• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 1,454 Views, 29 Comments

Evil Renegade Shepard Hurts Ponies' Feelings - Bendy

Evil Renegade Commander Shepard is teleported into Equestria, where he hurts ponies' feelings in Ponyville and does not have sex with them.

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Comments ( 29 )

She ran out of the room crying while Shepherd smiled as he gained more renegade points due to rejecting her.

FemShep/Liara OTP

Rush does it again, ladies and gentlemen! A round of applause for randomness and renegadeness!

Renegade should have won


But what about the ponies with a human fetish?


No! Zoidberg/Liara OTP!

screw the fetishes, I'm evil.

Rush, I think I love you

're stories.

Another idiotic Mass Effect (or really just Shepard) crossover by Rush!


paragon the good guy?

I was cackling madly in joy at this story, as I enjoy a decent take on exaggerated Renegade Shepard. But... around the end it hit me with the realization that this Shepard is just the kind of prick who would romance Jack and then kick her out when she finally opens up on a slow afternoon. Frankly, this story pissed me off just by making me think of that. :ajbemused:

Oh well, have a like. And about +2 for your own Renegade score.

>"We'll bang, okay?"
How did this line not make an appearance in this fic?

yes, i approve of this hilarity


Glad you enjoyed it. And yeah, you are kinda meant to hate Shepard in this.


I could edit in that line if you wish.


Thanks very much.


Thanks very much!


Yes. Have you played Mass Effect?

"We'll bang, okay?" said Paragon Shepard sexfully.

I see what you did there! :rainbowdetermined2::rainbowlaugh:

Yes... I like this. Now it is perfection.

>No alternate ending where renegade Shep wins



Love that last bit. Made me laugh every time I watched those videos and once more here.

Another 10/10 my mind would have exploded but already did with the Justin bieber ending the world thing.

This had me in tears from laughing! :rainbowlaugh:
Man, Renegade Shepard is such a massive dick, it's glorious. It reminded me of when I played through ME1 as renegade with the sole purpose to be as much of an asshole as possible to get the most renegade points as I could.
Bravo! :yay:

Oh! And we'll bang, okay? :trollestia:

The ending was perfect, thank you.


Shepherd banging the ponies? XD

6343158 No, Renegade Shepherd dying for RAISING A HAND AGAINST MUH FLUTTERS!

Comment posted by Shameless Autism deleted Apr 18th, 2016

Why not write about a non-brony?

6343247 shut up oh no one cares

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