SPOILER for the new season of MLP G5 · 8:02pm Jun 16th, 2023
Okay, I REALLY want to put a pic here, but if ponies are going to SCREAM that it shows up in their feed and they got spoiled, I don't want to hear about it.
So...apparently Celestia and Luna are shown in the new episode of MLP G5 that just dropped. WTF? I want to talk about it, so if you don't mind hearing about this new development, let me know in the comments.
Peace out, SLAVES and remember to always
Hail King Sombra!
Indeed, they are shown. Not too much, though.
Even a glimpse is something...and it poses so many more questions, as a video I recently saw points out! If you want to see it, the link is here: https://youtu.be/79ChW5cAryc