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Ruh oh · 5:46pm Jan 17th, 2019

To anyone wanting to join the Dispike Crew server, we're having a few technical difficulties involving my admin account, as such, the roles needed to access the server cannot be administered. So until this issue is resolved, I'd uh...not recommend joining right now? Sorry bout that ya'll πŸ˜“

Report Wow_Gay · 223 views · #oops

MRW Hasbro Messes Up · 8:39pm Sep 21st, 2015

As most of you probably know, Episode 15 of Season 5 aired this weekend. Right?

Sooooo, I was on YouTube today and happened to stumble across this:

EDIT: Looks Like Hasbro finally got their banhammer out. Hope everyone got it while the getting was good.

Episode 21 of Season 5. It appears that someone leaked an episode early~~~ :pinkiehappy:

Report MadMaxtheBlack · 791 views · #Oops

Ah, the power of relevance · 4:14pm Nov 23rd, 2015

You know, I kind of forgot that, ignoring my clopfic, my two highest viewed stories were both written right after the characters got an episode. If you've read any of my older blog posts, you'd know I let views and likes and stuff get to my head way too much.

So, I think there'll only be two-four more chapters of this fic. They'll be short, like the second chapter.

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Report The Devious Writer · 290 views · #Oops

Oops · 6:23am Dec 31st, 2017

Well, because I want to end on a few chapters, I've made a grave mistake.

Next time, plan your chapters.

Chapters might be around this length to compensate for my stupidity.

Report sunnypack · 540 views · #oops

Umm... Oops? · 7:19am Nov 6th, 2020

So, uh, I got my phone taken away, and I've been doing most of my writing on there. I'm sorry about the disappointment about "Ending Rarity," assuming there were some upset pones out there who are too shy to reach out.

Sorry 'bout that, I'll keep you all posted.

Until next time,
𝓕π“ͺ𝓷𝓬𝔂 π“œπ“ͺ𝓻𝓴

Report HiddenEntity · 100 views · #oops

Rest in Peace · 3:54pm Sep 16th, 2017

Yesterday evening, my desktop's hard drive suffered sudden and complete failure. I am now declaring it officially bricked.

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And queue the flood... · 6:45am Feb 25th, 2018

I searched for and added stories that were updated within the last month to a series of bookshelves... two of which were set public. I added seven hundred ninety-three fics to these. Today. I did not read the descriptions, I did not examine most of them. I am interested, because updates show that the author hasn't abandoned them like so many others, but I don't want to make people think that I had a chance to look at these stories, and then favorited them. Sorry I mass-bugged you.

Report Altithorni · 319 views · #OOPS

I may have a slight pony problem... · 11:24pm Sep 14th, 2015

I've had the majority of them boxed up for the last few months..: figured while I was taking my books out (getting more of the taller bookcase) I would try seeing how much merch I have....


I might have to clear off another book case.

Report Normal · 334 views · #Oops

A little help maybe? · 12:30am Jul 1st, 2015

So I was spamming someone on Skype with complete gibberish by randomly bashing my keyboard and then something happened. Everything on my screen (everything - text, icons, the taskbar, etc.) has shrunken and is now really oddly proportioned, so much so that I can't look at my laptop without getting a killer headache.

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Report Sleepy Panda · 445 views · #oops

convo 25 suuuucks · 2:58am Jan 20th, 2016

Bad news: this is going to take another few weeks to a month to fix. Arcanist Ascendant, your savior, pointed out a basic, crippling problem with this upcoming chapter, and then I noticed a couple more after taking a step back. I have to scrap most of this sucker.

I'm pretty sure the holidays, winter break, and my new job all came together to throw me off, or something. I don't know. What I'm saying is that I blame society.

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Report Ragnar · 354 views · #oops

…and that finally happened · 3:09pm Oct 14th, 2021

Anyone who got a notification for the tagged story, please ignore it. I accidentally published a future chapter I only intended to edit. The edit and publish buttons being next to one another, and then even closer on mobile wasn’t any helpful. I’m sorry about that. :twilightblush:

Report Ice Star · 269 views · #oops

OOPS! · 7:08am Dec 4th, 2016

Well I was wondering where those comments were coming from! Turns out I published the next chapter of the perfect ones unfinished and unedited. (Talking about huge chops in paragraphs and stuff i wanted to delete and redo in the first place.) Fortunately I've noticed and quickly tried to fix my mistake. I noticed a lot of people begging me to get an editor after that event and I completely understand haha. Don't worry guys, I'll make sure this won't happen again. Expect the next chapter to be A

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Like 14 years... · 10:19pm Feb 23rd, 2022

Stolen identities are often taken from dead children.

I supposed, that is to avoid an awkward situation, in which the person shows up after, like, 14 years wondering just what you've been doing with their name all these years.

They typically aren't pleased to find out what you've been up to.

All I can say in my defense is,

"You've literally been gone since 2008."

Luckily they already have a new name, so they weren't too upset, just annoyed.

Report Adan Druego · 90 views · #what #oops

Oops! · 3:36pm Jul 17th, 2017

OOPS! Just realised that "2nd person" was in the story's tags!
My bad I read 3rd person! Thanks to Atuhor Name who helped me notice!

Hope it didn't drag too many people away!!



Report Sagami · 299 views · #oops #dang

I’ve made a grave and continuous mistake! · 11:10am Jul 3rd, 2021

I posted more then one ad blog for my Sunset X Villain shipping Group

Oops :pinkiegasp: :fluttershyouch: so sorry gonna delete some of them

Thanks for pointing it out Pete100

(Link to his page:

Report Reactception · 121 views · #Reactception #Oops

That moment when. . . · 7:14am Sep 8th, 2015

That moment when you start the trial chapter without evidence. . . .



Chapter 10 Published before Chapter 9 in Sisters in All But Blood · 6:41am Aug 2nd, 2015

No excuse, but I was publishing from my phone and in the glare and I selected the wrong chapter. I had planned a 10AM release for both Saturday and Sunday, but I published immediately when I saw my mistake.

Since my followers are the most likely to see this blog, I apologize to you who had faith in me most of all. I left you confused and am sorry.

I have now published the missing chapter 9. It'll all make more sense now, I promise!

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Report scifipony · 362 views · #oops #sorry #mistake

Something I need to explain... · 7:37pm Jul 21st, 2016

Okay, some of you may have seen a new part for Going Deep Under pop up in your feeds. That was my fault, I accidently published it when it was far from ready.:twilightoops::twilightsheepish: Rest assured, when it is ready I will let you guys and gals know. Should be up later today if all goes well.:raritywink:

Report The Bricklayer · 322 views · #my #mistake #oops

Oops · 4:19am Oct 21st, 2015

Can We Shoot Them? was supposed to be a random half-*ssed job at a fic. But it got 400 views. Considering the Rating, it's plain to see it's not because it was well written, more likely that I'm popular, or the idea is actually pretty attractive. I'm going to go with the latter. Because it actually is. And I didn't even notice when I wrote it.


ARTS! · 10:57pm Dec 23rd, 2017

I did art! My original plan for this was to give it to the writeoff... which by now is two writeoffs ago. But I procrastinated. A lot.

I did, however, finish it about 4 days after the submission period ended, but then I procrastinated even more with taking pictures of it. But anyway, picture after the break.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 98 results