• Published 28th Aug 2015
  • 2,140 Views, 44 Comments

Scootaloo's Biggest Mistake - Matt11

Being in school every single day can get boring, so Scootaloo decides to skip one day, what could go wrong?

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Chapter 5

Scootaloo’s mother had to tell the teacher she’d be a little late picking her daughter up from school so she asked if she could watch over her for a while, Cheerilee of course agreed to this although she thought she was being overprotective, she didn’t say a thing about it, as it would likely get her in trouble with the school bored, after school was done she told Scootaloo she'd be staying with her for a few hours.

“Um Miss Cheerilee, I need to use the little fillies room,” Scootaloo lied. She wanted to try and get away and see if she could talk to her friends about trying something, anything to make things go back to the way they were before.

“Okay but make it quick. I’ll be in the schoolhouse,” she said walking away not even bothering to watch her; she thought she could trust Scootaloo.

When Scootaloo thought it was safe she left and walked to the clubhouse, when she got there she was greeted by her two best friends, they were very surprised to see her; thanks to her mother they had to call off a lot of crusader meetings,

“This is driving me nuts, if I can’t see Dash again I’m going to go crazy. You girls have to get Dash to apologize to my mom or something I can’t last much longer,” she said. It had been a tough couple of months for Scootaloo and now she was more desperate to get Dash back. Since there was nothing she could do, she had to ask her friends.

“We know you’re having a hard time with all this Scoots, but maybe you should listen to your mom. I mean mothers always know best, at least that's what my mom told me,” Sweetie Belle replied .

Apple Bloom shook her head. They had to help Scootaloo, she could tell this break up was tearing her friend apart and she didn’t like it. She had something like this happen to her along time ago but with Applejack; her sister got out of control and became overprotective, she kept putting helmets on her head.

Apple Bloom walked over to Scootaloo and placed a hoof on her shoulder, “Don’t worry we'll try our hardest to get y'all back together.”

Scootaloo smiled, “Thanks guys,” she said taking a look out the clubhouse window; only to see her mother and she didn’t look very happy.

“Scootaloo, come out here right now!” she exclaimed.

Scootaloo sighed she looked back at her friends, scared. “Please… hurry guys,” she said and walked out to face her mother, “Hi Mom,” she said trying to sound happy.

Dizzy Twister sighed, “I don’t understand why you left. I was actually going to let you hang out with your friends today Scootaloo but you blew it.” Dizzy Twister kneeled to her daughter's level, and put Scootaloo on her back. “When we get home I need your help with the garden , once we finish that you need to finish all your homework.”

Scootaloo waved bye to her friends as they left the clubhouse and her friends just stared; this was far worse than they imagined.

“Ah can’t believe this…. she's treating her as if she's a three year old. Ah don’t like seeing Scootaloo like this. Come on let's go find Dash,” Apple Bloom said. Sweetie Belle noded in response, even she didn't like how things were looking.

When the two crusaders arrived to Dash’s home there was one small problem, they weren’t pegasus so they couldn’t climb up due to the house being in the sky and all, Apple Bloom turned to Sweetie Belle.

“Do ya by any chance know any types of spells to get up there?” Apple Bloom asked.

Sweetie Belle shook her head, “Sorry but both Twilight and Rarity say that type of magic is for high level magic users. Why don’t we go ask Twilight?”

A powerful wind breezed through the crusaders. “Have you forgotten already? She's gone to Canterlot for the weekend, she's got important Princess things to do. We might as well try to get Rainbow’s attention.

“Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash, come out we need yer help!” Applebloom yelled, the two continued trying to get her down for the next two minutes but nothing. They decided they to try later.

So much had changed since Dizzy decided she'd be spending more time with Scootaloo, although it felt weird at first she knew her daughter loved it. Now, however something felt off with Scootaloo, she wasn’t like she used to be, she seemed to be getting a little more shy than she used to be.

Dizzy Twister walked over to Scootaloo, “Hey sweetheart… maybe we could go to the park today what ya say about that?” she asked. The last time she asked it made Scootaloo act strange.

Scootaloo’s ears bent backwards behind her head, “I...I it doesn’t sound, safe, I rather be home with you mom, where it's safe,” she said as she went outside to do some work on the garden.

Instead of going outside Dizzy had to think. Was this no Rainbow Dash policy really a good idea?. She was beginning to miss the energetic daughter she once had. getting up Dizzy decided it's time she goes to Dash and try to fix this, no it's time they both fix this, for her daughter.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think I might have gone too far. I’ve completely changed Scootaloo from who she used to be. My rambunctious filly is gone…” she thought.

Dizzy Twister decided to go to Rainbow Dash’s house. Although she hadn’t talked with Dash since she was a filly, maybe it was time they made amends. She wasn’t just doing it for her daughter, she actually missed the old days she spent with her best friend, maybe they could have those days back.

Within a minute after knocking Dash came to the door. Looking at her Dizzy could tell Dash hadn’t gotten much sleep for the past few days; obviously Dash missed Scootaloo too. “Hi Rainbow Dash, could I… come in?” she asked.

Dash stepped to the side and allowed her in, only one thing was on her mind, she only wanted Scootaloo back, she missed her little energetic buddy.

Dizzy Twister took a seat on one of Dash’s couches, and took a deep breath. “Dash I understand both you and I have our differences. I can see your sorry for everything but, I just want my little Scoots to be safe, ya know?”

Dizzy Twister continued, “ I don’t wanna keep Scootaloo away from you anymore, it's really changing her, she's becoming different… her personality isn’t what it used to be. I guess you could say this is my fault,” she said tearing up abit.

Rainbow Dash walked over to her old friend and hugged her and wiping the tear away. Dash let go of her and looked her in the eyes, “Hey this isn't your fault… it's mine I admit I should've never told Scootaloo to skip school in the first place. I’m sorry I told her that, can you forgive me? Can I see my little buddy again?”

Dizzy Twister thought about this for a few seconds, if she said no Scootaloo would be a miserable pony for the rest of her life or at least until she was old enough to leave the house. If she said yes Scootaloo would be happy again but back in danger. She still couldn’t trust Dash but maybe if she laid down some rules for Dash to follow she could earn that trust back and then one day they could be friends again.

“Okay Dash I’ll let her see you again but here are the rules; number one, Scootaloo must be home by eight, two, never tell her to ever skip school again and number three…… teach her to fly, just nothing too dangerous” she said getting up.

Dash smiled with happiness, “You....you mean I can see my little buddy again?”Dash asked, unable to contain the excitement in her voice.

Dizzy Twister smiled and noded. “Yes but only if you follow the rules,” she said “And Dash, I’m really sorry about just leaving you in school.I was always taught that school is best for you, so when you left me I thought that was your own way of saying I don’t like you anymore, I took it pretty hard”

Dash gave Dizzy a small noogie something she hadn’t done in years. “What? I’d never betray you like that, I’m the element of loyalty for ponies sake. I guess I thought once I got my cutie mark there was really no need to go to school no more, so I left. I’m so sorry I never thought of your feelings, could you ever forgive me? Dash asked.

“No need for apologies Dash, I’ve already forgiven you, and let's hope within time, we can get Scootaloo back to her normal self, but I know I won’t be doing this alone will I?

Dash smiled, “Of course not. I bet we can have her back to her real self within a month. What do ya say we go see her?”

Dizzy nodded and the two best friends flew off into the sunset.

Comments ( 6 )

A bit of poor construction in places, and one or two capitalization errors. That, and you really need more commas. Don't be afraid of commas. Commas are your friend.

Story-wise, things are decent, but the syntax is a bit cringe-inducing. IIRC, you had an editor, but he could really be doing a better job here.

Not a bad conclusion, but I think this idea could've lasted for a couple more chapters and stretch out the story.

6610917 yeah he's not a great editor, he also doesn't see it as his job to fix all the syntax errors. Syntax is part of style and he thinks editors can only put their influence so much before they take ownership which is something a good editor shouldn't do, or so he thinks.

6611580 ...Wait, aren't you the editor? Is there any particular reason you were speaking in the third person there?

6611969 my sardonic sense of humor mostly

It felt like there was a sudden time skip. But I don't know if it was one.

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