zombie apocalypse survival plan · 1:34am Jun 24th, 2015
this is my zombie plan. get my sword,get in car,make to safe zone with friends and weapons and also DON'T GET BIT
this is my zombie plan. get my sword,get in car,make to safe zone with friends and weapons and also DON'T GET BIT
It’s been a while, huh?
So, before releasing chapter 14 of Decade, I wanted to do a recap. Starting from the beginning (spoilers if you haven't read the story!).
So Starbucks has a new limited time drink called the zombie. I managed to get one as I had no idea it even existed until I was at Safeway and saw the ad for it. So I got it and... It's not bad! If you can get it without everyone going nuts go for it!
A few days back, I was bored, and as you know, i decided to look up the torque curves for bicycles. Interestingly, like electric motors and steam engines, it is quite flat for most of its power range, then drops off once the pedaler is unable to pump their legs fast enough.
What I got out of it was that zombie legs pedaling a crankshaft in an I-4 arrangement was totally plausible.
So I know I am not the best writer in general but felt like doing it anyways. But whats the point if nobody else reads it? So I'll put it here...where no one will see it but technically its online. Any-who its totally a self insert of me and my friends and has stuff to do with zombies, science, internet speak, and of course ponies!
So I have part 3 laid out, all ten chapters blocked out and summarized. Hope to have part 3 done in a timely manner so I can post a chapter every week.
In the mean time I'm going to make a new cover for Among the Trotting Dead for part 2 and one for part 3 when that comes out too.
The plan one day is to have cover art for each chapter, but I'm busy making 3D models for Ashes of Equestria so we'll see.
calling all bronies with a roblox account i am playing on this game Left 2 Survive *UGH V0.97.5* on roblox. who want's to play. I need help.
you can find me with a camo baseball cap , leather jacket ,green pants, sunglasses and the username is dakingheadshot. Yeah I said it . it is because dakingace has been taken.really need help see you in the game. spread this around.
So... I haven't really had to much time to type because I'm back at school for the new term. So, I might not have to much time. I however will try to type out Chapter 7 and 8, or maybe go on a short break so I can type a few chapters out at a time and release them at a scheduled time.
Probably going to do the latter.
Also... as a quick preview of chapters to come...
... all I'll say is feels are comeing.
Quite literally, you should be prepared. XD though you probs won't be.
On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me,
A dismembered dead zombie!
On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me,
Two shotgun shells!
And a dismembered dead zombie!
On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me,
Three shots vodka!
Two shotgun shells,
And a dismembered dead zombie!
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me,
Four severed limbs!
Three shots vodka,
Two shotgun shells,
And a dismembered dead zombie!
Hey there, MLP Fans. Dead Island 2 finally here after being postponed for nearly 10 years. Is anyone willing to post stories revolving around this game? Anyone excited to see this game unfold in the MLP universe? Is anyone eager to see how your favorite ponies take on the undead when it comes to a game crossover like this? If so, feel free to respond at anytime.
Hello all! I have one more chapter to go before part 3 for my zombie fic.
I just want to know for the ones who have read it, what would you like to see.
1) The group stays in the town of Iron’s Ridge and fortifies it.
And if they have to leave Iron’s Ridge then they,
2) Takeover an prison.
3) Takeover a military fort.
4) Takeover a grand hotel on a hilltop.
Thanks and have a great day and or night!!!
The last thing i read was that displaced Skolas story with the crystal empire. The last thing i watched involved a blue hedgehog. The last game i played is destiny which means i got a warlock that can revive himself thus making him immune to the zombie virus. A titan that causes havoc left and right & a hunter that puts the C in control. Yeah i'm fine. Share this to your buds if you feel like it.
I love how geeky the Seattle area is.
Just in time for the month of October, have a review of a comic that's about zombies, gangsters, and unspeakable horrors... all getting the everloving HELL beaten out of them.
Written and drawn by Eric Powell, The Goon is one of those rare comic books that has the distinct pleasure of being delightfully hard to adequately describe.