
Viewing 101 - 120 of 247 results

Short Hand: The Price · 8:26pm Aug 6th, 2020

Weeks after the dramatic battle with the Deer... And Ponyville was back to normal... Shepherd was walking around, taking a day off. He headed up to Filthy Rich's store to do some shopping... When he saw them. His eyes widened as the Cutie Mark Crusaders happily bouncing out of the store.

Shepherd: "Huh. Hey girls!"

Applebloom: "Oh! Howdy Shepherd! Look what we got!"

Sweetie Belle: "They're on sale today!"

Scootloo: "And look totally awesome!"

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Short Hand: Rarity and Spike · 11:24pm Aug 9th, 2020

Just an older snippet I will probably repurpose for Short Hand eventually.

- - -

Spike is helping Rarity with her work. Ever since Twilight ascended and Shepherd's helped coach him through controlling his greed, he's become taller and bigger. And in many eyes, far more handsome.

Spike: "Here, this is the needle you want."

Rarity: "Oh, thank you dear... Hm?" She looked over at him more closely, and saw that he was distracted. "Spike, I need the red thread next."

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Dark Emperor Shepherd: The Finale · 1:26am Aug 24th, 2020

At last, the day of the Eeeevil Imperial Wedding has arrived! Shepherd is in big, bulky, "impressive" looking evil wedding armor. He is standing at the Eeeevil Altar erected in the Palace Courtyard, Discord waiting as the 'minister' and Cadence is sitting nearby as Mare of Honor. Chewie is "Best Stallion", and standing with a large bowtie as he growls, while Spike is the ringbearer, again.

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Short Hand: The Storm King Invasion · 2:13am Aug 14th, 2021

A number of events in the series will be butterflied away thanks to Shepherd being around. Among other things...

The Storm King's mighty airship approaches Canterlot...

Storm King: "Yes... Soon, all of Equestria will fall before me and be laid waste-"

And the much larger USS Enterprise CV-6, flying the colors of the Royal Equestrian Navy, loomed into view.

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I lied. Kind of. · 3:26am Feb 24th, 2017

So, just a few (4-6) chapters left of SFaCF (unless I'm lying again and the usual thing happens), but I find myself slightly drawn toward that Sirens of CHS sequel, which I'll be calling Cross Reference. The first chapter isn't anywhere near ready, but it's started, and I'm too excited about an idea that hit me five minutes ago to not say anything. The idea involves a chapter inspired by this picture, if you can imagine Sonata cut out of it.

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Short Hand: Foalsitting · 3:33pm Sep 13th, 2020

Shining: "Shepherd? I need a foalsitter."

Shepherd: sighs "Shining, dude. Please tell me you didn't bring me all the way here to the Crystal Empire just to babysit the toddler goddess."

Shining: "Not... Just that."

Shepherd: "Shining-"

Shining: "Please? You are literally the only sitter she likes! Or won't turn inside out with magic!"

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Civil Distinction: Chapter-by-Chapter Analysis · 12:13pm Jun 5th, 2018

I promised to do something like this when Civil Distinction was still on its tenth chapter. It's my longest and most ambitious story to date, and it took me roughly 2.5 years to complete it. I've covered a lot in this story, significantly more than I had expected to when I first began writing. Not that I'm trying to make this seem like some mighty

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Hands: Death by Snu Snu · 9:09pm Nov 26th, 2019

How did Shepherd react to heat season? Like this...

Fluttershy: "Ummm... Shepherd? I have... A problem."

Shepherd: "What kind of problem? Can I help?"

Fluttershy: "Oooooh yesssss... You absolutely can~."

Shepherd: "Uh... Okay?"

One week later... Shepherd managed to escape Fluttershy's cottage and made his way to L'Chaim-A local stallion bar. He gets a drink of water... And then fifty other drinks of water.

Discord: *chuckles* "First heat season, huh monkey boy?"

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Hands: Meat 1 · 7:11pm Dec 4th, 2019

Shepherd: *Sitting down to a meal with a cow... And it's steak*

Shepherd: "Er... You sure you're okay with this?"

Cow: "Oh yes. Circle of life and all that!"

Shepherd: "I mean, you knew this cow."

Cow: "Yes."

Shepherd: "And she was close to you."

Cow: "As close as enemies can get. Hurry up, she's getting cold!"

Shepherd: "..." *Slowly cuts a piece. Lifts it to his mouth. Takes a bite.*

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Sequel to The Stars Revolt! · 6:47pm Jan 12th, 2020

- - -

*Twilight Sparkle was still getting used to Ponyville and having friends, but she was finding the discoveries and mysteries of it fascinating and rewarding. Sitting down to breakfast at a cafe with her friends was a wonderful experience, as they bantered back and forth and debated aspects of their lives and others' lives, was... Fun! It was all so amazing and new.*

Rarity: "And so I said to him, 'cross-stitch? What is this, the Middle Ages?'"

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Hands: Unintended Side Effects · 6:24pm Jan 19th, 2020

Andrew Shepherd, the Lone Human, the Sword of Equestria... Was feeling down as he sat in an armchair in the Golden Oaks Library. Chrysalis, former Queen of the Changelings and now Friendship Intern, had been reading some books on beekeeping while her little Changelings played in a playpen nearby. Shepherd sighed. Chrysalis rolled her eyes.

Chrysalis: "Stop moping."

Shepherd: "I'm not moping."

Chrysalis: "Twilight and the others will be back soon! And you are moping."

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Duty of a Knight of Equestria · 9:22pm Oct 10th, 2020

Of course being a Knight of Equestria, sometimes Shepherd gets called in for... Unconventional problems.

Shepherd: "You seriously called me all the way up here... Because you got stuck in your bathtub?"

Celestia: "Nngh! It's a prank of Luna's-She won't undo it-Get me out of here, please Shepherd!"

Shepherd: "Once again: You called me up here, for this? I'm a human! I'm not some super powered alicorn who can't even get out of the tub!"

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Short Hand: Dashie 3 · 11:18pm Oct 28th, 2020

Chewie: growl?

Shepherd: "No Chewie, you can't eat him. You don't know where he's been."

Chewie: Snorts.

Dash: "Okay okay! Hang on! Time out! Give me a second here, okay?"

Shepherd: "Okay."

Zephyr: "Anything you want, Dashie!"

She flies off, and brings back Fluttershy in a few minutes.

Shepherd: "Look Fluttershy, I really don't want to hurt your brother but-"

Fluttershy: "It's okay. I know you won't kill him."

Shepherd: "I-Seriously?"

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Back in 2003 this was the last of Futurama we ever saw · 11:21am Oct 26th, 2015

Back in 2003 this was the last of Futurama we ever saw when it was cancelled originally.

Still gives me goosebumps to this day. Some say this was the best ending before it returned. What are your thoughts?


Short Hand: Dates with Shepherd - Fluttershy · 4:02am Aug 3rd, 2020

Shepherd: I've known her the longest, and she's been fairly obvious... Okay blindingly obvious with her affections. So let's just man up and ask her. Clearly, she's too shy to just say it.

He knocks on Fluttershy's door

Fluttershy: Opens it "Oh... H-Hello Shepherd. It's so nice to see you, how are you?"

Shepherd: "I'm good. So. You want to go on a date with me this Venuday?"

Fluttershy: "..."

Shepherd: "... Fluttershy?"

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Short Hands: Shepherd Tries to Help · 2:57pm Aug 5th, 2020

Shepherd tries to Help Twilight Sparkle

After Twilight Sparkle ascended to Alicorn, and became a Princess, her relationship with Shepherd didn't change too much. He was already a knight assigned as the guard for the Elements of Harmony after all. He did have a lot more duties involving her though. Unfortunately they usually involved paperwork.

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Hands: Shepherd Jobs 3 · 3:52pm Dec 2nd, 2019

At Town Hall, Shepherd is typing away at a typewriter. Mayor Mare trots up to him.

Mayor Mare: "Shepherd, you really are a wonder! We're all caught up on our paperwork and you found a few things we missed!"

Shepherd: "Just doing my job, Mayor. It's a lot less strenuous than being a handy man."

Mayor Mare: "Well, this level of civil dedication should be rewarded!"

Shepherd: "Well thank you Mayor, but I already got a bonus in my last paycheck-"

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Short Hand: Doctor Whooves 1 · 9:05pm Aug 19th, 2020

Shepherd took the revelation that Doctor Whooves and Ditzy had a time travelling, dimension-hopping muffin-shaped TARDIS quite well.


But after he was able to compose himself, breathing into a paper bag in the main control room of the Muffin...

Doctor: "Now now, everything is all right!"

Shepherd: "So... You think you can get me home?"

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Short Hand: Princess Perks 1 · 8:52pm Apr 14th, 2021

Tea Time at Twilight's Palace...

Fluttershy: "You know Twilight, you've been spending a lot of time on reforming villains."

Twilight: "Well, what can I say? You inspired me! With the work you did with Discord! Now he's... Completely... Devoted to you..."

Fluttershy: deadpan "Twilight. No."

Twilight: "I-I didn't do-I'm not doing anything!"

Fluttershy: "I know you! You're going to concoct some kind of... Crazy scheme!"

Twilight: "Am not!"

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Short Hand: Crystal War 2 · 3:31pm Nov 18th, 2020

Twilight saw her other friends. All of them twisted and changed by the harsh war. It was heartbreaking to see them all like this. Fighting for their lives to save Equestria. And there was Shepherd...

He walked to a shack, and Twilight followed him. He looked over his shoulder at her.

Shepherd: "Something I can help you with?"

Twilight: "I... You're human."

Shepherd: "And you're an alicorn."

Twilight: "What?! How did you-?!"

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 247 results