• Member Since 18th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 15th, 2019


Writer, actor, programmer, and a few dozen other things...

More Blog Posts69

  • 336 weeks
    27 in editing also new track

    Finals have concluded, degrees have been acquired, and once again I'm on the hunt for a new job (hopefully a good one). If I had to define last year the first phrase that comes to mind is 'living hell'. Fortunately, all that nastiness is behind me now. I hope.

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    4 comments · 502 views
  • 343 weeks
    Unrelated... New music video

    Hey all! I just thought I'd drop off another track here. Nothing else, really.
    Now On VHS

    0 comments · 332 views
  • 344 weeks
    Chap 26 published

    I know I said it would be soon on my last post, but I got delayed after my surgery. I figured doing editing passes while high on painkillers probably wasn't the best idea. Hope you all like it. Onto the next.

    0 comments · 345 views
  • 345 weeks
    News, among other things.

    HAH! Thought you wouldn't hear from me again, didn't you! I have now finished my CS degree. Huzzah. Good gracious did that take up time. The next chapter is nearly finished, and I'm in the process of editing it now. I don't expect this to take too much longer, but the chapter is a bit of a lunker.

    2 comments · 327 views
  • 358 weeks
    T-Minus 10...

    Next chapter is locked in and on its way. Expect to see it arrive around 12pm on Saturday. This one's a doozy, and contains quite a bit of information. Hopefully I didn't go overboard on the exposition. We'll see. See you then!

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Chapter 15 in editing and other news. · 5:03am Sep 30th, 2015

Chapter 15 is knee deep in editing now. I should have it out by the weekend. It's shaping up to be a shorter chapter this time around.

In other news, I've got an upcoming trip to Detroit planned over Halloween. Silly Filly Studios is heading out to Youmacon and I'm going to be tagging along for the ride. If you're already planning on attending ask for Charlemane after the panel, or just look for the tank of a guy with the rest of the group and flag me down. I'd love to hear from you!

Report Charlemane · 289 views · Story: The Stars Beyond The Veil · #Cons
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