Super Sentai Series © Toei/Bandai. My Little Pony: FiM © Hasbro.
During a routine battle with the Zangyack, the Gokaigers get transported to Pony Ville. Each one of them being transported to the house of each one of the Mane 6.
The Mane 6 will have to help the Gokaigers get back to their world as soon as possible, before the Zangyack conquer it. (In the story title, I meant "Ponī Sentai Yūjōranger" to be like the Super Sentai version of "Mane 6" Yūjō means Friendship in Japanese & Ponī means, well... Pony.)
*And to clarify who is who for those who don't know or haven't seen any of the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger episodes:
-In the story Image there appears five people, from left to right: Ahim (Gokai Pink). Doc/Don (Gokai Green). Captain Marvelous (Gokai Red). Joe (Gokai Blue). Luka (Gokai Yellow) & Gai (Gokai Silver) (Even though he doesn't appear on the image, I'm sure you can look it up)
...+ 1 for...idk...originality?
Punctuation marks are used for speech!
I wut'd.
I wut'd all over the floor.
Thumbs up for good, happy feeling!
Okay, I don't have time to read this right now, but I swear to God I will DEVOUR THIS when I'm finished with all the stuff I have to do.
According to an old book I had laying around, it doesn't matter.
And I lol'd because of your comment.
Thanks... I guess?
Now, since there's still some time before the usual Q&A page, I'll answer this now:
"Why did Marvelous and Joe kept trying to hurt Twilight and Rainbow?"
R= My answer to that is: since they knew nothing about Pony Ville (A.K.A. the new dimension) they had no way of knowing if the ponies were or not as resistant to their weapons as the enemies they're used to fight. Or something like that, I don't know.
Please note that this chapter MAY be a little bit rushed, since I just finished a school project and I'm tired. If there's something I need to change, I'll do it sometime later.
Nice crossover so far. Keep going. =3
WOO! Aren't you guys excited for this story actually being finished? ... Yeah, I didn't think so. But actually, I am.
786355 Just a simple reminder.
Why not use quotation marks (") instead of dashes (-) when a character speaks. Otherwise, a good and I never heard a Japanese-only crossover before.
Never tried that before. Might work. Thanks for the recommendation.
Hey, I want to enjoy summer too. Updates should be published every 3 days. For example, next update's gonna be on Friday, the next on Monday and so on.
Episode done! Just 4 more to go!... And for some reason, I couldn't keep the "Luigi's Mansion" theme out of my head... Weird, isn't it?
ONORE CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the last thing I expected to see, a Gokaiger and MLP crossover and the best thing is IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!. Tracked and faved, can't wait for more, I need my Sentai/Pony crossover DAMMIT!!!!!.
I don't really care if the chapters are rushed, I just wanna see them show off Jetman to Rainbow. Also, Twilight's reaction to Magiranger would be priceless, at least, I hope.
You. My friend, gave me a very good idea. I might use that on the next chapter.
Sorry for not updating this story! I got pretty sick, In fact, I had to go to the Hospital... But I'm fine now. You'll notice two things:
One: I added some things, like the Gokaigers showing off some transformations and such.
Two: The episode's longer than the previous ones. That's because a lot more stuff happens in this chapter, not like in the others; and that's how it's going to be 'till the end of the story.
Glad to finally be back! Now, I need some sleep, I'm going to the midnight premier of "The Amazing Spider-man" tonight, and I need some rest.
Fantabulous as usaul my friend, and I like the Jetman costumes. They look cool to me not silly, I meen look at them.
I love their suits.
This story is interesting, to say the least. I love the pairings you made for the Gokaigers and Mane 6, which match up perfectly with either a personality trait or quality each member has.
* Captain Marvelous/Twilight Sparkle: Leaders
* Joe Gibken/Rainbow Dash: Blue-colored and loyal.
* Luka Millfy/Applejack: Stubborn tough girls.
* Don Dogoier/Fluttershy: Shy and cowardly.
* Ahim de Famille/Rarity: Feminine ladies.
* Gai Ikari/Pinkie Pie: Wild and crazy.
Also, if Fluttershy had gotten to make a request for a Gokai Change, she'd obviously ask for a team related to animals so the best choice for this category would be the Gaorangers. But what about Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie? What kind of teams would they have asked to see and which teams would the Gokaigers change into?
this group of Pirates are not in the same league as the ones before them

1903842 Applejack would probably want a strong one which I would've chosen OHRANGER!,
Rarity would have chosen a graceful type so it would be GOSEIGER and GOSEI KNIGHT!
Pinkie would probably want something completely random and crazy, so either HURRICANEGER or ABARANGER!
There's something missing in this story by the way... the announcer guy!
786355 Hey I am I freaking love Gokaiger and MLP
i just dont see y this story has gotten the love it has, as none of the Gokigers seems to be acting in character, the writing is lackluster at best, and the plot (if it even exists) is nothing to write home about. all in all, a very poor effort was put into the Gokigers, and thats not even taking into acount the poor showing for the ponies...AJs accent is absent, Pinkies is not nearly as crazy as she should be...really, only Fluttershy seemed to be in character...everything else? it was just 'meh'. then theres the punctuation, or lack there of...structurewise, i found reading this to be increadably confusing, and it took a few read throughs to understand what the hell was going on and when someone was even talking. i literally skimmed through half of the chapters because it was nothing but fluff and filler...the entirety of meeting the Mane 6 could have been done in one chapter, and could have been handled a lot better as well...
5540091 true
Gokai Change!