
Viewing 4841 - 4860 of 4,868 results

Some readers have noticed this about my writing and it's about time I explain to clear things up - When I stopped watching MLP and why I ignore the canon story · 6:02pm Jun 26th, 2020

This might be a long one, so make sure you're comfortable. Sorted? Good. Let's begin. PLEASE NOTE: This blog may contain spoilers for my stories for those who haven't read them yet.

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Chapter Notes: Shelby (Destination Unknown) · 2:11am Dec 24th, 2021

From riding in the cab of a DPU to accidentally boarding a local train that’s picking up grain cars at each elevator it passes . . . at least it’s picking up; if it was dropping off, Sweetsong might find herself stranded in the middle of Big Sky Country.


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New fic posted! · 11:04pm Jul 27th, 2022

I'm sure most of you saw the notification already, but I wrote a new fic for a contest entry, and I'm very proud of it! I'd love it if you gave it a read, especially considering that it's not your standard sci-fi/romance story. How many are told from the diary of a sprinkler system?

EThe Dangers of Personal Growth
The Solar Corporation would like to remind all employees that the incident involving Fiddlesticks and Lightning Dust was an isolated one, and would like to direct all further inquiries to their Incident Help Desk for an appropriately timely response.
Silent Whisper · 6k words  ·  52  3 · 511 views

... and sorry about the cover image. I usually like to make them myself, but I was exhausted yesterday.


Playing around in Photoshop · 4:27pm May 19th, 2018

The graphics rotating around the image are Gallifreyan from Doctor Who. There's an awesome 'site that has a Gallifreyan language translator. You type in what you want it to say and it spits it out in this beautiful, circular language. I threw it into Photoshop behind the image and animated the rotation.

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Chlorine and Ladybug Kisses · 5:51pm Oct 12th, 2017

This just happened. This is real, I'm not kidding, this is an actual true story. This has changed me.

Today I woke up to my neighbor gently jacking off his dog.

I just took a nap in my new house for the first time, and my neighbor was gently jacking off his dog under my window. I got out of bed, stretched my arms, and looked at the city of Barcelona with a big smile on my face, and my neighbor was gently jacking off his dog under my window.

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What's that? A new story? · 7:29am Feb 9th, 2018


They Stab It with their Steely Knives,but They Just Can't Kill the Beast · 12:16am Feb 18th, 2019


Summer Writing Plans, Part 1 · 7:03pm Jun 1st, 2020

Hi y'all. I hope that where all of you are, everyone is doing okay. Or, at least as okay as we can all be with all the awful stuff that's been intensifying. This is the blog I wanted to share regarding the summer writing plans for all my stories. I'll be sure to touch on the status of each one and offer some details about its completion. I would also like to take a moment to show off something other neat things I've found and mention very briefly how all the rioting will impact my presence on

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Next Patreon Steps: Getting Organized, Developing an Author Profile and The Plan for my Unfinished Fics · 6:50am Jun 25th, 2019

Good Morning, everypony! I say "Good Morning", because it has just become morning for me here, after spending an entire night with figuring out what kind of pony author I actually am. Now all of that is done and I present to you the results, as the next steps towards my planned Patreon account.

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Userpage Redesign is Finished! Check out the Foal Author and Wasteland Dweller Fluttercheer! · 9:07pm Jul 1st, 2019

Wow, this took a long time! In total, I needed six days to completely re-design my userpage, make it unique and remove all the clutter that covered it (minus bathroom breaks, food breaks and, worse, sleep breaks and all those time-wasting necessities that the body demands). Much more time than I thought it would take me. The result is astounding and beautiful and it prepares me and my userpage greatly for the launch of my

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Back to writing! ALSO GOOD ART! · 3:34pm Feb 24th, 2019

I've FINALLY got my new computer all set up and back from it's data transfer. Horse words should resume shortly. Enemy of Mine is certainly my top priority, writing-wise, and I've probably been set back by y'know, not having a computer. However, I might do a quick one shot or two to flex my writing powers, get used to the new keyboard, etc. Highly unlikely to be anything magnificent, but words are nice. Also, I would like to show off something potentially related to new stories.

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Zootopia · 1:10am Apr 15th, 2016


Side Fic Now Out! · 6:37pm Oct 3rd, 2021

TSoldier of the Moon
A young and restless Rarity enlists in the Royal Canterlot Army to help defend what is left of her home. She gets far more than she bargained for in the process.
Zontan · 7.4k words  ·  113  5 · 1.2k views

I've been looking forward to this for a long time! If you enjoyed Lover of the Moon, you'll absolutely LOVE Soldier of the Moon. If you've been curious about Rarity's backstory and just can't wait a week and a half for the next update, here's your solution!

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I am gonna rock this contest. · 7:56am Jul 4th, 2015

"Thank you!" Spike held the flowers close. "Seriously, thank you! Now I just gotta get these to Roseluck!" He waved as he darted away. "Thanks again!"

Rumble nudged Thunderlane as Spike ran off. "Think we should tell him he looks like he got into a fight with a rainbow pixie and lost?"

Thunderlane shook his head. "Just let him have this one, little bro. Just let him have this one."

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Friday the 13th is a big fat meanie or somethin' · 5:44pm Oct 22nd, 2017

Okay, so the bad part about having too many stories (like that's even possible) is that I can miss notifications (or forget them by mistake) because, no, I do not get too many (really, detailed!comments and updoots and shit make my day) but there are times when I can get quite a bit (rare) but other times, I sometimes won't get them at all.

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Popping in to say... · 4:50pm Dec 24th, 2017


Let's Talk About Inspiration · 2:50pm Jul 20th, 2018

If you've read the latest interview from the Royal Canterlot Library, then you already know a bit about the story I'll be talking about. But what you might not know is that before I had a FimFiction account, I liked to read stories on the site still, and was fairly familiar with a few things and locating the Good Shit. This was a bit before I started writing, and the beginnings of the

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2017 Comes To An End..... Dare I Say "Good Riddance!"? · 9:11pm Dec 31st, 2017

No, not everything was bad. In fact, this year started great, with lots of hopes for the future, more writing projects in mind, being at my dream position as dev team member of "Legends of Equestria", as a quest writer, the wish I always had, but thought would never get fulfilled.

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I've been lazing around all day · 6:40pm Jul 27th, 2016

Well, sort of. The fridge broke so I had to clean it out. Other than that, today's been pretty chill. This guy from Jesus camp wanted to hang out today, but I couldn't go because my brother was moving. The good news is that my friend is coming over Friday night! :pinkiehappy: So far, the hooch has been looking pretty good. The balloon inflated throughout the day yesterday, and you could hear the bubbles if you listened carefully. Today, it stayed the same size. It will be ready

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It (was) my Birthday! · 4:22am Apr 15th, 2021

'allo Fimfic, yesterday was Homestuck Day! Happy Homestuck Day to all the Vriska Stans in the audience!

But also; it was my birthday.

I would have posted yesterday, but I've been in a daze for the last two days because yesterday was also the day I got my second vaccination shot.

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Viewing 4841 - 4860 of 4,868 results