Tried submitting DOA to Equestria Daily... · 12:47pm Aug 23rd, 2015
...and for once I actually got some genuine feedback instead of (just) a form letter!
...and for once I actually got some genuine feedback instead of (just) a form letter!
…That the Mods on Equestria Daily can stealth-edit your comments? I idly looked back at a page I'd commented on a few hours ago, only to find that two of my comments had been deleted, with their contents pasted into the first comment I had posted. Glancing down the page, I found a second user that this had also been done to. In both cases, the comments were legitimate separate thoughts, written and posted as much as half an hour apart. To be clear, nowhere on that particular page, nor
Something nice to report today: my story It Doesn't Matter Now, in which Pinkie refuses to let the universe end, has been accepted by Equestria Daily. The feature appeared just a little while ago, and here it is! IDMN is quite an old story now (I wrote it in 2014), but it's one I've always been rather proud of, so
So, not only did it somehow win the contest it was written for, but Away has now been featured on Equestria Daily!
So after about a year and a half of not submitting anything to EqD because I figured I didn't need their validation, I decided to submit another story because I've improved vastly in this period of time. I just now received an email which told me that my fic "Sail To The Moon" was rejected for the following reasons
1. being a story that was told too many times already
2. not anticipating the tantibus
Did you know that I've had five stories featured on Equestria Daily in the last month?
Neither did I until after I Google'd myself.
Thanks to Mockingbirb I was notified of AFITP being featured on Equestria Daily for Sunset day! I’m shocked and grateful at this — thank you to Mb for notifying me and to whomever it was that added it! What a day.
I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has been with me to support Learning Curve through to this momentous achievement.
I still have like, a month till college starts back up, so I'm going to try and make some progress on the EQD Summer Challenge. I'd love to actually WRITE some MLP fic, but at the least I'd like to complete the reading challenges.
Here's what I've completed so far:
My summer vacation is finally over, and I reached 275 points in EQD Summer Achievements. Not bad for someone who mostly read/watched MLP content by others this summer rather than making any herself.
I'm going to hold onto the task list. A lot of these things look fun to try in the future.
Good news, friends and faithful listeners! My reading for P E T R I F I E D by was featured on Equestria Daily just the other night.
I'ma go vibe in the corner with my 5 prologues. :P
In all seriousness, I didn't expect for it to get in, anyway. Unlike the ongoing Pony-Me reboot, the prereading team I've got for that story normally doesn't tackle smaller things like grammatical mistakes that Grammarly and Microsoft Word don't catch.
The first (and most likely only) story of mine to ever be featured on Equestria Daily!
Oh hey! One of the cosplay pictures I took ended up on Equestria Daily for Fluttershy Day! Woot! (Mine was the one from MajikNiNE)
A while ago, I submitted Gone to EQD. Naturally, because I have all the writing talent of a handful of old moss, it got rejected. Now, don’t get the wrong idea; like any writer who’s looking to improve, I’m grateful for the feedback, and as someone who used to do something like this myself, I understand it can be a time consuming and thankless task. Even if I was told that I write like a ten year old with brain damage (I wasn’t), I’d still thank them for the tips. So anonymous prereader, if
Over the past couple weeks, I've been working with the editors at Equestria Daily to get the story featured on the site, and after a couple of changes, it finally did! A special thanks to AugieDog for helping me out with the finer details.
Expect the next chapter before the end of this month!
Surprise!! To you, AND me!
Right now, Equestria Daily has a discussion question up: "Which Fanfiction Would You Like To See Adapted as a Pony Movie or Series?"
The answers are all Past Sins/Fallout: Equestria/Rainbow Factory/Cupcakes.
Just wanted to give a little nod to the folks over at The Writeoff Association. Thanks to their input and feedback, I have my third EqD feature with Siren's Call.