• Published 22nd Jan 2015
  • 1,899 Views, 48 Comments

From Twilight to Dusk - MysteriousStranger

As one of her royal duties, Twilight Sparkle visits a hospital for handicaped children where a colt always smiles by her visits. Twilight is determined to find a way to help him.

  • ...

A Sparkle of Generosity

The sun was about to hide and make space for the moon. Another day of spring was about to end. However, even though it was late, a carriage arrived to a newly founded hospital near Ponyville. One for handicapped ponies. A nurse came out to receive the important guest.

“Oh, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” The Nurse said with a bow. “We weren’t expecting you so late.”

“Sorry for coming so late, nurse.” Twilight said as she exited her carriage.

“We can extend visiting time for you, miss. Are you here to see him?”

“Yes. It’s imperative that I speak with him. Can I take him outside?” they were having this conversation while they walked through the hospital corridor, which was, of course, filled with ponies with any kind disability, all children. There were also nurses and doctors working and helping said patients and relatives visiting their family members. The hospital was white to show it cleanliness.

“Of course you can, your highness. I’m so glad that you came. He has been uneasy all day. He barely allowed us to move him.”

“Oh. Well, I think that I’ll be able light up his mood.”

“You always do.” Just as the nurse said the last, they arrived to the door of a patient’s room. “Go. I have something to do.” Twilight nodded and watched the nurse go before quietly opening the door before her. The room was barely lighted. There was a single bed with its night table next to it with untouched magazines. The room also had some plants and paintings for decorations. Twilight found the colt she was looking for by the window. His coat was brown and so where his mane and hair, and his eyes were deep blue. He was sitting on his wheelchair and gazing outside while he supported his head with one of his forelegs on his chin. The mare smiled as she approached to him and stood next to him.

“Nice view, huh?” the colt slowly moved his head, surprised, and saw the pony right next to him. He grinned before hugging her.

“Miss Twilight! I’m so happy to see you.” Twilight smiled even more. She would never forget the day she met him.

It was a month ago, shortly after the hospital was built and opened…

“You wanted to see me, Princess Celestia?” Twilight said as she entered the Princess in question’s throne room.

“Oh, yes, Twilight Sparkle. I wanted to ask you a favor.”

“Of course, Princess. Anything!” Princess Celestia smiled by Twilight’s enthusiasm.

“I’m sure that you are aware of the new hospital which was constructed near Ponyville a few days ago.”

“Yes I am. A hospital for handicapped ponies, right? I feel sorry for them.”

“So do I. I was asked to visit it. They think that the visit of a Princess will be a pleasant surprise for everypony.”

“They may be right.” Twilight said, confident.

“Yes. Unfortunately, my agenda has no space for such visit to happen.”

“Oh, no. Is there something I can do?”

“Yes. I summoned you to ask you if you could visit them in my place instead. I’m sure that you will be well received.”

“Of course, Princess! I would love to do it!” the Princess of the sun let a small chuckle to come out.

“I knew that I could count on you. I’ll let them know that you’re going tomorrow, is that okay?”

“I can do it tomorrow.” Twilight returned to Ponyville extremely excited. She, first, decided to prepare everything for the visit before telling her friends the big news.

“Whoa, really!? Can I come with you, Twi?” Pinkie Pie excitedly said once Twilight told everyone about the situation.

“I’m afraid not, Pinkie. I must go alone. I don’t think that going with friends will make it formal. This is a serious business and I want to do it right.”

“Aww…” the party pony looked down.

“Don’t ’bout us, Twilight, we’ll wait here until you return and tell us about yer experience.” Applejack said with a smile.

“Thanks, Applejack.”

“I really admire what you’re doing, darling. Just think, many of those poor unfortunate souls want to meet a Princess, and you’re just about to make their wish come truth!” the fashionista happily said with dreamy eyes.

“I sure hope so, Rarity. That’s why I’m so excited about this. If I can just make them smile, give them hope, then I’ll be happy.” Twilight received many approvals and her friends wished her luck. Twilight went to sleep with a big smile that night. She was eager to visit the hospital the following day.

And so, the day has arrived. Twilight, already in her carriage, was looking through the window. She had left Spike behind to look after the library. She had to struggle to not to bounce when the carriage started to descend. Once it landed, she quickly exited the carriage and thanked the Pegasi who brought her before turning to the door. A doctor came out from the hospital a few seconds later.

“Good morning, your highness. You’re Twilight Sparkle, right?” The stallion said as he bowed.

“That is correct. I’m happy to be here.”

“And I’m glad that you came. Please, come in. I’ll show you around.” Twilight followed the doctor inside. He gave her indications as they walked. “There’s the reception and, through that door, you can find the dining room. We also have a small garden and an exit door on the other side so everypony can play safety. It also serves as an emergency exit.”

“It looks very well equipped. I can rest with no problems knowing that the kids are in safe hooves.”

“Oh yes, we are well prepared for any kind of problem.” The doctor said before opening a pair of big doors. Upon passing them, Twilight’s eyes widened. It appears that they reached to the main room. There were kids all over the room and sane ponies spending time with some of them. Some were just walking with the help of crutches and others were just talking to each other. Many kids noticed the new visitor and grinned when they realized who it was.

“A Princess, here!” Without further notice, Twilight got herself surrounded by kids. All of them looking at her, amazed.

“I think that you can handle it from here. Good luck!”

“Wait!” but the doctor was gone. Twilight was now alone with the kids, their relatives and a few doctors and nurses.

“Can you fly?”

“Of course, she has wings, doesn’t she?”

“How does it feels to have wings and a horn?”

“Calm down, kids. One question at a time.” A nurse said as she walked next to Twilight. “Let her breathe. Sorry, your highness.” The nurse said as she bowed to her.

“Don’t worry, it’s fine.” Twilight said with a smile. “Yes, I can fly but I don’t do it all the time. There’s really no need to where I live.”

“Where do you live?” One of the kids asked.

“In Ponyville. It’s not far from here.”

“Does this means that you’ll visit us often?”

“That’s the idea!” all the kids cheered of joy. Twilight chuckled but she noticed a colt on a wheelchair separated from the group and looking to another direction. He was brown coated and his hair and mane brown. She couldn’t see his eyes because he had them closed and his head was down. “Excuse me, nurse, who is him?”

“We don’t know. He’s the sole survivor of his family. His house burnt down and the firefighters only found him with a wooden column on his back. They barely could take him out before the house came down, with his family inside.”

“Poor thing…” Twilight sadly said, not being able to hold her tears.

“The column severely damaged his spinal column and paralyzed him from the waist down forever. He never said a word.” Twilight, feeling bad for the colt, approached to him. All the kids left her a free way to him. The mare stood in front of him. The colt slowly raised his head when he noticed a shadow on him and found Twilight smiling sympathetically at him, but he didn’t smile.

“Hi…” The kid didn’t reply. “I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle, but you don’t need to use any formality. What’s your name?” the colt moved his mouth but what he said wasn’t audible. It reminded Twilight of her first meeting with Fluttershy. “Excuse me? I couldn’t hear you.” Twilight sympathetically said. The colt spoke again, this time audible but not much.

“I-I’m Dusk…”

“Do you have another name, Dusk?”

“N-No… just Dusk…”

“Alright, I heard about what happened. You don’t have to tell me.” Dusk nodded, looking down once again. Twilight thought on something quick, she thought what Pinkie Pie would do. “I know what will cheer you up!” Dusk slowly looked up as Twilight’s horn lighted. Suddenly, confetti appeared out of nowhere, accompanied by balloons. Twilight took them and offered them to the colt before her. All the kids but him were amazed. Dusk remained sad. “No? How about this?” She gave the balloons to the nurse and her horn lighted in purple again. This time, a cream pie appeared on one of her forelegs. She closed her eyes and she squished it on her face. All the kids but him laughed.

Twilight was running out of ideas. She only had one more chance. This time, she made a napkin and a pair of glasses appear. She put the napkin on her face, after cleaning it with her free foreleg, and the glasses on her eyes. “Hello, My name is Miss Napkin Head.” Twilight said, imitating a funny voice. The napkin moved as her lips did. “Who are you, little one, and who is this mare?” she said, pointing to the nurse. Again, laughed. But this time, Twilight’s heart jumped. Dusk joined them. He only chuckled but it was a start. “Why are you laughing? Is there something on my face?” she said while he put a hoof on her face. “It’s clean, why are you laughing!” Dusk laughed more and more. Twilight removed the napkin from her face and looked at him. He was smiling as much as she was.

“Thanks. I-I needed that…” The colt quietly said.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad that I’ve made you laugh.” Not long after, all the kids surrounded them, speaking at the same time. Twilight laughed and remained by Dusk’s side. When they finally left them space, Twilight spoke with him again. “You know, it isn’t as bad as it seems.”

“How do you know?” Dusk asked, interested and confused at the same time.

“Believe it or not, I was in a bad situation where I thought that it wouldn’t get any better. It wasn’t easy to get where I am now. Just remember, once you reach the bottom of the pit, the only way to go, is up.”

“That’s a nice thought… I-I’ll keep it in mind. You’re funny.” He said the last smiling a bit.

“Me? No, I don’t think I am. You should meet one of my friends. Her name is Pinkie Pie. Now, she’s really funny! There’s no one she can’t make smile.”

“Do you have many friends?”

“I do. Do you?” Dusk looked down. Twilight thought that she had gone too far, but he spoke a few moments later.

“I did… or I do, I don’t know. They probably know what happened right now and must think that I’m… that I’m…” His eyes became wet. Twilight, knowing what was going to happen, hugged the colt and let him cry on her withers.

“Let it all go…” Dusk cried for minutes until only sobs were heard. He cleaned his nose with a foreleg as he sniffed and spoke again.

“Thank you…”

“I’m glad to help, Dusk.”

“Do you promise to visit us regularly…?”

“I do. Not only for them, I will also come to make sure that you know that there’s somepony out there who cares.” The colt smiled and hugged the mare tighter.

Twilight didn’t break her promise. She would visit the hospital at least once a week. Dusk opened more and more to her to the point where they had a relationship similar of a brother and sister. Two weeks after meeting, Twilight was in Dusk’s room, both of them staring to the stars of the night.

“Do you think that they are up there, watching me?” the colt asked.

“I’m sure they are. You know, it’s said that shooting stars are a way of those who are no longer with us to say hi. Remember to smile whenever you see one.”

“I will. I want them to know that I’m not giving up!” Dusk said sure of himself. He was more confident when Twilight was with him.

“That’s the spirit!”

“I only wish that I could walk… I don’t like don’t being able to move unless somepony pushes my chair…”

“Don’t worry. When you grow up, you’ll be able to move yourself by moving the wheels with your forelegs.” Twilight said to try to cheer him up, but she knew that that wasn’t the problem. He wanted to be able to move without having to rely on a chair with wheels. Dusk faked a smile at Twilight before gazing at the stars again.

“Do you really know all the constellations?”

“I do, I can teach you!” The colt listened to her full interested as Twilight spoke. Her happiness was obvious when she talked about one of her favorite subjects. However, on her way home, she kept thinking on his misfortune. She wanted to find a way to help him. She decided not to rest until she found a way. When she reached her library, she rushed to the bookshelves.

“Whoa, Twi! What’s the hurry?” The baby dragon surprised said when Twilight entered the library running.

“Spike, I need your help. I need you to find a way to help a pony with disabled rear legs to move freely again!”

“Is it for the pony you visit at the hospital?”

“Yes! Please, I have to help him!” They spent the whole day revising their library, but they didn’t find anything helpful.

“Twilight, stop. There isn’t any book here…”

“No, I refuse to give up! This can’t be…!”

“Twilight…” Spike said, putting a claw on one of her forelegs. “Calm down. We’ll go to Canterlot’s library tomorrow. It’s bigger and I’m sure that there will be something there. If not, we’ll try the one of the Crystal Empire.”

“Alright… yes, that’s a good idea. Let’s go to bed then so we can part at the first time of the morning.” Spike sighed but he didn’t say anything else. They went to bed and feel quickly asleep.

The following morning, Twilight wrote a letter to Princess Celestia to tell her that they were going to Canterlot’s library. After receiving a confirmation, Twilight headed to the train station with Spike, leaving a note on her door, advising the library would remain closed for the day due to a visit to Canterlot. When they’d arrived, they had a quick conversation with Princess Celestia where she advised them which section try, and later headed to the library. They searched for hours, until Spike called Twilight.

“Twilight, I think I’ve found something!” The mare left the books she piled up and rushed to him. “I found a way, but… well; you’ll have to look at it by yourself.” Twilight took the book Spike handed her and began to read. Her eyes widened as she read. She couldn’t believe that there was a way to help Dusk!

But it had a price.

“Did you find what you were looking for, Princess Twilight Sparkle?”

“I did. Princess, have you ever heard of this enchantment?” Twilight said as she gave the book to Princess Celestia.

“I did. I have seen somepony as she used it once and it works. But I must warn you, once you cast it, it can’t be undone. I suggest you to think well before using it.” The Princess of the Sun said with a serious tone.

“I will… can I borrow the book?”

“Of course you can. You should know how libraries work by now, Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Celestia said with a smile. “Don’t worry about the books, I’ll take care of them. You go, talk to your friends.” Twilight nodded and she and Spike returned to Ponyville by train. When she arrived to the library, she was surprised to find all of her friends at the door.

“Hey, look, Twilight’s back!” Pinkie Pie said and everypony turned and walked to her.

“So, your books weren’t enough and you decided to go to a bigger one, egghead?” Rainbow Dash jokingly said.

“I was looking for an important book and I found it in Canterlot. I’m glad that you’re here, girls, I need to talk to all of you.”

“What about?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I’ll tell you everything inside.” Twilight led her friends to the Library’s main room and explained them the situation and the content of the book. She explained them what the spell did and that there was no turning back. After hearing everything, everypony thought for a few minutes. Applejack was the first to speak.

“Ah think that you should do it.”

“I should?” The farmer pony nodded.

“Yer determined to find a way to help Dusk and this seems like the only solution. If you think about it, the sacrifice isn’t that big, you’re not giving yer life. This could make him very happy and full of hope again.”

“Applejack has a point, Twilight.” Rarity was the next to speak. “And I agree with her. This is a great act of generosity. He will never forget this.”

“I would do it without a second thought.” Fluttershy said.

“If it makes him smile again, of course I would do it! You’ve made a promise to him!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully said.

“It’s probably the right thing to do.” Rainbow Dash finally said. “I mean, I don’t know if I would do it, but I would surely think about it if somepony I care for needed them, like Scootaloo.” Twilight, after all of her friends gave her their opinions, looked over at Spike.

“I’m with you. Whatever you decide, I’ll support you.”

“Thank you, everyone.” Twilight said as she and everyone shared a long group hug. She knew what she had to do, now, she knew how to make Dusk happy once again.

Present day…

Twilight needed two weeks to learn the spell. It took her that much because, not only it was hard, she had to make sure that she had it memorized. She could only cast it once.

“I’m happy to see you too, Dusk. Happy Birthday!” Twilight happily said.

“Oh, you remembered!” The colt said before hugging her.

“Of course I did! I even got you a present.”

“Really? Where is it, where is it?” Twilight chuckled by Dusk’s enthusiasm.

“We’ll need to go outside first. Don’t worry, I have permission to take you outside.”

“Yay!” he said, clasping his forelegs together as Twilight pushed his wheelchair. Little did he know that it would be the last time he needed of somepony to move.

“Very well, I think that we’ll be fine here.” Twilight said once they were on the fields, not too far from the hospital. They first gazed at the full moon Princess Luna gifted them.

“How can it be so big?” The colt inquired.

“The moon doesn’t change its size. We sometimes see it full and we sometimes don’t.”


“It’s hard to explain. I’ll do it another time.”

“Oh, okay!”

“Now, I want to give you your gift.”

“Oh, where do you have it? Hidden under one of your wings?” Twilight chuckled.

“No. Cover your eyes; I don’t want you to peek.” Dusk nodded and did as Twilight asked. When she was sure that he couldn’t see, she focused and began casting her spell. She started to sweat and her wings shined in white. She continued, not losing concentration and Dusk’s sides began to shine in white as well. The scenario continued for several seconds which seemed like an eternity until, finally, Twilight finished her spell. She sat, breathing to recover, and spoke as she did so.

“You can… uncover your eyes.” Dusk slowly removed his forelegs from his eyes and looked at Twilight.

“I don’t see anything. Oh, did you hide it somewhere else?” The colt excitedly said before noticing something different on Twilight. “Wait… Miss Twilight, your wings… are gone!” The mare nodded and stood up, smiling at him. “It worked…”

“What worked?” Dusk confusedly asked.

“Look down.” The Unicorn said, still smiling at him. The colt, once again, obeyed and realized that he had wings with the same color as his coat.

“Whoa, where did they come from!?”

“I gave you my wings. They’re slightly bigger for your age.”

“Why did you do it?”

“So you could move more freely.” Twilight said, approaching to him.

“I can’t believe this… I never thought anypony would do this for me. Won’t you miss them?”

“Maybe a bit. But I’ll be happy knowing that somepony who really needs them will be using them. I was born without them, I never asked for them. I just… earned them. I was fine before getting them. I will admit, however, that I’ll miss the extra warmth they provide during winter.”

“Thank you so much…!” Twilight hugged him and noticed that Dusk’s wings were moving weirdly.

“Why don’t you practice with them? I’ll teach you.” The Unicorn said, breaking the hug. Dusk nodded excitedly and focused on his wings.
After struggling for a while, he managed to make them flutter and he began to hover.

“Look, I’m flying!” However, he lost his balance and fell. Twilight magically caught him before he hit the ground. “That would have been painful… thanks!”

“You’re welcome. I want you to practice only when I’m around, deal?”


“Try to do it again. Don’t worry, I’m here.” Dusk nodded and began to flutter his wings again. He maintained his balance for a longer period this time. The young Pegasus practiced until he managed to hover just fine. “Great work, Dusk! You learnt even faster than me!”

“Thank you, Miss Twilight. You were right.”

“About what?”

“When you reach the bottom of the pit…”

“The only way to go, is up.” Both ponies finished in unison.

“Yeah. I’m really happy for what you have done for me. I’m really glad I met you.”

“Me too.” Twilight said before Dusk approached to her and hugged her once again. This time, the hug was broken when the colt yawned.

“Rest on my back, I’ll take you to your room.” The Pegasus nodded and laid on her back, closing his eyes and he soon fell asleep. Twilight quietly walked back to the hospital to not to wake him up. She would finally be able to sleep without any difficulty now that she finally helped the unfortunate colt.

Author's Note:

So, this is different from what I usually write, but I did it for a reason. I needed to remove Twilight’s wings somehow in case I want to write further S3E12 :twilightblush:
Yes, I don’t like Alicorn Twilight, but, despite how much I despise her change, I managed to write a decent fic about her giving them up… I think. I don’t know, you tell me! :rainbowlaugh:
If this is the first fic you read from me and you liked it, please, keep in mind that this isn’t what I normally write about. I write shipping fics, so, don’t watch me if you’re not into those and, please, be respectful :ajbemused:
And, I want to repeat that this fic was inspired and based on a comic I read a long while ago and I never found again, so, if you happen to know it, please, let me know. The plot is pretty much the same :pinkiehappy:
Also, in case your wondering, the green text in the fic is a link. Click on it to see from where did I got the idea of Ms. Napking head! :twilightsmile:
I also want to apologize for the quick pacing. I didn't want the fic to become too long and be forced to split it into two parts :fluttershysad:
I want to thank Wonder for helping me with the titles :ajsmug:
This fic wasn’t revised by my proofreader, so, I’m sorry for any possible mistakes.
The comic which this is based of can be found by cliking here

Comments ( 48 )

It would have been better if it were longer, like more build up and what not. :derpyderp1:
Grammar errors were there, but it wasn't unreadable. :derpyderp2:
I did like the moral of the story though. :twilightsmile:

5535998 As I said, I didn't want it to be too long, forcing me to split it in two :applejackunsure:
I apologize about grammar. At least it doesn't makes your eyes bleed, right...? :rainbowderp:
Anyway, I hope to see you in my other fics... if you like the shippings I do :rainbowlaugh:

Second time reading this (first was on Fan Fiction this morning) and i think you did a good job.
Now as you know i'm not very much warming up to this idea but you have manged to change my mind before (tho not on this matter i'm afraid) But i'm very open minded and adept to new idea's. and for what it it worth i'll give this fic a 8/10 :moustache:

Now i have to ask. Is Tirek defeated in this time line? cause if not well Equestria is very much doomed.
But for now i have to go to my fic and start the writing on that one.

5536400 Of course he is. There should be another way to defeat him. I mean, Twilight just gave up her wings, not much happened.

When I saw the title i was like :pinkiehappy:.
After i read the story, i was like :rainbowkiss:

5537443 When I saw that you commented, I was like :pinkiehappy:

Interesting story.
Does this mean twilight is still a princess? Or back to a regular unicorn?

5537848 Actually... I don't know. I mean, I despise the fact that she also has wings, but, I really don't know much about Princesshood... although, sometimes people decide to resign their crown for an X situation... I mean, Twilight being royalty means more work and less time for her friends, so... yeah, you can think what you like, but I'm leaning more to back to regular Unicorn :rainbowlaugh:

she can still be a princess.
Look at *shutters* blueblood. hes a disgusting prince who is a unicorn.

5537901 But he's a Stallion. The creators probably make Alicorns to mares only. I mean, Shining Armor is married to Princess Cadence and he's still a Unicorn. And he achieved a lot.
Besides, it seems that ponies ascend when they achieve something really important, so, I think that that's why Blueblood is still a Unicorn. He does nothing :trixieshiftleft:

Iv always had a head canon that shining will ascend into princehood, like giving up his life to save the empire and waking up where twilight went to become a princess.

5537917 Probably. I mean, I really don't know how it works :applejackunsure:
But if that happens, it will be another change I will hate :rainbowlaugh:

Another somewhat important question that i should have asked when i found out about this is: Why?
I mean i guess you have you'r reasons for not liking her but any particular reason why?


back to a regular unicorn

:unsuresweetie: I can work with wingless alicorn but a unicorn would not have the magical capacity to vessel three (four) alicorns worth of alicorn magic and if she can not do that she will be at a loss against Tirek. She will not be able to mach him blow for blow and once he corners her she will be lacking the bargaining chip needed to teach discord a lesson as well as learn the final lesson herself meaning they will never earn the final key unlocking the chest and beating Tirek meaning he wins :raritydespair::raritycry::fluttercry::twilightangry2:.
If you nerf her back to how she was I will be forced to say "I can not let you do this" as it will endanger the safety of equestria. As it stands here a wingless alicorn twilight will be able to take the magic and battle Tirek as equals the only difference between the two fights is execution.
(and you will be forced to replace the golden oak with a castle we know nothing about. Should be able to work with it better after the season five episode focusing on dealing with the loss of the library till then ...:applejackconfused:)
as long as the wing is the only thing you removed we should be fine.:twilightsmile:

Oh and undoing princess twilight will mean everything that happened until now would have been for naught.

5538907 Are you really opening that conversation again? I thought that I left everything clear on the PMs.

5539337 Well, giving up her wings doesn't means that she gives up her magic as it is. She's very powerful already and she keeps incrementing her powers. The wings are for fashion, she doesn't really needs them.

Wow...what a simple yet wonderfully emotional story. I thought you did a good job overall and I thought the pacing was good and the characterisations were on par. Would you have ever considered writing a sequel?


5580344 Thank you so much! :twilightsmile:
And, not really. I wanted this one to be my only non-romance fic. If I write a sequel, I would surelly ruin in by adding a shipping, and I don't want that, not with this particular fic.
I know that there's more to be done with Twilight and Dusk, like introducing him to her friends, but, I don't think I will ever do it. Sorry :applejackunsure:

It's a good fic mate :twilightsmile:
(see I can comment on fics) :pinkiehappy:

5686464 Yeah, but long after you read it :rainbowlaugh:
Thanks :twilightsmile:

5686482 you should just be happy I commented :raritywink:

This was a nice piece with a great moral. It made me smile.
I you did a good job translating the comic into a story.
I am glad that you took the time to make it.
I will fave it.
Thanks again.

5746642 I thought that the comic was very well done and, since then, it had become my headcanon of how Twilight gives up her wings, if it ever happens :twilightsmile:
It deserved a fic adaptation :pinkiesmile:

Interesting. I would like to see a longer version where there is more build up in their relationship. Still it is nice.

8404266 Thanks!
And about their relationship, someone else also thought the same, so I'll tell you the same. I didn't want the story to be too long, forcing me to split it into two chapters. I'm glad that you liked it anyway! :pinkiesmile:

Makes sense. There is much to be said for brevity.

8404469 4000 words is the lenght I more or less feel comfortable with. Nowadays I can write 5000 or even 6000 words in a chapter, but back then, I didn't have the experience I have now :duck:

I write character intros for various d&d games or similar. I tend to find being long winded is more my problem.

8405122 I'll admit describing characters isn't my fort, which is why I mostly work with canon characters :twilightsmile:

By intros I meant short stories that have an initial adventure or something that takes place before the campaign. I find it helps me to settle into the character and also helps the GM to have a bit of background to pull from.

I liked the story, why don’t you make a sequel.

8405241 I never intended this story to have a sequel :ajsmug:

Well, you should. I think this storie deserves a sequel.

8407270 Maybe one day. But I'm not making promises.

This was a great story! And also, I'm not a fan to Alicorn Twilight either. Heck I don't even like that ugly tree castle she has. (it doesn't even look like a castle!)

9131278 She should never have gotten it nor have changed. You're going to love the sequel :pinkiesmile:

And I did read the sequel, and I loved it too! That was so much better than using the roots of the tree to make a chandelier.
Plus I admit, I wish they could've done with Golden Oaks Library what they did to Spongebob's house in "Home Sweet Pineapple"

9131288 True, but nope! Twilight just got over her loss and forgot all about her real home... :ajbemused:
I really appreciate your comment. Knowing that there's still more people out there who feel like me really brings a smile to my face :pinkiesmile:

Good to hear!
And I will share that one universe I made Twilight was turned into an alicorn and got that ugly Tree Castle, but then later she quit being a princess and got turned back into a unicorn. And her home, her real home was restored as if Tirek never destroyed it, as for the Castle, it got blown up by a Sith Lord's superweapon. (which is kinda like the Death Star)

9131318 A happy ending. Thanks for sharing! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks. And I do admit Twilight was a little annoyed with how the Castle was blown up. (not because of it being blown up, but that the very Sith Lord who did would have the gall to) However Twilight didn't even try to go ballistic on the Sith Lord as she once engaged her but lost.

I swear to God Empress Twilight, Flurry Heart, Cadance, Luna, and Celestia (in that order too), that I've read something similar to this before. Except it was a filly, not a colt, that Twilight helped.

10433229 It's likely since I wrote this story after the comic you're probably talking about :twilightsmile:

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