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No Being a Better Writer Article This Week · 8:30pm Sep 3rd, 2018

It’s Labor Day here in the US, and I’m taking the day off to relax for a little bit.

But while I do that, if you’re looking for writing advice this awesome day, have you looked into attending LTUE? Life, The Universe, and Everything, a writing-con unlike any other?

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Report Viking ZX · 206 views · #LTUE

Reminder: LTUE Online Event Tonight! · 6:50pm Oct 10th, 2020

Heads up people! Don’t forget that there’s an LTUE online mini-event starting tonight at 6 PM Mountain Standard Time! There are three different panels running at each hour until nine under a variety of topics, so check it out!

In fact, I’ve got a handy sheet of the topics available, provided by the event! So here’s what’s coming!

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Report Viking ZX · 152 views · #LTUE #LTUE 2021 #News

LTUE 2022 Writeup – Day One! · 4:48am Feb 18th, 2022

Hello readers! Max here with a quick post-day one LTUE writeup! Basically, I offer some quick thoughts and summation of the panels I attended today so that those of you who couldn’t make it (sadly, but there’s always next year!) can get a small taste of the awesome that is the LTUE synopsium!

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Report Viking ZX · 141 views · #LTUE #LTUE 2022

The LTUE 2023 Write-up: Day Three · 6:42am Feb 19th, 2023

Or, the final day.

And what a day it was. Guys, LTUE is a fantastic con. Awesome panels, wonderful people, so much writing energy coursing through its halls like the vibrant surges of a buzzing neon light.

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Report Viking ZX · 107 views · #LTUE #LTUE 2023

LTUE 2022 Writeup – Day Three · 4:17am Feb 20th, 2022

We sold out, people!

Context, I suppose. As Day Three of LTUE 2022 draws to a close, I can happily report that the entire stock of my work available at the LTUE vendor hall SOLD OUT! In fact, one of the proprietors even told me that I should have brought more copies of Shadow of an Empire as they had sold out so quickly despite the $22 price tag.

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Report Viking ZX · 1,499 views · #LTUE #LTUE 2022

The LTUE 2023 Write-Up: Day One! · 6:49am Feb 17th, 2023

It’s back, baby! 2023’s Life, The Universe, and Everything convention has officially begun!

And already, it’s taken some unexpected twists and turns. Before I dive into the details of some the panels I attended with the usual write-up, I do have some news.

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Report Viking ZX · 229 views · #LTUE #LTUE 2023

The LTUE 2023 Write-Up: Day Two! · 6:27am Feb 18th, 2023

I am tired right now.

How tired? Near the end of the signing, someone handed me a copy of Shadow of an Empire to sign, and I asked them if they wanted a name to go with it. They gave me a name sort of like “Dave.” I said “And how do you spell that?” Puzzled, they spelled it out.

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Report Viking ZX · 144 views · #LTUE #LTUE 2023

LTUE 2021 Writeup – Day Two! · 5:32am Feb 13th, 2021

WOW! What a day! I am bushwhacked! But not enough that I’d skip this post! LTUE’s second day has passed, and once again, there were a whole array of fantastic panels to attend, question, and learn from. I already explained yesterday that LTUE is online this year, so rather than summarize that once more, I’m just going to dive right into my recap. So hit that jump and get a brief taste of what LTUE 2021 was like on day two!

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LTUE 2022 Writeup – Day Two! · 7:21am Feb 19th, 2022

Hello readers! I’m back! Day two of LTUE has drawn to a close, and I have excellent news!

So, this LTUE has a stock of my books for sale. Or rather, I should say, had. Yesterday they’d asked if I wanted to come by the booth and watch things and help upsell my stock. So I showed up today in the morning when I had a spot of time … and was informed that they had sold out of Shadow of an Empire and only had a few copies left of Axtara – Banking and Finance.

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Report Viking ZX · 512 views · #Axtara #LTUE #LTUE 2022 #News

LTUE 2021 Panel Recordings Are Up! · 7:43pm Apr 1st, 2021

Hello readers! This is not an April Fool’s Day prank! I realize that even saying that immediately raises suspicions of such, but it isn’t! And I’ll prove it! Right now!

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Report Viking ZX · 146 views · #LTUE #LTUE 2021 #Panels #Videos

LTUE 2021 Writeup – Day One! · 5:04am Feb 12th, 2021

Hello readers! LTUE 2021 is here! And that means, in grand tradition here on Unusual Things, there’s write-ups on the way summarizing my experience! Starting with day one!

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LTUE Day One Report! · 5:02am Feb 14th, 2020

Hey readers! This will be a short one, as I am bushed, but the first day of LTUE (Life, The Universe, and Everything) was today! So, naturally, I’m here to give you the session reports. Though it may be a little tricky as I was on a number of panels this time, rather than listening from the audience. Plus there was this book launch …

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LTUE Day Three Report! · 6:48am Feb 16th, 2020

Hello readers! If you’ve been following the two days before this, well … you can probably guess how tired I am, stacking onto the two days prior. Thankfully, I wasn’t the only one in the green room this morning waiting to wake up. Cons are a marathon, and LTUE is no exception!

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LTUE Day Two Report! · 5:22am Feb 15th, 2020

For all the typos yesterday, today may see even more. I am absolutely wrung out. Ever seen a taffy pull? That taffy is how my brain feels. And if I’ve lost my voice tomorrow morning due to speaking so much today, well …

Worth. It.

So, let’s recap, shall we?

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The LTUE Writing Con Starts Tomorrow! · 10:02pm Feb 16th, 2022

Hello readers! This post is going to be short and to the point: LTUE starts tomorrow!

That’s right, Life, The Universe, and Everything 2022 kicks off tomorrow morning, with registration opening at 8 AM and the first panels starting at 9!

Will I be there! Of course I will! A little groggy, perhaps, but I don’t miss LTUE. And fortunately, all of my panels are in the evening and afternoon, so I have most of the day to wake up. And see other panels.

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Report Viking ZX · 92 views · #Books #LTUE #LTUE 2022 #News

Weekly Update – Starforge and LTUE · 7:55pm Jan 13th, 2022

Hello readers! Max here with a quick update on what’s going on! Which is ... a lot actually!

So, there’s really only one big question on the mind of most swinging by the site right now: “When is Starforge coming out?”

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LTUE 2021 Writeup – Day Three! · 2:03am Feb 14th, 2021

Hello again, people! This post is the third and final writeup for the third and final day of LTUE, Life, The Universe, and Everything, the Fantasy/Sci-Fi writing convention!

As there have been two writeups prior to this one, I’ll assume that you’re familiar with the process and not bother to re-explain how this works here. So hit the jump, and let’s recap the third and final day of LTUE!

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News: Axtara and a Mini-LTUE · 8:20pm Oct 2nd, 2020

Great news! Beta 1 for Axtara is done! And yeah, as a reader said, it was impressively clean. But not perfect. There were some typos and errors fixed, and a few aggressive searches to hunt down really pervasive and hard-to-catch issues, but at the same time … it was remarkedly clean.

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LTUE - Life, The Universe, and Everything · 2:34am Feb 11th, 2016

It's that time of the year again! LTUE (Life, The Universe, and Everything writing con) is happening tommorow! And, as usual, I'll be there. No panels this year, unfortunately. But I'll be there all the same (and who knows, maybe they'll invite me up to sit in on a few).

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Report Viking ZX · 348 views · #LTUE #Cons

LTUE Tomorrow! · 7:11pm Feb 15th, 2017

Just a quick reminder, but Life, The Universe, and Everything, the writing con of writing cons, starts tomorrow, and if you're not there, well ...

You're missing out. Seriously. LTUE is the writing experience to go to, and it's not to be missed.

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Report Viking ZX · 236 views · #LTUE #Conventions
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