
Viewing 121 - 140 of 298 results

Feels Just Like I Got Hit By A Car For The First Time... · 12:21am Sep 11th, 2020

I got myself struck by a car last night.

Nothing serious, but enough to bruise me up pretty well.

Some idiot zoomed out of their parking space at the store while backing up, smacked me down right as I was walking to my car.

Milk flew across the pavement like a ragdoll, oi.

My arm is bruised, along with a few other areas.

If anything I'm just sore, but it was an experience I won't soon forget.

Doctors said I was fine.

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Sleep is for the dead · 6:41am Jan 25th, 2016

Stayed up until 5AM to complete the draft. Got 900ish words into following chapter. Completed revisions 19 hours later.

Self-loathing never felt so good.


Oi yoi yoi · 12:19am Aug 25th, 2021

Okay so first off I wanna apologize for making so many posts today. Not in the best state rn, I didn't get to take my anti-depressants this morning so I've been super depressed all day, not to mention my hormone crap has been playing on me and driving me insane, and making me freaking question again, and now we're kinda back to square one. I wanna say thank you to all the people who've stuck by me, and I hope I can try and be a person I can be comfortable with again.


Foalcon is Pretty Cool · 12:57am Jul 8th, 2021

You should read Scootaloo's Master. It's pretty good.


The hypocrisy of Disney in a nutshell · 1:08pm Oct 11th, 2021

Disney: We cancelled The Owl House because one of our executives think it doesn't fit our brand.

Also Disney: Shows a scene in Amphibia where Marcy Wu gets impaled in her chest by King Andrias with his laser sword


Could Use Some Suggestions · 11:44pm Apr 11th, 2021

Heya, Folks!

Sorry about the frequent blogging, I generally try not to do that without reason. Last time I blogged was for a sneak peek of my next chapter of A Daughter and her Dragon, since I've been suffering from some nasty writer's block and wanted you guys to at least have a taste of what's going on there.

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A little question · 1:36pm Aug 11th, 2015

Can we have a Scootaadoption fic that doesn't involve her getting diapered? Recently I keep seeing these, often starting as a normal Scootadoption, and then boom, diapers.

She seems old enough to know how to use toilet

And I don't even like the orphan Scootaloo trope...


Random Ramblings CCLXIII · 11:50pm May 19th, 2018

This has been a week, I tell ya. Here's more stuff from Japan to break your brain.

This is the first MV from Ladybaby with its new lineup. Rie finally has another screamer (Emiri), and two girls to replace Rei. I like. Anyway…

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Night blogging (15): Computer, stress, and spending time. · 6:41am Oct 19th, 2016

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted anything like I said I would. Some things came up and I probably could have planned some things a little better. Good news, though. I'll have my new custom made computer by tomorrow! :pinkiehappy: I'll be picking it up after work tomorrow, head straight home, set it up, have dinner, and [hopefully] everything will be ready for me to finally get back to writing again. I still have a couple chapters from my other stories that need to be edited, which will be my

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What's been going on? · 8:49pm Sep 19th, 2017

Hey guys, what's been going on?

I know it's been awhile since I last did anything and trust me, i'm trying. But things seem to be going backwards right now - instead of going forwards. For a moment I honestly thought things might be getting better, but no... that would be wishful thinking, right?

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I actually have to thank someone for once? · 6:49am Sep 17th, 2018

Flutterpr-the guy I'm thanking is Flutterpriest.

Yes, a metaphorical dick-sucking, you assholes.

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School's Open · 8:31pm Jun 14th, 2019

You know when you're supposed to study for a test, only you don't feel like it and you only have 1 weeks left and you still don't feel like studying?

See where I'm going with this?

This has actually been my style ever since I started these classes.

I swear it didn't start off this way. The first class was really cool. But then I got sick and had to stay in bed for a whole week, and when I checked back at school I find out that I was supposed to do a practical exam due a week later...

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ok time to speedrun a 4-5 page essay about plato's allegory of the cave · 7:37pm May 15th, 2022

it's due today at midnight
worth 30% of my grade
and is technically my english final



Boo! Should I write something? · 10:15pm Mar 28th, 2018

Still alive! So I'm going to be quitting my job soon, as noted by Fuzzy in this blog post..

Should I write something? I still have a few things left unfinished... hmm.


A quick update! · 7:42pm Aug 12th, 2019

Hello my lovelies!

Stay hydrated in the summer heat! Or if it's raining where you are, then... use a coat! LOL :rainbowlaugh:

Sorry that it took so long this time, but I have another story up for you guys and I do hope you enjoy it! It's nothing fantastic, but something to keep you guys entertained I hope!

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Just a quick update · 3:26pm Sep 28th, 2023

Thanks for all the support as of recent! Been thinking about what I'm gonna do next, got a lot of potential ideas but still trying to figure out how to execute them.

Here's what I got brainstormed so far:
- Strip club story involving Pinkie
- A kissing/make out compilation series, similar to PSYO
- PSYO Orgy finale, this would be a loooong one

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Updates and Hiatus · 6:52pm Nov 16th, 2020

Ok......I believe some explaining is in order.

First off. I am not dead. Second off. My stories are not dead, and all have at least one unpublished chapter I am currently writing.

The thing is, that may be my problem.

I have too much on my plate. Compounded with School, the virus, and these multiple stories. I need a vision. Focus. Priority.

So, that's why I am making this blog. I will prioritize one story over all my others.

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Blatantly Stealing This From Present Perfect: State of the Writer August 2016 · 8:50pm Aug 3rd, 2016

PP does these occasional blogs where he talks about stats and where he's at with projects and stuff, and it's something I used to do fairly frequently. With my recent spat of no internet connection outside huffing off a piss poor unsecured signal from down the street and at work(where I was too busy to pony), I've had some time to think about where I am in terms of my writing projects, and I thought I'd share.

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What is Life... · 12:59pm Jun 26th, 2015

Well, I should really just avoid Twitter and shit because my hatred for the ship that will not be named has gotten to the point where simply SEEING IT AUTOMATICALLY PISSES ME OFF. I can be completely happy, but bring that shit up, NOPE! NOT ANYMORE! Fuck I hate my life. I'm sorry, but it's true. I have blocked several accounts because that's all they post, one fuckboy even tried to shove it down my throat after me specifically saying I FUCKING HATE IT!!! God fucking dammit. I don't care if you

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Conversations Suck 1: Everything is Wrong · 12:28am Oct 8th, 2017

Note: This blog delves into serious issues involving my personal life. If you're looking for entertainment, you won't find it here.

I've made it abundantly clear that writing dialogue scenes is what's most difficult for me. But the truth is I hate conversations in general.

Only I don't think that's entirely true, because I'm only coming to this realization tonight.

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 298 results