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Everfree Northwest 2019 · 8:28pm Mar 22nd, 2019

Ok, so as most that know me, know I live 2 blocks away from NWEF (the hotel), makes it easy for me to go.

But I need a little help this year in the form of a room. I am looking for someone willing to "share" a room with me for the con. I will NOT be sleeping there, I just need a place to stash my stuff, and retreat to if I am feeling a little "peopled out". Again I will drive home and sleep in my own bed/shower in my own bathroom.

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Report Rescue Sunstreak · 244 views · #NWEF

Going to NW everfree! · 4:14pm May 8th, 2018

Thanks to an amazing friend (Angel, my editor! <3) This year I will be attending NW everfree. I hope I can meet so many awesome people and learn a whole bunch of things. This is my very first con ever, so I'm mega super excited! If any of my fans want to actually see me face to face and realize how much of a dork I am, this is your chance! (That's right, the great maskinos is a dork, fear herrrrrrr.)

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