
Viewing 1 - 20 of 279 results

Harmony Con 2024!!! · 1:26am February 6th


The triple con: Trotcon, Capclave, Bronycon · 4:07am Jul 17th, 2015

I told myself I wouldn't drive out to Columbus for another convention, but I'm doing it again this weekend, going to Trotcon. And after that, Capclave in Pittsburgh. And after that, Bronycon. When it rains, it pours.

I might be on ROBCakeran53's 7pm Friday writing panel, if I get there in time.

Report Bad Horse · 462 views · #cons

Chapter 15 in editing and other news. · 5:03am Sep 30th, 2015

Chapter 15 is knee deep in editing now. I should have it out by the weekend. It's shaping up to be a shorter chapter this time around.

In other news, I've got an upcoming trip to Detroit planned over Halloween. Silly Filly Studios is heading out to Youmacon and I'm going to be tagging along for the ride. If you're already planning on attending ask for Charlemane after the panel, or just look for the tank of a guy with the rest of the group and flag me down. I'd love to hear from you!

Report Charlemane · 289 views · #Cons

The Prime Time of Your Life · 9:12pm May 26th, 2022

This is the story of how Reviewfilly and I had dinner with Imalou, AnonTheAnon, and Wolvan (and a few others).

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Report Polychromatic · 238 views · #EponaFest #Con

TrotCon Vibe Check · 7:04pm February 4th

Vibe check time! I'm considering going to TrotCon in July. While not impossible financially, it would be a lot easier on my bank account if I was able to split a hotel/airbnb (or, if you live in the NYC metro area, split a rental car for the 9 hour drive to Dayton). Hit me up if you're interested and we can chat!

Report Bandy · 77 views · #trotcon #con

Harmony Con 2024 SOON! · 6:31am January 29th

-The hat I made for the con. Based on Woona's hat from Moonstuck.

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The Bronycon Effect? · 9:55pm Aug 16th, 2017

Minor musing here, but the daily view-count for all my stories doubled during Bronycon, coinciding with a number of upvotes and faves. Now that Brony-con is over, I jumped onto the stat pages for a number of my largest fics (Rise, Beyond the Borderlands, and Tirek is Doomed) and noted that, yes indeed, average daily views of the fics as much as doubled during that period, though the scaling wasn't uniform across the various fics (for example, some had views almost triple

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Report Viking ZX · 406 views · #Musings #Cons

TrotCon Snow Day AAR · 1:46am Dec 7th, 2020

Heya! It's everyone's favorite attention horse here with a quick After Action Report on TrotCon Snow Day! I cleared my weekend schedule so that I could make it, I have one paper left to rewrite, but I have plenty of time left before it's due so I decided to actually enjoy myself for a bit. I enjoyed getting to see all the VA's and panelists again, although I'll admit the virtual format is a touch less energizing than in person so I had a tendency to tune in to panels already underway. The first

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LTUE - Life, The Universe, and Everything · 2:34am Feb 11th, 2016

It's that time of the year again! LTUE (Life, The Universe, and Everything writing con) is happening tommorow! And, as usual, I'll be there. No panels this year, unfortunately. But I'll be there all the same (and who knows, maybe they'll invite me up to sit in on a few).

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Report Viking ZX · 348 views · #LTUE #Cons

Bronycon post · 7:31am Jul 13th, 2016

I can't say Bronycon was all fun, because I spent a lot of it stressed out or sleep-deprived, and as usual found it a challenge to do more helpful, constructive things than stupid, destructive things. But it was definitely worth it.

I recognized some people by their faces! That felt like an accomplishment. I did not, however, remember all the things I'd allegedly done last Bronycon, or in some cases, the day before.

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Report Bad Horse · 1,051 views · #con #bronycon

Who Else Is Gonna Be There? · 11:02pm Feb 18th, 2020

Yep! I'm headed to BABS! :yay:

My family hasn't planned anything for Easter anyway, so San Fran (cisc) ho!

I'm finally gonna get to meet a few people that I've been in contact with for a long time, but there were a couple people I wanted to meet at BronyCon that I didn't get the chance to. :fluttershyouch: Any chance any of you will be attending?

Hope to see you there!


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Report Level Dasher · 234 views · #BABS #Cons

Epona's Song · 1:52am May 19th, 2022

For anyone who might be interested, in just a couple days I will be at EponaFest together with Reviewfilly. If anyone will be there, you can come and say hi and such (if you somehow happen to recognise me I guess, I'll have glasses and maybe a Rainbow Factory T-shirt but that's not really going to narrow things down). I'll also probably make some blog after the con itself as a recap of things, somewhat

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Report Polychromatic · 234 views · #EponaFest #Con

First Con · 2:29am Jan 26th, 2020

So I went to my first convention today. Had the time of my life. Saw cosplays and looked around. Then LARPed with some people and had fun. Hit too many people in the throat. Geez they were short. Heh

Report Crystonian · 254 views · #LARP #Con

Last Year Comic Con Pics · 11:51pm Feb 26th, 2016

Ok, though these were from last year, and with my Comic Con (Phoenix, Arizona) about to come into play in a few months, I'd like to share some of these guys and gals with their suits. And though there wasn't a lot, that's because I had a phone that didn't work before and I have one today that will keep in MORE pics! Think of this as two things. 1)If I don't go this year, think of this as this years. 2) If I do go, then this is an epic short pic gallery for a HUGE one!!! Enjoy! Care to comment,

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Darnit! · 8:10pm Jul 28th, 2015

Me and my brother, who we'll just call Zack, got invited to Comic-Con. Naturally, I would try to get my way into there as well, and see some MLP panels. Do they do Q&As at Comic-Con? However, we're going out, and my sources say it's Saturday.
Better luck next time?

Report ButtonMash · 366 views · #Comic-Con

EverFree Northwest · 12:07am Mar 28th, 2019

Ok, so I’m actually going to be at EFNW this year (got the tickets and hotel room booked already) and I’m apparently supposed to give some coherent words at some point.

But I’ll be there along with BlackWater, and maybe a surprise or two.

No, the surprise is not me dying of nerves because of sheer number of people going,

hyperventilates Into bag

I’m fine. I am. Just...give me a minute.

Report Rose Quill · 358 views · #Con Appearances

EponaFest · 2:07pm May 16th, 2022


I figured I would mention that I'll be tagging along with Equimorto to the upcoming EponaFest. If any of you are also coming and would like to meet in person, as long as it's not with the intent to punch me in the face for giving you a bad review, I'd be more than delighted to do so.

See you there, hopefully.

Report Reviewfilly · 246 views · #eponafest #con

Going to AnthrOhio · 2:48am May 25th, 2017

Thanks to a close friend I will be going to a convention here in Ohio in two weeks.
AnthrOhio Con in Columbus from the 25-28th! If you are going to be out there and want to meet up I would like to meet you!
Thank you everyone for your support!


CanterlotKC Wrap-up Blog · 8:38pm Oct 30th, 2017

Oh boy, did I have a fun weekend.

Gotta hang with friends, meet new ones, host a panel and bunch of other nonsense. So, for pictures, swag and general tomfoolery, click below!

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Going to NW everfree! · 4:14pm May 8th, 2018

Thanks to an amazing friend (Angel, my editor! <3) This year I will be attending NW everfree. I hope I can meet so many awesome people and learn a whole bunch of things. This is my very first con ever, so I'm mega super excited! If any of my fans want to actually see me face to face and realize how much of a dork I am, this is your chance! (That's right, the great maskinos is a dork, fear herrrrrrr.)

Viewing 1 - 20 of 279 results