• Published 16th Mar 2012
  • 3,767 Views, 61 Comments

Perseverance - ZachTheBrony

Is paradise truly all it's cracked up to be?

  • ...

Part 6

Sometimes you just remember things when you're alone in complete silence. Things that you otherwise wouldn't have paid any form of mind to, or things that you've long since tried to forget. Though these things may be bad, when in an unnatural or unfamiliar environment, they bring a sense of comfort- even if they are bad. This is because the memories, both good and bad, which come from your familiar surroundings, can comfort you- even in the most unfamiliar ones.

And apparently, one of my memories was- well, it'll speak for itself.

"Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga! I'm one-hundred per-cent nigga! NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA! I'M TWO-HUNDRED PER-CENT NIGGUH!" The obscene words travelled out of my mouth as I laid in the hospital bed. Here's a tidbit of background for all of you crazy beavers- about a month and a half had passed since I 'met' the members of the Mane Six, and I was just starting to settle into the hospital's environment. At the risk of sounding optimistic- albeit, it's a good risk to take -I was doing much, much better. My legs could actually carry me, for one, and my mood changed dramatically, from 'cynical, depressed asshat' to the 'mild-mannered Canadian' I always was.

"Z-... Zach...?" Twilight Sparkle's confused voice came through the doorway. She had a complete look of dumbfoundment on her face, as she looked at my healthier form. No longer did my body need the bandages, my skin had recovered, and the veins which were once visible faded away, and my actual nurse got me some hair gel to slick my hair back with every day. Yeah, that's how I roll. Nigga.

"-why do police hate us niggas? NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA! THEY HATE US 'CUZ OUR DICKS IS BIGG-Ooooh... Hi Twilight. Fancy seeing you here, eh?" I just realized that I shouldn't be singing that song. I was so caught up in it that my eyes didn't even pick up Twilight's form enter the room. You could say that I was 'on a roll'. The reason why I stopped, though, is because Twilight knew what 'nigger' meant, and how discriminatory and condescending it was back on Earth.

Twilight glared flaming daggers at me. "I thought you said you weren't a racist?" She was so solemn, it creeped me out.

"I ain't racist, I'm black." My mind forced me to say that, as I crossed my arms, doing my best 'stereotypical gangbanger' voice.

She smirked. "Nah, you'se whi-zite as snow." Twilight's voice was actually very 'hood', for somebody as geeky as her. Then, she sat down next to me, on a small stool.

"Damn! I knew that you knew hood lingo but I never thought you'd use it," I said mindfully. It wasn't quite like her, but then again, she was probably trying her best to make me feel comfortable, by any means necessary. We both shared a laugh, before she asked me how I was feeling. "Oh, man I feel great. I am going places!" I shot my arm out, pointing and looking at the blank wall in front of me. I forced myself to keep the position until Twilight started giggling. Once she stopped, I asked, "When do you think I'll be getting out?" I took a mental note that something looked a tad off about her today.

Twilight sighed. "Any time, actually. You were initially only supposed to be in here until you could function fully, and you've been like this for about three days, so now you're just using the hospital as a place of rest."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow. She nodded in response. "Well then," I sat up on the bed. "I guess I can finally thank your friend Rarity for making me those clothes, in person." My hand gestured over to the small, organized piles of clothing articles; Rarity had made me a hat, a jacket, a shirt, boxers, some jeans (which were very comfy, mind you), socks, and had a leatherworker fashion me some running shoes and a pair of boots. I told her that once I got the money I'd pay her back, and I was still trying to figure out what I could do to repay her easily and as fast as possible.

"I guess you can," Twilight chuckled, her chipper tone degrading into a 'matter-of-fact' demeanor. "And you might want to uh... I'unno..."


"Look down."

"Lemme guess, no pants?"


"And it's..."

"Yes, it is."

My palm met my face softly for a good three seconds. "Being a man has its downs, and its ups," My voice projected in a higher pitch. Now, I'll admit my cheeks were red as the sun is a star, but I sounded extremely casual about my 'indecent' exposure. This was due to Twilight's scientific, biological 'investigation', as she called it. I labeled it window shopping, but hey, it's fun toying around with her. What!? She was so easy to tee-off! Don't you give me that shit, you know it's cute when she's angry!

Immediately, I rolled over the bed, and put on some clothes. The boxers Rarity fashioned for me were beige, made of double-layered linen, too. They were real nice. The pair of 'jeans' I slid on were actually black track pants with a denim pattern and texture. The shirt I picked was just a simple black, to match my jeans and make me look imposing.

The socks I got were white, and weren't too 'gritty' or 'smooth', they were balanced; how I liked 'em on my feet. And finally, the hat I got was a black baseball cap, with the Grand Theft Auto Five and Los Santos logo on it. "B-E-A-Utiful," I chuckled, spinning around to show off my look. "Just like what I'd wear back home," I commented.

"Yeah, Rarity is extremely talented in her craft." Twilight remarked as I packed the other clothes into a bag. Not even a single comment? Now I knew somethin' was up. "I actually came to pick you up, since I got a complaint letter from the hospital."

"Shit, good thing we're bookin' it then." I snickered, before we both left the building. Of course, I had to sign out and do a lick of paperwork, but it wasn't much since I did the information sheet yesterday.

And man, it was good to see natural light. "WOOHOO!!! I'VE NEVER FELT SO ALIIIVE!" I flung my slim arms up above my head triumphantly, ponies in the street stopping to look at me and Twilight, in both confusion and paranoia. I didn't even care, I was feelin' good, man, feelin' good. Twilight looked a tad concerned though, as I did raise my voice a considerable bit. She nudged me, and I sighed. "Man I've never been this happy to be outdoors." I admitted. My body was still considerably slim, which felt good; I felt much lighter than I did back when I was on Earth, about a fifty pound difference. Most of the lost mass was muscular, though, so I was considerably weaker. Made me a tad faster though.

"W-we should... get going."

"Shush, you're ruining the moment."

"The moment? How could you call this a moment. Zach?"

"Shhh, my vampiric emissary."

"Emissary? Vampiric?"

"Have yet to learn of specific human culture, you do, Twilight." I projected in a Yoda-esque voice. "We must make haste; the new moon is upon us, and I wish to see an eclipse and be back before breaking dawn."

"... But it's the middle of the day?" Twilight was confused; at this point, we were walking, and ponies had moved on. "And judging by the way you formulated your sentence, you're trying to lead me on as though I get a reference... wait... vampiric, he put emphasis on my name... from his tone of voice he sounded like he was being condescending... Ah! The reference is to a disappointing franchise or title, isn't it?" She smirked slyly, looking up to me.

'Hot damn, she cooked my goose.' I thought. "A disappointing franchise or title it is not. A disgrace to vampires, it is." I said in the same Yoda-like tone.

She connected the dots real fast. "Is this disgrace called 'Twilight'?"

"Outclass me in overall IQ, yeah, fine by me. But outclass me in linguistics and tone recognition... I ain't surprised," I smiled at her as we strolled through the streets of Canterlot confidently, using my regular voice though. "It shames me to think that you're a librarian, you'd clearly excel at being a forensic scientist or a profiler of the FIB."

Twilight blushed at my compliment, not saying anything in response to it. "The Federal Inspection Bureau? Really?"

"Y'know the show I was telling you about earlier? Criminal Minds?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"You're just like Penelope Garcia, baby cakes." I snickered, obviously referring to her as one of the nicknames Derek gave Garcia. "Wait no, you're more like a combination of Garcia and a bit of Reid, too. No, a lot of Reid, now that I think 'bout it. What'd'ya think, eh?" I looked to her for her answer.

She thought for a moment. "I can't really argue with what you said, Zach. From what you told me, Garcia sounds a lot like me though..." Twilight seemed a bit detached, maybe even distant. My once welcoming smile turned to a look of neutrality as I studied her face; she didn't look like she was doing so good. Her eyes had bags under them- covered by makeup, but still not invisible -and her walking seemed very forced, as though she was having some trouble. She didn't seem very attentive, either, but she didn't seem grumpy either.

"Is there cannabis in Equestria?" I asked blatantly, my tone clearly interested in the question.

Twilight squinted at me, eyeing me up and down for less than a second as we walked. "Yes, just like Earth's cannabis, to be exact. Why?"

'Theory one eliminated, theory two probable.' I thought to myself, before elaborating. "The way you walk seems slouched and kinda forced, 'ya look parched, and your facial expression don't make you look like you're very awake. How much uh, sleep did you get last night?"

She didn't answer for a good five seconds, squinting off into the distance as though she was in thought. "Two hours..." Twilight sighed. "I couldn't get any sleep." Thank hell she didn't figure that I was subtly accusing her of takin' a puff'a Pineapple Express. Then again, knowing Twilight, Pineapple Express'd probably take just an edge off.

Like chipping the nipple on the icebreast that sunk the Tittytanic. Ahem, I meant, like chipping the dick off of the icecock that sucked the titfu- y'know what?! Screw it. Titanic, Shmytanic, what's it matter to me anyway?!

"Man I know that feeling too well..." I admitted. It wasn't often that I could get a good night's sleep when I was younger; due to me usually being up on the computer, writing and editing websites that always led to nowhere. Then again, I couldn't blame her for not getting any sleep. Even now, even though we became buddies, she was still very skeptical and interested in human culture. I of course, didn't know everything. 'If only Mr. Rombaut was here... To hell with it though, Earth's probably fucked itself over and under anyway...' My hand travelled up to my face and scratched my chin. "You shouldn't neglect your bodily needs, Twilight, regardless of the situation..." I advised. "When I was younger I would always get anywhere from three to six hours of sleep, which was real bad. I never had the motivation to get any work done due to my sleep deprivation. If you don't straighten your schedule out you'll be all over the place and stressed up to your eyeballs, like my mother." It was true, afterall; my mother and me never got that much sleep. But my 'Ma probably had a slight case of insomnia.

Twilight didn't really respond that much afterwards, just meek, simple nods. I could see that her energy was depleted so dramatically, to the point that if you gave me a chart I could even tell you how much energy she had left per hour. In a percentage.

Soon enough, though, we weathered the storm all the way back to Ponyville (albeit Twilight slept through it while on the train), the humble village far from the royalty of Canterlot. Once we arrived at the station, I snapped out of my trance. In this case, 'trance' meant 'meditative position'. Twilight got the tickets paid for on the royalty's tab, to which I remarked as 'spoiled'. Stephen McNeil, or whoever the bloody two-bit hell Nova Scotia's premier was, never gave the citizens any free tickets for flights'r nothin'.

Stuck-up, spoiled bi-

"Twilight, wake up." I nudged the unicorn in question, and got a groan in response. She was conscious, but she wanted those extra '5 minutes', or in her case, '4 hours'. I didn't do well with long trips either, and when I get woken up, I just kinda snap into it. "Alright, I'll count to three. If you're not up, I'll drag you, which would most likely give you scrapes, and make things look terrifying for the ponyfolk, causing a panic, but due to my entire lack of social shame and guilt I will, regardless of a disappointed or accusing look." My voice had a cold, meaningful (in a 'if you don't do it I'll put two rounds in the back of your skull and do it myself' kind of way, only, no killing involved) undertone as I whispered this into Twilight's left ear, which flopped down against her head.

She immediately got up, stretching. "Fine..." Twi' rolled her eyes.

And like that, we were in Ponyville, home to the Main Six.

I hesitated for a moment, having an uneased feeling in my core. "Somethin' ain't right, hold up." My voice commanded Twilight, who looked back to me as I glanced around a little bit.

"What is it?"

"N-nevermind, just, let's hurry up to the library you were talking about."

"Are you alright Zach?"

"... Never better, Twilight. Never better."

Author's Note:

I'unno what's gonna go down 'ere. Take guesses! No guarantees, I just wrote this to sate you guys temporarily. Hope you enjoyed it, regardless though.

Comments ( 5 )

I wonder where everything will lead, but good to see your alive

i cant describe the joy i felt from reading that beginning. i don't think Ive laughed that hard in years!:rainbowlaugh:

I do believe that was a reference to Falling Through.

You better continue this ya nig nig or ill personally find you in the provinces and makeyou write more

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