• Member Since 5th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Hail King Sombra

We are all just stories in the end. Official scribe to his Royal Highness King Sombra of the Crystal Empire. His tales are as varied as they are poignant, sad and bittersweet. Remember them well.

More Blog Posts206

  • 68 weeks
    Today is FIMFic Writer Appreciation Day

    Today is Fanfic FIMFic Writer Appreciation Day. You are hereby commanded to review & do one or more of the following....

    Appropriated from a Live Journal post many a moon ago (2015):

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  • 69 weeks
    Evil Daylight, How DARE you interrupt my writing!

    I see you, evil, approaching sun, soon to encroach upon my cool, dim sanctuary of shade. I will write until your unwelcome, burning presents invades my domain. Then I will retreat to the safety of my darkened studio.

    1 comments · 188 views
  • 70 weeks
    The King (and Nyx) are Back!

    (image by Evehly)

    I've been gone a long time and I did the one thing I hated that other writers whose work I cared about did - leaving and dropping off the face of Equestria without a trace.

    For that, I apologize.

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    9 comments · 210 views
  • 77 weeks
    SPOILER for the new season of MLP G5

    Okay, I REALLY want to put a pic here, but if ponies are going to SCREAM that it shows up in their feed and they got spoiled, I don't want to hear about it.

    So...apparently Celestia and Luna are shown in the new episode of MLP G5 that just dropped. WTF? I want to talk about it, so if you don't mind hearing about this new development, let me know in the comments.

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    2 comments · 266 views
  • 78 weeks
    Hello all

    So...it's been a while. What is everyone up to these days?

    4 comments · 186 views

Playing around in Photoshop · 4:27pm May 19th, 2018

The graphics rotating around the image are Gallifreyan from Doctor Who. There's an awesome 'site that has a Gallifreyan language translator. You type in what you want it to say and it spits it out in this beautiful, circular language. I threw it into Photoshop behind the image and animated the rotation.

The original design belongs to my good friend and amazing artist Pixel_Spark. If you want to see the full finished product on the website, turn up your speakers and go to Hail King Sombra. The current background music is the haunted, ethereal tones from the group Between Interval and inspired me to write the story Frozen Shadows.

Comments ( 4 )

Okay, that is awesome. Both the pic, and the site. Link?

The 'site is at Hail King Sombra. The image is on the home page.

Heh, thanks Bricklayer! I'm working on a blog post right now that has more info on why I created it and the tools I used, especially the Gallifreyan Translator I used to create the clock-like, spinning background. I'll let you know when it's up or you can subscribe to updates from the website to get a notice in your email =D

You're more than welcome! Oh, and since you are a 10th Doctor fan, that reminded me I wanted to change the music loop on the Hail King Sombra home page to something shorter and more poignant. There is a very little-known piece of music you will NEVER find on any of the Doctor Who soundtracks, but I have a copy of. I replaced what was there with that piece. You might want to go back to the website, turn up your speakers and reload the page. And thank you for reminding me to do that!

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