Spoilers ahead for Season Nine. Turn and flee if you are AFRAID!
I see you, evil, approaching sun, soon to encroach upon my cool, dim sanctuary of shade. I will write until your unwelcome, burning presents invades my domain. Then I will retreat to the safety of my darkened studio.
This is our first vacation in FIVE YEARS and only our second MLP convention EVER, so going to Babscon today is more exciting in our house than you can possibly imagine. It couldn't even dampen the fact we had to get up at 4:30 in the freakin' morning to make it up to the San Francisco Bay Area by the time the dealer's room officially opens.
We did, however, have some challenges in getting up there…
The graphics rotating around the image are Gallifreyan from Doctor Who. There's an awesome 'site that has a Gallifreyan language translator. You type in what you want it to say and it spits it out in this beautiful, circular language. I threw it into Photoshop behind the image and animated the rotation.