• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Shellstrings - shortskirtsandexplosions

After freakish happenstance turns Lyra Heartstrings and Queen Chrysalis into a symbiotic being, they find themselves putting their superpowers to heroic use in an ever-changing Equestria.

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The League is Born

A long, narrow strip of land rested in the center of a lush delta. The waters on all sides of the island glittered with gray streaks, reflecting the overcast sky of Equestria above.

From all corners of the forested land, ponies marched in droves. Unicorns hovered burning braziers above the dirt highways to light the path for those stumbling in the unprecedented dimness. Cloud cities drifted inward from the eastern seaboard, and hundreds of pegasi in military armor glided down until they touched hoof on solid ground.

Mane and Hat Island – Capital City of the Equestrian Nation – Nine Days Later

Herds of ponies marched towards the center of the capital. There, an enormous wooden structure loomed—where an epic crowd had gathered. Shadows crossed the domed rooftop and brilliant torches flickered at each cardinal point.

Inside, the rustic air rang with hundreds and hundreds of worried, murmuring voices. Ponies from all trots of life sat on the circular, raised seats, gazing into the central senate chamber below.

Platinum Hall – Home to The National Council – 3:30pm

Standing at an antique podium, an elder pegasus banged her gavel. "Order! I shall have order in this Court!" Eventually, the voices of hundreds of delegates dwindled to a low murmur. Once it was silent enough, the mare sighed and said: "This is the first meeting of the National Council since the imprisonment of our former executive, Chancellor Kathleen, who—as we all know—had gone traitorous. Before I pass the floor to our first speaker, I ask that we may observe a moment of silence for the unfortunate victims who fell prey to her bewitching spells."

Ponies bowed their heads.

A few shuddered in tearful spasms.

Even the military officials appeared misty-eyed as they glanced at a wreath of flowers arranged around a section of empty benches.

At long last, the speaker of the house lifted her head and resumed speaking. "Now... I know that you are all anxious over the fate of Equestria—as am I. It goes without question that there will be a National vote on arranging a successor to the seat of Chancellor. But—first and foremost—we must address the new situation that stands to threaten this great land. To that end, I have agreed to give the floor to Prince Miller—who was present within the heart of the Hills That Canter A Lot when the former leader-elect was banished into Tartarus." She turned and gestured aside. "Your Majesty...?"

A hushed murmur rolled across the crowd as Prince Miller took a stand at the podium, garbed in a ceremonial robe.

"Ladies and gentlecolts," he began, his voice strong and penetrating. "Let me first start by declaring that none of us would be enjoying this moment of peace—however tenuous—if it weren't for the heroic actions of Clover the Clever and her two valiant proteges." His hard green eyes reflected rows upon rows of faces, as well as the wooden support beams of the Council Building looming above them. "With their combined powers of harmonic resonance, they were ultimately able to cast the heartless traitor into the abyss that Starswirl the Bearded sanctified... along with Kathleen's minions."

The Prince shuddered, the hair on the back of his neck raising.

"By minions... I refer to the vassals and servants of the Platinum House—my former colleagues and neighbors—who have been forever twisted and mutated by the former Chancellor's vile sorcery."

Ponies squirmed. Others whimpered. All eyes and ears were locked on the Prince as he took a pause to compose himself.

"Nevertheless," he continued. "While there may be no hope for them... there is still a chance for us to rebuild... and to prevent future tragedies of the most abominable kind." He gestured with his hoof. "No doubt the majority of you are concerned over the state of the sky—which the evil Kathleen has so malevolently dimmed. Rest assured that Clover's apprentices—Sorceress Tia and Sorceress Luna—are working hard on a spell that will restore luster to the sun and moon. My faith lies with them... that they will find a solution before Equestria suffers its worst winter since the Windigo Crisis. In times of extreme trials—when all hope seemed lost—our three tribes formed the strongest union ever known to equine kind. Let the knowledge of this glorious history grant us hope... as well as a hardened case of vigilance."

His eyes swept the crowd in a majestic fashion.

"For there now lies a greater and far more enduring threat than the state of our darkened skies. I speak—of course—of the prison that Starswirl the Bearded established generations ago... in order to contain the monsters and chaos lords that continue to threaten this land." Miller's brow furrowed. "We all remember the horrific tales of the Centaur Wars... and the rampage of terror committed by the Discordant One. For decades we have rested on our laurels... with full faith that the walls of Tartarus would be enough to contain these monstrosities. However—as we now know—the barriers of this prison are not impervious to sabotage. Chancellor Kathleen—once a mere unicorn—was somehow capable of ascending to a higher position within the magical plane, and she alone found a way to carve several fissures in the barrier that separates Equestrian harmony from the violent oppressors of the past. And although the porous chasms within the Hills That Canter A Lot have been sealed away—there is no guarantee that such a measure will hold permanence."

Taking a deep breath, Miller leaned back and spoke in a firmer tone.

"Thus, we must take action so that future generations of Equestrian citizens are protected from horrific and chaotic monstrosities. It is not a question of if prisoners will escape from the Tartarusian Domain... but when." He swallowed. "I have already talked extensively with Clover the Clever. Utilizing the wise directions written down by her Master, Starswirl the Bearded, himself—she has helped me devise a plan that will ensure the protection of this harmonious nation. But... to enact it... this measure will require the full and unanimous cooperation from all representatives of the Tribes of Equestria." His green eyes narrowed. "As well as a certain degree of... secrecy the likes of which this Council has yet to practice." He exhaled. "Believe me when I say that this will be in the best interests of Equestrian citizens everywhere."

"Hmmm?" Clover the Clever glanced over her shoulder, her eyes blinking behind a thick pair of bifocals. "What was that, Your Majesty?"

"I asked you, Madame..." Prince Miller stood nervously in the center of a complex library of floating bookshelves and alchemy equipment. "...why the need for such secrecy?"

Clover the Clever's Laboratory – Deep Within the Everfree – Earlier That Week

"It's quite simple." Clover resumed zapping a wooden rack chock full of glowing crystals. Her raspy voice echoed off of beakers and glass vials. "If Chancellor Kathleen—the would-be Queen of the Chrysalis—was able to mutate multiple subjects into... hatchlings that can change shape... then it is safe to assume that many of them could have easily slipped into our Equestrian herd."

"You mean they might be hiding among the general populace?!" Miller stammered.

"That is precisely my assumption."

"But..." The Prince winced. "...how is that possible? I thought you and your apprentices banished her and the entirety of her forces deep within the mountain!"

"That we did. But the Chancellor—if nothing else—has proven herself to be amazingly resourceful. She spoke of threatening Equestria once again in the future, but I have every reason to believe she may have already enacted a plan of conquest." The elder held a crystal up close, examining its glowing surface. "Easily accomplished... presuming she's utilized more than one hatchery."

"You... you're speaking of a second Chrysalis," Prince Miller exhaled. "Is that even possible?"

"Mmmmm... quite so. And a third and a fourth and so-on, I fear." The master sorceress glanced over. "There is simply no way of knowing... even for a mare of my experience and intellect."

"Then... then you must h-hunt these nesting areas d-down!" the Prince exclaimed, shivering in his armor. "Heaven's frost! If there are multiple shape-shifters waiting to pounce on our most vulnerable of citizens, then we're facing a crisis infinitely times more threatening than the one that the windigoes ever wrought!"

"I'm afraid... that I cannot."

The Prince's ears drooped. "Madame...?"

"Nor can my apprentices." She took a deep breath. "Their destiny lies in fixing the dimmed skies."

"You're certain of this?"

She nodded gravely. "It's taken me several evenings of meditation. But now—more than ever—Starswirl's written prophesies make sense. The gifted siblings are about to embark upon the most important phase in their young lives." She shuffled through the glowing crystals. "I suspect it will someday transform the very structure of Equestrian civilization—for the better, of course."

"Madame Clover, with all due respect..." The Prince leaned against a hovering bookcase. "...there will not be an Equestria if we allow the minions of Kathleen and Tartarus to overrun us. Just what are you going to do to fix the new weaknesses in the barriers between us and the underworld?"

"Me? Absolutely nothing. You?" Clover casually picked up a long metal rifle and slapped a crystal deep within its housing chamber. She lifted her bifocals and swiveled in her chair to smile at the Prince. "You are going to lead Equestria's future generations to glory."

"...?" Nervously, the Prince grasped the rifle in his hooves and held it gingerly.

"Now..." Clover gestured at a patch of stone wall. "...concentrate... imagine that you have a horrible abomination in your sights."

Taking a deep breath, the Prince humored her by aiming the rifle along the length of his right forelimb. He squinted at the stone wall, clenched his teeth, and—

Bzzzzt! On mental command, sparks of magical electricity fountained out of the rifle's crystal core. A pulse of mana ribboned up the barrel and—POW!—flew out in the shape of a burning blue projectile.

FLASSSH! A burning scorch mark blanketed the edges of a fresh crater in the laboratory's wall.

Clover the Clever hummed. "Nice shot, Your Majesty." She gave him a wrinkled smile—and a wink. "You may indeed be a natural."

"Erm..." Miller leaned back, visibly shaken by the technological display. "...a natural at what, Madame?"

"At leading your new loyal organization of defenders, of course."

Miller raised an eyebrow. "What organization?"

"The group that will lead the hunt for Kathleen's minions... and all Tartarusian escapees abroad." Clover gestured. "They have the power of anonymity on their side... and so shall you. Through secrecy."

"I... think I understand now..." Miller remarked, gazing at the crystal—still brimming with electrical bolts of energy. "Is this what you request of me?"

"No. I hope that you will follow through with it out of a sincere hope for protecting Equestrian interests on your own," Clover murmured. "Your lineage is a proud, noble one, dear Prince... but the time is coming soon when royalty will become an absolute harmonious thing, unbecoming of mere mortals. In the meantime... to combat the ills of Tartarus, ponies will have to master both chaos and harmony... only without becoming victims of it." She smiled. "I trust that you have the strength of character to accomplish this."

"Not on my own, I don't," Miller said. "I will need help." He gulped. "Sorceresses Tia and Luna—"

"—are busy mastering their cosmic spell. Besides..." Clover weathered a melancholic sign. "There may come a time when even the most powerful wizards of this land will be susceptible to the seduction of power. That is why you must assemble a team of the most trustworthy warriors in the land... so that they may teach future generations of hardened ponies to operate inside and outside the political system... so that harmony is maintained for Equestrians everywhere."

Miller nodded. "I understand. But... what of the Council?"

"Tell them only what they need to know," Clover instructed. "They will be the first and last public group to know about what you're organizing. Then—if the future necessitates it—the ruling Council will be alerted in order to stave off the rising tide of evil. For now..." She picked up the rack of crystals and held it before the Prince. "...take that which empowered the Queen of the Chrysalis and use it for something righteous." Her eyes narrowed. "My proteges will restore the sky. And you, my Prince, will protect from the shadows."

Miller gazed at her... then eventually bowed. "It will be my honor, Madame Clover..."

She smiled. "And my pride in you and my apprentices shall carry me aloft to the Harmonic Plains."

Beneath an overcast sky, ponies marched up a steep hill, drawing hundreds of wagons full of building supplies and canvas material. Pegasi flocked overhead, their armor glinting in the gray light. Collectively, they assisted the unicorns in surveying the elevated landscape while earth ponies unloaded their wooden carts below.

The Hills That Canter A Lot – The Western Plateau – Four Weeks Following the Banishment of Chancellor Kathleen

"Hrmmmf!" Earth ponies sweated and grunted as they hammered the iron stakes to a massive military tent.

A pair of stallions stood along a path filled with marching ponies carrying supplies. Sipping from canteens of water, the two peasants glanced at a spot towards the north edge of the plateau where unicorns began drawing lines in the rocky soil for the placement of a massive stone foundation.

"Seriously?" one earth pony wheezed. "They're actually building a castle here?"

"Looks like it," his friend said, nodding. "I've even heard rumors that the National Council is thinking of switching capitals."

"Pfft... you serious?" The first smirked cynically at the other. "Two whole generations of my family helped build the stinkin' senate building over at Mane-and-Hat! What—is the damn island being swallowed up by the sea or something?"

The other shrugged. "Beats me." He gazed up at the gray sky; he didn't even need to squint. "If the moon's actually vanishing... then who knows what will happen to the tide?"

"Whatever..." The first ditched his canteen and picked up a shovel. "I'm on latrine duty... which is all I can expect from our friggin' future." He blew out the side of his muzzle. "If you ask me... we were better off with the windigoes around to finish us off."

"Now don't say that!" The other scowled. "Word is that Prince Miller of the House of Platinum is working on something here to help ward off the monsters of Tartarus."

"Pffft... what kind of a project is he working on?"

"It's supposedly something super secret."

The first stallion rolled his eyes. "Yeah. That makes me feel a whole lot better." He froze, pausing to squint at the massive camp being erected around them. "Say... just where is that royal brat right now anyway?"

Secret Meeting Chamber – Deep In the Heart of the Hills That Canter A Lot – 5:05pm That Same Day

Unicorns slapped down manalight torches in the corners of the cave. The crystalline walls of the cavern reflected the flame in a deep blue kaleidoscope of glittering brilliance.

Other ponies dragged crates full of supplies and weapons and metal tools across the granite floor. While a group of workers hammered shelves into place along the opposite walls of the hovel, Prince Miller took center stage on a rickety podium erected before a series of makeshift benches. Hardened citizens—sage-looking unicorns, battle-scarred pegasi, and muscular earth ponies—sat in attendance. They awaited Prince Miller's speech in respectable silence.

"My friends... colleagues... thank you for joining me today." Miller took a deep breath. "This marks the first hour of the first meeting of our most illustrious organization." He gestured at the small crowd. "You thirty... have been chosen for your strength, your tenacity, and—most importantly—your unwavering devotion to Equestrian security."

"This is about the windigoes, isn't it?" a mare with an eyepatch grumbled. "They've returned... and we've been chosen to take them out. By force."

Prince Miller pointed at her. "No. This is about a far greater and more nebulous threat. But I do appreciate your furious attitude." His eyes narrowed. "Which is why I shall not throw you in irons for speaking out of turn."

The group chuckled. More ponies gathered to relax, resting their weapons and armor beside their wooden seats as they collectively focused on the regal stallion ahead of them.

"A 'more nebulous threat.'" An earth pony folded his leather-clad forelimbs, smirking. "I must say... you've got my attention. It will be an honor hunting monsters by your side, Your Highness."

"Indeed. And the honor will be mine too." Miller took a deep breath. "But this will be a matter of vigilance over pride, my friends. For our foe is a shadowy one... and so we must likewise operate within the shadows if we are to outsmart them." He gestured towards the ceiling. "Above us... our nationalist brothers and sisters are erecting a new stronghold to overlook the lands of Equestria in this perilous dark age. But this is as far as the public knowledge goes. In truth... the city being built above us is merely a mask for our operation here..." He pointed at the walls. "Here... in the dark sanctum that the traitorous Chancellor sought to make her evil lair. Instead, now, it will serve as our base of operations. The crystals here will empower our arsenal as we patrol the barriers of Tartarus and seek to seal away detestable nemeses of Equestria for good."

"This sounds like no small task," spoke a unicorn. "With all due respect, Your Majesty, how will we be expected to establish such security in one lifetime?"

"We won't. By agreeing to sit here, you are all committing your lives," Prince Miller said. "Your only legacy will be the lessons taught to future generations who will carry our secret creed into the future, ensuring freedom and liberty to all ponies living on the surface. Our sacrifice shall be their gain... and the chaos lords' loss." He took a deep breath. "From henceforth, we shall be known to a choice few as the Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria. If you are not up for this selfless task... then you are free to wander back out into the dimness."

The ponies exchanged glances. No one said a word... and no one moved.

Miller smiled ever so slightly. "Very well. Then it is settled. Our devotion is absolute." He pointed at himself. "And, to hammer forth our secrecy, we shall cast off the skins of our past... and adopt new personas." The Prince took a deep breath. "In a month's time... my 'death' will be staged before the Council. The last line of the House of Platinum... will perish in the eyes of the Equestrian citizenry. This sacrifice is for the best... to maintain the illusion that will become our sacred shield. Royalty—if it is required—shall be manifested through... more divine means."

He held a scroll of paper in his hoof.

"I have created a list of names. We will each adopt one separately... to assure the anonymity of our operation." His green eyes narrowed. "From now on, 'Prince Miller' no longer exists. Each and every one of you shall refer to me as 'Secret Agent Sombra.' True to name, my supreme task will be to direct the operations of this League from the shadows. In the meantime, I will study the crystal manabatteries of this mountain hollow with intense scrutiny... finding new ways to improve our technology in the pursuit and containment of all monstrous enemies to harmony."

He glanced at the crowd. His gray brow furrowed.

"Each and every one of you shall take on new names and new positions. But... before I hoof out your assigned tasks... it is most important that we read—collectively—the mission statement of the Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria." He unrolled the scroll in his grasp. "This is our creed. This is our bible. Read this. Learn this. Memorize this. Let it be the only thing that you know by heart—come death or interrogation—so that we may drive our vigilant crusade into the heart of evil... for the ages to come."

Clearing his throat, the once-Prince leaned over the podium and read from the scroll:

"'My life, my identity, my flesh and my soul... I commit to the Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria. So that whatever foul force may fall on the land of this nation, I pledge—with full devotion—to put all energy to eliminating that threat...'"

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