From the sheer blackness looming just beneath the waters, it was more than evident that the two crews were only spotting the tip of a massive, twisting iceberg.

"Where... where d-did that come from?!" a pony stammered.

"Did... did that thing just glide beneath us?"

"It appears stationary."

"They're flanking us! Brace for attack—"

"With what?! I don't see any artillery! Do you?"

"I..." Brye Chandler paled and paled. The rage and determination that had empowered him mere minutes ago had completely drained, and suddenly he was once again a confused Consortium businessstallion garbed in a gilded tin can. "I don't understand. How...? Who...?"

"Sir..." One of two bodyguards peered up at him with hard hawkeyes. "Bleak's Plummet."

Chandler gulped. "Bleak's... Plummet...?"

"The midnighters' dwelling place that the privateers told us about! It has to be!" The griffon pointed west. "At last, we've uncovered it!"

"Sir!" another crew member spat. "We're approaching the lower position! As ordered!"

Chandler shivered. He looked east at the looming rocks, then back west at the bleakweed structure. He shivered some more.

"Sir! What is your next command?"

"There are midnighters behind us, Minister."

"Our squadron should be engaging the Rainbow Rogue at this moment!"

"This might be our one chance to silence the Seventh Tribe once and for all!"

"I... I..." Chandler clenched his eyes shut. He took a deep breath... and when his eyes reopened, it was filled with the same spirited vitriol that brought him and the rest of the guardians that far. "I must ensure that we properly avenge our murdered Goddess." He pointed sharply towards the heavens. "All eyes on the sky! Steady on our course eastward! The moment the Rainbow Rogue falls, I want us to catch her... and rip her heart out!"

"Aye, sir!"

"Signal the sister ship! Maintain position once we're at the shoals!" Chandler shouted. "Our goal is the death of the Rainbow Rogue! I will not rest until her blood is on my hooves!"

The air around him filled with one singular voice of passion.

Nicole and Echo watched—awestruck—as the two vessels grew more and more distant along the murky sea. They rested easy as Bleak's Plummet bobbed in the choppy waves, undisturbed.

"I don't believe it," Echo murmured, sharing surprised looks with his sarosian companions. "They're leaving us alone! I mean... I mean they saw us, right?"

"They must have seen Rainbow too." Nicole gulped. "What else would you expect?"

"Those dumb... stupid... brainless bastards." Echo's fangs showed in a bright grin. "Eee-eee-eee" he chortled. "They're actually buying it!"

The chambers filled with breathy, elated moonwhinny.

"Quick!" Echo spun about. "Tell every platform and every able-bodied hoof to hurry with re-enchanting the runes! We've been given a window to get out of this shitfest with our heads intact!" He glanced back out the window, leafy ears shifting. "Let's not waste it..."

"Thank you..." Nicole had her hooves clasped together as her eyes rested on the ships growing more and more distant. "Thank you, Rainbow..."

Seraphimus was beside herself with incredulous anger.

Bobbing in the water, she gaped at Bleak's Plummet... at the ships... then at the midnighter domain again.


She hissed.

"Dammit, Chandler..."

She snarled.

That snarl soon turned into a growl... and then a breathy roar as her muscles flexed.

Abandoning the other survivors, Seraphimus stood up with a burst of violent strength...

...and propelled herself straight up with a flash of silver wings. When she flew, it was not towards the Defense Minister's armada. It was not towards Bleak's Plummet. It was not towards the edge of the world.

She flew a bee-line at the storm clouds... and towards the last seen location of Frostknife's embittered squadron. In a blink, she disappeared between the flashes of lightning.

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