There's always room for another in Harth Stonebrew's inn. From the stoutest dwarf to the haughtiest blood elf, a seat is always open for someone looking for a fine pint of ale or a lively round of Hearthstone.
Even if they happen to be a small talking horse from another world.
Of course, otherworldly patrons attract otherworldly attention. So when the presence of a mighty mage from Equestria sparks the interest of a wicked warlock from Draenor, Harth can't help but smile. It's going to be another busy night at the inn.
Gul'dan got what he deserved. Only an idiot plays Pit Lord.
Nonsense, Gul'dan's a visionary. Pit Lord is a next level play and is going to be in all the popular warlock decks in the coming years.
That said viability was my secondary concern when making their decks. Mostly I wanted them to feel class flavored, and given how cool Pit Lords are in Warcraft, wanted to include it despite its questionable usability.
Poor strategic decisions aside (he didn't even attack with Baaraxxus, Eredar Sheep of the Bleating Legion!), you did manage make the entire duel feel awesome and fun, almost like what Yu-Gi-Oh used to be before it went... silly.
Yeah, I realized by the time I was writing turn ~8 or so that I'd forgotten to have him attack, but decided it would slow things down too much to do so.
But I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it!
Really? I'm willing to forgive the Yugioh reference, but calling FLAME LEVIATHAN, of ALL cards, UNSTOPPABLE?! I'm sorry, but no.
Unstoppable, in so far as when it's drawn nothing can stop it from ruining everything for somebody. Whether that's the opponent or the person playing the card is the fun part.
6050327 Okay, in so fas that, yes it is unstoppable. But, I still think it would've been better if she had used Antonidas to bombard him with Fireball after Fireball. Heck, you could've had a thing where the summoning goes wrong and it brings out Celestia instead of Antonidas.
It probably would've been a lot of fun to have Celestia on the board going 'Ah ha!' every time Twilight cast a spell. But even if it has a tendency to backfire, Flame Leviathan is one of my favorite cards, and I wanted to give it a chance to shine here.
This is awesome.
Who plays Flame Leviathan, huh? Probably the same kind of people who like getting singed by Flame Imps and Pit Lords
Anyway, I enjoyed reading your story
YES! I don't play Hearthstone, card games and their RNG aren't my thing, but it's a fun game based in the Warcraft universe and you pulled it off so well. You put in the game mechanics so well, like how Fireblast and Dread Infernal and all that work. Jaraxxus absolutely stole the show, and... well, Flame Leviathan New Meta.
This was a fun, fun read! Gul'dan got his ass whipped by a purple pony princess.
Staying faithful to the game was one of the goals I set when writing this. Very happy to hear it worked well for you!
Also, I declared Twilight as a unicorn, and by extension not a princess, in this story. Due to still being mad about Twilicorn. Not trying to let my unquenchable rage make you like her any less, but am duty-bound to add that.
Purple pony unicorn just doesn't have the same alliteration though.
True enough, literally the only good thing about Twilicorn is awesome and awful alliteration.
I don't think I'm very likely to write another fic like this. That said, the reason I wrote this was very similar to what you want to see - I've always thought Twilight encountering Gul'dan would be awesome, and Hearthstone proved a perfect medium for it. If you think there's a story to be told between Fluttershy and Malfurion or Applejack and Garrosh, I recommend writing it! I had a blast writing this, and I'm sure you'd have fun writing your own take on the crossover.
Finally, a quality hearthstone fic. I've been waiting for one of these. "Nobody runs that card! Nobody!" friggin' priceless - that would have been my reaction too.
Sequel? This is fine, stand-alone, but still, sequels would be nice.
Glad to hear you enjoyed the story! That said, I'm unlikely to create a direct sequel. For me, a lot of this story rode on having Twilight face off against Gul'dan, and without that cool 'what-if' to jump off I don't think I could put as much love into any other combination. Although Twilight vs Medivh would also be awesome, now that he's a thing. Still, as you said, I feel this works well as a stand-alone, so it's likely to stay that way.
Tons of fun this fanfic I gotta say, Gul'dan lost to Tempo Mage XD
God dammit Twilight