• Member Since 1st Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2024

La Samu-El

Here today, gone tomorrow.


Why is Sunset Shimmer avoiding her friends? What is she planning that takes her in the desert? Rarity and Rainbow Dash are finding out.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 11 )

Awesome story bro! I especially like the jokes you wrote towards the end :rainbowlaugh: HILARIOUS!

6111501 Thanks. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

It so funny, I love Raridash so much. It was funny how Rainbow Dash acted.:raritystarry::heart::rainbowlaugh:

Is Sunset planning to leave? Judging from how she said "NEW curtains", "NEW groceries" and was checking her account, maybe that's the case.

Priceless. Good story. You are a good writer!

6113467 no. The house was a vacation house that she bought to share with the others. She was fixing it up before she told anyone because she wanted it ti be a surprise

Of course I've been wrong before. :pinkiesmile: the ending was especially funny.

6113509 Yep. Rarity and Rainbow Dash Sittin' in a Tree (you know the rest)

I spotted a few typos here and there. Some missed quotes and such.
Nothing too bad - but you should consider to glance over your story once more.

The story itself is a nice slice of life. And I would suggest to tag it as such. Because for a comedy there is... let's say to less comedy in it.
The solution however was nice and funny.

I liked it - and now it goes on my fav-shelf.

Good stuff, I wonder how much the Raridash feelings are held between the two already - since Rarity invited Rainbow specifically... and the way Rainbow reacted makes me think there's a bit of something.

Personally, I didn't like that you included specific landmarks to describe where they are. When Rarity lists vacation locales is acceptable because they're just ideas, but it was really shocking for me to read on as Sunset drives out of an SF district to downtown, across the Bay Bridge, and to Death Valley... Maybe it's because I'm very familiar with some of these places and I know how long that drive is... It makes sense why Rarity wouldn't/couldn't make the drive home. Or just that I wouldn't go that way to get to Death Valley from SF lol

I'd definitely read more if there was more to read.

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