
Viewing 121 - 140 of 568 results

Ask Asylum Twilight - New updates! · 11:39pm Jun 27th, 2016

Do you need more Twilight-in-a-mental-hospital madness in your life? Then always be sure to give the Ask Asylum Twilight tumblr a look!

Here's a taste of what you can expect!

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New Story: "Getting drunk and contemplating life" edition! · 3:25am Sep 8th, 2019

Hello friends! It's been simply ages since I've posted a story (though I have a million billion ((approximately)) works in progress atm, many of them near completion. At least, in my head.) So I thought I'd post a story. Merry birthyear, and all that jazz.

EMagic, Maretinis, and the Meaning of Life
Twilight finds that it's easiest to work through what's bothering her while she's working through her third maretini. Pinkie is there too.
Silent Whisper · 1.4k words  ·  44  3 · 700 views

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New Story Experiment · 10:47pm Dec 30th, 2015

Hello those few who do follow me, and anyone else who could be possibly reading.

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Report JadeDusk · 252 views · #story #epic #new #human #chapter #three

Happy New Years and a Belated Merry Christmas! · 9:40pm Jan 1st, 2021

Greetings everyone! I hope your New Year 2021 is off to a good and promising start. Sorry for not posting check in blogs for November and December. So many crazy things have been happening, even before my last check in around Mid-October. If I told you everything that was going on, you'd think I was exaggerating or something. You'd probably be like, "Oh come on, Jaydex, save it fro your writing." :rainbowlaugh: But seriously, it is good to have a chance to check in and things are starting

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Don't worry, I'm still alive! · 6:12pm Dec 1st, 2016

Sorry for not being active lately, I've been so busy with my stories on FF.Net. D:

As for LiM and the new story, I'll try to get to those real soon! I feel like I need to write ONE chapter of a FF.Net story, and hopefully it won't be too long of a chapter(I'll try not to let it be). When it's finished, I'll get going on LiM and try to think of a good possible plot for the new story that I mentioned.

Either way, thank you all for being so patient! :)


Stories and stuff · 8:57pm Jan 1st, 2016

First of all, happy new year.
So, in a beautiful view of contradiction, two stories I've worked with are doing well right now, and they could not possibly be more different.

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(Really Big) New Writing Project · 11:04pm May 25th, 2018

What's going on, everyone?

So, I'm greeting you today just to kind of set the stage for what I'll be doing as far as writing goes for the near future. Once I finished Blonde Moments a few weeks ago, I kinda let myself chill out for a bit. I wrote a couple fluffy one-shots for the sake of fluffy one-shots, but that was it. Now, however, I'm ready to jump back in with a really big project.

Like, a massive one.

Well... sort of.

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If Only I Had Time - Released! · 12:50am Jun 5th, 2018

Alright, guys! The new fic has dropped! Here are some details you might want to know:

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Story! · 11:45am Sep 12th, 2017

Hey everypony! I'm new here, my name is Walk, and I'm currently writing a book! Well kinda... It's like a short book.. what do they call those? Story Shorties? Whatever the point is I need some help from a fellow Author that can read over my stuff (chapters) as I crap them out (submit them) and then help me fiddle with (fix) them to make them sound good! (Make sure there aren't any errors) And also to give me idea's on what the next chapter should have as I will be writing these things one at a

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Report Walk · 218 views · #Pink Blanket #Help #New Author

New Story Series Coming Soon! · 8:04pm April 8th

Hey y'all, been a while! Burnout sucks. Anyways, just letting ya know that I'm not dead, and in fact have another series of stories coming soon that have been in development for several months at this point. They will be separate stories based on the same central plot anthology-style a la 'Destiny of a Forgotten Goddess', and will be released as separate shorter stories (books) instead of collectively as chapters in one huge story.

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2021 NEW YEAR’S · 5:30am Jan 1st, 2021

Hiya, lovely peeps!

The year has finally ended. 2020 has been bumpy and eventful, to say the least. It’s been an incredibly long year, so to celebrate, I’ve compiled together a list of my favorite long stories. Happy New Year, everypony, and enjoy!

Uz Naimat’s favorite multi-chapters:

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SO. MUCH. LORE. · 1:56am Aug 5th, 2022

So yeah, my new story Alone is coming along well. Wanted to give this quick update just to inform you all that Alone might come out a few days later than I wanted it to. There's a lot to write so I'm still shooting for trying to release it on the 9th it may however come out a little bit after that. Now don't worry on when it would come out, latest it would be after the 9th would be like the 12th or 13th. So, once more I'm still planning for an August 9th release but just wanted to

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The Commission Is Finally Finished/ Updates On Other Commissions/ (Updated Version) · 5:09pm May 24th, 2018

Hello to you all, yes you read that right. The commission I ordered back in March is finally finished, well truthfully it’s been finished since last Saturday, but I figure since I rarely do blogs on weekend, if I told you all then you wouldn’t notice the message in time and totally forget it. I don’t want to do that to you, some of you have been waiting as long as I have. And it’s been quite the wait too. Truthfully the artist would have been done at a better time if problems hadn’t hit him so

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"Late-Night Conversations 2" Coming Tomorrow; Title + Cover Art Reveal! · 4:09am Mar 6th, 2022

Well, it took a bit longer than I'd hoped, but I'm happy to announce that I'm ready to start publishing the sequel to my first fic, "Late-Night Conversations", beginning tomorrow! This is a direct follow-up to the first story, taking place two days later, centered on Sunset and Wallflower as they face each other after a year of distance following the events of Forgotten Friendship. The story is five chapters plus

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Speaking on Things. · 4:37pm Mar 30th, 2016

Yeah yeah, I've been pretty silent lately. I've been focused mostly on my transition from male to female and catching up on my gaming as of late, and I apologize for keeping quiet for so long. That said, I've got a couple of things to talk about.

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Responding to comments, even the volatile ones. · 1:49am Nov 13th, 2016

I've seen a lot of people that drop off in their writing after getting called out for something that doesn't make sense. The most recent one I can think of was Bucking Nonsense, and while I was one of those that called him out for a decision (One that made little sense and was given a hand-wave of 'it's magic'), I really don't know why people let it get to them. Instead of either trying for a rewrite or continuing on regardless, he just stopped writing that story altogether.

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New story is live · 9:26am Jun 29th, 2015


Changeling Twilight Sparkle and her number-one assistant, Sunset Shimmer, try to study magic without learning any wholesome lessons of friendship. They fail.

A Sparkle-ling Perfection

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Why is the moon? · 3:39pm Dec 20th, 2015

If you get that reference then you probably played a specific video game. As for the answer, "Because Luna put it there."

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In Which Quilla Has Another Strange, Possibly Relevant Dream · 4:22am Aug 10th, 2015

Just when I thought the weird dreams were over, I had another one. I really have no idea why I'm telling you about it in the first place other than the fact that it could give me for an idea involving the orchestra department in If You Give a Little Love. Since we've looked at the costuming and styling departments, and have a good idea of what the producer and director go through, the actors, actresses, musicians, and possibly techies need all the characterization they can get while

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Story Milestone - Lightbearers · 4:05am Mar 18th, 2017

Just completed another milestone for my most ambitious story. It's something I started writing in July of last year (I have a lot of unfinished old stories), and have been working on and off but fairly steadily every since. I hadn't intended to talk about it, but having just reached one of my milestones, I though it sounded like a good idea to keep some sort of record of the progress I'm making on it. Maybe that will ensure that I actually finish it, unlike a lot of other crap sitting around

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 568 results