• Published 27th Aug 2015
  • 1,759 Views, 9 Comments

Meeting Your Hero - overlord-flinx

They say you never meet your heroes. But when you do, you're anything but speechless.

  • ...

Meeting Your Hero.

"Be careful getting off the bus," Cheerilee instructed her students with a haggard voice that she tried her best to cover with a positive spin.

Days like these were hard on everyone involved. It took an hour or two to get a proper head count at the school before assigning everyone to a bus; even then some boys and girls would windup on the wrong bus all together. But inside the bus wasn't any better, really. She would want to sit with him, he wouldn't want them in the same row, sooner or later a gap would be made in the seats because Snips "cut one" and the girls would have to disperse before they choked on it. All the while Cheerilee or one of the chaperons would have to make sure nobody fell out a window or something; something you'd expect not to happen but still manages to get done once or twice if they aren't watched like a hawk.

Then comes the drive itself. A simple, short drive to a farm or Canterlot is simple enough. Mainly because you could walk to one of the farms in Ponyville or take a train to Canterlot that would only take a few hours while giving the kids enough room to run around in. But, a bus ride to Manehattan was a different story. No room to run around in, only so many roadside games to play, and no video games to play unless you were smart enough to bring one. After awhile, the silence just breaks into children screaming and beating seats as they horse-around to kill the boredom. And that's just after the first two hours of a five to six hour drive.

After the gauntlet of screaming kids and having to stop some of them from fighting, Cheerilee thanked Celestia that they were finally off the bus. She helped file each filly and colt off of the buses one by one, finally giving them all a chance to stretch their tiny legs and get some real fresh air; even if it was city air. When they were all filed off the bus and filed onto the street, Cheerilee and the other chaperons did one final head count before letting everypony form their group. There were groups of three, four, a rare five, and a few groups of two. Some of the groups weren't made up of the ponies Cheerilee set-up. But it was too late to argue with it, and she was just too tired to make a fuss over it.

"Good. I'm glad everyone has a learning-buddy. Now wel--Mr. Mash," Cheerilee found it in her to snap a quick look to one of her students.

Button Mash failed to hear his name being called given the earbuds wedged in his ears while he looked down at a flashing game screen. Thankfully, he felt a quick nudge to his side that broke his gaming trance. The little colt quickly popped his earbuds out and hid them behind his back while smiling to his teacher with subtle hint of worry to him. Cheerilee raised a brow for a second at him before carrying back on to the rest of the class and letting Button relax. "Welcome to Manehattan's own 'Museum of Ancient History'. Step lively and stay close to your buddies so no one gets lost on the way in," nodding each group in, every last one of them filed in one after the other until only one pair remained outside.

Button gave an apologetic look to his partner while he hid his game and earbuds under his hat for safe keeping. "Thanks for that."

Pipsqueak, Button's partner, smiled his usual cheerful grin and gave his a hearty swat to the back of his friend. "Not a fret, Button! We're blokes. Blokes look out for each other, right?" Pipsqueak's voice was laden with his thick cockney tone, but his genuine care for his friend shined above it. "Now come on, come on! Been dying to see this museum since I heard about it."

The two quickly followed after the rest of their class -Pip nearly dragging his learning-buddy along behind him- into the main foyer of the massive museum. Right on entry, while the other kids looked around at all the signs and posters of the attractions being displayed, Pipsqueak was set into an awestruck shock. Beyond the foyer -and even in the foyer- he could see bones, dusty maps, glassed off relics, and the kiosk that displayed the pure grandeur and scope of the whole building. A fossil exhibit that had displays that could date as far back as the Triassic age, a whole wing dedicated to artifacts from all across the world and their modern-day evolution; it was spellbinding. A spell that was broken when a voice came from reality.

"Alright, children. Now let's all get a nice, orderly line so we can see the IMAX presentation the museum will provide for us," Cheerilee, regaining some of her strength after the long drive, gestured the whole of the class to file in behind her, "After the show, you will all be allowed to explore the museum. Just remember to stay on the first floor so the grown-ups can watch you."

The class chimed in mixed voices of understanding to what their teacher said. The only thing missing from the collective voices of understanding was a cockney one. Pipsqueak looked back to the map kiosk in a panic. The first floor had everything a child would want: dinosaurs, Canterlot history as well as Ponyville history exhibits, the IMAX theater, and a gift shop that everyone who's anyone would buy something from at the end of the day if their parents were cool and gave them money. But the second floor had what Pip was desperate to see: Explorations Throughout The World.

Maps of far off countries, stories throughout the whole hall about explorers and their exploits, fancy artifacts that you couldn't find in Equestria... But, instead, he was being corralled along with the rest of the class to watch a movie about Canterlot and how it was founded. It was a story any colt or filly knew in Equestria just from growing up. But, here they all were about to watch an -albeit beautifully showcased version- film on the subject. Cheerilee checked each group off the list as they would pass and enter the theater to be seated, slowly leading up to Pipsqueak. While he hung his head sullen, he felt a nudge to his side.

"Psst... Hey... Pip," Button whispered to him, "I'll cover for you."

Those words could have just brought Pip to burst into a dance of joy. But, that would have to wait. "But teacher'll ask where I went off to..."

"Don't worry, Pip... I'm a master of misdirection..." Button certainly displayed a look of confidence when he said that.

Pipsqueak thought about that for a second. This may be his only chance to see anything from explorers all across the world. It wasn't like he was able to leave home often. Hesitant, he agreed to Button's offer. "Cool. Just run off while Mrs. Cheerilee's still putting everyone else in. I'll handle the rest."

He didn't get a chance to question what exactly Button was going to do before he was shooed off. Scurrying away down the glistening floor of the foyer and into the museum itself, Pipsqueak could vaguely here Button bawling his eyes out while he talked to Cheerilee; saying something about his game system breaking and wanting to go home. No telling how long that would confuse the adults, but it worked well enough for them not to ask where Pipsqueak went or see him leave at all.

Pipsqueak thought to himself that if he had more time to spend looking around right now, he would love to get a better look at all the reconstructed dinosaurs that filled the massive hall on the first floor. If he were to get away with this and get back to the group before anyone noticed he was gone, he would get a chance to look at everything with everyone else. But for now, he had an hour before the movie ended and he would have to be back at Button's side. Luckily Pip met with little confrontation as he scampered through the museum; aside from the occasional guard looking at him and bringing him to slow down for a moment before they looked away.

The museum was rather sparse of any other visitors. Maybe because it was a school day or everyone was still working. Either way, it made for a much easier path for Pip to run through as he made his way to the stairs leading to the second floor. Checking over his shoulder once before going up the stairs, he made sure none of the adults had saw through Button's ruse. Seeing not a one, the little colt snickered and hopped his way up the stairs with brimming excitement.

His hooves echoed little clops with each step he took, which with the way it echoed made him feel like everyone could hear each step through the entire building. But, no one looked at him and no one seemed to notice. It was those little echoing clicks and clops that served as his only company as he made it to the second floor. The whole of the second floor to the museum was dedicated purely to the exploits of exploration and the finds that came from them. Or at least that was the implication Pipsqueak got when he saw the sprawling banner above the entrance leading into the main area of the second floor that said "Hall of Exploration".

Beyond the entrance, the whole hall was dimmed much more than the brightness that was the first floor. He saw a sign off to the side of the entrance saying there could be no flash photography since many of the papers inside the exhibit could be damaged by bright lights. That made sense to him, and he didn't have a camera in the first place anyway. Without another moment to spare, he brought himself through the entrance and into his dream come true.

Even in the dim lighting, he could see dozens of glass displays holding all sorts of weird looking artifacts and papers from far off lands. The writing on most of them he couldn't read a word of them; which only served to excite him more and more. "It's amazing!" He couldn't contain his joy as he darted from display to display.

A Griffon Stone Second Generation War Banner.

Broken mantles belonging to Atlantian Scouts.

The original full account of V.H. on the horrors of Morytania.

Golden coins from El Dorado.

So many things a lot of ponies called fiction displayed in a museum where they belonged. While everyone else was playing around on the bus or staying away from Snips after he farted, Pipsqueak had been reading a book. His favorite book at that: "The World You Know and Don't Know... Yet". He loved that book and it was the reason why he was here; face squished up against the glass of display cases. He was so excited by everything he saw so far, his heart started to beat furiously. Then it grew louder with each second.

It took Pipsqueak a minute to figure out that his heart didn't make a clicking sound. He figured that little fact out roughly around the time the 'heart beating' had come to a stop behind him. At first, he didn't turn around. He was far to afraid to. The fact he was in a darkly lit area of the museum that hardly anyone was in hadn't set in until just that second. And when it did, he started to sniffle.

Everyone else from the school was still downstairs and only Button knew where he was. And when he thought about that, his lip quivered.

He was all alone with no one else but this stranger around. Finally, Pipsqueak fell flat on his flank and started to bawl his eyes out. When he started to cry, the strange stumbled back surprised. "Oh... Oh geez..." Pipsqueak's sobs started to die down when he heard the voice of the one behind him.

It was a girl. "Ummm... I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright?" The pegasi asked with an awkward pause between her words.

She wore a simple tan shirt with a red bow tie, though her wings that furling against her sides were not impeded by the piece of clothing. Even in the dim room, Pip could see her rose shaded eyes and the square frame glasses that rested on the peak of her muzzle. Even though she seemed worried for him and a bit flustered, he started feel his sniffling stifle. Pipsqueak managed the tiniest nod while he sat on the floor of the museum.

"Thank goodness," a relieved sigh passed through her and she eased up, chuckling, "Sorry. I'm not used to having a kid cry. You took me by surprise..." She paused for a minute to look around where they were and how dark it was, "...I guess we're even on that one, aren't we?"

A budding laugh came from Pipsqueak as the last of his fear drained away. "Y-Yeah. Guess so..." Pipsqueak wiped away a fleeting tear while he got to his hooves.

"Now, little guy, why are you all alone up here?" A sudden stern tone came from the pegasi before him.

"Oh, I..." For a split second he considered telling her the truth. Either way, she was most likely going to drag him away and look for his 'parents'.

Before Pip could toss a plan around in his head long enough, the pegasi looked at him surprised. Without saying a word she picked his book from him with one of her wings. Pip was ready to protest and take it back, but stopped when he saw a look in her eyes. Her rose eyes lit up as she flicked through page after page. "The World You Know and Don't Know... Yet? Is this yours or did you borrow it from someone?" She asked.

"No, ma'am. It's mine," Pip chirped back with a smile, "I love adventures. And that books full of 'em!"

"I can see that. But kids your age like fantasy stories, right?" She closed the book and slid it back to Pip's possession.

Now Pipsqueak felt very bashful. He shrunk down a bit the more the mare looked at him, expecting an answer. "Well... I... I like real adventures. I wanna be somepony that does that..." Pipsqueak mumbled his response.

"An adventurer? Wow... I can't think of any other colt I ever knew that said 'I want to explore' because of a real pony," the pegasi snickered a little before she sighed, "I'm used to ponies saying 'I want to be like Croc Dundee' or 'I want to be Neigh Drake when I get older' or 'I'm going to be Daring Do someday'. Nopony's looking for the real explorers out there."

"Why do you hear that so much?" Pipsqueak asked.

"Hm? Oh! Well, I'm a bit of an explorer myself..." the pegasi fixed her glasses and gave a proud smirk, "I am an archaeologist. I also minor in Hippology and Geology. And -not to brag- I'm known to dabble with a typewriter."

Pip looked at the pegasi confused for a second after suffering a short shock from the big words she used. Ultimately he shook it off and looked at her in awe. "That's amazing, ma'am."

"No! No. No... It's nothing cool, really. I'm just me. And you don't need to say 'ma'am'. You can call me Yearling," she quickly tried to brush off the compliment as she felt her face burn up.

"Alright, Mrs. Yearling. You can call me Pip. It's short for Pipsqueak," Pip replied, still bright with joy now.

"Pip. That's a name alright," Yearling said with a light snicker, "Definitely one I haven't heard before. And I'm pretty sure after today, I won't hear another quite so... Cute."

"'Ey! I'm not cute. I'm gonna be an adventurer someday!" Pipsqueak puffed out his little chest with pride.

Yearling looked at the little colt for a moment. Even in the dimly lit wing of the museum, she could see the certainty in his body; the aura of determination that only came with such a young age. "Can I see your book again, Pip?" Without waiting for the little colt to answer, Yearling plucked it from his possession with the tip of one of her wings.

She carefully balanced it for a second against the tip of her wing before letting it settle as she put it to the flat of it. Pipsqueak watched with curious eyes as the strange woman removed a pen from the pocket on her cream shirt. With little effort -the pen tightly pressed in the middle of her muzzle- Yearling started to scribble something on the inside of Pipsqueak's book; which made Pipsqueak grow annoyed. Reading his face while she finished writing in the book, Yearling slid her pen back into her shirt pocket and smiled at little Pip. "I probably should have asked before writing in your book. I'm really sorry. But, look," gifting the book back to Pipsqueak, she flipped open the book to show what she wrote, "It's the university I attend. I want to be the first pony you tell when you start being a great explorer, alright?"

Before Pipsqueak could read much of the chicken-scratch writing in the book, Yearling closed it and slid it back into the little colt's bag. With a little wink and a cute little chuckle, Yearling cocked her head towards the exit of the exhibit. Pipsqueak followed her gesture at first confused, but suddenly looked sullen when he pieced together what she was getting at. As if fulfilling his thoughts, the pegasi spoke. "Let's get you back where you belong, alright?"

"I was kinda hoping you wouldn't say that..." Pipsqueak sighed.

"Think of this as your first lesson on the road to becoming an adventurer, Pip," Yearling put a wing against the back of Pipsqueak's rear, scooting him along toward's the exit; smiling all the way, "Never get caught."

The walk back through the massive museum's echoing halls felt a great deal more comfortable to Pipsqueak with an adult nearby this time around. The echoing clops of his hooves against the floor sounded a lot more dulled out with another pair of echoing steps following each of his own. On the way back to where his class would ultimately exit their movie to, Pipsqueak glanced a looked to Yearling who was close behind him; nudging him along every so often to make sure he didn't run off. "Umm... Yearling?"

"What's on your mind, Pip?" Her tone of voice sounded much more clear in the open area of the museum.

"Sorry. I didn't think you were a student is all," Pipsqueak commented, hushing himself right after like he said something wrong.

A little smirk peeked across Yearling's face. When the two of them came to a halt at the foyer, the pegasi suddenly gave a deep, pressing pat to the top of Pipsqueak's head. "I'm not a student, Pip..." By the time Pipsqueak picked himself back up from the pat to his head, Yearling was already walking off.

"E-Ey! Where're you goin'?" Pipsqueak called after her.

Yearling threw a single look over her shoulder, her glances slinking down her muzzle just-so before she snuck them back up her face with a prodding hoof. "Just remember to come visit me sometime, little guy," Yearling ignored his question and departed through the museum.

If Pipsqueak had the time, he would have chased after his new friend and questioned her more. But, as it stood, in just a few minutes the rest of his class would be bursting out of the IMAX theater and filling the foyer once more. And with them would come Button who would have to join up with once more to keep him out of trouble for covering Pipsqueak's tracks. As much as he wanted to go after Yearling and talk to her a little bit more, the friend that let him have a chance to see exploration all across the world came first. So, sitting himself down near the exit of the IMAX, Pipsqueak took his book out once more and took the chance to read what Yearling had etched into his book while he waited.

After this trip, Pipsqueak would be back home once more. Even so, today felt more like an adventure then he had first thought. And that would keep him sated for some time... At least until next week.

"Miss Yearling!" Daring Do was brought to a complete stop when she heard somepony call her pen-name.

It was only a matter of time. She turned to greet the frantic handler; the mare's mane frazzled and undone from the top bun it seemed to have started at. "You look rough, ma'am." Daring Do spoke with a flat frankness.

"Rough? Hah-hah, funny, Miss Yearling," the mare laughed between labored huffs, "You should be a comedian. But right now isn't the time for a stand-up routine. Unless that's a part of your keynote speech. I don't know. I'm sorry. Wait... Why am I apologizing?" the mare kept rambling, flip-flopping from praise, apologizing, frustration, and even a hint of confusion in the string of only a few seconds, "You're the one that vanished before your speech!"

The Manehatten Academy of Equestrian History and Arts had invited A.K. Yearling -or Daring Do to many all around the world- to be the keynote speaker for their graduating class; as well as the incoming class. However, shortly before she was due to give her speech, she ducked out after hearing one of her displays were at the local museum. She told herself she'd only be minute; in and out. After all, she's gotten in and out of bigger places without any trouble before. But, when she arrived at the museum, she ran into a pint-sized colt that took her attention. How many minutes went by? It could very well have been an hour now that she thought about it.

"I'm really sorry. Give everyone my condolences and inform the board that my next find will be donated directly to the academy," Daring Do informed the mare who nearly collapsed after hearing that from her.

"R-Right away, Miss Yearling. I'll bring you back to the academy now, if you'd please."

Daring Do offered no complaints or resistance; simply following her handler through the museum. After this, she would be back in the world. Jetting here and there, looking for the next big archaeological find or lost treasure. Danger around each and every corner; 'friends' like Ahuizotl waiting for her at her next stop. No more rest, no more relaxation... Sort of how she liked it.

Only this time, leaving the civilized world for her life of adventure, she felt a twinge of something she hadn't felt for some time: Faith fulfilled. A feeling she hadn't felt since that fumbling pegasi and her friends helped her with the Ring of Destiny. And just like then, she felt as though there was a little more hope in the world around her.


Someday, you're going to do great things.

A.K. Yearling.

P.S. Tell Twilight Sparkle you know me some time. I'm sure she'll give you a free book.

Comments ( 9 )

Certainly better than when we met her in canon. Very enjoyable my friend

What was written there...made me chuckle. Very nice story.

I'd love to see Pip's reaction when he learns AK Yearling is Daring Do.

Pip: "You're....a writer?"
Yearling: "Part time"

I love it when ponies meet with Yearling and have no idea who she is. Absolutely delicious to read.

This was a lot of fun. :)

Pipsqueak could vaguely here Button bawling...

Just a error that was noticed. Awesome story though, would really like to see Pipsqueak a few years later having his own adventures, exploring new places and solving ancient riddles and the like.

You just got a fav from that story there, congrats.

I love this! This is very well written and quite enjoyable. For some reason, Yearling's name keeps making me think of Rowling.
Maybe it's just me.

6367022 it's not just you, it was meant to be like that.

This was beautiful. Where Daring wasn't being on an adventurer or finding a lost idol. Just giving inspiration to a young colt.

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