• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 2,282 Views, 106 Comments

Let's Kill King Sombra! - defender2222

The Doctor, Derpy and Dinky accidently end up in the ancient Crystal Empire and must figure out who is trying to kill King Sombra

  • ...

Part 4

“What have you done?” The Doctor and Derpy held Solsra back, the mare screaming in outrage at her father. King Sombra just looked upon her dully; not showing even the slightest sign that all her yelling was affecting him. The royal mare struggled against the other ponies’ forelegs, trying desperately to break free so she could ring her father’s neck. Her horn cracked and her eyes took on the same cold, stony structure as the artifact that had once held half of her merged soul. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?”

“What needed to be done,” Sombra said coolly. “What I have done… I have done without choice… in the name of peace and sanity.”

The Doctor glowered at that. “The worst actions in history have been justified by those exact words, Sombra.”

“That doesn’t mean that they aren’t true, Doctor.” The onyx unicorn began to pace about the room, his emerald eyes flickering like enchanted flames as he spoke. “You have seen many things, haven’t you? We crystal ponies are natural empaths; your mind might be closed off but your heart, Doctor, your heart is an open book. You are so old and have seen so many things… surely you understand the great truth of the world.”

“And that is?” the Doctor asked, only to nearly lose his footing when the palace trembled. Bits of stone fell from the high ceiling and Dinky let out a scream when one large chunk nearly struck her. The filly quickly hid under her mother, Derpy clenching her wings tight to her body as she stared nervously up at the high stone that was cracking overhead. One of the walls trembled and the stone and plaster that had been used to cover up Solsra’s main bedroom window crashed to the ground, revealing the Empire to them all.

Sombra pushed away some fallen debris like a food critic might banish a plate from his table. “That ponies do the right thing for the wrong reason… and the wrong thing for the right reason.” The king shrugged. “I am a student of history, Doctor, and I think I’d prefer to let it be the judge of me, rather than you. History is so less emotional… so less tethered down by the morals of the current day.”

“Says the empath,” Derpy muttered.

“And how do you think history will judge you, Sombra?” the Doctor said, hissing the king’s name out like it was a curse. Solsra had, thankfully, stopped trying to break free; the Doctor feared that if she tried at this moment he’d let her go at the onyx unicorn.

“How else?” Sombra said with a smile. “As a hero. The Savior of the Crystal Ponies!” The king reared back and let out a deep, throaty laugh that had the hairs on all the other ponies’ necks standing straight on end. “You will see soon enough… a golden age is about to arrive for the Empire… an age of true freedom!”

Dinky looked out the window nervously. Pillars made of volcanic glass were bursting out of the ground, slowly at first but picking up speed. The first cries of fear and panic were beginning to drift up to the occupants of the room and the little filly gulped as watched the cracks in the palace grow larger. “Isn’t this when the P-Princesses arrive and banish him?”

The Doctor pursed his lips. “What is the first Rule?”

“The Doctor lies,” Derpy said.

“And Rule 2?” The Doctor shook his head in annoyance. “So does everyone else. Have you seen the Crystal Ponies in chains with King Sombra lording over them? Do you remember a Princess Solsra in the tales? What we’ve been told is a lie… this, Dinky… this is the truth.”

Sombra snarled in frustration. “Of course it’s the truth. Why would I ever put my subjects in chains? They are not my slaves! What I am doing now is for them! It isn’t to hurt them, it is to save them!”

“Save them from what?!” Solsra screamed, the cries of her ponies tearing at her twin souls. The part of her that was the Crystal Heart desired so greatly to go out and comfort them… but she knew that she’d never be able to do that. King Sombra had locked away her original form and Solsra would never be able to escape with her father watching. They were all trapped in her bedroom, forced to listen to his rantings.

“From the world, my daughter… from the world. If we are to survive we must barricade ourselves from the barbarians that gather at the gates! It is the only way!” Sombra waved his hoof at window. “Look out there!” The ponies, almost against their will, gazed out the window as the black glass shards grew more numerous, rising from the ground and nearly destroying buildings and ponies. “The world outside our empire is a world of mistrust and egotism. They all believe they know best and do not see that their actions bring about not harmony but destruction! They are so consumed by their own beliefs in what is right and what should be done that they do not understand that they do more harm than good!”

He turned to them and for a moment his eyes did not hold rage and frustration but desperation. “Can you not see why I am doing this? Can you not understand? My entire life… I have been trained to protect the Empire. It is my sole pursue! And today I take the final step to see it fully protected!” The pleading ended and an almost maniac gleam flickered in the corners of his emerald eyes. Raw dark magic began to slowly ooze from them, so thick that it was visible to even the least magically inclined pony. “I have studied the ancient tomes, looking through scrolls long thought lost and examined forces that many would call sinister. I have done terrible things, perhaps, but all in the name of protecting the Empire!

“That is why I took the Crystal Heart… to learn its secrets! And I have, my friends, I have! The marvels that wondrous bauble showed me… you cannot comprehend what I now know.” He looked upon the black obsidian shards that were surrounding his beloved city and smiled like a stallion laying eyes upon his newborn foal. “I have used the power of the heart to fuel my spell and soon, oh so soon, the Empire will be encased in a magic so strong nothing will ever harm us again! We will stay here, free as the world descends into chaos, living on till the end of time.” He whipped around and laughed once more. “Do you not see now?”

“I see,” Dinky said simply. “You’re crazy pants!”

“My daughter’s right,” the Doctor said coolly. “You are mad, Sombra… and that madness has doomed you all.”

“Doomed? Saved… I have saved us! I have-“

“The Crystal Heart is incomplete!” the Doctor bellowed, Sombra cowering suddenly at the sheer force of the cry. “If you truly were in your right mind you would sense it! You would see that the Crystal Heart now exist as two: the physical shell and the soul… the soul that now dwells within your daughter.”

“…and you think I’m crazy?” Sombra asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Derpy said, suddenly lashing out and striking a wall with her back hooves. The ceiling rumbled and a large section of Solsra’s bedroom collapsed upon Sombra, pinning him to the floor. The Hooves family did not have time to celebrate, as the quakes that were ripping through the city were growing stronger and the black glass pillars were beginning to glow with a sinister light. “Doctor…”

“The fool,” the Doctor grunted. “He performed a spell without checking his ingredients.”

Solsra gulped. “He thought he was using the full Heart… this is-“

“Do NOT finish that sentence!” the Doctor commanded. “The blame for this lies with your father! He didn’t think and now his spell has become a thing of chaos. It could destroy us or transform us-“

“Or banish us for a thousand years only to reappear with our memories erased and our emotions locked away?” Dinky reminded him.

The Time Lord’s eyes grew wide. “Or that. Ok then… run.” The Doctor nodded. “Yes… run. RUN!


This was the last day.

The last day the Crystal Empire would stand.

It would return, of course. The Doctor and his family knew this. But it would never be the same. Something would be lost and something would be gained. The mental scars of being trapped in pocket dimension in a single moment while centuries went by in the blink of an eye… one did not recover quickly from such things. Yes, the Empire would one day thrive again, but its Golden Age was dying this very day.

And the Hooves family was caught right in the middle of it.

“Come on!” the Doctor shouted, hurrying down a side street. He forced himself to ignore the cries and screams of the frightened ponies around him. He did not look at their coats, which were rapidly loosing their luster. He did not stop to give them comfort, even though he wanted to. The Time Lord knew that they would be ok in the end, that none would die this day and that waiting for them was a new life; a different life yes, but that didn’t mean it was a bad one.

Still… that didn’t make it any better.

“Where are we going?” Solsra shouted, her horn glowing as she created a dome of energy to protect the family from falling debris. The Obsidian spikes were shattering now, unable to hold form as the magic that was suppose to turn them into focal points for Sombra’s barrier ran through them. Any pony that touched the spikes found themselves winking out of existence, entering the pocket dimension the Doctor theorized would be the Crystal Empire’s resting place for the next thousand years until the spell finally gave out and shunted them back into this reality.

The Doctor had tried to get Solsra to remain in the palace but the mare had refused; she still blamed herself for all that was happening and didn’t want to leave the Hooves to try and find their way out of the city on their own. The Time Lord had finally relented, even as a little voice in his head whispered, “No Solsra was found when the Empire returned”.

“We have to get to my TARDIS!” the Doctor shouted. “It is just outside of the city’s limits! We get there and we’ll be safe!”

“What about the others?” Solsra yelled, leaping over the broken remains of a cart. Derpy flared out her wings and flew just about them, Dinky clinging to her mother’s back.

“They’ll be safe just… just a different kind of safe! Trust me!” The Doctor let out a sigh of relief when they made it past the final black spire. The heating and warming charms that wrapped the northern kingdom in forever-spring dissipated the moment they crossed the invisible line and the Time Lord shivered as he hoofed it through the deep snow. “There she is!” He nodded towards the familiar blue police box. “Here we come, old girl!”

“Doctor, slow down!” Derpy called out, forced to land. The icy winds were making her feathers freeze and the pegasus mare landed in a heap, Dinky flying off her back and ending up with a face full of snow.

“Can’t slow down!” the Doctor stated, turning and quickly helping his wife up. “We might be out of the city but a spell like that is going to pack a doozy of a backlash! No idea what will happen if we are caught in it! Might get sucked into the pocket universe, might be just fine... or we might get atomized or worse! We need to get in the TARDIS and get out of-“


The four ponies turned just as a dark shape slammed down into the snow several yards from them. The great stallion looked at them with blazing eyes of green flames, his teeth clenched as he pawed the ground. His horn flared and dark magic bolts rocketed at them, forcing the family to dodge out of the way.


“Oh look, King Sombra,” Derpy said dryly. “That’s new.”

Solsra looked down at Dinky, then back at her father, then once more at the little filly. “Run.”

“What?” Dinky whispered.

“I said run,” Solsra said, charging up her horn. “I’ll cover you. Get to your… box… and get your family out of here!”

Derpy grabbed a protesting Dinky and hurried into the TARDIS. The Doctor paused at the door, watching as Sombra’s own horn began to charge with dark magic. “Solsra… Solsra you can’t stay here! The backlash-“

“Doctor, you know more than you let on… so tell me one thing.” The brave mare swallowed down her fear. “After all of this… after all this bad… Do my subjects live? Are they happy?”

The Doctor nodded. “Yes.”

The Princess squared her shoulder and smiled a coy little smile. “Then run you clever boy… and remember me.” And with that Princess Solsra leapt at her father, firing blasting of blue magic at the deranged king. Sombra screamed and bellowed, his words lost amongst the cacophony of his spell’s final stages. Dark and light magic clashed as father and daughter battled each other, both screaming at the other to come to their senses. Solsra sobbed even as she smiled, satisfied that even if she fell here at least her ponies would be safe… and that one family would be saved by her actions.

The Doctor shut the door to the TARDIS, his eyes on the ground as he began to walk towards the console. He couldn’t look at Dinky’s tear stained face as she screamed for Solsra, nor could he bring himself to look at Derpy and see the sadness and pity in her eyes. The Time Lord merely went to the controls of his blue box and began to move several levers, the engine letting loose the familiar grinding whine.

“You… you aren’t going to leave her, right? You're going to go back, right? You’re not going to leave her to… do…” Dinky sobbed. The Doctor lowered his head and his daughter's eyes went wide. “NO!” Dinky scrambled towards the door, only for Derpy to grab her and hug her tight. “No! Please Doctor… please! She’ll die!”

The Doctor couldn’t help but believe in fate. He might not want to but it couldn’t be helped. After all he had seen, all the seemingly random little events and lucky breaks that had allowed the impossible to happen, how could he not? For the most part the Doctor treated fate as something in the background, like a chair you no longer liked but can't muster the energy to get rid of. But every once and a while, fate made itself known to him. Every once and a while it stood before him and gave him an impossible choice. It showed him the cute little baby or the innocent family or the sweet mare that just wanted to do good and told him he had to watch them fail, fall... die. It told him there was nothing that he could do, that he had to let this happen, that it was demanded. It told him to give up, to step aside, to walk away, to take the easy path.

And when the Doctor is faced with this choice, he answers fate one way... the only way he can... as he always does and always will.

“We… we can still make this right!” King Sombra roared. He’d managed to pin his daughter to the ground, his hooves pressed against the thrashing mare’s throat. Solsra looked up at him, her eyes wide with fear; not for her death but for the thought that her father would find a way to use her and succeed. Death would be so much better than that. Tears rolled down her checks as she remembered at this moment, at her very end, that this had once been her father. “We can, my dear, we just-“

“Look at me, I’m a distraction!”

Sombra looked up, his brow knitting in confusion as the Doctor stood just in front of him, standing on his hind legs and waving his forelegs about. The crystal king only had a moment to consider what he was seeing before Solsra bucked him off her body with all her strength, sending her father flailing through the air and into a snowdrift.

“MOVE!” the Doctor shouted, hauling the trembling princess onto his back. He raced towards the TARDIS, which was already beginning to fade in and out, becoming more and more transparent with every passing second. “Going to cut this close… too close too close too close!” With a final leap the Doctor and Solsra lunged through the open door. “GERONIMO!”

King Sombra raised his head up just in time to see the TARDIS dematerialize, leaving behind it nothing more that snow caught in the winds. The onyx stallion looked at the Crystal Empire, his city, his beloved jewel, and could only watch in muted horror as it too faded away, leaving only a black of dark magic that cracked as it hovered in the air. The energy pulsed and the king looked down at his coat, watching as it lost its own luster, becoming a dull gray. He then looked about and upon realizing that Solsra, his own daughter, was gone, just as his kingdom was gone... everything he cared about was gone… a single tear rolled down his cheek.

It was over.

“…ha… hahaha….hahahahahaha!” the stallion laughed, his mind broken as the wave of magic washed over him, ripping away his physical form. He let his mind go, let the magic wipe away all he knew and all he was… better to forget than to remember.

The Doctor had been right… this was the last day… when everything changed.


“Don’t you ever do that again!” Derpy shouted, smacking the Doctor across the back of the head. Then, just as quickly, she leaned down and gave him a mane-curling kiss. “You always do that again!”

“Whatever you say,” the Doctor said with a little blush.

Solsra slowly rose to her hooves, eyes wide as she looked about her at the copper walls covered and the great console that lay before her, filled with all manner of strange and wondrous doodads and gizmos. She let out quick, gasping bursts of laughter as she tried to comprehend what she was seeing.

“This… this…”

“It’s called the TARDIS!” Dinky exclaimed in glee, rushing over to Solsra, her tail wagging like a puppy dog’s. “Time and Relative Dimension in Space.” Dinky gave her a naughty little smile. “And its mine.”

“Ours,” the Doctor reminded her.

“I just let you think that!”

“It’s… it’s bigger…”

“Yes,” Derpy said with a smile, moving to stand beside her, placing a wing around the shaking mare. “Isn’t it?”

“How… how is this possible?” Solsra whispered.

“Oh, so many things are possible that you’d think are impossible,” the Doctor said, hurrying over to the console now that he had recovered from his kiss. “We tend to make five impossible things quite possible once a week. Of course, we also end up making something that is quite possible impossible, but those are usually bad possible so I don’t think you will mind. Now then,” the Doctor threw a switch and the TARDIS trembled, nearly sending them all to the floor. “How about a nice impossible for you?” He hurried to the doors of his blue box, only to pause and give the princess a wink. “You might want to take a breath… you won’t be able to in a moment.”

With that the Time Lord threw open the doors of his time machine. Solsra stared out at the city that lay before her and gasped.


“The Crystal Empire. One thousand plus years later, yes, but for all of them it has only been two.” The Doctor turned to look at the stunned princess, giving her a soft, sad smile. “You got your wish, Solsra. The Crystal Empire saved. Your father returned with it, though sadly without his sanity. The backlash destroyed his mind, turning him into the very monster he feared would destroy all of you. A group of Equestrian mares… and one very brave baby dragon… saved the day.” He gestured towards the city and Solsra watched as crystal ponies milled about, laughing and enjoying the day. Their coats sparkled in the sun and many carried a song in their heart. Solsra bit her lip, a tear trickling down her cheek as she watched them all move about, happy as could be. “A new princess rules over them; the Crystal Heart might lack its soul but Princess Cadance's magic makes up for that. Still, I am sure when she meets you-“

“No,” Solsra said, turning away from the sight.

“What’s wrong?” Dinky asked, placing a little hoof on the older mare’s side. “I thought you’d be happy… its what you wanted!”

“Yes… yes, I am happy,” Solsra whispered. “The Crystal Empire has been saved… but not for me.” Dinky opened her mouth to complain but Solsra merely smiled, silencing her with a look. “I am the daughter of King Sombra… and I am more like him than I wish to admit. My actions were just as wrong as his and led to just as much damage to the Empire. It is easy enough to hear you say it is not my fault, but here,” Solsra touched her heart, “here I can’t believe that… not yet.” She took a long, deep breath. “The crystal ponies have a princess and a crystal heart… what need do they have of more? Especially one from the past and who made so many mistakes.” The mare nodded to herself, smiling slightly as she made her decision. “Yes… yes. Better Princess Solsra disappear, be lost to the ages, than return again and demand that which she is not owed. That is much, much better.”

The Doctor wanted to tell her no, to explain to her that she could find a place in this new Empire. He wanted to tell her that Princess Cadence and Shining Armor would be kind and understanding, that they would find a way to include her in this new age. And yet the stallion said nothing; how could he? Had he not run away as well, all those lifetimes ago?

“What will you do now?” Derpy asked.

Solsra shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. You say this is a time machine, yes? I suppose you could find me a nice little time to live in? I’ve always wanted to see Prance… or Zebrica… or even that new city, Canterlot.” The mare laughed. “Though I suppose it isn’t so new now, is it?”

“You want to see quite a bit, don’t you?” the Doctor asked, sharing a look with Derpy. The pegasus mare raised an eyebrow, nodding towards Dinky who was nodding rapidly.

“Yes… I suppose so.”

“Then why not stay here?” When Solsra looked at him the Time Lord grinned, his wife and child moving to stand beside him. “The TARDIS can show you all of space and time… take you places you’ve always dreamed of and then go beyond those to the dreams within dreams. Adventure, romance, danger, excitement… all of it tucked in a blue box.”

“I…” Solsra whispered. “You mean it?”

“Of course!” Dinky squealed. “You’re my big sister, right? You HAVE to come!”

Derpy chuckled at Dinky as the filly cantered around the crystal princess’ hooves. “You’ve already run away with a mad family and their box… what would it hurt you to stay and see all there is in the universe?”

Solsra smiled at that, leaning down to let Dinky jump onto her back. “How can a mare say no to that?”

“YAY!” Dinky screamed, throwing her forelegs into the air. Her excitement turned to confusion as she looked at Solsra’s mane. “What’s happening to your hair? Its not shiny. Oh no! Are you sad or something? I thought you'd be happy!”

“Oh, that,” Solsra said. “Just putting on a little camouflage.”

“You can do that Solsra?” the Doctor asked, watching as her glittering coat became a creamy pink and her mane a light purple. “I thought that only happened when crystal ponies lost connection with the Crystal Heart.”

“Yes… but I am the Heart, aren’t I? Makes me a bit special. All sorts of nifty little tricks that others don't have.” The Princess pursed her lips. “And please, don’t call me Solsra. As I said… if we are to move on, Solsra must be buried with the past.”

“Oh! Can I name you?” Dinky exclaimed. “You can be Dinky Jr.!”

Derpy tapped her chin. “I like it!”

“Actually,” the princess said with a smile, “Solsra isn’t even my real name. It is a royal one I had to take when my father became king… all heirs to the throne must take on their royal name when their father or mother claims the throne.”

“Then what is your name?” the Doctor asked as he began to imput the commands to take the TARDIS home.

“Sparkler,” the former princess said, looking over her shoulder at Dinky. “My name is Sparkler.”

The End

Let’s Kill King Sombra


David Tennant………..The Doctor
Hynden Walch………..Derpy Hooves
Claire Corlett…………Dinky Hooves
Jenna Coleman……….Princess Solsra/Sparkler
Idris Elba……………..King Sombra

Next Time on ‘Hooves Family Adventures’

(We see Dinky bouncing on Sparkler’s bed)

Dinky: Wake up! Wake up! It’s my birthday!

Sparkler: So I hear! Where are we going exactly?

Dinky: Someplace… amazing!

(We see a Victorian style house with the TARDIS sitting before it. Dinky rushes out and hugs a squat brown dragon who looks like a chubbier Spike. Behind him stands a Qilin (a pony with a dragon’s head, forelegs that end in claws, and a long dragon tail) and a shy-looking griffon)

Dinky: Uncle Strax!

Strax: Hello little Dinky! Many happy wishes on this the day celebrating your emergence from something other than a cloning pod.

Madame Vastra: Doctor… it is good to see you-

The Doctor: Good to be here.

Vastra: -because we are all in danger.

Dinky:…does that mean no cake?

(as the group talks we see a shot of tough looking griffons gathering together in a junkyard. One at a time they each enter a strange shack, only to scream as sparks fly out)

Vastra: Something is here in Leodon… something dangerous. And if it is not stopped… I fear for the fate of this world.

(We see the Doctor backing up against a wall, a dark shadow looming over him)

Doctor: Of course… what else could it be?

Hooves Family Adventures

Episode 2


An 8 Part Event

Coming Soon

Comments ( 36 )

And thus ends Let's Kill King Sombra!

My goal with this story was two fold: the build up King Sombra and the Crystal Empire and give them a backstory... and to introduce Sparkler in an interesting and new way. I love the idea that she is the Princess Who Ran. She will add a new dynamic to the group as she slowly evolves not just into the role of companion but into the role of sister and adopted daughter for the group.

The next adventure will be a bit, as I have barely begun writing it. But still, I hope to have it out soon.


Awesome, nice way to wrap this up and will definitely be reading the next adventure when it comes.

But...Sparkler still has the 'soul' of the Crystal Heart in her. Aren't they gonna do something about that?

Oh ho. Sneaky way to put in Sparkler rather then having her at the start... I like it. Well done.

Uhh, if this is the end of this story, why is it marked as 'Incomplete'?

... I'm not crying for the awesomess of this fanfic, I'm not :pinkiesad2:

Seriously, You did it. You make the PERFECT crossover between MLP and Doctor Who. You don't make a "Doctor Who X MLP:FiM" but you put the Doctor Adventures in Equestria. I don't know how I can explain myself, I don't speak english, but, trust me, This Series of Fanfics is the best. :derpytongue2:

Steelwing? Cybergriffins…

3852241 Probably not till its relevant again.


Why would they? The Heart and Sparkler merged and became a new being... to separate them would be like murder.

Nice way to bring in Sparkler.:twilightsmile:

A bit of a sudden ending really, but anyway

STRAX! in the next episode and he's a dragon!

Nice. A time lord filly and a crystal princess. Much better then any simple daughter and step-daughter. You sure do make some interesting characters


Making Dinky the Doctor's daughter was a no-brainer. I wanted to make her a bit different and special and everyone else has the doctor being a step-dad... I like him being a daddy and Dinky being half-time lord.

As for Sparkler, originally this story was going to be a prequel and be about how the Doctor met Derpy, with her being a crystal pony, but then I realized that Sparkler just fit the role better.


It was hardly a total surprise.

Very nicely done, you so had me fooled regarding Solsra. Way to buck my expectations regarding her.

I love how Sombra ended up in his show form, to think that if he hadn't chased after his daughter he probably would have survived in the same fashion as the rest of the crystal ponies.

Well, I'm guessing I wasn't the one who inspired the Princess Who Ran, because my suggestion had her die like the rest of Clara's pieces, but this works better. And before someone says "She's not Clara, Defender2222 said so!" This is true, she isn't Clara Oswin Oswald, she's a piece of her. See time is complicated, when she fell into the time stream she fell into The Time Stream, every life and moment the Doctor lived, including every branch. She was there with the Valeyard, who is an alternate 13th Doctor, and here, where instead of crashing in Amelia's backyard he landed in Equestria, the doctor's timeline is still connected, just branched. Time is like a game of Jenga, with the past on the bottom and the future on top, taking from the bottom has a greater likelihood of collapsing then taking from the top, which is why there are fixed points in time; but there are multiple options that are available, not just one. Sparkler is simply one "option" that was taken in time.

Yes that was Doctor-like. Give me a break, I have a Sonic Screwdriver next to my computer.


Yeah, it was important that I explain how Sombra ended up the way he was, both mentally and physically. He is inspired, in part, by General Zod.

3858176 Oh, just take the humorous video clip in the spirit it was intended. :trixieshiftleft:

Ok, this may not be quite important but I think the readers of this story will find it interesting. There is a rumor and possibly real screen shot going around saying that David Tennant will be voicing Time Turner/The Doctor (according to the screenshot of the credits) in S4e15 Twilight Time.


Weather this is legit or not is unknown, but it sounds awesome.


Don't buy it but we'll see. Seems more like wishful thinking on the part of fans.

That said, if we can get a campaign going to get Keith David to do a Tydal episode...

A bit fast, but good .
Totally didn't see that ending coming .

Your storys stand out among the crowd, you find a way to give us a lot to read while still keeping the story interusting its hard to find storys as good as yours. But when you do all the scrolling becomes worth it. Good job and i cant wait for the next episode. :)

And I'm caught up on your work.

I loved this, I really liked that I genuinely didn't guess where it was going. I'm hoping for more of these from you, because they rock.

ok, for the 3rd story, I got dibs on..... cyber-ponys... and I really wanna see A Darlik's reaction to Derpy.. Especally if she goes Mother Bear on them.. bu-byyyyyyee battle fleet

I personally enjoied this Doctor Whooves fanfic and I am wondering when a sequel will be posted.
Ps. I wonder what the friends of the doctor will think of Sparkler.


When I do the sequel (it is still planned) we will find out.


Not River... but I do have an interesting backstory for Derpy.

4746771 Can you please give me a glimpse of this backstory?:raritystarry:


Without spoiling too much... when Derpy first met the Doctor, nothing he said surprised her. At all. The Tardis, him being a Time Lord... none of it. She didn't even blink an eye. Some might say that's because she is just accepting or is silly.

Or maybe she knows more than she lets on...

4747569 Maybe, The Doctor told her some of what will happen in the future when he went there to tell Derpy to get the other him to prevent a paradox.
From one time traveller to another, Onwards and upwards.

Cyber-griffins:pinkiegasp: don't upgrade me, I like being a pheonigriff. Sleeping Griffin+ drunken Phoenix= me

Whoa, whoa whoa! Let's kill King Sombra? Is that a parody to the Doctor Who episode Let's kill Hitler?


Sleeping Griffin+ drunken Phoenix= me

Wait, so you're a rape child?!


Just realized, I wrote this before realizing that Sparkler and Clara share the same 'actress'...

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