
Viewing 281 - 300 of 973 results

Tales From Equestria — Part 1 — Chapter 1 — Welcome · 12:24pm Jul 24th, 2022


Mixed Drinks Re-Vamped. · 7:19am Jul 2nd, 2015

What started out as a joke turned into something more and gain a bit of a following. I have had many positive things said about the story, I have received many nice review, but I have yet to work on the story in over a year do to the fact that I do not know where it is going. I lost the motivation of the joke some time ago, and I feel like I am written into a corner almost. While I love the people who have Favorited and Liked this piece of fiction I want to change it. The extra character

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So... Lets finish this. · 10:01pm Dec 1st, 2019


Something that bothered me about Friendship Games (Spoilers) · 10:53pm Sep 29th, 2015

So a third movie came up with the characters of the human world, ending with a climax that reflects the final act of the first movie with Human!Twilight becoming a power-crazed dark angel, and Sunset Shimmer becoming a fire angel to stop her... but both of them suddenly have horns...

Let me tell you why this bothers me:

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NEW ART · 12:21am Jun 7th, 2015

Here's the art piece I promised of an upcoming chapter. I hope you all like and enjoy. You'll be seeing a lot of these characters as the story goes on.

Have to post a link instead of the art itself because FIMfiction sucks at allowing big art pieces.

Art done by saarablitz at deviantart. Commission her, do it. She's great.


Pinkie Pie's Family Tree Based Off Of A Family Secret Franchise · 4:54am May 6th, 2018

This is Pinkie Pie's family tree that is based off of my two stories A Family Secret and The Battle Between Good And Evil
Adam (Biblical Figure) - Eve (Biblical Figure)
Cain (Biblical Figure)
Enoch (Son of Cain) (Biblical Figure)

Abel (Biblical Figure)
Seth (Biblical Figure)
Enos (Biblical Figure)
Kenan (Biblical Figure)
Mahalalel (Biblical Figure)
Jared (Biblical Figure)
Enoch (Biblical Figure) (Methuselah's father)

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Some info about "Human After All" · 8:09pm Apr 7th, 2018

Hey folks! First off, I wanted to say a genuine thank you to everyone who's been reading, faving, and leaving nice comments on my latest story. I see a few of you were even kind enough to read the monster original "Everything's Better With Robots!" It really makes me happy to see people enjoying my work, and I hope that "Human After All" is something you will enjoy! :twilightsmile: So, since it's been a week after the first chapter's publication, I thought I'd offer a bit of information about

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Headcanon on EG Geography, Canterlot, and EG Ponyville · 9:42pm Apr 2nd, 2017

I hope all of my readers are enjoying chapter 7 of A Tale of Two Suns. As for me, I've had extra work to do around here. I'm tired, and I still have to do more.

But since I'm sitting down resting, I thought I'd just share some headcanon I had as far as geography in the EG human world. I'm referring to Canterlot, the capital of Equestria as "Canterlot", and the Canterlot in the human world as "Canterlot City".

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New story idea · 8:24pm Jan 25th, 2018

Okay, hear me out on this. 'Bottled...water'
Bonus points if you get the reference
My actual idea...needs some explaining.
Twilight has a pet Owl
Rainbow has a pet Turtle
Fluttershy has a pet Bunny
Rarity has a pet Cat
Pinkie has a pet Gator
Applejack has a pet Dog

Now, make these their Spirit Animals
Now give them Magic Girl Transformations
Now add plot and villains.

Twilight - Wisdom, Flight, Night Vision, Nightowl?
Rainbow - Armored, Powerful, Teenage mutant?

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On Writing #6 · 5:00pm Aug 21st, 2017

I'm alit with inspiration and I also may be loosing my sanity a little bit.

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The Cast · 8:01pm Mar 26th, 2019

A bit more comprehensive, story friendly explanation all characters within Our new friends, Our new enemies, non OC's included!

Major Characters

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A couple more story items for anyone who wants them · 3:22pm Nov 26th, 2016

1) A human is discovered living in the Everfree, upon later investigation he (or it could also be she) has been living there several years, and has avoided ponies almost religiously. The human is discovered during a sweep against Tartarus escapees, or a changeling invasion, any really chaotic search and capture mission, so the Royal Guard aren't really interested in being gentle about things (frightened ponies do stupid things).

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NEW STORY: In The Code · 12:08am Mar 5th, 2019


New Story Thing · 6:24pm Jul 27th, 2017

Hey so posted a new story yesterday.

Essentially: Cocky brony thief steals duster and would have gotten away with it if not for meddling cops. Goes to prison, god guy throws him down a hole, and he appears in another jail cell, as a dogger. Dogger meets a kitty cat, and the two escape into the open desert, and set out on a journey to Dragon Roost.


Pony Behaviors and 50's Americans · 7:33am Jul 15th, 2017

Seeing the first 13 episodes of Pony Meets World by Joey-O of Pecach Pictures, I kind of got an idea that the behaviors of ponies seeing something odd that they are completely unfamiliar with reminds me of the behaviors of American citizens during the 1950's. But what if all those ponies somehow, without noticing what's going on or realizing, got into our world during the 1950's, and more specifically, the U.S.? How would the Americans at the time react to seeing ponies like that for the first

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Lots of idea fragments · 3:51pm Sep 10th, 2018

As a writer, I'm pretty bad. I tend to have great idea pieces, but making a whole story, one where things flow properly and there's connection and what not, that's just not something I can do.

But I do have a lot of little ideas. Most of them are for Fallout Equestria. Because I like the setting. I just suck as a writer.

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Report Salen · 271 views · #fallout #story #ideas #aliens #humans #random

Proposals · 1:23am Apr 23rd, 2020

*It is night. Andrew and Fluttershy are sitting in a tree, gazing up at the gorgeous starry sky*

Andrew: It's gorgeous...

Fluttershy: *sighs* Y-Yes... I was afraid of the night when I was little.

Andrew: Me too, you know. When I couldn't get back to sleep late at night I'd wander my house because I was too afraid to stay in my room all by myself.

Fluttershy: *She nuzzles him* Mm... I would have gone with you. Then we wouldn't have been afraid... *She smiled*

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JK Rowling is terrible (vulgar language below the break) · 1:28am Jun 7th, 2020

I think anyone who's been paying attention can agree with the title, but she's largely been hiding how horrific she is behind "honest mistake" and "I didn't read the whole post" and "I just accidentally posted a transphobic message". But in the past few hours, she's stopped pretending.

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List of OC's (As of Chapter 30) · 1:35am Mar 21st, 2019

For our collective benefit, here are all original characters used and created so far for my story Our new friends, Our new enemies. Included will be both major characters and minor, including named ones too, who have yet to show up in the story


  • Solar Virtue -Earth Pony (Dirty white coat and dark brown mane)

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The Stars Revolt! Human versus Tirek · 5:59am Dec 21st, 2019

While Tirek rampaged around Equestria, the Mane 6 needed to buy some time. And there was only one being in all of Equestria that couldn't be drained of his magic, since he didn't have any. Of course, Twilight Sparkle would never let her beloved... Human research assistant go out on his own into danger. So she had forbade him from doing it.

This obviously didn't work...

Fluttershy: *Staring across the landscape, her eyes going wide in horror* "Oh no... SHEPHERD!"

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Viewing 281 - 300 of 973 results