• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Ignorance is Sleepiness

Ignorance is Sleepiness

Trixie paced in her room angrily as she patiently waited for Twilight to come see her. She had been positively fuming since Cadence had sent her to her room, and there was nothing she wanted to do more, than to voice every complaint she had to her new friend. And by Celestia, she would listen! Nopony treated the Great and Powerful Trixie like this! Not even a Princess!

Her exasperation was put on pause as the knock she had been waiting for finally came.

“Come in!” Trixie said, hiding her anger expertly as Twilight entered the room with a relieved expression.

“Thank goodness,” Twilight exhaled, dramatically collapsing on the couch next to the door, “I’ve been working my rump off, and haven’t had a chance to sit down in hours.”

“Twilight, are you okay? You look like you’re about to die!” Trixie said, leaving her anger temporarily behind as she joined her friend.

“I feel like it!” She chuckled lightly, “As she dropped her clipboard on the table next to her. So, why did you want to talk to me?”

Trixie’s eyes opened up as her fury slowly crept back in to her head.

“That’s right!” Trixie said, her cheeks burning red at what she considered to be the embarrassing moment, “Princess Cadence has confined me to this room!”

Twilight looked over to her from the couch with a surprised gaze, as the strange news shot some adrenaline in to her, bringing her back to the waking world completely, “She did what?”

“Well, I was helping Pinkie set up the reception downstairs, when the Princess came in to the main hall,” Trixie explained, keeping herself from ranting, “And she started barking all sorts of orders, and being so- so rude! And then out of nowhere, she tells me to stay in here! I had to be escorted by the guard!”

“Are you sure that was Cadence?” Twilight asked, recoiling slightly at the news, “That doesn’t sound like her, like, at all.”

“I know!” Trixie said, recalling very good things she had heard about the princess in the past, “Maybe it had something to do with that spell she was using.”

“Spell?” Twilight asked, looking back at the ceiling and blinking slowly, “What kind of spell was it?”

“I don’t know.” Trixie shook her head, “I tried to get a better read on it, but she forced me away too quickly.”

Twilight wanted to be more interested in what Trixie was saying, but she was still several hours behind in her sleeping, and it was leading her to a much more apathetic state. It simply took too much energy for her to be truly concerned with the problems that were arising.

“So, can you help me get out of here?” Trixie asked, as Twilight was snapped back to her friend, “I’ll go stir crazy long before we go back to Ponyville.”

Twilight exhaled, as she looked sympathetically to Trixie, “I’ll talk to her for you. I guess she has seemed a little bit off since I got here. I’ve just been too tired to care.”

Twilight laughed at her own comment, as she closed her eyes, and felt herself begin to drift, “Wake me up in fifteen minutes, alright?”

“Sure.” Trixie said, knowing that Twilight’s rest was more important than her own imprisonment, “I’ll get you up in a little bit.”

Twilight didn’t reply, as she rolled over and officially zonked out.

Trixie looked outside once again at the bustling town below her. Hopefully this was just a big misunderstanding, because she really didn’t want to deal with some other catastrophe. All she wanted was a break. Is that too much to ask?


Alpha walked down one of the many hallways in Canterlot Castle, as he looked for Princess Luna, so he could ask her about some of the ponies on the guest list. However, she was absolutely nowhere to be found. So, spotting one of the night guardsmen, Alpha decided to ask for directions, despite every male instinct telling him to do otherwise.

“Excuse me!” Alpha said, walking up to the guard, “Have you seen your princess?”

The guard looked at him, and gave him a funny gaze.

“Who are you?” He asked suddenly, continuing his visual sweep of the transformed changeling, “What is your business with her?”

“I’m Alpha.” He said, figuring that the guard would have been briefed on his presence, “I’m with Twilight Sparkle, for the wedding?”

“Alpha!” The guard said in a rather excited, but hushed tone, “I thought it had to be you! I could feel your spell covering your real body.”

Alpha pulled back as his heart stopped for a moment.

That guard… he wasn’t who he appeared to be. Come to think of it, Alpha felt an odd disturbance with the stallion as well.

“You’re… a changeling?” Alpha asked, exhaling as he spoke, trying his best to keep himself silent, “What are you doing here?!”

“You didn’t know?” He asked, looking over his shoulder for any sign of somepony that would make them, “The second wave of the Canterlot invasion has finally begun!”

“Begun? I thought the first phase was a failure!” Alpha recalled, remembering how the last time the changelings tried to take Canterlot, Alex stopped them single-hoofedly.

“Not at all!” He shook his head, “The queen assured us that you were in place here to ensure a smooth takeover.”

Alpha didn’t respond, as he too looked over his shoulder for any sign of anypony else.

“I wasn’t sure if you were briefed on that fact, and had to make sure.” Alpha finally said, his voice dropping slightly as he approached the faux-soldier, “How many units do we have in the castle?”

“An entire battalion, sir.” The changeling said instantly, “When Celestia requested reinforcements from Manehattan, we overtook the train they were using, and took their place.”

Alpha gave him a sideways look, “Wasn’t that one of my old—“

“Yes sir.” The guard nodded quickly, “The queen asked that several of your personal tactics be used in this operation, to ensure success.”

“What other tactics are being employed?” He asked, recalling his usual business when it came to a changeling attack, “…is there a magic blocker?”

“Of course,” The changeling nodded excitedly, “It’s like taking candy from a baby with one of those babies!”

“What about the queen herself?” Alpha asked, unsure if this matter was worthy of her attention, “Is she on site?”

“She is, but Nopony knows where.” The guard responded, as Alpha gave a puzzled look, “She told us that she would reveal herself when the time came. If one of us were to be captured, and forced to speak under a truth spell, they won’t have to worry about giving her up.”

“Smart thinking,” Alpha nodded, walking past the guard, and continuing on his path, “And… what would the plan be, if we were to be compromised?”

“We outnumber the guards here two to one. We’ll take the castle by force.” He explained.

“Why not just do that now?” Alpha continued, figuring that he already knew the answer, but knew there could be other possibilities, “Why not just… take over the entire thing?”

“Well, Chrysalis plans on neutralizing several threats herself before we make our move.” The guard happily answered, his excitement not being hidden whatsoever, “then there’ll be less resistance when we finally take over.”

“I thought so.” Alpha nodded, as he looked back to the soldier, “Were there any other orders related to me?”

“No sir.” He shook his head, “We were simply told to brief you, if we came in to contact.”

“Thank you… Gamma?” Alpha asked, unsure of this soldiers rank.

“Delta.” He replied, “But after tomorrow… who knows what any of us will be.”

Alpha nodded silently as he continued his walk down the hallway.

“Some of the guys are saying that you might even be named the new Omega.” The guard said simply, as Alpha stopped for a moment.

“Omega…” He muttered.

It was the highest rank that could be achieved by pony within the changeling army. It was only given to those that were so exceptional in their work, that they directly bettered the hive through their actions.

The rank itself was taken from Chrysalis’s great great grandfather, and the founder of the modern changeling army. His name was Omega, and to be put on the same level as him, was the greatest honor a changeling could receive.

“Omega?” Alpha asked, his tone rising once again, revealing a speck of hopefulness.

“It’s just ponies talking.” The guard responded, “But… who knows, right?”

Alpha didn’t say another word, as he headed away, and continued his search for Princess Luna.

He would need to act as natural as he could in the coming day, as letting anything slip, could lead to the failure of the main invasion plan.

And that was the last thing he wanted.

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