TRIGGERS: NOT CLOP, Mild depression, OCs, Twilight, Friendship, other stuff
If you are expecting to find clop here, you are sadly mistaken. Go read one of my other fics instead.
Spike is sick, Twilight needs to take care of everything at the library herself, but when she encounters a distraught mare, visions of past emotions rematerialize in her psyche. How do you reach out to a stranger in need? Twilight hopes that she can acquaint Color Spark with the fruits of friendship. Will she succeed?
Written as an extremely belated birthday gift to Color Spark, who originally requested this to be a sfw fic, then changed it halfway through. As such, have a teen rated fic.
And now for something completely different.
wow, that was indeed different. not bad, although i felt it could have been longer. but i'm kind of a nit-picker that way.
And then they fucked.
The End
THE SEQUEL.3658223
But the spoiler's that she's futa, isn't it?
I wasn't expecting this, especially not from you, but I enjoyed this tremendously. I hope to see something like this again in the future.
Thanks, it was pretty fun to write something different. As for exploring character themes and difficult situations, I don't know if I'll do it again. Part of the reason ponies are so great to write for is that their characters are mostly written for me. Sure I can expand on those characters but then you start to enter the realm of the fancanon and that's a silly place.
So in the end, the answer is perhaps. I have nothing planned at the moment for it.
Despite enjoying it, this surprised me
This was my completely accurate and in no way overdramatized reaction
You should write more not-clop. That was good.
Love how this got like no response at all.
Eh, it happens.