• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 1,357 Views, 19 Comments

Fluttershy Doesn't Know - Julia

Fluttershy doesn't know. It turns out she just doesn't know what in this situation.

  • ...


"Please... just leave me alone," Fluttershy told them as she backed up into a corner. She began to sink down as well, and a bead of sweat formed on the side of her head. "I don't know a thing... and I really don't wanna talk about that right now."

"But Fluttershy!" Derpy cried aloud, closing in on her and looking her straight in the eye. "I gotta know! Is it the rabbit or the hare that wins the race?"

"Derpy, don't change the subject... I'm pretty sure that wasn't your question."

"How can it not be my question, huh, Fluttershy? I'm the one who asked it."

Fluttershy sighed and stood up straight, taking a deep breath. "Derpy, you asked me if--"

Derpy interrupted, "Are you saying that I don't even own my own sayings and questions?"

"But that's not what--"

"Fluttershy, I just don't know what went wrong. I asked you a question, and the next thing I know, you're running from a falling beam. I'm starting to think you're trying to run away from me."

Fluttershy tried once again, "Derpy, you're missing the point, I really don't know if--"

Derpy got a muffin from her saddlebag and ate it, chewing and smacking loudly, some of the salivated crumbs getting on the yellow pegasus' face. Fluttershy gasped, wiping the muffin off of herself, and letting out a squeaky "ew."

"I don't see why you can't answer," Derpy said with her mouth full, finishing the muffin.

"Derpy, it's not polite to do that... you know?" Fluttershy whispered, with her confidence shrinking once the thought came she would never be able to get past Derpy no matter how hard she tried. "I mean, if you would just listen for just one second--"

"No Fluttershy, you're the honest one! You tell me." Derpy got out another muffin.

"But... Applejack is Honesty, Derpy."

"I know that but is she honest. She's honesty but is she honest?"

Fluttershy stumbled in her place a little bit. "Wow... just...wow--"

"You be honest. What do you think!?"

Seeing no end to this, Fluttershy shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know."

"You liar."

Here it went again. Fluttershy tried to walk past Derpy, but Derpy blocked her path. She wanted to fly away, but once again, Derpy was blocking her path. "Derpy, I'll be honest with you now... I really gotta go."

"For what? Gotta powder your nose?" Derpy further blocked her way and put a hoof to her chest, to which Fluttershy was mildly startled. "Flutters, I know that was a lie, so just be honest with me. Did you get mail today or not?"

"That wasn't even the question... and no... I didn't, Derpy," Fluttershy replied with a slightly irritated tone. She looked around, but saw nopony who could help her near the vicinity of where she and Derpy were. The middle of a park stuffed next to the bathroom house was a terrible place to be cornered by anypony. And the fact that it was and could be anypony made Fluttershy uncomfortable. As for it being Derpy, Fluttershy did not know how she could deal with this problem.

Such a pickle she was jammed in. Or maybe this pickle was jammed into her. Perhaps fate was doing the jamming, and Fluttershy could not see that Derpy was in fact a puppet of fate.

Either way, it was far too late for that now.

"Oh haystacks..." Fluttershy muttered under her breath, not looking Derpy in her eyes.

Derpy laughed, "Oh! So, evasion? Lying? Now swearing?" Derpy pat her chest again. "Too what lows will you stoop?"

Fluttershy began to whimper, then cry out. "Why are you doing this to me?!"

Derpy made a zipping motion over her mouth and butt heads with Fluttershy gently. putting a muffin under her nose. "Just smell it..."

"Derpy, I want nothing to do with any of this right now... I can't take it," Fluttershy groaned, falling to her knees and watching as her tears formed puddles on the ground. " I don't know... please... just...please."

Derpy laughed once again, hopping in circles in place. "How did I get my cutie mark?"

Fluttershy kept her mouth shut, silencing herself to Derpy's pointless antics. She tried to create a mental barrier to keep her out and away as far as possible. It was futile. It was surely not part of fate's decision that Fluttershy would make it out of this alive.

"Hey Flutters? How did the sky turn blue?"
"What's the meaning of life?"
"Can you measure the worth of a stallion's heart by how he eats his potatoes?"
"What's 9 added to the quantity of 10?"
"Is it 21?"
"Hey Fluttershy! Fluttershy? FLUTTERSHYYY!! Where do babies come from?"

Fluttershy looked up, standing up on her front legs, keeping her back legs down. "I don't know!!!"

"Well Fluttershy, then you don't know much of anything. Where's Bane?"

"I quit..." Fluttershy muttered, with Derpy being caught off guard by this. She looked Derpy in the eyes and built up a scream, letting out a quiet yelp of discomfort, as Derpy had kicked her in the leg.

"Sorry Fluttershy, you made me scared... I thought you were gonna yell at me..." Derpy said with a sad expression, looking downwards. "You seemed really mad... and I don't know why. I only wanted to ask you some questions."

"Is... is that it?"

Derpy nodded. "I forgot the first question. Do you remember it?"

"Nope... I actually don't either," the pegasus said to the other pegasus.

Fluttershy merely shrugged her shoulders.

Fluttershy flew home after that whole ordeal unfolded, and she began to think about Derpy even more. "What a strange mare..."

She blushed, and then sensed Derpy flying beside her, looking rather depressed.

"Hi...Fluttershy..." Derpy said with a down tone. "I...I'm sorry about earlier... I just wanted somepony to talk to, really. And, I knew despite everything I've done to make myself unlikable to everypony, you'd at least try to reason with me... Right?"

Fluttershy sighed, "Derpy... we love you. Everypony does. Even if you are clumsy, ditzy, and sometimes boarder-line 'Pinkie' level... We love your individuality. That's what Ponyville is all about, correct?"

Derpy smiled, hugging Fluttershy as they flew and laughing like a child. She felt a turn in her mind, and now she remembered. She broke from the hug and flew in front of Fluttershy, stopping her in her path of flight.

"Fluttershy, your niceness really sticks out to me! And... I don't know how else to put it... You're the kindest mare I've ever met," Derpy said, tearing up in the eyes. She drew closer to her, with a blush clouding her face. "It would make me so happy if we could just... go out on a date...?"

Derpy kissed the mare, catching her completely by surprise. And coming back from the kiss, she was greeted by a confused Fluttershy.

What could she reply? Yes? Or No?

Why had Derpy chosen her? Why had Derpy changed so much since the first time they had met up today?

She just did not know.

Author's Note:

Does she get with Derpy?

Or does she leave her, perplexed as to why she didn't answer the question?

What was the first question in the first place?

Only you can decide!:heart:

Comments ( 19 )

Interesting eris... Very interesting

She says yes.

I don't understand this much at all... Plus... You made Derpy look stupid! :raritydespair:

randomness who cares uporite favlike

"What's 9 added to the quantity of 10?"
"Is it 21?"


I like the story so far I hope you keep on going Eris H. Discordia

That was pointless...:facehoof:

This was very unique! Didn't quite understand the purpose of this Fic, but it was still a nice read!:twilightsmile:

I wanna do a reading of this so badly just for the giggles XD

I am actually so pleasantly confused. I vote yes. Flutterderp is best ship!! This was supremely well written by the way!


What in Equestria? Upvote :derpytongue2:

"What's 9 added to the quantity of 10?"
"Is it 21?"

I see what you did there:trixieshiftright:

My head hurts and the Flutterderp confused me at the end :derpyderp1: :yay: not for gay shipping but otherwise nice story have a mustache :moustache:

I have absolutely no idea what's going on here. I suspect there are about seven layers of in-jokes I'm not getting -- but because I don't get them, it didn't really satisfy. It doesn't help that some of the memey stuff is now massively dated. Still, nice to see 'Shy and Derpy interacting, and the ending twist was unexpected.

I am so confused.
But this is well-written.
I personally think Fluttershy should say yes.

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