• Published 27th Jul 2015
  • 7,126 Views, 104 Comments

Fluttershy's Punishment - DragonflyDreams

The Sirens punish Fluttershy in the changing rooms, for failing to help Adagio cheat in class.

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Comments ( 48 )

6601338 That's very nice of you to say! Sadly this story had to come to an end, but I am planning a sequel which will probably start next time I get a few days off work! In the meantime, you may enjoy my other clopfic 'Apple Juice', which is actually pretty similar to this story in some ways. Thank you again for your kind words!

You have GOT to be kidding me?! Now they're going to do it to Rainbow Dash?!

I have never hated the Dazzlings so much in my entire life!

I'll be on the lookout for the sequel, secretly praying that these girls get what's coming to them in the future.

Awesome ending :pinkiehappy:
I cannot wait for the sequel :D
When do you think you'll be getting a few days off work? I hope it's soon, this stuff so good :)

Comment posted by The Forgotten One deleted Nov 5th, 2015

All I can say is this :

So much for saved.

Are they really going to delete the photos of Fluttershy

Comment posted by The Forgotten One deleted Nov 5th, 2015

Hey guys, just to clarify; I haven't deleted any one's comments or anything. Death2-3D deleted his own comments. Just letting you know so that it doesn't look like I've been deleting any criticism or whatever, he/she actually enjoyed this story :)

I can vouch for that, sometimes I post comments I think will stick and then later change my mind. Its my first time commenting on a story I really enjoy so of course I'm going to go overboard with the praise :rainbowlaugh:

6607583 Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy the story so much! :)

6608988 Haha, let's face it, they would sell :raritywink:

6601839 I wouldn't bother and just dislike this turd and give this story a middle finger.

sooo….there gonna be a sequel?! :pinkiehappy:

6612136 Aw thanks, I really like your picture. Sunset Shimmer and Human Twi make such a cute couple!

6612951 Yep :) Look out for it!

I feel like Pinkie Pie trying to keep the baby news to herself, everyday I'm jittery with anticipation as I wait for this amazing story to continue ....you're killing me smalls! XD

6636311 Aw what a compliment! Thank you very much! I have recently started another story with a similar theme, involving Human Twilight. It should be uploaded soon, hopefully you will like it.

Dear everyone who enjoyed this story,

Firstly, thank you very much for your comments and support. Secondly, I have just started my very first group for stories just like this one. It's called "The Naked Truth" and is specifically for stories involving nudity, shaming, stripping, and all that fun stuff.

Please feel free to add your stories!

6729462 Sorry! I promise it will happen as soon as I have time. I don't want to rush it, would rather it be of good quality and worth the wait :) In the meantime, please check out my other clopfics: Apple Juice, Vibration or Humiliation, and Princess Pee Challenge. Or if you feel the need for something light hearted, I've written Cheese Fondue; a short story about a night in the life of Cheese Sandwich. All comments are welcome and thank you so much for your interest in my work :)

6729978 :rainbowlaugh: I hope that last post didn't come off as frustrated or annoyed, cause it was all in good fun :rainbowlaugh: take as much time as you need, I would rather you take time to perfect it rather than rush it out like other choppy clops that disappoint. Fluttershy's punishment, I Wanna Be Your Pony and After That Faithful Night are my top 3 fav clopfics so far on my short time on fimfic, keep up the awesome work!

6730004 Of course not! I'm really happy that you enjoyed my story so much and that you are awaiting the sequel so eagerly :) I promise it will be good, I just need the time to write it! Thank you again for your interest it really means a lot!

So hows that Rainbow Dash's punishment coming along?

I really like you ended this.

The ending makes no sense. If Rainbow saw all this shit, she could join with Fluttershy and prove it was the Dazzlings. They had to bribe the janitor, right? They told Fluttershy that too, so she would know who to talk to. That puts them at the scene of the crime at the time of the crime as well.

On top of that, wouldn't they have the pictures on their phone? If they uploaded them from the phone, there would definitely be a way to find out who sent that stuff and a "fake account" would inevitably get traced back to them. Ignoring all of this though, the dazzlings talk like everyone would be checking the school website at 6:00 pm. Couldn't they contact the principal before they went to bed, gotten them back to school, and had the stuff taken down before any of this got out? also, how come the dazzlings can do all this hacking shit if they supposedly slack off in class? Is it a passion of theirs?

Maybe if you had it be "I'll send a mass email" that'd be way better. She could have a throwaway email and there's no way they could delete all that stuff in time. You'd still have the problem of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and the janitor's testimony's, but the case would be a lot more shaky. Getting rid of the janitor, you could also just say they stole the key and told the janitor a club was supposed to be using the locker room as part of an initiation approved by the school. It's a little far fetched, but it's more logical than what you have now/

All things considered, this is gang rape and black mail. Them adding Rainbow Dash makes the serial rapists on top of this. I'm hoping for an "it was all a dream" ending (as ridiculous as those are) or they get thrown in jail forever. Don't get me wrong, I like the fetish to some degree, but you can't let the fact you're writing porn keep you from writing logically. Just my thoughts fellow smut author.

7003771 Most of this was written when I was drunk, and like many clopfics, it's not intended to be taken seriously. Just enjoy the story. It's not supposed to be logical, it's only goal is to appeal to people who are into this type of thing. If people enjoy the read; success.

7003771 isn't the point of fiction to dispel your disbelieves? True in the real world that makes sense and they would be found out, but the job of clopfics or sex stories in general, isnt supposed to be written realistically. As Dragonflydreams said the stories job is to appeal to the reader who enjoys it, and he accomplished that big time with this story, and will so again in part 2 when it comes out

7003771 Clopfics need to be logical? Lmao... that's the most stupid comment I've ever heard. Regular stories usually need logic, sure, but Clopfics just need to be HOT. People aren't reading them for the story they just wana get turned on. They can be ridiculous as fuck, but if people find em hot they are successful. A clopfic that followed logic would be the most boring piece of shit ever.

So can we expect an update anytime soon?

7444907 This story is complete, sorry :P

7446018 so there's no part 2 with Rainbow Dash?

7446359 Maybe in the future, I haven't decided just yet and don't want to repeat too much of the same thing just using a different character so need to think of a ton more ideas before even considering writing a sequel :)

7446887 I understand where you're coming from, and completely agree. The story is good enough to be a standalone, but the ending is just too perfect and would be criminal to not take advantage of someone as prideful as Rainbow Dash and humiliate her. While I do hope that ideas come to you to continue this amazing story, I wouldn't hold it against you if you decided to move on to other ideas.

ugh... i fell thraumatized. not in a bad way though

Hey guys, I've decided to finally get the Contest Corner going!

As it's almost Halloween, I've created a contest for short horror themed stories :) Please feel free to enter any stories you have written in the past, or write an entierly new one. You can also vote on which story you like the best and the winner will be announced after Halloween and receive some spooky character art as a prize! Good Luck!


Is there going to be a sequel?

7667333 Possibly in the very very distant future but no plans yet sorry.

7668522 So its a cliffhanger?

7668653 You'll have to read to the end to see :)

dang I was hoping to see Rainbow beat up some dazzlings. Even if they posted the pictures she could take them down and they would have no leverage over her.

So the sequel is Dash getting dominated...... alright, somebody gotta die now. I am beyond pissed.

If I discovered them, I'd tie up adagio in the buff humiliating and smacking her repeatedly in the butt until she's as red as a tomato from behind.
For Aria, I would tickle torture her to bring out a smile from her .
And for Sonata, I'd wash her in that sensitive potion and dab on her sensitive area with the shock potion over and over till she's ko.

Kinda wish the sequel (if it ever does come out (which is unlikely since the author hasn't logged in in years)) has Dash somehow turn things around on the Sirens

Those bitches really make my blood boil throughout this story. And after everything they've done to her they still want to upload those pictures and ruin her life? They humilated her and violated her and they seriously dont feel that the poor girl has suffered enough?
A real shame that we may never know if they ever get a good comeuppance or if Fluttershy gets saved since it's been 2 years since the authors been on Fimfiction.

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