• Published 15th Mar 2012
  • 1,672 Views, 40 Comments

Trollight - Anonymous Pony

Twilight writes an offensive novel, and everypony isn't quite pleased with her...

  • ...



Anonymous Pony

Clacking away at an old typewriter, Twilight lifted her hoof to her forehead and brushed the sweat from her brow before hammering down on more keys relentlessly. Every clack of the machine drew her closer and closer to her goal. Soon she’d have the completed manuscript for her latest novel. She had spent nearly three months trying to complete this masterpiece. Held up in her library all by herself she would type away stopping only to eat and sleep, and attend to the occasional pony coming to check a book out.

Her time in Ponyville was distressful to say the least. Her mentor had sent her here months ago to acquire some friends; however she wasn’t having much luck. Her interests didn’t exactly strike up enthralling conversation with many of the residents in town, most becoming bored with her after only a few moments of conversing.

Children would play near her home, but even they would not offer her a passing glance. They would laugh, point and mumble about the librarian being an “egghead”. She would sigh at their torment, but she knew it to be true.

She had spent her first few weeks trying to extend a friendly gesture out to anypony who came her way, only for them to reject her. It wasn’t long before she held herself up in the library with her faithful assistant, Spike.

Sitting in her rejection and sorrow an idea struck her. She would write a novel, but not just any novel, the most controversial novel ever written. No pony could possibly ignore her then, they’d be forced to pay attention to the mare for once, and perhaps hear what she has to say.

With a few more hoof-clicks on the dusty old typewriter Twilight finally rested her hooves and leaned back admiring her work. A smile crossed her lips as she took a little pride in what she had done. There before her stood the most controversial story that Equestria had ever seen, and it was all thanks to her. After she was finished patting herself on the back she hollered for her beloved assistant.

“Spike! Spike! Where are you?” Her voice echoed throughout the library.

Crawling out from the kitchen with a sandwich in his claw, a lavender youthful dragon approached her with an annoyed expression on his muzzle.

“What? What’s going on? I thought today was our day off?” He took a bite of his sandwich.

Twilight grabbed the serpent and adjusted his face towards the old typewriter.

“It’s finally done Spike! I finally finished it!” Twilight squealed.

Spike lifted her hooves from his skull and leaned in to get a better look at the scraps of paper piled up on the desk.

“I don’t know Twilight, I mean are you sure this is a good idea?” Spike raised a brow at the unicorn.

“Of course it is Spike; everyone will know the name Twilight Sparkle. I’ll be famous throughout Equestria! This will get everyone talking!” Twilight proclaimed.

“If you say so…” Spike smiled sheepishly.

“Now Spike, I need you to take this down to the printing press and order three hundred copies, and then I need you to pass them all out to every pony in town.” Twilight grinned.

“Why can’t you do it? It’s my day off…” Spike groaned.

“Don’t be ridiculous Spike; I need to prepare for all the autographs I’m going to be signing!” Twilight threw the manuscript into the dragon’s claws before trotting away.

Sighing, Spike shook his head knowing this would end in disaster, but decided to humor Twilight anyways. He chuckled a little thinking about taking a nap when he finished his tasks.


“I can’t wait Spike! I’m so excited! I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited before! Are you excited because I sure am!” Twilight was bouncing up and down.

Spike placed a claw over her mouth and gave a gesture suggesting that the overly peppy unicorn sit down. Twilight did as the dragon suggested.

“Chill Twilight, you’re going to have a heart attack if you keep it up…” He cautioned.

Twilight laughed.

“Sorry Spike, it’s just I can’t wait for ponies to start coming for my book signing!” Twilight’s face lit up with a grin.

“Yeah Twilight, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that…” Spike raised a claw.

“Every pony in town is going to want to know the genius behind this work of comedy genius!” Twilight ignored the dragon and stroked her ego.

“Twilight, it’s just…” Spike attempted to intervene, but Twilight continued on humoring herself.

“I have created art Spike, art!” Twilight nodded to herself.

“Yeah Twilight, see the thing is…” He was cut off again.

“Twilight the artist that has a nice ring to it. Maybe I should start dressing more artistic from now on…?” Twilight thought out loud.

Spike finally gave up and shook his head. There was no getting through to her now; her ego was so big she could trip on it.

Her self appreciation was interrupted however by a pound on her door, to which she jumped from her chair and sprinted to greet her first guest with a smile on her face.

“Hello?” She asked.

A rather thuggish looking stallion stood at her doorframe. He tilted his head down to her level.

“Are you Twilight Sparkle?” He asked.

“Yes, that’s me!” Twilight gave an arrogant gesture.

“Right,” He nodded.

He turned his head and shouted in the distance.

“This is the place guys!” He yelled.

Twilight tilted her head in confusion. She wasn’t given any time to react however, as before she knew it, a large mob of ponies flooded into her home with what appeared to be torches and copies of her novel. Upon seeing them all flood in she took a few steps back, intimidated by the large crowd.

“If you all just line up in an orderly fashion, I’d be happy to sign all of your copies…” Twilight spoke nervously.

“You’re not signing anything!” A pink mare in the front screamed.

“Huh?” Twilight questioned.

“This was perhaps the most darn offensive bunch of horseapples ah’ ever read!” Another mare spoke through her thick southern accent.

“This book was so bad; I don’t think I’m ever going to read another book for as long as I live!” An aqua colored pegasus hissed.

“There are real ponies out there suffering through these kinds of things! What gives you the right to sit there and make humor out of their suffering!?” A colt yelled from the second row.

“Let’s get her!” A voice from the back screamed.

The mob members agreed in unison and started their advance towards the unicorn.

Frantically Twilight scampered to the corner, trying to put as much distance between herself and the mob before her as possible. Pinned up again the bookcase she started levitating books from the shelf and hurling them at the ponies advancing towards her. The books had little to no effect on them.

Twilight panicking began to feel more and more trapped as they approached.

“WAAAAAAAAIT!” A familiar voice screamed.

The mob ceased their advance and all attention was turned to a young dragon in the room.

“Everypony listen up. Twilight didn’t mean all that stuff she wrote, right Twilight?” Spike looked in her direction.

Twilight nodded nervously.

“Then why did she write such… Such… Filth!?” A rather sophisticated unicorn spoke.

“I was just trying to get ponies to pay attention to me. I’ve been in Ponyville for almost four months now, and every time I try and make friends ponies just ignore me… I thought that by making a book like this I’d get at least a little attention…” Twilight turned her head away in shame.

“But dear, why would you want attention from making every pony in town angry with you?” The sophisticated mare questioned.

“I don’t know… I guess I was a little desperate and I thought even negative attention was at least attention…” Twilight admitted.

The mare with the southern accent stepped out of the crowd.

“Well ah’ admire your honesty little missy, but don’t go around tryin’ to upset folk just for attention. There’s other ways to grab folk’s attention than just tryin’ ta’ get under their skin.” The mare spoke.

Twilight nodded and stood up.

“I’m sorry everypony…” Twilight smiled.

“It’s alright darling, we forgive you,” the sophisticated unicorn spoke.

Twilight let out a deep sigh of relief before calling her dragon assistant over.

“Spike, take a letter.” Twilight instructed.

Obeying the dragon drew up a quill and a scrap of parchment ready to jot down his friend’s thoughts to the princess.

“Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that it can be hard sometimes to get ponies to notice you, and that you can even feel like no pony notices you’re there. It’s important however to remember that you shouldn’t let your pleas for attention get out of hand. There’s no point in getting attention if it’s just going to be negative attention.” Twilight began.

“Your attention gartering could hurt somepony’s feelings…” Twilight smiled at the white unicorn, who returned the smile.

“It could make somepony sad…” She continued.

“And it could even ruin something entirely for some pony…” She looked up at the blue pegasus from before.

“There’s no point in trying to make everypony angry, just for a little attention.” Twilight finished.

Spike scribbled down the last sentence and cast his flames upon it, sending it off to the majestic princess in Canterlot. Twilight smiled and let out a loud heartfelt laugh, to which the rest in the room soon followed.

Comments ( 40 )

They should have SO beat her:trollestia::trollestia:

I liked how you pointed out how she thought even bad attention was good attention, that's how I imagine people who write trollfics. I'm surprised how in character she was and give that as a point in your favour, the writing was great and kept flow well. Only thing I don't like; it was really short. Take that as you want,:twilightsmile: Well done, watching you for now.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned how effective censorship can be! The other ponies in Ponyville taught me that the proper response to reading something you don't like is to show up uninvited at the author's house and threaten her into retracting everything she wrote, so that next time she knows not to write in the first place! That way, dangerous and original ideas are kept out of the hooves of the masses. It's better that way. I also learned that the best way to achieve Harmony is to never risk offending anypony. Even if important ideas never see the light of day, and nopony dares to challenge the status quo, it's best to try to please others, without regard for artistic integrity. It's a good thing Equestria is a complete autocracy, without things like civil liberties or freedom of the press and speech! Hail Celestia!

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Try harder but you should keep trying at it it's a good story with great potential you just need to rewrite and fix grammar errors will get you nagged I learned that the hard way.

'Writing something solely to piss people off and gather attention' =/= 'expressing dangerous or original ideas'.

I have a similar fanfic. Coming on nicely. Mine is a little different though. So far only two chapters, but there will be a pretty good moral to the story that explains the spread of the internet ad the real world. Check it out. (Suggestions for characters wanted) Nice fic though explains a lot in a way that relates to us. javascript:smilie(':yay:');

Hey everyone, just to put some clarity on this:

This story isn't supporting censorship, it's just trying to remind people that writing stories with the intention of angering people isn't a wise decision. I respect people's opinions on it, and I shall not be removing anyone's comment.

Short and sweet, though far from perfect, it's not that bad.

I'm more or less liking this to support the message it's promoting as I once again would like to remind people that making a story to piss people off is like screaming and crying in public so people will pay attention to you.

I umm... kinda enjoy trollfics. But not all ofcourse, I only enjoy random religious/historic trollfics, like Hitler visists ponyville, or Jesus visits ponyville.
I do hate the disgusting gore-y ones tho.

324729 It never specifically states what she wrote only that "ponies were suffering" through the things she was poking fun at. So I think it's clear she didn't write about "Abortion, is it right or wrong?" More like "That guy has cancer, LOL". I think the author purposely left it vague to avoid going into the nasty details, but it's quite obvious that it was intended to imply it's blatantly offensive, and not something that could be perceived as offensive.

Wait, so she wrote a controversial novel and the citizens of Ponyville were all ready to attack her? :rainbowhuh: That's, uh... what? Certainly Equestria may not be a perfect place, but I would imagine that they have at least the tolerance for different viewpoints that we have on Earth, and I don't see people gathering with torches outside of author's doors...

324821 This line: “There are real ponies out there suffering through these kinds of things! What gives you the right to sit there and make humor out of their suffering!?” A colt yelled from the second row.

Notice it said "suffering through these kinds of things", I think the author is implying that her book wasn't JUST controversial but that it was also blatantly offensive. Since it says she is making humor out of their suffering I am lead to believe she was making jokes about like people having AIDS, or murder and rape or some shit. It's quite clear though that it's not just like "Oh I hate Christianity because blah blah blah."


But there are people who do that here on Earth, too. And while people may complain about it on the internet, I can't imagine them being that concerned with it IRL. That's just overkill, man, not to mention illegal.

Mist, the point is that it doesn't matter whether something is blatantly offensive, and besides, who are we to judge? Why should we stop someone who wants to write "that guy has cancer, lol?" We don't get to make value judgments about speech. If something is a lie, then that's why we have libel and slander laws. I know many of you are not American, but I am, so I'll let the United States Supreme Court be my final word on the matter:

"If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable." Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 414 (1989). "[T]he point of all speech protection ... is to shield just those choices of content that in someone's eyes are misguided, or even hurtful." Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Group of Boston, Inc., 515 U.S. 557, 574 (1995).

324853 Like I said, the story isn't gold, but I think the story is trying to send out a message of how ridiculous troll fictions are.


Hitler Visits Ponyville was video series, not a fanfic.


324856 That's not the message of the story. Like I said, I'm not supporting censorship or telling people they can't say something. If people want to write troll fictions than go right ahead, I'm not going to stop them. This story was made to show how ridiculous they are. I believe people can say what they want, but that doesn't mean they won't look like an idiot.

Yeah, I get that. It's just that the method in which they chose to do so doesn't seem very well thought-out, in my opinion. I feel like a more realistic outcome would be for ponies to start actively avoiding Twilight instead of just ignoring her, or perhaps insulting her behind her back.

It's the "gathering outside her house with torches" bit that throws me off. The rest is okay.

324874 I was trying to go over the top for the comedic effect, apparently it was not interpreted that way, and for that I apologize.

324856 I don't think that's what's being implied, it's trying to say how stupid you look when you sit there trying to piss people off just for attention. Though I suppose it could be interpreted the way you're suggesting, that's not what I got from it. If you read the description it kind of sums up the intent pretty nicely.

I do agree the ending could have been pulled off a bit better as to show that it's not about censorship though.

There's no need to apologize! Just my opinion.

If you're going to make it a free speech issue, the other side of that is that other people are free to tell you that you suck.

So... was Luna like never born or something? :applejack confused: Because without the mane six forming their friendship, its pretty much going to be eternal darkness.

I'm surprised that nopony thought it was funny. That especially goes for Pinkie, given her skill at finding humor in just about every potential source. Personally, amusement is the most common reaction I get from trollfics, because they either try too hard to be controversial and end up just being funny in their wannabe-controversialness, or they get a good balance and I appreciate them for the artistry which went into making them. And I guess there are also the ones which are noncontroversial enough that I don't recognize them as trollfics, but I don't really count those, lol.

Im... sorry, but I just can not give any sort of enthusiastic praise. Im sorry, but this story was a shot in the dark, and you, sir, have missed. I apologize, and I know its hard enough with all the haters, but I just have no words of encouragement for you or this story. MaxBrony sends his sincere apologies

Hmmm.... not sure if like. It felt like it needed to be longer. This almost felt like an alternate-universe EPISODE, but there wasn't much build-up or arc to it. I can certainly enjoy the rather original idea though, "Twilight didn't make friends in the first place, so--- X-happens." I always love to see what people do with that idea, and this is certainly no exception. Though, stirring an entire town to violence seems like a bit of a leap. Perhaps she could've awoken to mountains of hate mail or burnt book piles or something-- but lynching her didn't seem very FiM.

Not sure if like. :rainbowhuh:

325044 some kind of alternate ending to the first episode or at least thats what the discriptions says:applejackunsure:

Nice, but more importantly, regarding the backstory...

:raritystarry::raritystarry: IDEA! :raritystarry::raritystarry:

"I don't agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

I know that this is a simple warning fic about trollfics, but still the message can be interpreted to mean several different things from "Hey keep a lid of the truly offensive stuff" to "Obey what the masses want to the letter or else."


Dear Twilight Sparkle

What do you mean? I laughed all the way through your novel! It's being distributed as I write this all through out Equestria!

Your loving mentor, Princess Celestia

P.S. U mad, pony? :trollestia:

>Twilight grabbed the serpent

Spike's a baby dragon! He's not a snake!



“Well ah’ admire your honesty little missy, but don’t go around tryin’ to upset folk just for attention. There’s other ways to grab folk’s attention than just tryin’ ta’ get under their skin.”
My apologies Applejack, but the only way for people to pay attention to me seems to be to annoy/bother/insult them until they actually listen to something that I say.
If you're talking about positive attention, that tends to not work either unless you actually have something in common, such as a group (the Elements of Harmony for the Mane 6 had brought them together at first), a hobby, a trait and/or attitude that either clicks or clashes with other traits and/or attitudes, etc. Twilight did not have any of these at first, with the exception of the Element of Harmony group.

That said, something about this story pisses me off. I don't know what it is, but throughout the entire story, I simply felt extremely pissed. That's abnormal for me because I'm normally calm on the internet.

Nah, this pissed me off as well.

I think it's because of the whole "heckler's veto" idea. What has happened is that implied threats of violence or other blacklisting things have shut Twilight down. Yes, it was stupid for her to write her little trollfic. But it pains me to see Applejack et. al. forbid Twilight from writing what she wants to write. Like 324729 said.

I guess it reminds me of real-life things such as the whole Mohammed cartoons issue. I hate it when anti-Muslim bigots draw things like Mohammed with a used diaper on his head etc. But, at the same time, it sickens and disgusts me even more than that those artworks will be censored because of 'public security'-- because if some radicals threaten to hurt people then they get free speech shut down. That sets an evil, despicable precedent. It doesn't matter if you're right in the marketplace of ideas-- you just have to make people afraid and then you win.


I just found this too simplistic.
1. She wants friends so she creates controversy.
2. She learns that her controversy wasn't any good.
3. Everypony forgives each other and, through Twilight's naughty actions, she becomes the talk of the town.

What would have been interesting is if Twilight had done what, in my opinion, a 'good' troll does and write something (for example, a hidden social commentary) which selectively enrages certain ponies - whereby the thesis point is proven by their conduct - and brings an issue to the surface for the ponies that understand the text objectively. It would be interesting to go through Twilight's reasoning and why she can't write something equally as controversial but useful (such as her own Daring Do series).

"This story isn't supporting censorship, it's just trying to remind people that writing stories with the intention of angering people isn't a wise decision."
It would be more convincing if this idea encountered some opposition. Otherwise it's propaganda (rightly or wrongly). Think of the word without the nasty connotations - what I mean is that the author is inflicting a view on the reader. It tends to be better if you incite the reader to think for him/herself a view from the interactions within the story (the view has its genesis in the reader, not the author.)

I loved this story Espesaly the ending that story has a great moral and I could see I be a episode in Witch twi is visited by 3 ghosts like a cristmas charol. She would see what it's like to not have friends. Great story man.

(to all the people who know what i'm talking about)

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