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I truly hate summer... · 5:25pm Last Wednesday

It seems like summertime for me is always rife with some sort of misery. Whether it be the heat, mosquitoes, lack of motivation for any writing or artwork, constant bloating myself with tonnes more water than normal, or that bad news seems to just happen often during the summer. When you're a kid, at least you can ignore the far latter and it normally means several weeks to a few months off of school. When you're an adult? HAH!

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Summer · 12:50pm Jun 11th, 2018

Aah summer, where the sun is burning hot and days are longer. Summer isn't that bad........if it wasn't for said heat sometimes. In some places the heat is brutal and people must be careful with that otherwise one could get a stroke. Tho it would make going to the pool more relaxing as long has you are covered in sun block. In others it is perfect in cold and heat. I envy them for that. That perfect unity of temperature, the clear sky and if possible a bit of the wind. All of that results into

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Report Shuruisoul · 262 views · #Summer

Silly Season, Summer Season · 1:39am Jul 20th, 2016

So the first part of my jobs silly season (March-mid July) is now over, with the next, much shorter, silly season occurring through September/October.

This means that I have a lighter workload (not that much, I still have campsites to book and equipment to check) for August, I can get writing done now.

Of course it would be far easier if it wasn't Summer, I owned Air-conditioning, and my computer wasn't an ancient hunk of junk that I used instead of a radiator in the winter.

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Report The Wind King · 275 views · #Summer

Happy 2020 Summer Solstice everyone! · 7:43pm Jun 20th, 2020

The longest day of the longest year in modern history.

Report StubobNumbers · 128 views · #Summer

Summer Sin Celebration thoughts. [edited] · 8:49am Jul 24th, 2021

"Peg-a-Sister" was my entry in the Summer Sin Celebration 2021. Briefly, the Summer Sin was a Secret Santa-style exchange, in which you make a request for a pairing and a kink, and that's given to someone else to write, and then you receive in exchange someone else's request to write. My assignment was for "Flitter and Cloudchaser" as the pairing, and "rough" as the kink. (I requested "Fluttershy and Thunderlane,

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Heh. · 4:22pm Jun 13th, 2016

I know. I suck. Go rant about it in the comments. I hope you know that the only reason is I disappeared off the face of the Earth was for a good reason. It's called school. And while it's still not a good excuse, I do want to get going and do this more often, maybe once a week or so? Now, that it's summer I should be able to hang out on here more often. :pinkiehappy: Do you guys forgive me?

Report OneFluzzyPuppy · 364 views · #summer

Summer time · 8:48pm Jun 10th, 2021

That’s right, it’s summer boi. School has just ended so it’s time to relax. I also now have a bunch of free time to do whatever I want.

Goodbye North Shore 9th Grade, I hope I don’t ever visit you again.

Report FlawlessDeer57 · 175 views · #Summer

Summer 2023. · 3:34pm Jun 21st, 2023

Happy Summer Solstice, everyone!

The longest day of the year.

Report StubobNumbers · 103 views · #Summer

Just Finished a Project! · 12:44am May 25th, 2016

I'm so glad it's finally done. That bitch is worth 20% of my grade:facehoof:


Summer is here! · 12:28pm May 18th, 2017

This school year ends next week. Woohoo!

Not only does that mean that 180 days of insurmountable, academic suffering has finished its course and leaves me to do alot more things than before when school blocked the way, I can work on The Red Dusk alot more and probably sneak in some much needed improvements to it.

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Report Barony · 342 views · #TheRedDusk #Summer

So for this summer is good ( as in music wise that all) · 5:44pm Jun 28th, 2016

To tell you guys the truth i kind forgot listening to new music ( from old/ new people).

I guess you thank to the summer of 2015 for that since that was the summer that i swear i found a reason to listen to the radio more than in past summers ( if you ass) here are just a few of my favorites (of this summer songs that is),

1.This Is What You Came For

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Report MegAnimefreakx3 · 438 views · #music #summer

I prefer my weather, and my revenge, served cold. · 5:55am Jul 20th, 2015

I love how this image is plastered over social media every summer.

To this, I say:

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

It has ALWAYS been easier to warm up than it is to cool down.

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Report milesprower06 · 424 views · #fuck summer

Summer break · 12:37pm Jul 26th, 2023

Hello everybody! since I'll be finishing school (and moving into year 10) after today I've decided to take a break from the website. But I will check in once in a while and maybe even answer questions if you have any. I will hopefully return in September! :twilightblush: - the star bringer


Dawn of the second day · 10:46am May 25th, 2016

Report TurboTheGameGuy · 244 views · #Summer #soon

Pride Month Contest! · 2:10pm Jun 14th, 2021

Hi everyone! I have a contest for you guys! Whoever sends me the Pride Month painting/drawing get a shoutout! I'll be picking a user. Contest ends by the end of June!
Good Luck everyone!


new projects · 9:09pm Jun 13th, 2015

For the summer I have big plans.

Two big projects could be coming along.

Also expected some one-shots as full on stories are getting too tiring.

Chaotic Will will hopefully be updated this month and Yugioh Chaos Reborn will become a weekly updates for a while.

As for the projects? If someone like a certain new Unicorn villain I might need some help.

Also I'm opening myself for chapter development and proofreading.

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Summer Clopfics Coming Soon · 6:32pm Jun 6th, 2021

I have one done already but I thought it’d fun to have a few summertime clopfics featuring beach shenanigans and other similar summer-y stuff. The internet says June 20 is Summer so that’s when I’ll start publishing.

Report Pinkamena666 · 178 views · #Summer 2021

Summer Sin 2023 · 4:34am May 28th, 2023

Good gravy, when was the last time I made a blog here?

Anyway, Summer Sin 2023 is open for enrollment.

Last year, I promoted it in exchange for a Sparity story which never came true.

I mean sure I photoshopped this but a deal's a deal, Shakes!

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Report LtMajorDude · 122 views · #summer sin

What I've Been Up To This Summer · 2:13am Aug 3rd, 2022

I'm sure you're all dying to know, right? Well, I've been busy finishing my masters degree in public history off by working a summer internship (it was the last requirement I had to fulfill to graduate)! I was reluctant to talk about it while I was still an intern, because for reasons known only to themselves the WRHS made me sign an NDA (which aside from being super sus is probably not legally worth the paper it's printed on, but I wasn't taking chances). Now that it's all over and my

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Report BlueBook · 138 views · #summer internship

Linky & Jordie’s Paradise For Two · 11:02am Jun 21st, 2023

Viewing 1 - 20 of 299 results