This is the first of at least 2 side stories from my last story. In this one, Bright and Rarity's daughter, Mint Breeze goes on an adventure with the old Cutie Mark Crusaders hoping to become like them. But their adventure turns to be more dangerous than they Imagined.
It begins... The “Oh, you again?” and the “Well, I better get ready for another sick/stupid story of yours...” comments. Yeah, I totally figure people saying things like that. And my answer is: Yes, me again! And don´t worry, this story won´t be as sick as the last one (At least I hope so...). But don´t worry, as I said: This story probably won´t continue until next Summer. (By now, you´re probably thinking: “
! I won´t have to read another of this idiot´s stories!”... Good for you. I couldn´t give less of a f**k about it...)
This... looks... awful...

So, to let you guys see that I care about the story. I progressed a bit... There's still a shit ton left to the story... If you don't like what I've made so far... Remember: This chapter doesn't have shit to do with the actual story. It's just to introduce the main character (A.K.A. The new filly). I'll finish the chapter... Someday... Maybe tomorrow... After the new episode.
Oh finally... Finally this episode is done!... I'll start working on the second one tomorrow.
but you be slightly more sexual... for me :3 i'm not being a perv i just thought those were well written :3
You can't be bothered to write more than four sentences to describe everything that happens after Mint Breeze is born? If you don't care about your own story, then why should I?
Bright Bulb needs a wrench to the face. I don't know why you make him out to be the protagonist
if i ever meet bright bulb i will kill him with my knife. then twilight and i will laugh over his body, shaking with rage.
err, almost shaking i mean.
Ask and you shall receive. Here the second episode. Next one coming sometime in the next week. Enjoy.
Throw a birthday party for your daughter.
Fall asleep before the end.
Who falls asleep during their kid's own birthday party? And why is Mint Breeze such a brat? Ugh this fic is annoying
wow you are a master of deception!
u made it seem like that splinter scene with pinkie was relevant and that she died. but it wasn't! she was alive. so the scene was still irrelevant :3 good job.
Well fuck. This is what I get for doing stuff on a hurry. As I expected, the second episode resulted on a COMPLETE MESS. I AM going to re-do it, not everything of course. I'll just change and add some dialogue. And some other stuff... Expect the re-done Episode 2 by around 7 p.m.
Guess what? Only two episodes and I already got bored of this story! Isn't that great? Okay, out of joke: Yes, this story ALREADY bored me. But the thing is, I don't want to say this is cancelled, because I eventually would feel like doing another episode and stuff. So, I don't know what i'm going to do with this story... (
) I should just stop doing this... You guys tell me, should I continue or stop?
Hey this fic wasn't the best but don't ever stop writing. If you don't want to continue this story then stop it. But don't stop writing, let your imagination run free and write more. Believe it or not you have a group of people reading your fics and we'd be sad if you stopped. While they aren't as "polished" as other writers' works we do enjoy them. Have a good time and keep writing! We can't wait for the next big thing
I've finally made my decision... And so, I say: ...New episode's on the making!
And no, Lacking a title is NOT the title of the episode. It's what it means, I still have to think of a title for this one.
Progress is best Pony.
(This may sound stupid, believe me, I know. But when I though about this comment, I lol'ed about 5 minutes straight...)
Been slacking off a lot lately. I promise tomorrow I'll begin Episode 4. This being said, you can expect Episode 4 either on Saturday or tomorrow night. Pinkie Pie promise!
While making this, I remembered something: Stories are supposed to be 75% action and 25% dialogue (At least that's the case on most the stories I've read over the years). But my stories are the exact opposite... So, if you don't want to get bored to the core while reading this, stop now, it's for your own good.
Sorry for not updating this episode. It's just that I'm having a SERIOUS problem thinking about rhymes... Why!? Why do Zecora has to always rhyme!? It's a pain in the ass! ;_;
There are rhyming dictionaries, dude.
loving it so far! just can't wait for zecora's part to be finished
Mother Effing School, I swear to God... Anyway, If I'm lucky enough, I'll find some time to continue episode 4, if not, the you'll have to wait 'till weekend... F*CK SCHOOL!
Hey, guess what? I already thought of an ending for this episode. I won't put it right away because I still have to finish the Zecora part, for the time being, I'll work on it on Google Docs. after it's finished I'll finish the Zecora part and add the ending.
Episode Finished. (FINALLY!)
Oh my god... When will my pain end? I want to finish this story already T_T!!! Anyway... Final episode. Next thing on the list: Epilogue and a Q&A page... The end of this story is near... THANK GOD!
Hey rodgerearth you have big fans here would you be willing to join a teamspeak chat group and come talk with some bronies that read your work?
if so our server address is we'd love to have you there!
I would love to, but... School is very time consuming, I doubt I would have time for it... Thanks for the invitations anyway, I'll make sure to take note of it.
I loved the part where two fillies almost got raped because they were dumb enough to not trust Zecora, but TOTALLY trust some weirdo in the woods.
Well, there's my logic for you.
Rape is always funny
Episode 4 has more views than Episode 3... The fuck?
I'll rephrase my last comment...*Ahem*:
How did this story became so popular all of sudden? Last time I checked this story had like 900something views. Now it has barely over 1,000 views... Seriously, HOW?
Okay, this is getting ridiculous, this is story is slowly getting more and more views, why the sudden interest on this story? I just wish somebody would tell me what the f*ck is going on.
Now, this story has 1,500 views. WHY? HOW?