• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 2,177 Views, 8 Comments

Trial of the Night - Flammenwerfer

"Will Her Majesty, Princess Luna of Equestria, please rise, approach, and address the bench? The Court would like you to issue a statement on your actions of one millennium ago. This is now on the record and you now have the floor, Your Highness."

  • ...

For the Record

Trial of the Night

By: Flammenwerfer

Even through her steel regalia, the courtroom floor was frigid. Even so, there were more pressing thoughts running through the freshly returned Princess Luna’s mind, such as how to respond to the question/prompt presented to her. After several moments of precision thought, her ears drooped slightly as she gently shook her head.

“Lord of Justices, and with due respect to the other eight, I know not what you wish for me to say. What would you care for me to admit? That I, for some reason, feel that I bear no responsibility for my actions a millennium ago? That I believe I should be shirked of all blame and life shall continue on as if nothing happened? If that is what the nine of you and the rest of Equestria felt was going to happen, then I must offer my apologies yet again for disappointing you all.

“Finally free of the darkness which consumed my very being, the last thing I wished to have happen was to stand, however informal and skeleton, trial. I must admit, I did not know what to expect, though I was assured this was merely for formality’s sake. Nevertheless, I cannot help but retain some opinion of futility and insignificance of what is essentially a glorified theatre act: There is no jury. There is no executioner. I was brought before what I quickly learned were the nine ponies whom interpret and uphold the laws of Equestrian society… merely to comment on my actions?

"A ‘statement,’ you proclaim. A simple request in and of itself, yet with the surrounding context, I am admittedly having trouble interpreting exactly what you mean by that… As I stated quite clearly not even a few minutes prior, I plead guilty. I harbor full responsibility and utmost remorse for my actions. I have absolutely nothing to hide and I was, and still am, willing to answer any and all questions on my true intentions and motives of the past if it would bring you all peace of mind. Naturally yet reluctantly, though my fears were soon alleviated by my dear sister, I would be willing to accept any sanctions put in place against me.

“Do forgive me but surely you can all see the oddity of this… of all of this. Since I am on the record, I cannot help but wonder out loud: Is this punishment? Wanting me to relive the memories in which I so rue? Reminisce upon decisions and actions which shall continue to cause me great distress for years…most likely decades… to come? I personally feel, and was also lead to believe, that a banishment of one-thousand years was punishment enough; One-thousand years of solitude to reflect upon my poor choices and unreasonable demeanor while trapped magically in a prison of cold, unforgiving rock.”

Luna’s gaze drooped to the ground, complexion comprised of conflicting emotions that few would ever bear witness to outside of these walls.

“...A thousand years of freezing cold and bitter confinement with the worst part of me. I may be Ruler of the Night and reign supreme in the Dreamscape, but I assure you all, nightmares will be plentifully forthcoming. I too, like a normal pony, have always loved to dream and allow my mind to wander free. I truly fear what said mind, caged for so long, will conjure for my viewing pleasure in times of supposed comfortable sleep. The Moon… our Moon, is to symbolize security and a beacon of light within the omnipresent darkness of the Night. For me, it shall be a constant reminder of my failings of an era passed.

“Or perhaps, in your minds, this is final repayment? A pseudo rite-of-passage to officially reclaim my mantle as the Princess of the Night? Yes… you feel that, perhaps if I beg for forgiveness, for acceptance back into society, that you shall all accept me as your Princess once more. All but one who have known me for my entire life have perished, and with them, all first-hand experiences and afflictions at the figurative hooves of my corruption have withered and died. Nevertheless, Equestria as a nation always had an admittedly annoying, meticulous habit of ensuring history was well documented, so that it could never repeat itself. This generation of ponies, yourselves included, know my story so well, that from what I have heard, the correct temperature of that night is nearly unanimously agreed upon… I undeniably have my onus perfectly paved in front of me. Nearly ten lifetimes have passed and yet, still I must work to regain trust that was lost; lost faith which was passed down through nearly ten generations… mistrust that was literally inherited through mouth and text.

“But what absolute hubris to conceivably believe that this faux-trial is to serve as any form of repayment on the loan of which was the aforementioned loss in confidence. If that is what you indeed do feel, then you truly have little in the way of respect for the character in which I was so well known for. I, however, cannot blame you for such thoughts.

“Before you all, Honorable Justices, I am a fraction of what I once was and what I will soon return to be. I am currently weak, as I was a millennium ago when I succumbed to what I quickly found out was true darkness. A leader of this beautiful and prosperous nation cannot harbor such qualities; but a ruler with a firm yet gentle hoof, much like my sister's, is infinitely preferred to the alternative. Finally coming home from my prison sentence, that is what I hope to use as a springboard position in a long path I must trek to reclaim the trust, confidence, and respect of you and all of Equestria.”

Princess Luna removed her gaze from the ground and, for the first time, fielded a gaze that pierced determinedly through the Lord of Justices.

“Take and interpret my words and actions, of both past and present, as you will. All shall harbor their own opinions of me, whether good or bad, until they have reason to deviate. Petty feelings shall no longer take precedence over duty to my subjects and nation. With my return, the Nightmare is vanquished for eternity… With my re-coronation, the diarchy is restored, and with Celestia’s and my combined hooves, an inevitable replication of what initially made this nation shall complement my sister’s work over the last millennium.

“…And Equestria shall thrive.”

Luna had said her due diligence, even through her entire body being sore from muscular and magical atrophy. Quite honestly, though, she felt like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders in some respect. Silence reigned supreme for several moments as the nine judicial ponies never wavered in their gazes on the Lunar Princess.

“Thank you, Your Highness. That will be all.”

Author's Note:

Again, a random idea that floated into my head late at night. No editors or pre-planning of any kind. Just my thoughts and my computer.

I hope you all enjoyed the short read, and please feel free to leave any and all feedback. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 7 )

I must say, I like it. A very interesting idea.

5556460 Thank you! Glad you enjoyed :pinkiehappy:

I love your writeing style, This is awsome

I like this.

Luna should have made a vote of No Confidence on the Justice Lords XD

going into the story :unsuresweetie:
after reading the story :pinkiehappy:added to favorites

This is bloody excellent prose. As a standalone little monologue, I think it does quite well for itself. The writing is simply excellent and very in character, better than most others I've seen of Luna's speech. Modern, but still flowing and graceful, with generous use of slightly archaic or unusual, but still very effective, words.
Very well constructed, sir :twilightsmile:

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