
Every culture has its own myths and stories, its heroes and monsters. Enter the Buffalo Legends, where mighty heroes like Broad Hoof, Quick Star, and Clever Horns perform feats of daring and courage, where tricksters like Star Dog wreak havoc and cause mischief, and where the Spirits of old come to life once again. These stories, told by an unnamed buffalo elder, have been passed down since time immemorial, and now they are being passed down to you.

Each chapter is a separate, mostly stand-alone fable. Unless stated in the Author's Note as adaptions of existing legends (and this won't happen very often), all chapters are original.

Chapters (1)

After spending most of her time studying indoors throughout the winter season, Twilight Sparkle is given a new assignment by Princess Celestia: to form and lead Ponyville's new EHL team, the Ponyville Golden Leafs. Twilight and friends lace up their skates to take on the EHL's elite in hopes of winning the Celestia Cup with teamwork and friendship.

Chapters (18)

Arizona and her family, after a long journey, have made it to Appleloosa. But this young cowgirl isn't satisfied settling down with ranch life. Meeting the local Braeburn, along with Sheriff Silverstar and Little Strongheart. These four are keen on stopping a rough-and-tumble gang in a recent string of train robberies.

This story is part of the Travelers Tales side story collection and canon to The Equestria Chronicles. But you DO NOT have to read those stories to enjoy this one.

Written by me and https://www.fimfiction.net/user/174091/ponyfag-not-brony

Chapters (3)

Things had gotten heated in Appleloosa when his cousin Applejack had come with Bloomberg, only for the tree to be taken by the buffalos. Really heated. However, they had managed to come to a compromise in the end. So all was well for Braeburn, right?

But the next morning, the trail in the orchard was gone and every tree was standing. Worse yet, nopony in town wanted to hear a thing he had to say as soon as he mentioned the buffalos.

The Battle of Appleloosa was still lurking over the horizon.


And again.

And again and again and again...

Chapters (2)

Applejack visits her buffalo friends in Appaloosa on a very special day...

(This was done for an Equestria Daily contest back in May, but it's not on there anymore so sharing it with you all.)

Chapters (1)

Cousin Braeburn, has always been a loud mouth, and always winning the annual Thanksgiving Grudgematch hasn't helped his ego. Big Macintosh aims to take his cousin down a peg with help from Applebloom, in her first annual Apple family grudgematch.

Chapters (2)

A team of deputy marshals execute a raid in the desert. A short one-shot throwaway noir-style piece I wrote to get over some creative difficulties. Has guns and violence.

Chapters (1)

Little Strongheart expresses her life in a letter to her dog, that she always wondered in life if she could ever do something, if she could actually help rather than watch, be equal, and actually be brave..

She finds many dangers on her path, from being a girl, and a native american, she is desperate to show that she has strength, that she can find a solution to life's problems, to show she can save a life, to win a life...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Apple to the Core

Little Strongheart moved to Ponyville ever since she and Apple Bloom bonded with each other at Appleoosa, with Strongheart's feelings growing stronger and stronger. Now, on Hearts and Hooves Day, a day celebrating love between all ponies, the young buffalo must now try and confess how much she fully feels regarding the young Apple...

(note: both relevant parties are in the same age range)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Changeling's Test

Being an apprentice to Queen Chrysalis isn't as easy as it sounds. It is especially difficult if you were also taught about the dangers of making friends. Well her apprentice Sclerite breaks the friendship rule and must now do whatever he can to save his new friend. It certainly isn't going to be easy when there is also a Buffalo stampede to factor in.

Chapters (14)