• Member Since 21st May, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I write emo romance stories about Spike, listen to music that should have died with MySpace and play a lot of Final Fantasy 14. That's about it.

More Blog Posts310

  • 18 weeks
    Remember Obscure Spike Shippings?

    Remember when obscure Spike shippings that were met with middling reviews and a lot of confused interest popped out of this account like every few months?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    Remember Spike stories that felt like they could have an entire pop-punk album written based on them?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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    10 comments · 295 views
  • 188 weeks
    Writing Questionnaire Trend

    Hey everyone!

    So, a few other authors have been doing a little question/answer thing in regards to writing via their blogs, so I figured I'd hop on board. Read elow if you want to learn more about me and my writing.

    Let's do it!

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  • 189 weeks
    My Friend is Taking Commissions

    Hey there!

    This is just a quick blog that serves two purposes:

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  • 193 weeks
    Would You Consider a Santa Hat? (2020)

    Hey everyone!

    Look, 2020 has SUCKED for most people. That being said, I think it's high time we start spreading holiday cheer a little early this year!

    If you would like, why don't we all have some good old jinglemas fun by popping a cute little Santa hat on our avatars? It's quite simple to do and it adds a bit of color and festive-ness to our accounts!

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    24 comments · 539 views
  • 195 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest Panel

    Hey guys!

    Just a quick blog to say that I'll be hosting a panel at Ponyville Ciderfest online this year!

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    9 comments · 542 views

CanterlotKC Wrap-up Blog · 8:38pm Oct 30th, 2017

Oh boy, did I have a fun weekend.

Gotta hang with friends, meet new ones, host a panel and bunch of other nonsense. So, for pictures, swag and general tomfoolery, click below!

First and foremost, I gotta give a shoutout to all my friends who made the journey with me this year. We had Seventh Heaven, KairiPancakes, B_25, Notepad (aka The Nightingale), Jack of a Few Trades, Flutterpriest, Anonpencil and my boy Kestrel. You guys helped make an already fantastic experience even better!

Here's a nice group photo of us all minus B_25, because he was passed out:

(From Left to Right, Back to Front: Seventh Heaven, Jack of a Few Trades, Me, Kestrel, Note Pad, Flutterpriest, KairiPancakes, Anonpencil)

Just so he feels included, here's a pic of me and B_25 trying to look swag and failing to do so:

Now, here's some random pics of con happenings and swag I picked up:

(Terrible picture quality, but I won a Kim Possible drawing from ilovekimpossiblealot because I stumped her on a trivia question.)

(Chillin' like a Villain with a Spike artist I found by the name of Frist)

(Me, B and Seven trying to express our tragic backstories)

Here are the prints I got. A couple of them are a bit lewd (not pornographic though), hence the separate link.

(And, of course, a very cute commission someone did for me.)

Anyhow, I'll stop the nonsense here and just leave you with that. I had a great time, it was great to see you all of you guys. Let's keep the train moving forward, yo?


Comments ( 10 )

Looks like you all had a lot of fun.

*Looks at the prints you got*

Uh, some of those are a bit... lewd.

Hmm, you might be right. Not expressly pornographic, but maybe a bit much. I got this.

Damn, that looked like fun.

Oh dude, it was a blast. A nice break from all the chaos of real life.

Which Kansas City was this? There's actually a few of 'em.

...I'm just gonna assume it was the one actually in Kansas.

It was technically in Overland Park, which is on the Kansas side, so you'd be correct. :raritywink:

Woo! Assuming does pay off!

You got more art than that. :P

Dat SpiKe drawing, though. It's actually in my special art folder where I keep pieces I refuse to get damaged.

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