Apple Bloom can't get to sleep. The stars have disappeared from the sky, and nopony seems to be able to tell her why.
Based on the original song by Queen.
Apple Bloom can't get to sleep. The stars have disappeared from the sky, and nopony seems to be able to tell her why.
Based on the original song by Queen.
So, us Bronies are the stars? Cool.
At first I thought this was a reference to doctor Who.
Good story, in any case.
so rarity is obssesive compulsive
I Love you guys and gals! Come on, wheres season two!
The stars are memebase.
Well fuck. That was amazing, insightful and touching.
Thank you.
touched my heart :'(
Hey i just noticed something... This title is the same in one of the missions is "Dead Island" and didn't notice any reference of the story to it.. but thats not what im concerned about do i?
Not the point... at anycase ITS A NICE STORY!! Tracking on my page!
Sweet story! I love it soooooo MUCH!
What does this have to do with the song?
I believe the answer is held in the lyrics at the beginning of the chapter, although later in the song, some further lyrics are also appropriate.
Let's hope you never leave, old friend.
Like all good things, on you we depend.
I get it. And it got me. Amazing story, Pagemaster.
107562 oh ok thanks.
queen is awesome
Well done there are very few stories that touch me in the way this has.
Alright really late to this but sweet story that I'll keep where it ended up
A wonderful, inspiring story... And it fits Radio gaga's theme perfectly! Definitely deserving a fav.
Bronys as celestial bodies? Cool. I enjoyed it.
Well, now I know what it's like to be a star.
All jokes aside, though, this was super-cute. Take all my D'awww's!!!
wow this is an old story. The 215th one published on fimfiction!
Not the story I was looking for for the past few hours, but certainly a story I'm glad I found.
That was so cute!
A fun meta commentary about fans of stuff I guess