• Member Since 16th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Comments ( 55 )

Can't wait for the rest of the story, so far so good :D


You contineing the story???? There seems to be a lack of uh chapters...

As stated in my blog, I will update Spritelight (OR Taken, OR Windcatcher) once a week on Friday.
It depends on which story's chapter is finished at the time.

Right now I have about eight chapters of Spritelight in the buffer, awaiting review from my proofreaders. Book one will have about 14 such chapters (don't hold me to this number).

2815631 sorry i didnt check your blog... :facehoof:

i was just checking because i think this is a really good story, and would be a shame to be left in the dust...

keep up the good work :ajsmug:

i think this is a good story and that you should keep writing on it

Can't wait for the next chapter ;)

Dramatic, I must say. I expect another chapter, which is good:twilightsmile:


Odd story, but interesting nonetheless. I'll be keeping an eye on it to see what you do with it.

Good story so far. More please :)

I have three more chapters lined up for this one, and then a surprise for everyone following. :scootangel:

This is an AWESOME starter. And that's only the first 'book'!

Well, yeah.. I have three books in the works for this story. :twilightsheepish:

"Blond hairs turn green if you use too much bleach, you know?"

Or if you are in chlorinated water for too long.

Good book when is the next chapter. Also I like spritelights POV better. Just sayyin

YYeah,new chapter :) I wonder what would be the general reaction of the new pony's

Jesus Christ, how much blood can you lose during these brutal transformations?

Comment posted by TealArc deleted April 26th

Celestia just watched us with a smile on her face. "As I said, you two are special."
"Is this allowed, though? In Equestria?", I wondered, looking back up at the princess. "I mean, we're both girls.. Or fillies.. or mares.. or how you want to call us. There are some people on Earth who are very opposed to our kind of relationship."
Celestia frowned at that. "It is impossible to put restraints on love, Josey. Anypony who would try such is deluding themselves. As Chrysalis found out; true love will always find a way to break through any restriction."
Rhonda nodded at that. "Josey and me have known each other for years and years now. We're never going to be apart. Rho and Jo forever, right Jo?"
I smiled down and just continued petting my sweet.. well.. girlfriend. "Forever, Rho. I will never leave you alone."


"Is it the kind of magic Sombra was using when he was in charge of the Crystal Empire, princess?", I wondered, pushing up out of bed and noticing how tall Celestia really was.
I mean, she had looked tall both in the show as well as when I was laying in bed, but standing up.. she still towered over me. I was just five foot, four inches myself. The princess took a foot or two on top of that.
"I didn't realize," I gasped, reaching out with my hand towards her face. "You're as big as the horses on Earth."

Good to know: Generally, equines are called “ponies” up to a height of 14.2hh and “horses” are those taller than 14.2hh.

"But they're like these big round.. things," Rho breathed out. "How did I not notice it changing before?"

I looked down at the water in front of me and tried to get a good look at my eyes. "Where's Cherry with that mirror?", I mumbled, the water's reflection showing me only part of what I wanted to see.

"Josey? What's my eye color? I can't make it out. It looks like pink?", I heard Rhonda say beside me, and looked up and straight in her eyes.

"Yeah, they're a lighter shade of pink than your mane," I agreed. "I would call it orchid?"

"My mane," Rhonda tasted the word, then looked back at the water. "Fuchsia mane and tail, orchid eyes.."

I looked behind me at my tail and pulled the hairs up out of the water. "My hairs are jade, aren't they? What are my eyes like?"

Rhonda looked over at me again and I kept my eyes open for her to look at. "Mint."

"Mint?", I repeated.

"They're more of a pine green, miss," Magnolia interjected, looking at me as well.

I looked over at the blue pony and nodded. "Thank you."


"So how come you're taking us being humans transforming into ponies so easily while everypony else has been gawking at us since we came here?"

Cherry shrugged at the question. "You're ponies inside, miss. It is only what's inside that matters to me. While it is true your forms right now are strange and exotic, the Princess told us you will look the same as any pony in Equestria when your transformations are complete. Why would we treat you any different than any other Equestrian if that's the case?"

Well said! +1 point for that!:yay:

Spritelight snorted. "It sounds like an old language, like the old tomes I read in the archives in Canterlot. Difficult to wrap your head around nowadays. That's why I ended up here on Earth, instead of staying in Equestria where Earth used to be."

Hot take: That phrase kind of annoys me. I can understand "getting your head" or "wrapping your mind" around something, but you can't wrap your head around something without severely hurting yourself at the very least - and I will die on this hill. :twilightangry2:

"Ah, here," she continued when she found the passage she was looking for. "Matthew 24, verse 29; 'Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.' apparently."

Reminds me of the first cinematic of Titan Quest.

One day, the sun will dim... and spread a shadow over the earth.
Temples which have stood forever... will be destroyed.
The heavens will vanish... and the gods will fall upon the earth.
One day, the weak will have power over the strong.
The poets will stop singing... and instead take uip the sword.
It is in these darkest times that the strongest of heroes are born.

"This world and its ways are all sorts of dumb," she breathed out. "You would benefit from Equestrian rule."

I'm with her on this one.:ajbemused:

The idiom has been widely used, but I get what you're saying; it's awkward to visualise. :derpyderp1:

"Congrats!" Jocey shouted from some distance further away than I had heard Spritelight's voice from.

Jocey's green glow surrounding the map mixed in with a new red glow which soon became the dominant color keeping the map afloat.


Josey's eyes lit up as I stared at her and a folded-up map freed itself from the rest of the items.


Josey just smiled down at me and leaned down to peck a kiss on top of my head, in-between my ears. "Because our dreams are protected by princess Luna, my little pony. If you'll ever suffer a nightmare, you'll see for yourself."

Ha! She said it! :rainbowlaugh:

"You see how Jocey is heating up the air as she forces it into the balloon?" she pointed out, "It's a good exercise to get you in control of your magic while on the rooftop. If you can muster the focus to help out, we'll be in the air sooner rather than later."


You saw nothing... :facehoof:
I totally didn't edit it just now... :scootangel:

Thanks for noticing. :twilightsheepish:


This is what happens when I write while tired.

"You have too few magic users in your world," Spritelight snorted, regaining her composure. "That must be it; nopony is using the latent magical energy your world builds up on its own, so when somepony attuned to it starts to use it they get overwhelmed. It's the only explanation."

Amen. I agree with her on that.

But also? I'm a goddamned pegasus mare! I can fly to my heart's content and... well," her voice softened to a conspiratorial whisper, "I didn't used to be a girl before, but I can't say I hate that either."

"Right," I started, my brain slow to respond. "...how did that work exactly?"

"What do you mean?" the pegasus wondered, tilting her head slightly. "We both transformed much the same way; we met Spritelight, she sent her magic into us, and we became the ponies we truly were inside of ourselves all along. What part confuses you?"

"You used to be a guy?" I pointed out.

"Yes, what about it?" Turkey asked, sitting her rump down in a pool of red water.

"You can't tell me you were a girl inside all along? That's not right. God doesn't make mistakes," I put forward, knowing how my parents thought about those things.

Possible explanation: well, whereas with humans, gender disparity is about 50/50, give or take, With Ponies, it's closer to 70/30, favouring mares. If not slightly more.

"You've seen the other Princesses and Discord. Am I wrong?" Spritelight threw back. "We can reach them and ask them for help any time. Praying to something that might or might not be there is ridiculous."

No. She is not wrong.

"Passengers loaded up, let's take flight!" she called out to the flying team.

On Dasher! On Dancer! On - no, wait....

"Okay, maybe I took a leap of faith with this, I can see that," the other unicorn finally decided. "But, tell me; doesn't your world need outside help? You've been at war with one another for so long. All your previous efforts to stop it have been for naught. What about poverty? Famine? Disease? Equestria could help out so much."

"I don't know. I'm just a teenager," I threw back. "But I'd think you could have reached out to the world's governments or something... get diplomatic relations going or such."

"And they would have driven their tanks into Equestria through whatever portal we set up, no thanks," Spritelight grumbled.

Well, she isn't wrong.

Side note: it should be noted that also, pretty much all Ponies have some things in common that would typically set them at the top of the food chain. Sharper senses, a body that can take a beating and heals quickly -remembee that a broken wing kept Rainbow Dash down for less than a week - and, if you play your cards right, a life that's a LOT longer than the average human life span. And that's just for starters.

Also Blood Magic and Blood Rain would be two words.

I keep doing this, don't I? Please don't stop correcting me.

It does mean I have to skim through all the chapters to find where I did it wrong. :facehoof:

This was not foreshadowing for chapter 10, no sirree... :twilightsheepish:

Ah, it happens. I occasionally go through some of my stories to make corrections too. I've had to correct Applebloom to Apple Bloom a few times, for example.

As to the Blood Rain, unless you're talking about the video game, which is spelled with a Y...

"Oh, we're going to get so much candy this coming Nightmare Night. There's no way that Nightmare Moon will gobble us up now," the other pony giggled merrily.

It should be noted that, with teeth like that, it's understandable that Ponies would expect that Nightmare Moon might try to eat them.

"ENOUGH!" a booming female voice called out, and the costumes around me shuddered in place, looking frightened.

A tall blue Alicorn walked into view from an aisle to my left, her blue mane dancing around her head as if wind was blowing through it and her tail doing much the same.

"This nightmare ends now!" she demanded, her voice ringing out through the aisle we were both in.

"I have had it with these feasther-plucking nightmares on this feather-plucking plane!":flutterrage:

"Are you okay April dear?" the horse asked, in a surprisingly gentle motherly tone.

It should be noted that a pony is basically a horse shorter than 15 hands high. As tall as Celestia or Luna are, it would indeed, by definition make them horses.

There was so much more to being a pony than there was to being a human, I realised, starting with differences between pony races; I had heard about alicorns, unicorns, pegasi, and earthponies so far.

Earth Ponies is two words.

I shook my head and repressed those emotions to the best of my ability, not too different from when I had to act unphased while still a human.



Not being a native English speaker, these kinds of words trip me up.

Thanks, I'll edit it.

I might have mentioned previously that i'm a bit of a Grammar Nazi. Blame my mother for that one :twilightsheepish:

"Oh right," I realised. "None of us are shod, are we?"

"...shod?" Spritelight started, lowering her hoof again.

"You know, metal horseshoes? We don't have any to walk on?" I pointed out, lifting my own more pristine right forehoof up to look at the bottom of it.

The other pony snorted. "No, of course we don't have horseshoes to walk on. Those are from a bygone era when ponies were still barbaric."

I raised an eyebrow at the outburst. "Barbaric?"

"Yes! Can you imagine having to hammer nails into your own hooves?" Spritelight asked me with some disgust to her voice. "It would ruin the hard work we put into our hoof care."

I winced at the idea of putting a nail into my hooves, somewhat knowing how it might feel as I had once had an unfortunate accident with a fingernail and a pushpin. "Oooh, and it wouldn't feel good either."

So get some of the stick-on ones. Apparently those are a thing. :ajbemused:

Spritelight's mood soured again and she looked away. "Bah... I was sure I was doing the right thing."

Well, you know what they say...

The road to good intentions be paved with Hell!

I'm pretty sure you got that reversed, Nora. :ajbemused:

"Fair enough, now I'd like Rhon... Patty Cannon to join me since we're making teams," I suggested quickly before I lost my chance. "How about Rainbow sticks with April, and Cadance with Pinkie Pie? Then we have a magical pony with a non-magical one just in case something goes wrong."

What? All of them are magical.

"Okey-dokey-lokey," Pinkie Pie agreed merrily.

+1 point for proper spelling of okey-dokey.

Discord groaned as he had to lean down to fit in the passage, following behind us with some effort.

"Well, this is just entirely too uncomfortable," he complained.

I looked back past Rhonda's flank. "You can shrink and grow at will."

"Doesn't make it any more comfortable, I'll assure you," the draconequus grumbled, but shrunk to a height which allowed him to walk upright behind us without his horns scraping against the ceiling nonetheless.

To take a quote from Puff the Magic Dragon,

I shall have to make myself smaller, to fit. No trouble; Just magic.

My earthpony girlfriend gave an eager nod to that. "Yes, I think it's like that. Although Pinkie and I don't use magic."

"Because you're earthponies," I stated.

"Because we're earthponies, yes. We don't have magic, but we have gimmicks which look like it," Patty Cannon agreed. "Anything beyond that is just sleight of ha... hoof. Which is how we can do this."


  1. For one thing, Earth Ponies is two words.
  2. For another, ALL Ponies are magical, ALL of them have magic of some form or another, and I will die on this hill! It's not Unicorn or Pegasus magic, but they still have it.
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