
Viewing 361 - 380 of 518 results

Behind the Story: Honeybee · 8:48pm Jul 16th, 2022

This story was very difficult to write.

Not a bad story by any means, but it was certainly a unique story and I’m excited to discuss it.

But this story is one of my first song stories in a good long while, so I suppose I have to explain that first.

The beginning of this story goes all the way back to June. So, I’m part of a server that holds routine music nights, and I declared that for June, I was only going to play songs by LGBT+ artists or bands containing LGBT+ members.

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the voices of the void calamity: WHY DOES IT NEVER STOP OH GOD SAVE US · 9:55am March 19th


You know what would be epic? [leaked episode spoilers] · 6:50pm Sep 23rd, 2015

That's my bunny

So, imagine an ending in which it turns out that all Fluttershy did in the maze to scare her friends was dressing up as Flutterbat. She shows up, everypony thinks it was all her job...

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Lumie Invades Someone Else's Review Blog · 10:14pm Jun 23rd, 2015

Though I do my level best to try to make you all forget that blogs exist, I suppose it does behoove me to pretend I'm not a hermit. I actually do things on FiMFiction! Sometimes I talk to people. Real people! Sometimes said real people ask for things! Prane asked me to do a review and gab session with himself and Gulheru about Princess Spike!

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Cursed · 8:50pm Aug 7th, 2015

Whelp, I suppose I'm cursed! A few days ago I made the foolish choice to listen to the story of Kashima Reiko, a Japanese girl who died and is said to wonder the world in search of her legs. Now the story goes to say in the end, whoever listens or learns of the story will be cursed and Kashima will visit you in about a month. She'll ask me two questions, 1) Where are my legs? and 2) What's my name? And dammit I know I'll die from this but if I can't remember her name I'll be all like,

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New tags and old stories. · 8:40am Dec 20th, 2017

This isn't gonna be easy is it?

~Denial at it's Finest~

My very first fic~ It's vulgar, it's crude, it does exactly what it wants, and what it wants to do is talk about Twilight's penis, a lot. It doesn't want Twilight's penis to do anything, it just wants to describe it's existence, and it does. Very bluntly, to the point. Rainbow gets killed twice whatever-

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Like Sands Through The Hourglass, This Is My Mental State · 7:32am Nov 17th, 2017

Okay, so at the start of November I started posting my story Hourglass for NaNoWriMo. I already had some chapters written when I published the story so I could have a buffer in case I missed some writing in my planned every-other day schedule. I had preplanned individual chapters far ahead to reduce time in brainstorming and writing. There's an unpublished chapter just titled "planning" that's 8k words and counting just sitting above

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Ponyfest 2.0 Highlights · 1:15am Apr 27th, 2020

Basically Every Ponyfest Panel, April 25th, 2020 (Colorized)

(( And yes, that is Amy Keating Rodgers's pony and that is based on true events. ))

- Fuf
- Despite a disaster day at work, and a lunch consisting of two fistfulls of Pringles and half an energy drink I made it to my first convention panel ever almost on time!

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DANNYJ REVIEWS: MLP SEASON 9 PART 3 · 8:36pm Dec 23rd, 2020


New Art. It broke my heart, but we had to do it... For A Kindled Beginning. · 11:07pm Oct 2nd, 2022

This is the last one for a while, as I need to focus on writing the rest of the story now. For the last two weeks I've deviated towards making other stuff for A Kindled Beginning and I've waylaid it enough. Even though I reached an important conclusion to Chrys' most pressing issue with Twilight, her adventure continues. I mean, she's only gone to school for the total of two days. What a start to a story though. BIG adventures ahead for my little girl. For a young girl who feels very

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Wake Me Up When September Ends · 7:47pm Sep 2nd, 2020

So, it's been a little bit since I updated. A few weeks, perhaps? And the last update was a bit on the somber side. I really do hope things over there get better and soon, but knowing the political climate, it's likely gonna be a long road. So, expecting the worst but hoping for the best...

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If you like vaginas, you might like this video...or be put off them by it · 10:28pm Nov 4th, 2015


A poll about blogging! · 3:05pm Aug 30th, 2015

If you're following me for whatever reason, this is actually relevant to you, since you get to choose what will appear more often in your notifications!

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School (Yayyyyyy) · 6:02am Aug 24th, 2015

Ughhhhhh. That is literally my entire opinion. So school started on Wednesday and then my computer crashed but now it's working and I am so not looking forward to this year but oh well. Just a heads-up, I'm probably only going to be on a couple times a week, because I have a whole lot more to do this year than last year, so... just saying. I'll try to keep up, but no promises. Also, no more writing on the one-shot, because I realized that I have written myself into a corner yet again and then I

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To Forget... - A new one-shot Sad Fic! · 8:26pm Aug 17th, 2016

Short Description: Twilight Sparkle has lived a long life. Maybe too long. Now Twilight realizes that all things must come to an end... And that some ponies are too important to be forgotten.

Long Description: Twilight Sparkle just wanted to forget...

Yet all she did was remember.

Written for the F*** THIS PROMPT #13 contest.

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F/F/T3K15 4/22: Blitzle! · 3:14am Apr 23rd, 2017

Alright, now that the pun's out of the way...

The previous Blitz is all set. Go check it out.

Well, I mean, AFTER you work on tonight's. Nothing too noteworthy, just continuing the Yu-Gi-Oh crossover y'all started last time.


Update on Stuff · 12:21am Mar 30th, 2016

First of all, I apologize to anyone that has been disappointed by the fact that I have not uploaded a second chapter to Appledash: How it Would Happen. It feels kind of pompous to type this as if I'm addressing a large audience. I know I'm not really a popular writer on this site, but I am partially writing this for myself, and also, there are probably some people who would have liked to see a second chapter. And, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it's probably going to be a while. To be

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The roller-coaster continues · 3:19pm Aug 7th, 2019

Bronycon was straight-up one of the best weekends of my life.

I'd love to gush about it. And I will! But I've been home for less than 24 waking hours. And in that time, I have:

  • Called 911
  • Threw out a friend's back (not related to the above)
  • Had my rent raised
  • Discovered a black mold infestation
  • Cleared out some lingering emotional baggage from my two-year-old divorce
  • Comforted a sobbing friend, twice (not related to the above)

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now i can work on writing that other thing · 11:03pm Jul 10th, 2017

the thing that can come out whenever it’s finished and not have to wait months and months and months ::::#


Merry Christmas and another year. · 3:41pm Dec 25th, 2020

So hi.

I noticed I haven't been super active since August, and I want to say that's because of work, but it's most likely because I ran out of my antianxiety medication. This was because it's trapped in the Walgreens system due to the prescription being sent to a central delivery center where it's apparently almost impossible to use the automated system to get your prescription out, so I've been seeing how I cope without taking it.

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Viewing 361 - 380 of 518 results