
Viewing 241 - 260 of 316 results

Teaching another class on programming interactive web-pages in HTML/CSS/JavaScript - Monday, Dec 19 · 7:38am Dec 18th, 2022


WTFIWWY-The Spybot Who Loved me · 9:02pm March 10th

Lessons we learned this week:

-If you're in the military or are working for the military and using a dating app, and they start asking for classified information, maybe alert your superiors.
-Having high school kids lick peanut butter off of your toes is a sex crime, not a fund raising activity. Also, WTF Oklahoma?!
-If you set your apartment on fire, they will arrest you.

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WTFIWWY-Let Them Fight · 7:02am April 8th

This week the life lessons we learned:
-Don't be in a troupe of monkeys in Thailand and get into a fight with another troupe of monkeys. Apparently the police will arrest you. Which just begs the questions: Is there monkey jail? Are there monkey lawyers? Are there monkey courts and judges?

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Development as a Writer: What I've Learned · 1:03am Aug 22nd, 2016

I have compiled four points, or aspects, which I think provide the most assistance when you’re trying to improve on any activity you set your mind to. Most of this will be skewed towards writing, but I think the principles can be applied to many other things as well. I think they are all important in becoming better at whatever you put your mind to. I will give a quick overview of each, then go into details below.

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Made a speed drawing vid! · 7:04pm Jan 18th, 2016

In this I go over how to learn to draw using tracing guide-lines. Enjoy!


Being a Better Writer: Learning From Other Authors’ Books · 10:18pm Feb 10th, 2020

Readers! The time has come! The magnificence is upon us! It. Is. Here!

What am I talking about? Why LTUE of course! Life, The Universe, and Everything! The convention for writing Science-Fiction and Fantasy! It’s this week! February 13th-15th!

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Back to school! · 3:57pm May 24th, 2018

That's right everypony! (And by everypony I mean the one person I know occationally read these. That means you Shootingstar212!) I'm going back into the swedish education system! Wish me luck...

The reason for this is that I'm absolutely fed up with my two idiot bosses. Everypony working there are, so we're doing a walkout type of thing. :yay:

I'm going to study computor technologies of several kinds, including programming, webbtech, networking and such marvelous things.

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Being a Better Writer: Knowledge and Inspiration · 7:36pm May 6th, 2019

Welcome back readers! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

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Update about my next misshap · 10:40am Jun 23rd, 2019

So... hope you doing fine, lad. I wanted to step over here and announce that my current fic is still in progress...
Yes, it's another clop...

So the thing is that, instead of keep working on it and finish it before the next 6hours blackout (usual thing here in Venezuela), I spend my time doing a pose for the fic's cover(using koikatu models).

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My Teachings and Learnings · 3:57am Jul 26th, 2020

If NO ONE CARES, why do you still look at it?

Why mock it?

Why not just leave it alone?

...I think people care more than they think, or they wouldn't go to such incredible, and stupid lengths to reply about it or mock it.

People still think that my ideas are retarded and un-factual, when really they are not.

You see, I don't just say things out the drop of a hat, I was taught or learned things from other sources, which I use to incorporate them into my fics.

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Does Logic break down when it interacts with Non-Existance? · 5:49am Aug 6th, 2019

I read this story, and hoo boy did it lead me down a rabbithole.
You see, it really got me thinking about pure epistemology again. Over the course of the last year, I have focused more on metaphysics, morality, and the Philosophy of self, but this fic lead to me re-examining the nature of doubt, consciousness, and logic itself.

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Being a Better Writer: How to Use a Writing Resource Like LTUE · 9:49pm Feb 13th, 2023

Welcome back writers. I’d venture a guess that you’ll likely be able to guess what big event is going on this week simply by looking at today’s topic.

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Being a Better Writer: The Importance of Experimentation · 7:29pm Apr 25th, 2022


Introspection, and relating to characters · 6:58pm Apr 23rd, 2022

Obviously relating to a character is an important thing for a lot of people when they consume media. I saw myself in Twilight when I was young, and tbags what got me I to this fandom. I didn't have friends, didn't know how to socialize, and spent most of my time with my nose in a book. She and the show as a whole is likely part of the reason I have friends now. I'm still learning friendship though, primarily communication and trust. I'll probably never learn everything

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Commas · 6:56am May 26th

My struggles with this Liliputian Tyrant (Grammarly Blog)

Separating items in a list of three or more

Connecting two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction

Conjunctions are word-glue. Coordinating ones place words and clauses in relation to each other. Only when they connect clauses do they take the comma. My brain refuses to understand!

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How to Deal with Mistakes · 1:33am Nov 20th, 2016

I made a mistake today. It was a tiny mistake, but it feels like a humongous one. :raritycry:

Learning to put mistakes in perspective is something I'm still learning how to do, since finishing my course of electroconvulsive therapy.

This silly pony helps me in so many ways.

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Splendiferous · 10:35pm Nov 19th, 2015

Splendiferous. You've probably heard the word before, most frequently enunciated by Pinkie Pie, or the local equivalent thereof.

Because of this, you might, at times, want to use it in a story.

Today, I did just that while writing my latest story, a MarbleMac piece which may-or-may-not be coming out soon, depending on how it goes.

However, I discovered something strange while doing so - Word didn't recognize the word as a misspelling.

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Summer Ends: The Finale of Gravity Falls · 3:47am Feb 16th, 2016

Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby,

Every once in a while I get to stand an applaud as the credits roll to a television show. Futile, of course, as I'm the only one there to hear it, but I do it because it deserves to be applauded.

This evening was one of those nights.

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Once again streaming, and Chapter 10 update. · 5:02pm Feb 17th, 2020

For those of you interested, I'm going to be streaming Apex Legends today, I'm trying to get into streaming now that I have the means to do so, so i hope you guys can join me and enjoy yourselves.

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Hearth's Warming Con 2020 panel! · 1:50pm Jan 24th, 2020

Hello, dear readers! I'm thrilled to announce my new panel FANfiction is FUNfiction at Hearth's Warming Con 2020 in the Netherlands. Come join me in the quest to discover what the differences between fanfiction and "regular" fiction are and how these two types of fiction influence and help each other. Be ready to participate in exciting writing challenges which will make your creativity flow free like a pegasus. There is something for everypony in FANfiction is FUNfiction. I hope

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Viewing 241 - 260 of 316 results