
Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results

[Homology] Statistical Miracle · 4:36am Feb 17th, 2021

I have achieved a statistical miracle.

20 votes total, yet only 19 views on the first chapter. This is >100% engagement! And the 0.4 like/view rate is by far the best I've ever had!

(Yes, at low viewcounts in the first few hours after publish, statistical anomalies abound, I know! It's just funny.)

28 total votes / 24 views! 116% response rate and climbing.

Update 2 (12:26 PM EST)

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I love this song! · 8:16am Oct 11th, 2015

Everypony do the Shepard!


New Monster Hunter Theme · 9:31pm Feb 12th, 2018

The bigger they are, the better the prize
no matter the temper, no matter the size.

-Miracle of Sound


The muffin queen of Miracles · 10:31pm Apr 8th, 2020

The time for best pone arrived, always special thanks to my sweet Speckle for helping out and making it a fun experience, I couldn't have done it without her.

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I Freaking Love Miracle of Sound · 4:36am Nov 24th, 2018

If any of you guys don't know about Gavin Dunne's fan-music channel, "Miracle of Sound," do yourself a favor and check it out.

Especially if you're a fan of video games. The guy makes some kickass songs for a good variety of games. From The Witcher III to Spider-Man, here, have a selection of some of my personal favorites:

(Quick shout-out to ShadowLDrago, who introduced me to "Hell to Pay" which arguably got me on this kick to begin with. XD)

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Christmas Movie Review: Miracle on 34th Street (1947) · 1:04am Dec 15th, 2018

I absolutely love a good Christmas story.

Perennial favorites of mine include the classic animated special How the Grinch Stole Christmas! along with other classics like Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and A Charlie Brown Christmas.

On the movie side of things, I'm also a big fan of The Muppet Christmas Carol as well. To me, that's my personal favorite telling of Charles Dickens' iconic story of the holiday.

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The Tale of Cu Chulainn · 7:32pm Dec 8th, 2020

Irish mythology combined with rocking metal? Yet another reason for me to love Miracle of Sound.


Part Eight is Due Tomorrow · 12:55pm Jan 6th, 2020

What this soon?

Yes. Miracles do happen.

It'll be ready by 8 P.M. on the 7th.



The End, and Beginning, of Friendship · 6:43pm Oct 13th, 2019

The reason I'm well is that something marvelous happened to me right when I needed it.

It was dark in the first Discord episode when Twilight lost her will, but Princess Celestia did something remarkable in response: she sent Twilight's letters back to her.

Thanks to Celestia's voice actress, the same thing happened to me. Literally.

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Actually, I'm Dead - Editorial: Designing Trixie · 5:24am Jun 25th, 2015

Yeah, I'm aware that it's not Sunday yet. Too early to throw this week's editorial since people is still reading the last update and don't need the distraction to pass time while the next one is in the works. However, last chapter brought back some memories from before brony-ism, when I would spend my spare time playing with MSPaint and some template models to make these:

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Wish-based Magic · 2:26am Mar 9th, 2022

As I get the second part of the Enforcer Remastered ready to go, starting with chapter 31, I thought I'd discuss wish-based magic™️. Unicorns in western mythology are associated with purity. MLP is at its root a children's show, so there is a limit to what

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I Should've Done This A Long Time Ago · 8:09am Nov 18th, 2020

Well, you've read the title well enough on its own and yet you're wondering about why it's there all of the sudden: after all, my previous blog was over nine months ago and even then, this should've been done a long time ago; nevertheless, it's about time for an update since I'd taken the liberty of writing some new stories recently as well as currently writing more as of currently. In any case, I feel nothing but a heavy pressure gathering up inside of me right now since I have a hard time

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My Movie Review on Miracle on 34th Street (1994) · 2:46pm Dec 21st, 2018

What’s up, you guys? The big man of reviewing is in the house.

And today, I will be making my final review of a Christmas film for the season by reviewing the 1994 adaption of “Miracle on 34th Street”.

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You, YOU SPECIFICALLY, Matter · 10:22pm Apr 16th, 2023

Coming up on May, which I am told is suicide prevention month, it’s been on my heart to talk about why you, you specifically, matter.

Depression is a hell of a thing. It’s one of the darkest moments a human can experience. After all, humans are capable of enduring unthinkable things if they believe there is a reason to it, if they have hope that it can matter. Depression robs us of that power and cuts us off from the strength in our own hearts.

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My Movie Review of Miracle on 34th Street (1947) (Plus, a Bonus) · 1:49am Dec 26th, 2022

Merry Christmas, my friends!

This is your jolly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, for the 2nd installment of this year's "Christmas Craze", I'm gonna give you guys my take of "Miracle on 34th Street". The 1947 version, to be precise.

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New Story is released: "A Big Sister for Hearth's Warming" · 1:13am Jan 1st, 2022

Well, I did it again..... Writing on the holidays to save my goal. Which cannot be completely saved anymore now, I am falling short by one story for my December and end-of-the-year writing goal that was supposed to get released today at the latest, as it is a dedicated New Year's Eve story. One that I already wanted to write and release last year, but I focused too much on the dumb virus and that somehow messed with my writing plans for the entire year of 2020.

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The Wonder of U (The Miracle of Your Stand Design) · 2:17pm Mar 26th, 2021


Parent Trap AU Revisited · 4:29am Mar 16th, 2019

REMEMBER HOW TWO YEARS AGO I wrote the outline of a huge RariTwi Parent Trap AU and it was honestly one of the best things i've ever done and i should quit writing everything else to write this?

well now u remember

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Read It Now Reviews #78 – A Flim Flam Family Affair, Is It Real?, The Truth Is…, Miracle, Do That Again · 7:50pm May 18th, 2016

Getting back into the swing of things! Five new stories, five new reviews, all in the span of just a couple hours of work. Glad to see a number of folks are writing new stuff, as I’m always happy to see things from folks I follow.

Today’s stories:

A Flim Flam Family Affair by bookplayer
Is It Real? by Majin Syeekoh
The Truth Is… by naturalbornderpy
Miracle by Winston
Do That Again by Bad Horse

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New "Iron Horse" Update: Love Machine, Part 1! · 4:52pm Apr 17th, 2016

The update has landed, folks! And it's not a fake chapter this time! It's a short one, but the good news is that you'll get another one in just a week! :twilightsmile:

It's time to tread into new territory for Turing Test as she attempts to decipher the oddest form of organic behavior: the language of love. :heart:

Enjoy the new chapter, ladies and gents. It's...

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results