
Viewing 1421 - 1440 of 1,508 results

I'm going to try to be productive. · 12:12am Apr 11th, 2017

Yep, you heard me right. Randome, one of the world's laziest people, is going to get to work on some things. Why did you think I only had two stories, and never mentioned plans for other ones? I knew I'd start them, and never finish them. But for once, I'm going to be productive and do some things. See y'all around, after I get to work on some stories and art.

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I should make one of these for good news some day. Not this time though · 10:18am Apr 12th, 2016

So, I made the schedule, and I try to follow it as best as i can, otherwise I would never ever EVER have written almost 200k words, but sometimes stuff just happens.
That stuff being my group mate's loading a lot of work my way, not that I mind, I rather like doing this stuff, but it has been very time consuming, and coupled with what I think is a writer's block, I haven't written very much. I'm not going to be able to make it till Sunday. I need more time.

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I really want to do this shit with someone · 3:53pm Jun 19th, 2016


"Growing Up is Hard to Do" Review: Growing up's hard..... and losing somepony is, too. · 10:02pm Sep 29th, 2019

What an episode. This is the last time I can watch a new Cutie Mark Crusaders episode. The last Cutie Mark Crusaders episode of the entire show. The way I feel about this is anything but pleasant. My head hurts. My eyes feel hot. I am emotionally tired. It feels like I am going to cry any moment. And I don't remember when I felt such an intense sadness the last time. And I'm not even sure if I ever felt such an intense sadness before in my life.

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Some Words For 2020 · 5:58pm Dec 31st, 2019

Hi all.
I've been giving it some thought and, while 2019 hasn't been bad for me at all (Difficult certainly but nothing really that bad happened) I can understand it has been a rough year for more than a few of you.
A lot has happened, good and bad.
I don't need to tell you about the bad.
But here's quite a bit of good to those who need it.

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Sleep Paralysis Sucks · 1:59pm Aug 13th, 2016

I woke up at ass o'clock, but I was still only half awake. I heard something beeping and someone stood at the end of my room, shining a light in my face. I couldn't move a muscle, and it was pretty fucking terrifying. I tried to scream his name so he can wake me up, but it didn't work. You know how you try to scream in a dream and it's just soft noises that aren't even at a normal speaking volume? It was that. Oh and that little stinker kept on shining the damn light in my face!

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villains aspiration · 12:52am Apr 27th, 2018

you see, you see, villains have other aspirations. not only conquer the world. (see the whole video if you want to understand what I want to say) do not worry. He still destroys your home. but after this


Not dead · 8:43am Sep 25th, 2019

... though not for lack of trying. In between a layoff and a vacation at my new job, I've been working the work of three people. (At least I've been earning double paychecks due to all the OT.) The death march hopefully should ease up this week.

As a reminder that I'm still around, new story in the morning! A minific that started life in one of the Quills & Sofas speedwriting competitions back in like ... mid-August. :ajsleepy:

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Unused Season 5 MLP Episodes – Part 1 (Jayson and Jim's Episode Ideas) · 7:24pm Jan 19th, 2022

Pinkie: Wait… so you're telling me there were other adventures we got up to in between Twilight getting her castle and Starlight joining our harem posse?!? And our audience never got to see them?!?
Stop the presses! This calls for an emergency cupcake! And perhaps an emergency party. Okay, definitely an emergency party.

So… where do I start?

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Read It Now Reviews #46 – Heirlooms, One Night at Fluttershy’s, Rainbow Dash Visits the Proctologist, If You Can’t Beat ’Em, What Do You Mean, We’re Not Related? · 9:13pm Aug 19th, 2015

Fun fact of the day: everyone knows that the Japanese infamously produce very few children, presently sitting at a rate of about 1.4 births per woman (replacement rate is 2.1 per woman). But did you know that the US would have an even lower reproductive rate if we had a similar proportion of children born out of wedlock? Presently, the birth rate within marriages in the US is 1.13, with all the rest of the births (bringing us up to 1.88 per woman) occurring out of wedlock. Only 2% of Japanese

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So That Was a Thing; Back to Work · 10:51am Jun 15th, 2016


My Episode Review on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic-Daring Doubt · 9:21pm Jul 26th, 2020

Bueno Dias, my friends.

This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, for my 34th episode analysis, I'm gonna give you guys my take of "Daring Doubt". The 21st episode in the ninth season of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" to be precise.

Here’s the rundown of it:

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Paul's Thursday Reviews CXVIII · 9:44pm May 31st, 2018

There shall be no reviews next week, for that will be a break week. On the other hand, this means we’re practically done with the review expansion! So the next time you guys see reviews from me, it’ll be with a full set of 10 stories. And from the look of my schedule right up into mid-July, I’ll certainly be able to keep up. Hooray for practically doubled pacing!

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Happy Halloween/Nightmare Night! · 9:20pm Oct 31st, 2019

And what a productive (albeit stressful) October it’s been. A fair few new stories have been started up, new chapters have been posted, and new ideas have arisen. This included:

- A new chapter for Mare of the Shadows

- The first and second chapters of King of Games

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Watch me try to beat Minecraft 1.18 before it even comes out! · 4:07am Jul 17th, 2021


Can Ice Star manage to get a new Enemy of Mine chapter out before the month ends? · 6:10pm Mar 23rd, 2019

Considering how much progress I've been making writing the latest one, I wouldn't say it's out of the question. Probably! There's going to be a considerable amount to edit (and I fucking hate editing) and I also won't have much of a chapter buffer after this one goes out... but I dunno. Words are flowing, and the story's been wrangled pretty alright now.

I'd say it is probably gonna happen. Here's to hoping for less time between chapters. 🤞

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ΛSK░MΞ░ΛNYTHING! · 11:20pm Oct 27th, 2018

I haven't done an AMA in a while. This blog is meant to rectify that. Go on and ask me something in the comments! However many questions you want, I guess. I don't care. Though, don't ask me about story updates. Those are in progress! Please don't ask me to spoil my stories either. If there's some sort of lore that you're interested in that is a spoiler you really wanna know about, PM me.

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Story Notes: 18: Public Speaking · 2:49am Jan 18th, 2019

A while back--and I can’t be bothered to check my notes or my blog posts where I might or might not have announced that this was a thing that I was going to do--I mentioned that I was catching up on some of the Prompt-A-Days that I missed back in the day.

I seem to recall someone complaining that it was going to be a second-person fic.

Deal with it, someone.

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ducks!!!!! · 5:20pm Mar 28th, 2019

FRIENDS I BRING A COMMERCIAL I want to share but before that I want to say that

there is an alternate universe out there where I wrote the Ducktales / MLP Crossover I was destined to write in which the Ducktales gang gets thrown into Equestria and shit happens BUT THE IMPORTANT PART IS THAT WE WOULD HAVE THE CRANKY DOODLE EP but with Donald and Pinkie instead of Cranky and Pinkie AND HONESTLY WE LIVE IN A LESSER WORLD FOR NOT HAVING THAT

anyway here's the commercial

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Viewing 1421 - 1440 of 1,508 results